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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
They're both H buildings, they won't be passable until two more turns of smashing them.

Sun May 03, 2020 1:37 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Ok, gotta move fast.
Frog, the Fiver and Stutulto have a lot of HE. We drop smoke to exhaust that, then blitz them. You first SE of my position. If they blow it all away, Baroque drop one in same spot. If not, we attack then.
Crispr, Baroque, and STOP all jump out once the Stutulto and Fiver have fired, or if they don't fire at all, and tear them apart. There may be more units just outside my scanning range, so be careful and keep all your guns hot.
If there's smoke left, I'll move up and we can get vision on the space behind them.

Crispr and Kettlehead, send high angle FAE love at the infantry down south. Cripsr, send some Deora to just north of the two Vinberos too. Dropping it right outside Mylan's door could catch him in it, so DO NOT do that.

Mylan, 4 powered armor troops on your doorstep. We'll run interception on the Vinberos to the south, but you'll have to handle what's already there for the moment."

> Wait for Baroque and Frog to lay down smoke.
If there's any left after enemy reaction fire, move 1S, Turn E, 1E into the smoke and reaction fire on any new vehicles and infantry that show up on my radar. Then Smoke 1E, and go back 1W, Turn S, 1N.
If there's no smoke left, wait for the others to go forward and shoot. If no enemies are left, do the moves including smoke. If enemies are still alive, move 1N, Turn E, 1E.
Regardless, dump 150 energy into shields and switch to Frangible at the end of the turn.

Sun May 03, 2020 9:11 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Move 1 East, Turn South, Move 1 South

If Frog drops smoke down SE of my location and it gets cleared, drop down another smoke on the same location.

Move 1 South, turn East. Open fire on the Stultulo if visible.

Sun May 03, 2020 11:40 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> High angle Deora 1N of the vinebros, EE tS S. Once the Fiver fires its cannon this round, or an ally safely fires through the smoke, S tE, then EMP the Stultulo, Flamer the tile, and Lasair the Fiver.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Sun May 10, 2020 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 04, 2020 7:33 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Roger. Fiver priority."

> tN 1N tE 2E -wait for smoke- tS 1S tE Plasgun Fiver 30EN 1E

Fri May 08, 2020 1:01 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2

>Turn S


>Smoke SE, wait for further instructions

Fri May 08, 2020 3:01 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Fire a high angle Backstop missile at the armored infantry to the SE. EES, fire SABRE burst on the Fiver. Electrolasers on reaction fire E if infantry or PA appear down the kill corridor. Finally, move E to rejoin comrades in the smoke.

Tue May 12, 2020 2:46 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Ok, gotta move fast.
Frog, the Fiver and Stutulto have a lot of HE. We drop smoke to exhaust that, then blitz them. You first SE of my position. If they blow it all away, Baroque drop one in same spot. If not, we attack then.
Crispr, Baroque, and STOP all jump out once the Stutulto and Fiver have fired, or if they don't fire at all, and tear them apart. There may be more units just outside my scanning range, so be careful and keep all your guns hot.
If there's smoke left, I'll move up and we can get vision on the space behind them."
Catching his chance STOP replies "Roger. Fiver priority." Then Thunder continues on "Crispr and Kettlehead, send high angle FAE love at the infantry down south. Cripsr, send some Deora to just north of the two Vinberos too. Dropping it right outside Mylan's door could catch him in it, so DO NOT do that."

Taking a breath and switching to Mylans channel Thunder continues. "Mylan, 4 powered armor troops on your doorstep. We'll run interception on the Vinberos to the south, but you'll have to handle what's already there for the moment." Mylan sends a reply, interspersed with the sounds of whining servos and a bolt being racked. "Yeah I saw them, as long as it's not many more than four suits that i have to deal with, not going to be a problem."


Orbital scans of this district appear to show it to be a militarised residential area with watchtowers spread across it, there is also a fortified military garrison at the eastern end.

- Destroy Eastern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Recover Trust Operative Mylan.
- Leave District through Northern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

[Deora Salvo in-air, on target 1N of Vinbero #4/5]
["Backstop" Missile in-air, on target for South Powered Infantry]

HKU - Thunder

Waiting to see if the enemies take out Frogs smoke screen you see the others get to move up and fire, so you take your chance and move up yourself, scanning ahead with your drone you see a whole bunch more enemies sat behind the Fiver, and centering aim on the closest one you fire.
[180mm Railgun] 80+50-5-25:100 - 9
Your shot slams into the Prong, dropping its shield in one go, and you hurriedly launch more smoke to give some cover before backing up and dumping charge into your shield which is looking much better already.
Looking over to your drone feed you see an icon pop up all the way in the Garrison to the east, marking some sort of artillery being fired... And did a bunch of Infantry just get out of those watchtowers to the West? This could be annoying.

[The Blue Boxes in the Garrison mark the locations of enemies that have opened indirect fire on a position within your drones detection range]

CrazyMLC - Crispr
[EMP Cooldown - 3 turns]

Plotting a target you launch a salvo of Deora to hopefully give Mylan some cover.
[Ag Caoineadh Iarainn] 80+10:90 - 46
Pushing ahead you line up and fire on the Hostiles ahead.
[EMP Emitter] 80+20+10-35:75 - 83
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20-40:60 - 53 19 17 96
[Scatter] 2(N)
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20-10:90 - 32

Your EMP Bolt goes wide, slamming into a residential block past your target and knocking out all of its lights, but your Incendiaries fare much better scoring hits all around, leaving the Fiver much worse for wear, which STOP and Kettlehead take full advantage of.
Any joy at the destruction you've wrought is lessened a little by the pair of Ponies bursting through the smoke and opening up with their lasers.
[4MW Lasers] 80+30-25-10-20:55 - 60 61 47 71 7 97
They don't really do much damage, but it's more them just rushing through the smoke that annoys you really.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

That Powered Infantry group, well you can't pass up such an easy target so you let a missile fly.
[50mm "Backstop" Missile Launcher] 80+50:100 - 44
Focusing back on harder targets you float closer, taking aim at the Tank your teammates have laid into, and give it a burst of SABRE fire as well.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50-5:100 - 62 78 82 40 29 55 86 19 90 59
As the barrels stop cycling and you pull into the smoke alongside Frog you can only be disappointed that it's not a smoking wreck, but you'll settle for having neutered its main armament at least.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Driving up you wait for Frog to drop smoke before moving into the open, and tracking through Thunders feed, you take aim and fire on the Stultulo.
[150mm Autocannon] 80+50+4-5:100 - 64 85 73 5
Your first shell slams into and shatters its shield, the following three then proceed to tear through it detonating inside and blowing the whole thing open like a cheap tin can.


Confirming Thunders call, you drive around and take up an angle on the Fiver, before charging up a heavy bolt with your Plasgun and letting it loose.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+40-40:80 - 70
It punches deep into its armour, tearing a great rent into it and vaporizing copious quantities of plating, perfect for Kettleheads Chaingun to tear through and knock out its gun.

Areku - Frog

Striding around the corner you launch some smoke, giving your teammates something to cower behind while they deal with the hostiles ahead.

---- Enemies ----

Fiver #1
- Armour Heavily Damaged (Extreme Heat)
- Main Gun Disabled

Vinbero #3
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #4
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #5
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Pony #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Pony #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Prong #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Undamaged

Prong #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Tue May 12, 2020 6:48 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> EE. All Flamers on the largest group of powersuits, located 2S. Move E, hugging the north building's wall. If the two prongs are visible, and still in a single tile together, give them 2 Low FAE, a Lasair, and a low Deora for their trouble. Otherwise, hold fire.

Tue May 12, 2020 12:30 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Crispr, we need Deora on the fire to clear the path forward. Frog, those Ponies could use a hug.
Everyone else, fire at will and charge.
Oh, and we've got inbound artillery. A lot of it. Six vehicles at the far end of the compound firing stuff our way, looks like. We need to get rid of all these vehicles spotting for them.

> Shields up, 1S, Turn E, 2E, fire on Prong #1 if it's still alive. Burst laser any infantry to that south that are still alive too.

Tue May 12, 2020 1:07 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> tS 1S tE 2E tS 1S Ram Western Power Suit #1 Reaction Turn Eastern Power Suit #2 tN

Tue May 19, 2020 1:26 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Drones fire on Pony 1

Fire cannon on the Fiver.

Move 2 East

Tue May 19, 2020 3:19 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Direct fire "Backstop" at the Ponies to the SW. Move SEE after Crispr, fire the SABRE spreading shots between the Prongs. Use electrolasers to destroy the infantry to the south.

Tue May 19, 2020 8:29 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Sidestep 1W, 1S

>Smoke Self

>5 mobi punch one pony, all mobi kick another

Mon May 25, 2020 11:43 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Thunder calls out, directing the rest of the team "Crispr, we need Deora on the fire to clear the path forward. Frog, those Ponies could use a hug. Everyone else, fire at will and charge. Oh, and we've got inbound artillery. A lot of it. Six vehicles at the far end of the compound firing stuff our way, looks like. We need to get rid of all these vehicles spotting for them."

Then all of a sudden Mylans voice crackles to life over the radio "I-" He's cut off by the thump of an explosion "♥♥♥♥!" Several bursts of automatic gunfire and explosions follow "They're on me, and there's a lot more than four of those suits in here! I don't have enough ammo for all of them, I need you here yesterday!"


Orbital scans of this district appear to show it to be a militarised residential area with watchtowers spread across it, there is also a fortified military garrison at the eastern end.

- Destroy Eastern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Recover Trust Operative Mylan.
- Leave District through Northern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

HKU - Thunder

Bringing your shields back up now that they're at a more tolerable level you push forwards and take aim at the Prong.
[180mm Railgun] 80+50-5-5:100 - 20
Your shot punches through its plating, leaving a gaping hole from which a cascade of Rail Repeater ammo clatters out of, you then check to see if the others need help taking care of the infantry, but they've got it well in hand.
Thinking to take a glance at your drones feed again you see another four Powered Armours making their way into Mylans building, the most concerning thing after the number of them is how they're not equipped the same as the Powered armour you've seen thus far, hard to tell from your feeds angle but that might be an anti-personnel loadout?
You also note another barrage of artillery being fired, guess they really want to take out your smoke.

CrazyMLC - Crispr
[EMP Cooldown - 2 turns]

Moving up you track your turret to fire on the Powered Armour only to find them pulverized by Kettleheads Missile, so instead you open up on the Powersuits.
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20-30:70 - 26 62 72 57
[Scatter] 1(E)

They are quite effectively distracted by this flailing to try and put out the fire and don't even react as STOP bursts out and flattens one before obliterating the other. Turning your attention back to your front you burst out of the smoke.
[60mm Railguns] 80-25:55 - 6 32
[36mm Rail Repeaters] 80-25:55 - 99 38 42 87 55 / 89 7 32 92 29 / 95 58 62 32 22 / 87 4 84 23 33 / 32 3 49 32 75 / 32 32 78 94 2

A salvo of fire from the Prongs shows that they are definitely still there, so you give them some fire in return.
[Light Rocket Pod] 80+20-1-5:94 - 31 27
[Kinetic Turret APS] 100 - 29 33
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20-5:95 - 19
[Ag Caoineadh Iarainn] 80+20-35:65 - 34

Their APS fire knocks out your rockets, but that leaves your other fire to get through unmolested, your Dorn Lasair shot knocks out the shields on the one that still has any, and then your Deora canisters land right on target and detonate. As the smoke clears from the blast you can see they are still in one piece but definitely not looking good. Thunder and Kettlehead manage to finish them off for you quite handily though.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Tracking over to the Agravs you fire a missile at them.
[50mm "Backstop" Missile Launcher] 80+50-20:100 - 100
It detonates and combined with the attacks of all your allies you manage to take out one of the Agravs. Moving ahead closer to the other targets you track the two Walkers and give them each a burst of SABRE fire.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50-5:100 - 19 44 36 36 89 / 57 48 86 80 54
Your shells find their marks and tear the two walkers apart. You swing your aim to the south and check on the Powered Troops, and you see that your Missile took out most of them and STOP finished the others. At this point your APS suddenly fires off.
[Quad Laser Turret Array APS] 60-20:40 - 12 18 41 85
It stops one shell, but another one lands next to you, blowing away a chunk of the smoke cover, guess their goal was to clear the smoke?

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Checking the rear you have your Drones open up on one of the Ponies.
[30mm Rail Repeaters] 80+10:90 - 82 73 79 7 94 22
[8MW Particle Lance] 80+10:90 - 5
[40mm Railgun] 80+10:90 - 72 26 71 36 17

Their fire weakens its shield, but even with Frogs attack its shield stays intact, switching your focus back to your front you fire a burst into the Fiver.
[150mm Autocannon] 80+50:100 - 100 10 6 83
Your burst of shells punch clean into the Fiver and it detonates quite spectacularly, so you pull up alongside Thunder, getting closer to reaching Mylan.


Driving forwards you plow through the smoke and bursting out you see the two Powersuits covered in flames, so taking the chance with them not firing you power forwards flattening one, before triggering your thrusters and turning to fire your main gun on the other.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+40-30-40:50 - 13
There's nothing identifiable left of the suit, just a molten splatter on the wall of the building behind it, so you turn back to the north, ready to keep moving on.

Areku - Frog

Bursting out of the smoke you stride up to the Agravs while dispensing a smokescreen, and slam your armature into one which brings your shields back up with a crack, and you then drive a high kick into the other, shattering its shield and caving in a good portion of its frame, it judders for a moment after the impact before veering off to the side and crashing into the ground.

---- Enemies ----

Vinbero #3
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #4
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #5
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #6
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Pony #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Last edited by Amazigh on Wed May 27, 2020 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 27, 2020 12:42 am
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