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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Glance at the manhole lid
"Those dogs don't look right either!"
Start the water jet and grab the business end, aim at the "dogs" and let loose.

Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:39 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
Gaston [-]
You: "Jesus."
You go over to the window to see what's going on and,
Yeah. That's as bad as you thought. You keeping talking while you snap a few more pictures.
You: "Hey uh, someone call animal control? Some rabid dogs are tearing a woman apart right now. Can we close th-"
You're interrupted by the noodle shop's owner rushing past you, storming the door with, holy ♥♥♥♥, with a goddamn machete in hand.

Knocks [5]
You: "Maybe the fridge wasn't such bad accommodations after all..."
You check your jacket's inner pockets quickly. You never go anywhere without your trusty knife, an old six inch military surplus combat knife. Often the sight of it alone is enough to make people reconsider trouble. But, that's all you have on you, this isn't a particularly bad part of town after all. Some younger man is running his mouth and taking pictures at the front of the shop, but your eyes are drawn to the boss man behind the counter moving fast, and pulling something long out from under the counter.
On instinct you tense up, but he sprints right past you for the front door with a machete in hand. Impressive.

Dirk [5]
You look back down at the manhole lid. Those dogs and those rats... they're the same kind of messed up looking.
You: "Those dogs don't look right either!"
A sudden rush of bravery taking over you, you jump up onto the back of the truck and grab the pull cord for the water jet's pump engine. Years of diligently maintaining your gear pay off, and it roars to life first pull. Grabbing the nozzle, you turn to face the dogs, still assaulting the woman who is now still on the ground.
You remember the training for this water jet. You remember the warning photos they showed you, of hands and arms and legs with the flesh torn away down to the bone. Should be great here. From your perch on the truck's back, you unleash the abrasive fury of your water cutter on the dogs.

And then remember a second later that the power drops exponentially with range, and all you're doing is spraying the dogs with fairly harmless water. For a bit, they ignore you, until they as one all lose interest in the woman they took down and turn towards you. And charge.

Misha [-]
You sprint for the passenger door of the truck, while it's still unlocked and not filled by sewer worker. Thankfully the other one seems too preoccupied to jockey for the spot too, and you slam the door shut and lock it.
There's another guy in the driver seat, but neither of you pay each other much attention compared to the ♥♥♥♥ going on outside.
Driver: "♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ Dirk what the ♥♥♥♥ are you doing"
Turning around, you can see out the rear window that he's standing on the back of the truck and waving some water jet wand around? What the hell?

The dogs, once finished with the woman, decide their next target will be the one harassing them from the back of the truck. They rush up to the truck and start leaping at it, snapping at the man standing in the bed and clawing for purchase to climb up at their target.
But before they can make any progress up onto the truck, another man comes from the side in a blur of motion and action. The noodle shop owner, armed with an apron and a machete, smoothly chops the side of the nearest dog's neck, leaving a huge gash that quickly spurts blood freely and sends the dog flailing and yelping.
Losing no momentum, he moves on to the second and the third, his arm a blur as he hacks and chops at the dogs while they're still distracted by the man in the truck. It takes until the third dog is dispatched for the remaining three to turn their attention to the noodle boss, but at that moment Dirk takes the chance to sweep them with his water jet. At more than a dozen feet, it becomes utterly impotent. But at just a few feet from the nozzle, it can easily tear into flesh.
He only manages to get one before they've all hopped down from the truck edge, but the one dog he does get takes the water jet straight to the face and goes sprawling backwards, eyes and ears torn to pieces.
With the numbers lessened, the noodle boss catches the first remaining dog in the mouth with his blade, grabbing it behind the skull and pushing it further onto the edge, before drawing it out in one clean swipe that ends with the tip landing a clean, heavy blow into the side of the last dog's head.

Silence returns to the the street as the last of the dogs go down. The noodle boss quickly goes around to spear each dog through the ribcage, making sure every one is dead.
In the silence, everyone outside has the chance to hear the sounds of the rest of the city. Traffic, sirens, and distant screams.

Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:33 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Uh... haven't seen moves like that before.

"You ex-military there or somethin'?"

> And what's with these dogs? Try examining them up closer, knife at the ready just in case they were immune to ribcage stabbing.

Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:20 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Check social media for other potential incidences that might be going on around town.

Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:27 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Quick sulk of shame, rush to see the woman who was attacked by the zomdogs.

Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:06 pm
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"I'd almost forgive that crazy bastard for having a fridge that locks from the outside."Get out of the truck, stay near the others, but also call James, tell him about the dogs.

Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:46 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
Gaston [-]
Well. That's handled. You need information.
You return to online, and check the local hashtags and forums. There's a lot about the eclipse being out of nowhere, but a few hot posts now about weird animals. A few pictures, a video or two of them acting oddly... They're all similar though, the red skin and off proportions.
There's not much about them being aggressive, but... the thought comes to mind, what if that's just because most people who saw them attack were also their victims?

Knocks [-]
You shake off your momentary shock, and exit the store to examine the dogs. The boss is giving them a hard stare while he stands in the street, machete still in hand dripping blood.
You: "You ex-military there or somethin'?"
Boss Man: "Yeah. Somethin' like that."
Pulling out your knife and crouching down, you stay at the ready while you poke and prod them a bit around the face. They're stopped breathing and are limp. Sure seem dead.
Christ these things look ♥♥♥♥ up, but not like anything you've run into before. Mangey dogs you've seen, but this is definitely different. The skin doesn't look infected or covered in sores, it's just... red. All red and sorta misshapen, like it's the wrong size for the body in different places. Then there's the skull, you've definitely never seen a dog with a skull this oversized compared to its body.
Biggest worry is the fact that there's six of them. One, sure, maybe it was just born super wrong. But six, all the same kind of messed up? Something strange is going on.

Dirk [-]
You're a bit miffed that you didn't get to have a big damn hero moment, but you did at least blind one of the dogs, so you helped. It's fine.
Anyway, the woman! After shutting off your sprayer, you hop down and run over to the woman on the ground, but...
It's too late. She's gone. Long gone, probably. Her throat's torn open and her chest is still, and there's a wide pool of blood and water on the street.
You guess they switched their attention to you once she was, done.

Misha [-]
You: "I'd almost forgive that crazy bastard for having a fridge that locks from the outside."
You cautiously exit the truck and survey the carnage. Jesus. That noodle guy turned into a goddamn whirlwind with that machete. You're kind of scared of him and his freezer now.
Pulling out your phone, you ring James again. He said something about a deer that looked like hell, maybe it's related. Worryingly, it just rings 4 times before just going to voicemail.

No one seems to know what to do now. The sewer worker gets out of his truck and stumbles over, seemingly in shock, staring open mouthed at the dead dogs and woman.
Harris: "H-hey... uh, these dogs... they look like a swarm of rats Dirk and I just saw in the sewer. Like, how they're all huge and red."
The noodle boss snaps his head over, then down to the manhole cover. He quickly steps over and carefully grips the lid with his machete raised and ready to strike, then slowly pulls the cover out of the way.
Anyone nearby can instantly hear a raucous chorus of chitters and squeaks emitting from the open cover, with the boss dropping the lid back on a second later.

Noodle Boss: "They're trying to climb up.
Park the truck's wheel on top of the manhole. Everyone else, get inside my shop. Something's ♥♥♥♥ going on, it's not safe out here."

Tue Dec 29, 2020 5:21 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Edit the pictures I took to blur out identifying information (face etc.) and some of the harder gore, and post them around online with a description -

"Careful, those animals are dangerous."

Tue Dec 29, 2020 5:25 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"Harris you heard the guy, back the truck over the manhole, don't think the traffic will be cooperative today..."
> Check what I have on me.
"Come in with me once you're done, bring your stuff over too"
> Short mental prayer for the woman
"And quick!"

Tue Dec 29, 2020 5:35 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic

Follow macheteman inside before he forces me.

Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:39 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"Yeah, that ain't so swell."

> Back inside.

Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:45 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
Gaston [-]
Putting that thought aside, you bring up the pictures you took to choose what to upload. Let's see... all you've really got is one of the dogs clustered around the woman, one of them moving towards the noodle boss, and then them on the ground after the boss took them apart. Not close enough to see anything really graphic, so should be fine.
Applying a black bar to the most visible wounds on the last picture, you post them up with all the common tags you've seen, and a quick description of 'Careful, those animals are dangerous.'.

Knocks [-]
You: "Yeah, that ain't so swell."
You gladly head into the noodle shop, along with a half dozen or so other people on the street. Once the sewer workers are in too, the boss man locks the door behind them.
The windows concern you though. Big plain glass windows, running nearly floor to ceiling. Thick at least, but no metal or shutters that you can see.

Dirk [-]
You: "Harris you heard the guy, back the truck over the manhole, don't think the traffic will be cooperative today... Come in with me once you're done, bring your stuff over too. And quick!"
While your partner runs back to the truck, you check your gear.
Flashlight, 100m guide line, small chisel and mallet, air horn, and finally your poking stick. You wouldn't normally, but with what just happened you think you'll keep the rod with you.
You say a quick prayer for the fallen woman, and once Harris is done moving that car, you both head inside with the others.

Misha [-]
The noodle shop's boss stares at you a moment.
Boss: "With how those dogs were acting, if anything was gonna hop out of the hole it'd already be hopping.
Important lesson, kid. When there's an emergency and you think 'someone will take care of it', there has to be someone thinking 'I'll go take care of it.'"

With that, he turns to his shop and walks back, then takes to standing by the door as everyone else on the street heads in. You join them before you can get stuck on the wrong side of this noodle shop's locks a second time.

With the sewer truck now parked firmly over the manhole, the noodle shop's boss locks the door behind the two sewer men and turns to face the small crowd inside. Two employees besides the boss himself, a half dozen random passerbys, three customers, two sewer workers, a scruffy delivery man, and a freezer man. 16 people in total, definitely more than the shop is meant to fit, but not so many that there isn't room to move.
Noodle Boss: "Gonna call the city, tell them to send animal control."
He makes his way to the back, presumably to use a landline phone in the office.

A few minutes pass. There's a bit of quiet nervous chatter among the people who know each other, but otherwise no one knows quite what to say. A woman just died in front of them on the street, and there could be more animals like that around.
Anyone watching astutely near the window can see the sewer truck rock very slightly, but ultimately not budge an inch.
Eventually the noodle boss comes back out, stony faced.
Noodle Boss: "They said... they said they can't help. All the animal control units are busy. Police and ambulances too. Even the fire department.
Calls pouring in from all across the city about dangerous red animals. Since nobody here is hurt and there's none knocking on the door, we're 'low priority'."

Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:41 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
>Shrug. That bowl of chicken noodle soup or whatever still sitting well?

Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:15 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Search the news and social media for any new information, about this town, other towns, whatever.

Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:18 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"Can I just hang around here for a bit? You appear to have the control part of these animals pretty well covered."

*Mild selfish panic*

Tue Jan 05, 2021 9:16 pm
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