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 Fhealltoir Take:2 
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Shields to inactive and start dumping energy from the capacitors into them whenever they're full.

Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:36 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Continue to the next sector

Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:39 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
You start moving down the link-road but then as you turn the corner on to the Highway you run headfirst into a Dunfort and attendant vehicles, as its hardshield deploys with a thunderous crack.

---- ---- ----

New Units Encountered:

"Apparently originally intended as a replacement to the Sumat, the Kriego suffered from significant cost overruns and project bloat, now too expensive to replace the Sumat it fills a firepower middleground between it and the Sostenir, but with notably superior mobility."
Internals: 334/334
Mobility: 4
Sensors: 1
- 67.2(F) (56) Thickness
- 560 Durability
- 84 Thickness
- 504/504 Durability
Twin Laser Turret APS
8MW Generator
Capacitor: [30/30]
Scatter Laser (Coaxial)
120mm Railgun (Turreted+Stabilised)
- Frangible [156pen, 120damage]

"Recent ANS tank design, Technology levels used in its construction are of a suspiciously high level for colonial engineering, one of the more major telling points is the unusually tuned shield emitter."
Internals: 330/330
Mobility: 5
Sensors: 2
- 158.4(F) 126.7(S) (105.6) Thickness
- 864 Durability
- 50 Thickness
- 200/200 Durability
Discharger APS [12]
AP Beam Laser (Turreted)
76mm Autocannon
- SKEP [114pen, 38damage]

"A true monster, the Dunfort is mobile HQ, heavy artillery platform, and intimidation device all in one terrifying package, can barely move past a crawl and does a number on all but the most heavily reinforced roads, but it's hard to find a tanker who'd want to fight one of these one-on-one."
- [Titan Grade Chassis] - +30 points, all mobility actions always cost 3 mobility, +10% to be hit, walkers don't treat this as a tank in terms of stomp damage, -25% ram/stomp damage taken.
- [Stable Chassis] - No accuracy penalty for moving.
- [Hardened Armour] - Rear armour has a 1.2* modifier, side has a 1.5* modifier, and front has a 2* modifier.
- [Indomitable] - Doesn't take forced stuns when rammed, negative effects of stuns cut by 50%
Internals: 765/765
Mobility: 3
Sensors: 5
- 648(F) 486(S) (388.8) Thickness
- 3240 Durability
- 100 Thickness
- 600/600 Durability
Discharger APS [18]
8mm Machinegun (Coaxial - Autocannon)
Quad 150mm Howitzer (Turreted)
- HEAT [180pen, 60damage]
80mm Autocannon
- APHE [80pen, 80damage]


HKU - Thunder

You drive along and switch yuor ammo feeds, the railgun barely has time to cycle to the new round before you find yourself facing a bunch of hostiles, at which your drone flings itself back into the air, despite what little use it'll be in such open terrain.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

Driving with the others you have a brief attempt at setting the walls on fire, but no real shock there. Rounding the corner and seeing hostiles though that's a shock, how'd they get onto the road? The Trust were supposed to have all the gates locked down.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Setting your shields to shut down for a faster recharge you fly along with the others only to be caught by the rudest ambush you've had the displeasure of being victim to.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

You sit back and start to relax, only to be rudely interrupted by the enemies in your route.


Driving along withthe others you barely have any time to think before you find yourself in the middle of an ambush.

maart3n - Shockwave

Moving up the road you disable your shield and start dumping capacitor charge into it only to round the corner with your shield down, and enemies filling the view in front of you.

Areku - Frog

You follow along with the others, but then you round the corner and... well ♥♥♥♥.

---- Enemies ----

Slinger #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Slinger #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Kriego #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Kriego #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #3
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #4
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #3
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #4
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Last edited by Amazigh on Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Nov 17, 2019 5:48 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Ignite hardshields, E, Turn N, N, N, Sonic pulse North, Micromissiles into targets with low shields/disembarking infantry. N, Kick eixam, S.

Last edited by maart3n on Mon Nov 18, 2019 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 17, 2019 6:16 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2

Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:08 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>After Shockwave doots:

Powersuit Drone fire at Slinger 1

Turn West

PA Drone 1 and 2 fire at Slinger 1

Turn North

Fire cannon and machinegun on Slinger 1

If Slinger 1 dies before offensive action is complete, switch to Slinger 2, then Eixam, then Kreigo 1

Move 1 North, smoke current position

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:25 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Get the Slingers and the Eixam, they're the only ones with HE ammo! Without them they can't clear our smoke!
And whatever you do, DO NOT stop in the 90 degree cone in front of the Dunfort! Circle around it if you have to, but do not let that monster unload its guns on you! Those howitzers will annihilate us!"

> Before Shockwave fires, move 1E, Turn N, 2N.
18 overcharge Railgun at Slinger 2 to break its shield so Kettlehead can tear it up.
After Shockwave fires and before Crispy fires, 1N , ram Eixam, 1S.
Set AP laser to fire on any infantry the Vinberos unload, Smoke my tile if Frog doesn't, 1 SE if he does.

Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:26 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> tN Compress using 15 EN then Shoot Slinger #1 with Plasgun 1N tE 1E tN 1N

Last edited by DSMK2 on Wed Nov 20, 2019 4:22 am, edited 7 times in total.

Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:56 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> tN, low Deora the Eixam and EMP the Dunfort. N. Wait for everyone else's attacks or for the Eixam's shields to go down, then flamer the Eixam and hit it with a Lasair.

Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:14 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2

>1E, turn N, 3N

>Hit Eixam with 5 mobi punch, ALL - 1 mobi stomp


>Smoke at my position!

Last edited by Areku on Wed Nov 20, 2019 4:56 am, edited 5 times in total.

Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:13 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Ignite shields, open fire on the E Slinger (#2), first with SABRE and then with the Backstop. Move behind Shockwave to exploit the chaos generated by his sonic attack: turn CCW, ENN behind him, ending up in the smoke (to be provided).

Mon Nov 18, 2019 10:35 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Reccomended order of operations:
Areku, DS, and me first to break Slinger and Eixam shields.
Then Maart to DOOT.
Then Kebb, Cave, and MLC to do the big damage.

DS, please change targets to Slinger 1, the Eixam has enough to kill it as is I think. Areku might manage it all on his own tbh. Cave could use some help breaking the Slinger's shield though.
Also Areku, attack the Eixam first, before the Doot, so that you steal as much shield from it as possible. You'll also punch through the shield and any remaining damage will hit the hull, which no guns can do.
Areku and DS, you both need to go 1 tile S from where you end, or you'll be in MLC's deora and lasair blast radius.

Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
Be mindful of where the Dunfort is pointing. Its rams would probably oneshot some of us, even if it can only move/rotate once a turn.

Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:22 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
From Thunders feed you see the Kriegos pull back out of its view, but the Ramats rush past you through your smoke and take up a position to the south before firing on the Drone.


HKU - Thunder

Powering up past the towering edifice of the Dunfort while you scream at your allies you take aim at the eastern Slinger and boosting your railgun a bit you fire.
[180mm Railgun] 80+50+10+8-5:100 - 84 92 45 38 63
The spread of shots slam into its shield and it drops instantly, perfect for Kettlehead to tear into it and take it out. Turning your attention to the Eixam you watch as Shockwaves blast staggers it and proceed to power yourself into it, backing off you don't think you did all that much damage, but it sure felt cathartic to do that. Looking on your Drones fee and seeing some Powersuits hauling themselves out of the Vinberos you open up with your AP Laser.
[AP Pulse Laser] 80+50+10+8-5-20-25:98 - 85 16 6 86 2 95 22 21 5 1
Your beams cut into its armour, but dont do enough to finish it off.
[AP Beam Laser] 80+20-35-40:25 - 50 59 71 69
All of a sudden there is a bright flash of red across your drones feed, you scan around to try and figure out what on earth that was and then you spot it, the Ramats are firing their AP Lasers at your drone, ♥♥♥♥ they must have noticed it going up and put two and two together. You might have a spare drone, but it might not be the best idea to risk losing both of them.

[Spotter Drones have 40 HP and offer degraded performance if damaged, most enemies should be incapable of spotting/targetting them, but it appears that these Ramats are one exception.]
[You may freely land/launch your drone, but note that some enemies may notice this and catch on to your use of a drone.]

CrazyMLC - Crispr
EMP Recharging: 3

Turning to face the enemies you wait for everyone else to get clear before launching a salvo of Deora at the Eixam.
[Ag Caoineadh Iarainn] 80+20+10:100 - 18
As the canisters slam down around it you turn and fire an EMP blast at the Dunfort.
[EMP Emitter] 80+20+10:100 - 19
It strikes and grounds on its shield crackling across it and leaving it looking a bit worse for wear, turning your attention back to the Eixam you open up on it again.
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20+10:100 - 8 80 25 35
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20+10:100 - 70

After your Flamethrower and canon shell hit it goes up in a giant fireball, that seemed a bit bigger than before, its ammo must have added to the blast you guess, but after the smoke clears the mangled wreckange that remains is hardly identifiable as a Walker.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Bringing your shield emitter back online you move up, tracking the far Walker and as Thunder drops its shield you squeeze the trigger.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50+10+8-5:100 - 71 61 83 90 84 18 25 95 33 35
Your shells tear through its armour and reduce its chaingun to little more than splinters, the walker then collapses from the abuse your hurled its way, seeing this you ease your thumb away from the firing stud for your missile launcher, no need to waste ammo on a dead man.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Having your drones track the Western Slinger you wait for STOP to drop its shield before having them open up.
[8MW Particle Lance] 80+10+4:94 - 77
[40mm Railgun] 80+10+4:94 - 9 17 65 4 47

With the shots biting into its armour you spin around and have your other Drones open up as well.
[30mm Rail Repeater] 80+10+4:94 - 87 76 26 17 40 67
The shots eat into its armour wearing it thinner, but nothing decisive so you swing back to facing it and open up with your Autocannon.
[150mm Autocannon] 80+50+4:100 - 44 48 47 82
Your first shell bursts on its armour ripping chunks off of it, but the following ones punch through and detonate inside, the following detonation is quite considerable, much larger than you'd have expected from its ammo rack, maybe it had something more exotic than just simple HE ammo loaded, but no problem now its dead after all. All the enemies with HE taken care of you move up and drop smoke to cover yourself.


"WE NEED SMOKE NOW!" Calling out you swing around the Dunfort as you Charge up a blast with your Plasgun before unleashing it on the Slinger.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+40+10+10-35:100 - 30
The bolt slams into it shield which shatters from the impact, leaving it open to Baroques combined fire that tears it apart.

maart3n - Shockwave

Bringing your shields up you stride forwards as your allies start opening up on the hostiles and with the clear space in front of you open fire with your Sonic Emitter. The blast shatters the shields of the Vinberos, at which you step forwards and deliver a crushing kick to the Eixam further brutalising it. After stepping back into the smoke you see that it seemsyout sonic blast didn't stop them from dumping a bunch of Powersuits out, which you decide to greet with some Micromissiles.
[Anthill Micro Missile Pod] 80-5-25-20:30 - 72 9 86
[Scatter] 5(SE) 2(N)

A chunk of your shots scatter quite wildly, but some hit their mark and slam into the Suits wearing away at their armour.

Areku - Frog

Charging forwards you rush up to the missile walker and slam your armature into it full force, its shield holds under the blow but the energy your contacts drain have your shield spring back to life at more than full strength just as you drive a kick into it which finishes off its shield and punches through its armour and must have penetrated an ammo bin as a whole bunch of small missiles to come tumbling out of the hole you leave, you then quickly step back and drop smoke to cover your group just after the others finish firing.

---- Enemies ----

Kriego #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Kriego #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #2
- Shield Down
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #3
- Shield Down
- Armour Undamaged

Vinbero #4
- Shield Down
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #3
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Ramat #4
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

- Shield Up (Cracked)
- Armour Undamaged

Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:22 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> N tE E tS. Deora and Lasair the western Ramats. Hit the Dunfort with my flamers.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:05 am
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