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 Fhealltoir Take:2 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
New Unit Encountered:

"Little more than a flying platform to carry an obscene number of Rocket pods, the lack of staying power is compensated by the sheer destruction a single volley can cause."
- [Ultra Heavy Chassis]
- [Purge] - Detach an empty Rocket Pod and 5% of remaining armour to gain +2 mobility
Internals: 420/420
Mobility: 12
Sensors: 2
- 57.6(F) (48) Thickness
- 480 Durability
- 96 Thickness
- 576/576 Durability
Twin Laser Turret APS
Scatter Laser (Hull Mounted)
Light Rocket Pod
- HEAT [60pen, 20damage]
Light Rocket Pod
- HEAT [60pen, 20damage]
Light Rocket Pod
- HEAT [60pen, 20damage]
Heavy Rocket Pod
- HE [40pen, 128damage]
Heavy Rocket Pod
- HE [40pen, 128damage]
Heavy Rocket Pod
- GLIT [8pen, 32damage / ∞pen, 48damage, 80disruption]


Orbital scans of this district show it to be a dedicated military outpost, the Orbital gun Control-Hub is located at the far northern edge of the District, and the southern area has been heavily damaged by the first wave of contractors.
- Destroy Orbital gun Control-Hub.
- Leave District through Eastern Exit.

HKU - Thunder

Leaving the Prongs to the others you move east nagivating the debris as you go, taking a glance at your Drones feed you spot a Colpejar and ♥♥♥♥ hell that's a lot of rockets.

CrazyMLC - Crispr
[High-Angle Deora Inbound 2E of Shockwave]
[12 High-Angle FAE Rockets Inbound on Brambles (inherent -20% penalty)]

Making a best guess you launch a salvo of Deora and Rockets up to land where you think the Brambles are.
[Light Rocket Pod] 80+20+10+8-11:100 - 85 82 57 78 78 19 45 8 33 55 22 70
[Ag Caoineadh Iarainn] 80+20+10+8:100 - 90

Turning your attention to the Prongs you see Baroque has all but taken one out, and you're more than happy to finish his work.
[Heavy Flamethrower] 80+20+10+8:100 - 43 20 83 16
[Dorn Lasair] 80+20+10+8:100 - 81

Your Flamethrower makes short work of the crippled unit, and then your Dorn Lasair shell hits the shield of the other one, blowing it open as it covers the walker in burning gel, with STOPs shot as well it's not that much of a threat so you move on east. Then as Thunder has also moved up you have a check of the feed and see that the Brambles have moved further south than you'd initially guessed, well ♥♥♥♥ looks like your Deora will go to waste but your Rockets should be able to at least try and correct their course.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Dropping down to ground level to avoid any more fire you spin around and ready your guns for any enemies as the wall comes down, you see two of them rushing forwards so you treat them to some fire.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50-15:100 - 37 1 60 68 67 61 12 76 90 58
[50mm "BackstopW Missile Launcher] 80+50-15:100 - 22
The one you focus on eats your entire burst of SABRE fire along with the blast of your Missile with its shield, luckily for you they ignore you and fire on Shockwave instead.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

Slightly shifting your hull you aim at one of the Prongs and fire everything you can.
[150mm Autocannon] 80+50+4+8:100 - 19 47 84 56
[8MW Paritcle Lance] 80+10+8+4:100 - 18
[40mm Railgun] 80+10+8+4:100 - 13 35 57 87 24
[8mm Machinegun] 80+50+4+8:100 - 15

The combined fire breaks its shield before tearing through armour shattering one of its guns and tearing a hole through one of its legs, impressively it still seems vaguely intact after all that fire, but not for long as Crisprs gout of flames proves too much for it and with a flash its generator goes up, leaving the remains lying in a bubbling pool of slag.


Letting Baroque and Crispr soften up the Prongs you wait for them to fire, and then with the remaining one unshielded you fire on it.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+40+10+4:100 - 95
Your Bolt slams straight into it, vaporising a good chunk of its armour and leaving a great molten patch across it but it didn't look like it penetrated. As you swerve around a paticularly large chunk of concrete you wonder if it might be an idea to try out the Plasma Compressor some time.

maart3n - Shockwave

Strafing over to one of the walls you charge up your Marú Anála before letting it off, the blast makes the wall in front of you shudder and bend before crumbling revealing the Gate in front of you. Before you can celebrate too much the pair of Brambles come around the corner, one eating a burst from Kettlehead before they fire on you.
[12MW Particle Lance] 80+20-5-15:80 - 44
[12MW Particle Lance] 80+20-5-15-50:30 - 87
[50mm Rockets] 80+20-5-15-19-10:51 - 93 76 13 15 6 41 94 50 29 3 54 65 54 37 31 97 57 81 23 86
[50mm Rockets] 80+20-5-15-19-10-50:5 - 21 69 29 60 40 65 49 19 83 39 79 58 28 41 11 4 48 8 22 81

The one Kettlehead hit has some serious issues aiming and nearly all of its fire goes wide, but the other has no such issue and a good chunk of its fire hits, the Lance and salvo of rockets do little individually to your shield, but combined it nearly staggers you with the impact of losing that much shielding.

Areku - Frog

Dashing ahead to catch up with Thunder you ignore the pair of walkers, no real threat from them.

---- Enemies ----

Nus #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Nus #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Prong #2
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged (Heat)

Slinger #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Slinger #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Eixam #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged
- One Medium Missile Disabled

Bramble #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Bramble #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

"Spitter" #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Heavily Damaged

Sostenir #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Colpejar #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Sat Nov 09, 2019 4:55 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Fire plasgun at prong #2 spending 10 points to compress the shot. TW 2E

Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:03 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Open fire on Prong 2 with cannon and machinegun.

Move 1 East, Powersuit Drone fire on Prong 2

Move 1 East, Smoke 1 East, Move 1 East

Turn North

Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:08 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Holy... That Colpejar is offensive to my senses. I want to put it out of its misery."
> Turn S, 1S, Turn E, 1E, fire on Spitter. Smoke 1E. Move 1W. Switch to Cluster rounds.
"Spitter's handled."

Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:18 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> EE. Fire 20 low FAE rockets and then a low deora at the Colpejar. E tS.

Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:28 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Sidestep N, Small step E, doot those two bastards as punishment for surviving. Then step back.

Last edited by maart3n on Sun Nov 10, 2019 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:26 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Fire again with all weapons on the Brambles.

Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:21 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Sit tight, wait for the others to move up. We’ll be safer as a group against the rockets.

Sun Nov 10, 2019 11:52 pm
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2

Orbital scans of this district show it to be a dedicated military outpost, the Orbital gun Control-Hub is located at the far northern edge of the District, and the southern area has been heavily damaged by the first wave of contractors.
- Destroy Orbital gun Control-Hub.
- Leave District through Eastern Exit.

HKU - Thunder

After taking a glance at the technical readout you call out to the others "Holy... That Colpejar is offensive to my senses. I want to put it out of its misery." Not able to do anything about it for now, you move up and take a shot at the Spitter.
[180mm Railgun] 80+50+10-28:100 - 94
"Spitter's handled." Your slug punches a clean through it and it wobbles for a moment as its grav-plates fail before dropping to the ground, thick smoke pouring out of a gaping hole in its flank. Turning your attention to dealing with the Colpejar you move up and launch some smoke ahead of you, which to no real surprise is promptly dispersed by a barrage of HE rockets.

CrazyMLC - Crispr

Moving up you watch as your rocket salvo comes crashing down.
[High-Angle Light Rocket Pod] 100-20:80 - 65 6 88 64 48 71 14 75 19 20 2 97
[Scatter] 3(NE) 4(E)

The majority are on target, and burst mid-air buffeting the Brambles with the shockwaves and pulverising one, but the other is still intact for now. Turning your attention to the Colpejar you fire some rockets and Deora at it.
[Light Rocket Pod] 80+20-19-20-40+50:71 - 100 37 69 21 31 100 93 80 68 88 88 55 64 27 26 71 78 70 45 24
[Scatter] 8(W) 7(SW) 8(W) 1(NW) 4(E) 4(E) 1(NW)
[Ag Caoineadh Iarainn] 80+20-40:80 - 5

The rockets crash down around it shockwaves smashing into its shield but it stays up to protect it form the worst of the Deora Cloud that lands on it, which it unsurprisingly moves out of quite quickly.

TheKebbit - Kettlehead

Watching as Shockwave retaliates on the AGravs you start to center your aim again only for them to be enveloped in a barrage of rocket fire, once the smoke clears you see only one left intact, and switching to that target open fire.
[70mm SABRE Chaingun] 80+50:100 - 95 90 17 55 69 100 33 19 69 100
[50mm "Backstop Missile Launcher] 80+50:100 - 36

Your shells and missile slam into it, shield dropping after a couple of shells and then the rest tearing through its unarmoured hull, leaving a shredded hulk all that's left to crash to the ground.

CaveCricket48 - Baroque

After seeing STOPs plasgun bolt do a number on the remaining prong you open up on it.
[150mm Autocannon] 80+50:100 - 42 42 68 51
[8mm Machinegun] 80+50:100 - 99

Shells and bullets strike the abused walker and tear deep rents in its hull, what is left of it wobbles forwards for a moment before collapsing face first onto the ground. Turning your attention away you start moving up, launching some smoke to cover yourself if any hostiles show.


Dialing up the Compressor you take aim and fire on the Prong.
[30MW Plasgun] 80+40:100 - 76
The bolt looks a little smaller than usual, but it does a fine job of punching through the armour of the Prong and the burst of sparks suddenly spray out of its side show that it definitely did something to the internals. Then you turn to keep an eye to the rear while you move to join up with Frog and Crispr.

maart3n - Shockwave

Striding up as close as you dare to the Brambles you fire off your Marú Anála, the blast doing little to their shields, only for Crisprs rockets to come slamming down on them, one survives the barrage with its shield intact, but the other isn't so lucky and after its shield drops it is torn apart as its remaining ammo goes off. You then pull back as Kettlehead fixes the problem of the surviving Bramble.

Areku - Frog

You decide not to rush ahead for now, better to wait for some of the others to catch up so you can advance as a group, gonna want all the APS you can get your hands on when dealing with that Colpejar.

---- Enemies ----

Nus #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Nus #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Slinger #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Slinger #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Eixam #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Damaged
- One Medium Missile Disabled

Sostenir #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Colpejar #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Lightly Damaged (Corrosion)

Mon Nov 11, 2019 3:42 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
"Someone pop smoke 2E of me! STOP, I'll drop its shield, you blow a hole through it. Get back to cover once we shoot, if this doesn't go right then it can still wreck us with those rockets."
> Once smoke is popped, 2E, railgun the Colpejar, 1W. Switch to Penetrator.

Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:35 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Turn East, Move 3 East, Turn South

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 11, 2019 5:01 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> S tE EE tN. Flamer the Colpejar, then shoot it with the Lasair. Low deora 3N.

Mon Nov 11, 2019 5:25 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> Sidestep N, see if I can play some encouraging tunes to my colleagues through the sonic device.

Tue Nov 12, 2019 1:56 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
> TS 1S TE 1E Reaction fire Plasgun on enemy vehicles

Tue Nov 12, 2019 2:02 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir Take:2
>Send a missile over the top at ol' Colpy.

Tue Nov 12, 2019 2:39 am
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