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 Fhealltoir Take:2 
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2



>S, turn E, E, Punch+Kick dunfort leaving 1 Mobi left, W, smoke myself

Sat Nov 30, 2019 12:24 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2

HKU - Thunder

"♥♥♥♥. I can't keep doing that trick with my railgun." Grumbling at the situation you find yourself in you quickly turn around and power towards the nearest Ramat before slamming into it, didn't seem to do all that much to its armour, but definitely more than your AP Laser would have done, after the Ramats take a barrage of fire from Kettlehead they fire on you along with the Dunfort.
[76mm Autocannon] 80+20-50-5:45 - 84 79 31 89
[76mm Autocannon] 80+20-50-5/2:22.5 - 31 15 88 58
[Quad 150mm Howitzers] 80+50-25-5-20:80 - 88 60/81 65/6 4/28

The Ramats have little luck in hitting you doing little more than scratch your shield, but the Dunfort scores a hit with two shells, doing a more notable amount of damage to it.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

Swinging around you reverse at top speed to the south, narrowly missing the newly wrecked Ramat before opening up on the Dunfort.
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20+10+10-20:100 - 17 4 27 72
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20+10+10-10:100 - 51

Your flamers wash over it doing its all but glowing armour no favours just as your shell slams into it dousing it in more fire and taking a solid chunk out of the remains of its armour.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead
Airborne, Landing In:2

Jumping up and kicking your glider turbines into action you set your ECM Blisters to dazzle the Titan, before turning your aim to the tanks at the south, and giving one a burst of fire.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50+10+10:100 - 73 57 82 70 2 36 62 2 12 15
The shells tear into its armour and one looks to have clipped its gun, might not be as capable of aiming with damage like that. Turning aim to the other you let loose another burst
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50+10+10:100 - 73 57 82 70 2 36 62 2 12 15
It gets torn up worse than the previous one armour heat no doubt helping and a round tears into one of its tracks, not gonna be moving fast with that damage. Satisfied with that you launch a missile at the Titan.
[Backstop Missile launcher] 80+50+10+10+10:100 - 97
[Discharger APS] 100 - 50

Your missile streaks out heading straight for the Titan only for its APS to swat it out of the air, really starting to hate how much APS these locals have. The Titan opens up on you with its autocannon in retaliation.
[80mm Autocannon] 80+50-25-20-20:65 - 17/24 36/19 82 52/78
Despite the best efforts of your ECM it manages to score two hits, shattering your shield but fortunately not doing any permanent damage to your vehicle.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Swinging around you have your Drones light up the western Ramat.
[8MW Particle Lance] 80+10:90 - 81
[30mm Rail Repeater] 80+10:90 - 17 5 68 33 45 39
[40mm Railgun] 80+10:90 - 79 35 28 55 32

Their shots slam into it and chew into the armour, wanting to finish the job you swing back around and open up with your Autocannon.
[150mm Autocannon] 80+50+10:100 - 20 27 63 36
Your shells slam into its armour, blowing chunks of it away before drilling deep inside and tearing into the internals, the final shell tearing their cannon out of its housing. You then start rolling forwards, keeping grouped up with the others.


Keeping your aim true you fire at the Dunfort again.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+40+10+10-36:100 - 46
You score a direct hit causing a notable chunk of armour to all but vaporise, but the damn thing still has just so much armour all told, so you turn and rush past the Ramats getting into their rear arcs.

maart3n - Shockwave

Turning your body to face the Dunfort you unleash a blast from your Marú Anála, watching as chunks of armour are blown clean off of it. You then move out of the flames and hunker down before realising that you're facing away from the Ramats, but Frogs smoke should keep you safe either way.

Areku - Frog

"OW OW OW OW OW" Leaping out of the flames as fast as you can manage you turn and rush up to that monstrosity before driving a foot and armature into it, your blows tearing great chunks off of the near molten armour at which you step back and drop smoke to keep yourself safe.

---- Enemies ----

Ramat #3
- Shield Down
- Armour Destroyed
- Internal Damage
- Weapon Damaged

Ramat #4
- Shield Down
- Armour Heavily Damaged (Heat)
- Internal Damage
- Mobility Damage

- Shield Down
- Armour Heavily Damaged (Heat)

Sat Nov 30, 2019 2:33 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> 30 energy to shields, 2N, 3S, ram a Ramat again, 1N. And AP laser, cause it might actually DO something with their armor THIS trashed.

Sat Nov 30, 2019 2:39 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Fire the SABRE again on the Dunfort, land, move S.

Sat Nov 30, 2019 3:02 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Shoot Ramat #4 with Plasgun 5N tE 1W tS 1N

Sat Nov 30, 2019 7:26 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Cannon on Ramat 3

Move 6 South

Powersuit Drone fire on Ramat 3

Turn East

Switch to Ramat 4 if 3 dies before attack is finished

Sat Nov 30, 2019 7:36 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Doot the Dunfort again. Focus all my attention on putting a micromissile down one of its gunbarrels.

Sun Dec 01, 2019 12:01 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Sidestep S, E

>Combo the dunfort again, save 3 mobi

>W, sidestep N back into smoke

Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:01 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>tE. Lasair Ramat #4, then Flamer that tile.

Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:31 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Enemies defeated, you look down the roadway. Better get on with heading to your next objective you guess.

It will take 10 turns worth of time for you to reach the next district, please detail anything you want to do on the journey (set shields to inactive for faster recharge/etc.)


HKU - Thunder

Dumping power into your shields you pull back ready to slam into one ofthe Ramats, only to see Crispr reduce them to burning wrecks, so you hold off on driving into the hell that he made.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

Turning to face the Ramats you open up on them.
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20+10:100 - 11
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20+10:100 - 17 89 27 83

The shell from your Dorn Lasair slams into your target and it erupts into a fireball, flames jetting out of all of the openings in its chassis, the other Ramat has no more luck after you fire your Flamethrower, its ammo suddenly cooking off under the heat. Leaving two blazing wrecks on the road.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Centering your aim on that damn tank you squeeze the trigger.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50+10+10+10:100 - 47 51 73 91 59 35 83 37 53 86
Your shots tear through what's left of its armour leaving it wide open for Frog to slam into it, his foot tearing through something important as the entire monster of a thing collapses in on itself.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Tracking the Ramats position through the smoke you get reafy to fire on it, only for Crispr to take them both out on his own. Well, guess that saves you some ammo.


Switching aim to one of the Ramats you have your finger hobvering over the trigger just as Crispr fires, and leaves the pair of them as little more than scrap.

maart3n - Shockwave

Staying in the smoke, you open up with your Marú Anála once again, more chunks of armour tearing off of it from the blast, you try to aim and maybe get a micromissile down one of its gunbarrels, but the main turret is facing away from you and the Autocannon is pretty heavily obscured by flames and smoke, so you give up on that idea and instead just pepper it with missiles.
[Anthill Micro Missile Pod] 80+10+10-20:80 - 29 62 33 16 10 65 23 67 85
They do a suprisingly decent job of eating into its armour, what with all the heat its under degrading the integrity of the Smartplate.

Areku - Frog

Dashing out of the smoke, you rush up and deliver a one-two hit, Armature shearing through the turret, howitzer shells tumbling out of the gash it leaves, and your foot slamming into its center and catching on something, you struggle for a moment before giving it a bit more force and you feel something give, and hurriedly pulling your foot out you watch as the brute just crumples in on itself.

Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:31 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Set shields to Inactivate, switch to Frangible ammo, deploy the full health spotter drone a bit BEFORE we get to the gates so it's already up when we enter.

Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:39 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Just drive.

Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:59 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Drive, maybe AP laser the cameras to spite them.

Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>To the gates!

Tue Dec 03, 2019 4:04 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Load ammo such that the next two shots will be HE, and the third and fourth will be APHE.

After that, default to HE.

Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:52 am
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