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 :!: Suggestions :!: 
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Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:19 pm
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Post :!: Suggestions :!:
Just a few suggestions

1. A suggestions forum

2. Turn off collisions between alive actors (apart from vehicles) this would get rid of the problems of bots killing u when they land on you/ walk past you all that stuff

3. Give the bots the ability to turn around and detect actors behind them

4. Give the bots the ability to detect changes in ground elevation allow them to seek cover (may not be useful since firefights consist mainly of who shoots first)

5. Add stickiness and acidity property

6. A way of changing the gravity in real time possibly at specific locations (gravity bombs :p)

7. Fire and water. The ability to melt materials. Weather snow/ rain
Flooding, acidity etc...

8. Temperature property

9. Stop bullets fired by an actor to skip around the screen and hit that actor in the back

10. More underground room with in built cavern etc... With large deposits of gold/ weapons (underground bases)

11. Add blood scale to options to allow users to control amount of particles released on gibs etc

12. A vehicle that has its own automatic stabilizers, a gun platform maybe where all you have to do is steer

All looks pretty formal lol but it’s just what I reckon been playing the game for a while so thought id give a bit...

Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:05 pm
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I think all of those are planned....

Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:09 pm
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how bout
1. the abitily to sit and lie down
2. rounds that explode on impact (rockets, grenade launchers etc.)
3. the ability to add thrusters on rounds (rockets etc.)
4. hmmm.... the ability to make a custom bunker... the one thats in game is way too weak
5. came enemies, like in that movie "predator", with that optic thingy that makes you almoadt invisible
6. a buggy
7. a huge ass map, like a mile long
8. call an air bombard, you pay som cash, buy a radio, use it and then a plane (or rocket) fly and drop bombs, just like in worms^^
9. health packs (if you get hit by a wall, you lose hp, you use a medpack and recover hp, if bleeding hp should still be droping)
10. bandage (if you bleed you use it and bleeding stops)
11. "The Force" like in starwars, be able to pick small objects and throw at enemies (small rocks, gibs, junk like that)
12. the no collisions thing is ok, but only between team members, like when you but 6 actors and drop them atonce they will get ripped apart, thats bad
need to be removed
13. the brain needs armored glass that can take much more damage
14. a door to close the brain room
15. a huge ass mech that can be operated by a character
16. a huge ass mech weapon
17. uhhh.... ... ...... ....ummm......... space battles??? maybe if you take an actor and enter a roket, then fly to space and eject, and shoot big robot , clone drop ship???it might be fun.... but you need a limited oxygen tank
18. oooooooooo A TANK!!!!
19. uhhhhhhh.... warthog...
20. ummmmmm. well thats it in out of ideas

Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:49 pm
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1# You should be able to put emitters on objects.
2# It should be a mod program for new modders, so we dont have to tell them everthing.
3# Doors.
4# Melee weapons.
5# Med Packs.
6# Changable magazines.
7# Upgradable weapons maybe...
8# Wheel-based vehicles.
9# Be able to put more than one main trushter on rockets, and you should be able to choose the directions of the trushters.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:57 pm
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everything we said in one big post

Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:46 pm
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1. A suggestions forum
2. Turn off collisions between alive actors (apart from vehicles) this would get rid of the problems of bots killing u when they land on you/ walk past you all that stuff
3. Give the bots the ability to turn around and detect actors behind them
4. Give the bots the ability to detect changes in ground elevation allow them to seek cover (may not be useful since firefights consist mainly of who shoots first)
5. Add stickiness and acidity property
6. A way of changing the gravity in real time possibly at specific locations (gravity bombs :p)
7. Fire and water. The ability to melt materials. Weather snow/ rain
Flooding, acidity etc...
8. Temperature property
9. Stop bullets fired by an actor to skip around the screen and hit that actor in the back
10. More underground room with in built cavern etc... With large deposits of gold/ weapons (underground bases)
11. Add blood scale to options to allow users to control amount of particles released on gibs etc
12. A vehicle that has its own automatic stabilizers, a gun platform maybe where all you have to do is steer
13. the abitily to sit and lie down
14. rounds that explode on impact (rockets, grenade launchers etc.)
15. the ability to add thrusters on rounds (rockets etc.)
16. hmmm.... the ability to make a custom bunker... the one thats in game is way too weak
17. came enemies, like in that movie "predator", with that optic thingy that makes you almoadt invisible
18. a buggy
19. a huge ass map, like a mile long
20. call an air bombard, you pay som cash, buy a radio, use it and then a plane (or rocket) fly and drop bombs, just like in worms^^
21. health packs (if you get hit by a wall, you lose hp, you use a medpack and recover hp, if bleeding hp should still be droping)
22. bandage (if you bleed you use it and bleeding stops)
23. "The Force" like in starwars, be able to pick small objects and throw at enemies (small rocks, gibs, junk like that)
24. the no collisions thing is ok, but only between team members, like when you but 6 actors and drop them atonce they will get ripped apart, thats bad
need to be removed
25. the brain needs armored glass that can take much more damage
26. a door to close the brain room
27. a huge ass mech that can be operated by a character
28. a huge ass mech weapon
29. uhhh.... ... ...... ....ummm......... space battles??? maybe if you take an actor and enter a roket, then fly to space and eject, and shoot big robot , clone drop ship???it might be fun.... but you need a limited oxygen tank
30# You should be able to put emitters on objects.
31# It should be a mod program for new modders, so we dont have to tell them everthing.
32# Doors.
33# Melee weapons.
34# Med Packs.
35# Changable magazines.
36# Upgradable weapons maybe...
37# Wheel-based vehicles.
38# Be able to put more than one main trushter on rockets, and you should be able to choose the directions of the trushters.


Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:49 pm
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Joined: Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:02 pm
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I did not read all of them but:


Need that.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:40 pm
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I really don't think long lists of brain-stormed ideas will do any good. Remember this is an unfinished game - a very unfinished game. We only have one level, and it can't even be won! It seems like many - not all, but many - of the suggestions here are either obvious (decent AI for teammates), unexplained (temperature property?), too far away in development (mile long map), already implemented (shooting yourself in the back), or ridiculous (the Force? wtf?).

I think what is most useful to the game's creators right now is feedback on what works and what doesn't work. Suggestions are fine if they're simple, unique, and well thought-out and explained. (They may also take help with content, like the thread requesting planet/moon names, but that's obviously only when they ask)

That said, the only suggestion I have that I don't think has been made is the option to turn off a character you are not using (so that he won't move or shoot at all).

Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:55 pm
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39. A way to make certain items/weapons/actors/whatever unbuyable until a certain modder defined objective is met.
40. Earthquakes!
41. Burn Damage!
42. Secondary "Atrributes" for actors. ( Can't wield heavy weapons, or can become momentarily invisibe.
43. A Pause button
44. AI Installion before ordering the clone/robot
45. Assasination Mode
46. More Modes
47. A way to have weapons with homing abilities, and other impossible things with the current build.
48. I like the idea of co-op aswell

Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:02 pm

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I have seen a good number of things that ARE possible, or are already in the game in the list, and I believe that if I knew a bit more I could do a few of the things you people deem 'impossible'. I must agree with JLrep in this thread, ideas must be thought out and explained, escepially if the dev team doesn't ask for the input you are providing.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:21 pm
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1.When you touch the gold you will automatically pick it up, not shoot it at you...

Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:24 pm
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temperature property:

the temperature a material is at mybe more like a variable a pixel with a high temperature transfers its heat to surounding pixels changing there colour/ properties eventually they could melt or evaporate :o gases would be cool

and how about land slumping? under cut a base to much and it could collapse
this would lead to the implementation of supports and struts that work to "hold up" the scenery but do not collide with actors

just to clear sumit up
10. More underground room with in built cavern etc... With large deposits of gold/ weapons (underground bases)

dsnt make much sense, what i ment is that the map generates random spaces underground that the player can tunnel to gives them an objective i gues

Last edited by toast on Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:24 pm
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Another thing is add a pause button and a easyer way to make or edit weapons,actors,etc...

Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:26 pm
Profile ICQ YIM

Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:34 am
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toast wrote:
temperature property:

the temperature a material is at mybe more like a variable a pixel with a high temperature transfers its heat to surounding pixels changing there colour/ properties eventually they could melt or evaporate :o gases would be cool

and how about land slumping? under cut a base to much and it could collapse
this would lead to the implementation of supports and struts that work to "hold up" the scenery but do not collide with actors

The reason those things don't exist can be summed up in four words; IT WOULD FSKING LAG.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:27 pm

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wow thanks Alenth that was really helpful glad you could make a contribution cheers mate :?

Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:39 pm
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