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 Fhealltoir Take:2 
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Pulling up alongside the wall now, my drone should have visual in a moment. Awe, get ready.

Frog, bash Prong #2 then retreat to just north of row 16. Once we're all shot, smoke K16, I've got J16.
STOP, hit Prong #1 to soften it, I'll follow up.

Kettlehead, be careful, but if you can get over here you can REALLY lay into those drones. Aside from that you can stick with Baroque or stick with us, either works. Maybe take cover south of the L-M16 building, those Ramats might come out from the north at any second.
Baroque you can just do whatever, but I do suggest focusing on going west so we can move as one cohesive group instead of being split up. Smoking behind you would be smart to hinder chasers, O15 would give us all fairly good cover. Your drones would be good on the enemy agrav drones too.

I do not like the look of those drones, I figure they're basically flying anti-tank mines, but maybe it won't be quite that awful. Everyone hit them with your AP weapons too."

> Move 6W, Turn N.
After STOP shoots Prong #1, Railgun it.
Pulse Laser on the grav drones, if there are any weakened ones that I can finish off then prioritize those.
Once we've shot, Smoke J16.

Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:52 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Turn West

Move 5 West

Open fire on the drones with all weaponry.

Dismount all drones. If they can move this turn, have them move 2 West, take cover using the building.

Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:38 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Turn CCW. Move ENNWW, fire electrolasers on the new threat from the grav drones. Move S to gain cover from the W smoke, reaction fire with SABRE and Backstop along the N corridor at any armored target that presents itself, prioritizing the Sostenir if it shows it's ugly face.

Last edited by TheKebbit on Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:25 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>6W, spend all mobility minus 2 combo-ing prong 2.

>Smoke K16, sidestep N to J16 as Thunder smokes it.

Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:38 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Thunder sends a message to Awe "Pulling up alongside the wall now, my drone should have visual in a moment. Awe, get ready. To which he replies "Affirmative Thunder, guns ready.

Then with the suprise appearance of the Drones, Thunder clarifies his strategy Frog, bash Prong #2 then retreat to just north of row 16. Once we're all shot, smoke K16, I've got J16.
STOP, hit Prong #1 to soften it, I'll follow up.

Kettlehead, be careful, but if you can get over here you can REALLY lay into those drones. Aside from that you can stick with Baroque or stick with us, either works. Maybe take cover south of the L-M16 building, those Ramats might come out from the north at any second.
Baroque you can just do whatever, but I do suggest focusing on going west so we can move as one cohesive group instead of being split up. Smoking behind you would be smart to hinder chasers, O15 would give us all fairly good cover. Your drones would be good on the enemy agrav drones too.

I do not like the look of those drones, I figure they're basically flying anti-tank mines, but maybe it won't be quite that awful. Everyone hit them with your AP weapons too."

Then as Thunder pulls up next to the wall, bringing the Fiver into his drones view, Awe sends a message. "Target confirmed, Engaging fire plan. Shells in the air."


Orbital scans of this district show it to be a relatively small spaceport with two landing pads, there are a selection of logistics buildings scattered throughout the maze of containers that composes most of the district, but there are also Military garrisons in the south eastern and south western corners.

- Destroy enemy AAA units.
- Board Orbital Hauler for Extraction. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

HKU - Thunder

Driving ahead you pull up to the wall and swinging your turret around you fire a shot at the Prong that STOP just hammered with his plasgun.
[180mm Railgun] 80+50-15-5:100 - 38
Your shot shreds straight through what is left of its structure, and it crumples to the ground. Tracking over to the Drones you join STOP in firing on one.
[AP Pulse Laser] 80+50-20-5:100 - 60
It seems rather unphased by your shot, only then do you look to see what your drone can see in the garrison and there's a Dunfort and a Colpejar? ♥♥♥♥. Then you see there are enemies to the north of the Garrison and ♥♥♥♥ that's an Eixam, we need to get out Now.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

You start by launching a volley of Rockets to suppress the Gravtanks
[50mm Rockets] 80+20-16:83 - 19 20 61 1 65 66 98 23 56 45 96 97 98 71 64
[Scatter] 2(North) 5(South East) 7(South West) 1(North West)
[Laser APS] 60 - 15 58 30 41

Their APS takes down a decent number of the rockets but most make it on target damaging their shields somewhat, one of the ones that missed impacted near two of the drones, but they survived the blast seemingly intact. you then track over to aim at the Walkers "Strongly consider..." And with a squeeze of your trigger you unleash a staggered salvo of fire
[50mm Rockets] 80+20-16:83 - 22 94
[Scatter] 3(North East)
[Kinetic APS] 100 - 67
[Ag Caoineadh Iarainn] 80+20:100 - 37
[Kinetic APS] 100 - 34
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20:100 - 36

"Dying." You scowl as the word comes out of your mouth as one rocket goes wide, letting their APS take out a small portion of your Deora, but not enough to stop them from taking the brunt of the blast, one coming out of it with one of its guns blown clean off, not that they live long enough for that to be a worry for them.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Maneuvering around the building you lock onto the Drones and fire a volley from your Electrolasers.
[Quintuple AP Electrolasers] 80+50-20-5-10:95 - 97 87 36 13 23
Your fire crackles across the Drones hull, but it seems barely worse for wear, might want to use something a bit heavier next time. And swivelling your aim to the north, you see the Sostenir sat out in the open, and give it a hail of lead.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun]80+50:100 - 59 48 34 41 53 13 61 65 28 76
[50mm "Backstop" Missile] 80+50-10:100 - 38
[Discharger APS] 100 - 44

Of course it has APS that swats down your missile, but your Chaingun has much better luck and tears through a layer of its armour, unfortunately it's not enough to stop it from firing on you.
[20MW Plasgun]80+20-50-5:45 - 18
The bolt hits and shatters your shield, leaving you far too exposed for your liking.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Turning and heading closer to the others you sight in and fire at the Drones.
[150mm Autocannon]80+50-20-5-10:95 - 68 78 9 51
[8mm Machinegun]80+50-20-5-10:95 - 50

Despite your best efforts you only manage to take down two of them, it was just too hard to concentrate on keeping them centered to be able to swap targets after every shell. Putting any frustration aside for now you have your Drones Disembark and move west. Then the pair of drones that survived your fire zip and swerve around until they are right behind you.
[?????] 50 - 84 (3) 70 (16)
There's a crackling hiss and suddenly an alarm starts blaring in your cockpit, you glance over to it and see it's for.. radiation? well that cant be anything other than Really ♥♥♥♥ Bad.


"... What are these now?" Taking a moment to zoom in on the drones to try and figure out what they are armed with you can't really tell, with how much they are bobbing around, but you definitely spotted a barrel of some sort. Ignoring them for now, you switch aim to the Prongs, and fire on one of them.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+40:100 - 25
Your bolt hits, tearing a great hole in its armour, but not quite enough to finish it off, but Thunders shot is more than enough to do just that. Looking back at the Drones once again you decide to give them a taste of your AP Laser.
[AP Laser] 80+40-20-5:95 - 35
Your beam scores a solid hit, but fails to have any noticable effect, guess they must have some Smartplate protection then.

Areku - Frog

Charging forwards you deliver a pair of blows into the Walker, and it proves more than sufficient to obliterate it, leaving you safe in the smoke, for now at least.

---- Enemies ----

Restada [T9?]
- Shield Up (Cracked)
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged

Ramat #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Slinger [X1?]
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged

Sostenir [P10?]
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged

Kriego #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Kriego #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Unknown Grav Drones [O15 / P15]
- Armour Damaged

Dunfort [F17]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Beetle [F17]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Colpejar [H16]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Fiver [G14]
- Armour Undamaged

Eixam [G11]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Stultulo [G11]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:35 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Lasair then Flamer the Ramats. Low Deora to J-17. Move South, and if I don't see any new contacts, move South again. Move back to my starting position if I take heavy damage. EMP the Colpejar if it moves out, try to leave it stranded as far out as possible while still making it stunned before it can shoot.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:07 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Time for plan "Get the ♥♥♥♥ to extraction". Right now our best option is pure speed, if we try to stay and fight, we lose.

Considering we aren't about to walk into their trap, the jig's about to be up with my scout drone. Love it while you can.
The Dunfort won't even be able to target us for a while, but the Eixam will be a problem and the Colpejar will be a HUGE ♥♥♥♥ PROBLEM. Its rockets can disperse our smoke and it can sprint up to meet us in no time. If it decides to dump all of its rockets it can probably kill any one of us, or more than one.

Everyone get to column J and K to start, the smaller area we need to smoke the better. After that, we need to keep out of enemy line of sight, or the Colpejar can just use their targeting to blow us right to hell.
Kettlehead, shred those agrav drones on your way west.
Baroque, if you can then stick a drone in the K16 smoke. We can use that to get a one-time firing solution on the Colpejar if it moves out.

The Stutulto and Eixam have a LOT of ♥♥♥♥ HE missiles and rockets and they'll be right next to us, they can blow apart any smoke it sees same as the Colpejar, we need to stun them, that's the best we can do right now really.
STOP, you and I will go first to draw fire. Then, Frog you rush in and melee both of them, just a love tap to rattle their heads then get back out of there. That should hopefully keep them disoriented enough that they can't blow away all our smoke. I'll smoke J11, Frog you do J10.
Crispr, we could REALLY use you back on the battlefield itself to draw fire."

> 6N, Smoke J11, fire on the Sostenir, switch to Frangible. Make sure to hug the wall in J9.

Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:54 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> If Kettlehead hasn't destroyed the drones, have all of my drones fire at the enemy drones attacking me.

Move 2 West
Turn South
Move 1 South
Turn West

Open fire on Kriego 1

Move 2 West

All drones move 1 South, 3 West

Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:03 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> tN 1S tE 3W tN 1N Reaction Fire Plasgun on enemy vehicles

Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:51 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Half burst with SABRE on the armored drones, WWWWWW, expend the remaining SABRE rounds and fire the Backstop at the Ramats in I11. Fire electrolasers at the PA/infantry in L18, prioritizing the PA, if there is LOS or if they creep out.

Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:46 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Turn N, 5N to J11

>Smoke J10

>Turn W, 1W

>Use all mobility -3 to wombo combo one of the enemies in I11

>Move 1E, sidestep 1N into the smoke.

Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:41 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Seeing what is sat in the Garrison Thunder shouts over the squadron channel "HAHA OH ♥♥♥♥, DUNFORT BEETLE COLPEJAR EIXAM.
Time for plan "Get the ♥♥♥♥ to extraction". Right now our best option is pure speed, if we try to stay and fight, we lose.
Considering we aren't about to walk into their trap, the jig's about to be up with my scout drone. Love it while you can.
The Dunfort won't even be able to target us for a while, but the Eixam will be a problem and the Colpejar will be a HUGE ♥♥♥♥ PROBLEM. Its rockets can disperse our smoke and it can sprint up to meet us in no time. If it decides to dump all of its rockets it can probably kill any one of us, or more than one.
Everyone get to column J and K to start, the smaller area we need to smoke the better. After that, we need to keep out of enemy line of sight, or the Colpejar can just use their targeting to blow us right to hell.
Kettlehead, shred those agrav drones on your way west.
Baroque, if you can then stick a drone in the K16 smoke. We can use that to get a one-time firing solution on the Colpejar if it moves out.
The Stutulto and Eixam have a LOT of ♥♥♥♥ HE missiles and rockets and they'll be right next to us, they can blow apart any smoke it sees same as the Colpejar, we need to stun them, that's the best we can do right now really.
STOP, you and I will go first to draw fire. Then, Frog you rush in and melee both of them, just a love tap to rattle their heads then get back out of there. That should hopefully keep them disoriented enough that they can't blow away all our smoke. I'll smoke J11, Frog you do J10.
Crispr, we could REALLY use you back on the battlefield itself to draw fire."

Screen then sends you a message of his own "That's a lot more hardware than we thought there was, me and Bee will provide what cover we can, but the rest of my team are pretty much dry at this point." then Mylan pipes in "Wait.. That's more metal than this district should have... ♥♥♥♥! This is bad, they must've got the gate in there open and started pulling reinforcements through."

After you hear him fire again Awe sends you an update. "Fire plan completed, not scanning any APS near the target, should be a clean kill."


Orbital scans of this district show it to be a relatively small spaceport with two landing pads, there are a selection of logistics buildings scattered throughout the maze of containers that composes most of the district, but there are also Military garrisons in the south eastern and south western corners.

- Destroy enemy AAA units.
- Board Orbital Hauler for Extraction. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

HKU - Thunder
-- !! STUNNED !! -- [-50% to hit and -50% mobility this turn, -20% to hit next turn]

You power ahead, rushing upto the opening and take a barrage of fire.
[76mm Autocannon] 80+20-25-5:70 - 79 76 82 [color=#00BF00]23
[76mm Autocannon] 80+20-25-5-50:20 - 48 39 38 100
[50mm Missiles] 80+30-25-5:80 - 52 38 9 32 60
[100mm Missiles] 80+30-25-5:80 - 39 72 48
[90mm Howitzer] 80+10-25-5-10:50 85
[80mm Rockets] 80+10-25-5-10-7:43 100 52 58 13 7 60 3 43 42 41 48 93 88 62 74 29

Your entire tank is shaken, Mylan barely hanging on as your shield is torn apart and a pair of rockets even make their way past it to remove your armour and do some nasty damage to your hull. Setting your last smoke canister to cover your rear you swing your turret around to fire on the Sostenir.
[180mm Railgun] 80+50-15-5-50:50 - 75 88 1 41 5
Shaken from the fire you took you only manage a partial hit, but you guess it's better than nothing. It doesn't seem all that pleases by you firing on it, as it fires right back at you.
[20MW Plasgun] 80+20-50-5:45 - 84
Thankfully the bolt of plasma misses, punching a hole in the container behind you rather than through your tank. At this Mylan leaps off with a shout of "Thanks for the ride, but you're shot to ♥♥♥♥, i'll risk it on foot from here." And hides between you and the containers as a hardshield cracks to life around him. You then notice that the Eixam has already cleared out some of your smoke, leaving them with a clear view to engage the rest of the team as they move past, as well as a warning popping up about inbound artillery from in the garrison. The question about that is who are they targeting, you really hope it's not aimed on you.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

Tracking aim to the Ramats you fire your incendiaries on them.
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20:100 - 91
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20:100 - 41 46 68 37

The flames wash over them, overwhelming the shield of the one that still had one active, and leaving both with dangerously hot armour. Switching target to further south you launch a barrage of Deora.
[Ag Caoineadh Iarainn] 80+20:100 - 37
It lands just outside the gate, hopefully perfect to deter enemy advance somewhat, you creep forwards a little, trying to see if there are any hostiles moving to flank the exit, but the passage seems clear to the east and west, you settle down and watch your allies brutalize the Ramats, only to catch the ire of a whole bunch of infantry.
[50mm Rockets] 80-5-5-5-20:45 - 26 22 38 86
[50mm Missiles] 80-5-5-20:50 - 81 16 69 30
[40mm Cannons] 80-5-5-20:50 - 89 14 56 9 85 59 85 92 34
[4MW Lasers] 80-5-5-20:50 - 30 52
[Discharger APS] 100/80/60/40/20 - 19 70 73 27 57
[Slat Armour] 50 - 8 68

Your APS combined with your Slat armour all but nullifies the missiles and Rockets sent your way, and even with the cannon and laser hits you took, they barely did anything to your armour.
They sure would make a mighty fine barbecue though....

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Swinging your turret around to track the Drones you struggle to center your aim on them with the sheer quantities of radiation they're leaking fouling your sensors, but you finally manage a solid lock and let loose.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun]80+50+10-20-20:100 - 58 98 95 99 52
The shells tear into the drones, annoyingly they're still intact, but you at least did enough damage to allow Baroques drones to finish one off. You move up into the smoke, hoping it'll hold long enough for you to get to the next patch and then switch targets to the Tanks up north you let loose a burst at the nearest one.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun]80+50+10:100 - 63 16 33 15 98
[50mm "Backstop" Missile] 80+50-10:100 - 12
[Discharger APS] 100 - 100

Once again a blasted APS takes out your missile, but your SABRE shells fare much better, hammering into its shield, but not doing quite enough to drop it. Turning your attention south you unleash your electrolasers on the infantry you can just make out around the building.
[Quintuple AP Electrolasers] 80+50-50:80 - 31 12 49 27 23 71 21 45 89 35 39 63 27 37 87 49 60 18 13 24 7 88 97 7 8 14 31 16 73 46 14 82 64 91 4 90 100 55 70 79 75 25 32 89 80 53 11 53 5 43
Your beams obliterate four of the Powered Armours, but the rest are out of your line of sight unfortunately.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Seeing the drones are still active after Kettleheads fire you direct your drones to open up on them.
[30mm Rail Repeaters] 80-20-10:50 - 71 81 65 73 79 83
[8MW Particle Lance] 80-20-10:50 - 62
[40mm Railgun] 80-20-10:50 - 67 11 46 6 50

They have an annoyingly difficult time getting a target on the drones, and only manage to take one of them out, putting that aside for now you reposition to get an angle on the Kriego, and it fires a shot just as you get it in sight.
[120mm Railgun] 80+10-25:65 - 56
[Sloped Glacis] 37 - 48

It punches into your armour but doesn't deal too much damage, with it in sight you open up with your Autocannon.
[150mm Autocannon]80+50-5:100 - 84 15 61 42
Your shells hammer home one after the other and bring down its shield and one even makes it past to blow off a sizable chunk of armour, not wanting to stay in the open you push forwards into the smoke while ordering your drones to do the same.


Driving forwards you make it into the smoke, and scan to the north for any hostiles being picked up by Thunders Spotter, but they're all out of your line of sight so you hold fire for now.

Areku - Frog

Rushing up behind Thunder you ignore what he said and instead focus on one target, reducing the tank in question to a pile of scrap with a mighty kick. But you do at least drop smoke, best to keep yourself and the others safe from some fire at least.

---- Allies ----


[50mm Missiles] [GLIT] x2
Fired high-angle at Eixam - in air

[50mm Missiles] [HEAT] x3
Fired high-angle at Ramat #1 - in air

Trust Operative Mylan

---- Enemies ----

Restada [N11]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged (Heat)

Slinger [X1?]
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged

Sostenir [Q10]
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged

Kriego #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged

Kriego #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Unknown Grav Drones [O15?]
- Armour Damaged

Dunfort [F17]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Beetle [F17]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Colpejar [H16]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Fiver [G14]
- Armour Undamaged

Eixam [G11]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Stultulo [G11]
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Last edited by Amazigh on Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:43 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Low Deora J18. Flamer the infantry, closest to farthest. If I see a large vehicle in a Deora, give it a Lasair. EMP the Colpejar if it pops out.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:58 am, edited 4 times in total.

Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:29 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Frog, Smoke on J7, I need to pull out of here before I die. I'll give you guys as much spotting on those walkers as I can manage. After that, up to you. Maybe mangle those walkers a bit and retreat back to safety, after STOP takes their fire.
Crispr, you do you.

STOP, do NOT let Kettlehead lead or he'll get blown to ♥♥♥♥, those walkers are ready to fire again. With your shield and reaction turn you're best suited to take their shots. Go first, soak them up, then hit them.
Kettlehead, wait for STOP to move up, go north to K11 with Baroque. Do NOT go to row 10. Shoot the Ramat or walkers. Or just both.
Baroque, go north with Kettlehead, at the same time as STOP preferably. Stop at K11, and shoot some of the walkers or maybe the Restada. Walkers are probably the bigger threat. Smoke K11 when you're done.

Not much we can do about the Colpejar, when it comes out it's going to be Loud. Baroque maybe set your drones to shoot it if it comes through."

> One shot at the Sostenir since not much else I can shoot, 2N and Turn W, on the way AP laser the powersuits that Crispr couldn't finish, pray people actually listen to my instructions this time.

Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:28 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Reactivate shields, dump 10 EN into it, it won't be much but it'll have to do.
"KETTLEHEAD! You heard Thunder! Let me take the lead!"
Reaction Turn W, Target Eixam, 5N, brace for impact! 1E after reaction turn

Last edited by DSMK2 on Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:16 am, edited 3 times in total.

Thu Jan 14, 2021 3:51 am
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