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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Deora 1N, 1S, Turn E, 1W.
"Good news comrades, our problems are solved!
We are all going to die, and then our struggles are over!"

APS bros plz come save me

Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:47 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Move 3 East, shoot at visible enemies with appropriate weaponry, ideally don't expose myself to more than one enemy.

Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:16 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Reaction fire any enemies that come into view.

Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:20 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> 3E
Sumat #3 5 rockets
Sumat #4 5 Rockets
Reaction Fire for any Spitter with Particle Lance/Laser
Otherwise Particle Lance + laser Pony #1
3W tS

Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:05 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>Turn CCW, jump jets 2N, reaction fire with all weapons in a cone N with XFEL reserved for anything with the weakest-looking shield. Use reaction fire on plasguns to wipe infantry or PA.

Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:00 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Orbital scans of this district show it to be a dedicated military outpost, the Orbital gun Control-Hub is located at the far northern edge of the District, and there are a pair of Orbital Guns to the south.
- Destroy South-Eastern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete
- Destroy South-Western Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete

- Destroy Orbital gun Control-Hub.
- Leave District through Eastern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

CaveCricket48 - Disco

Striding over the rubble you move up to cover Rumble, and fire on the enemies.
[8mm Machinegun] 80+40-35:85 - 84 22 80 87 92 22 10 31 77 62
[100mm Cannon] 80+40-35:85 - 67

You mow down a bunch of the Troopers and take chunks out of a Powered Armour with your machinegun, before swinging your aim across and launching a cannon shell into one ofthe Sumats. Something catches your eye and you glance up to spot the missiles raining down on Rumble, and your APS goes to work firing on them.
[Laser APS] 60 - 63 7 37 75 38 34 2 56 9 97
It swats the heaviest missiles out of the air, but some mortars and lighter missiles make it through slamming into the Tank and blowing it open, a cloud of that damned Deora gas coming out of the wreck.
Before you get a chance to move the Sumats form up into a firing line while the ponies round the corner, one of the ponies is obliterated by Swiss before it can fire, but the rest of the enemies open up on you.
[4MW Lasers] 80+50:100 - 87 76 22
[10mm Autocannons] 80-15:65 - 21 29 70 34 11 10 72 93
[100mm Cannons] 100+20-5:95 - 49 40 34 92
[50mm Rockets - Powered Armour] 80-15-15:50 - 4 55 53 80 24 49 17 35

The fire slams into you, Lasers and Autocannon fire wearing down your shield before the first Cannon shell shatters it, the three that follow it tear through your Armour along with some Rockets.
[50mm Rockets - Brambles?] 80+50-40+25-15:100 - 51 3 32 53 67 36 32 87 44 43 52 19 45 69 22 43 20 11 8 87 82 46 85 90 41 77 22 76 12 44 88 57 8 46 45 34 87 86 22 21

[50mm Rockets - ????] 80+20-40+25-15:70 - 66 60 8 30 26 63 40 67 11 25 23 29 23 56 66 57 25 27 52 61 24 22 47 36 19 5 31 45 40 30 53 64 59 14 41 32 35 52 38 67 3 13 68 37 39 12 32 48 91 91 80 73 88 86 96 74 72 97 86 88

[Crit!] 42 - 100mm Cannon [Damaged: Final hit chance Halved]
[Crit!] 28 - Shield [Damaged: Halved Regen, Maximum Durability cut by 50%]
[Crit!] 36 - Shield [Destroyed]
[Crit!] 35 - Shield [Already Destroyed]
[Crit!] 35 - Shield [Already Destroyed]

Disco didn't see the rocket barrage too focused on the Enemies to his front, the rockets shrieked down out of the sky perforating the Walker and tearing its oversized shield generator to pieces. The Deora finished off what was left.

TorrentHKU - Rumble

Dropping some gas to hopefully keep you alive a little longer you call out
"Good news comrades, our problems are solved!"
Kicking it into reverse you keep talking
"We are all going to die, and then our struggles are over!"
Still shaken from all those damn rockets you make it as far as you can which brings you next to Disco, just in time for the missiles to close in on you.
[150mm Missiles] 100-10:90 - 97 62
[100mm Missiles] 100-10:90 - 84 99 56
[80mm Mortars] 100-10:90 - 54 41
[50mm Missiles] 100-10:90 - 59 95 65 57 69 47 27

[Crit!] 48 - Empty Space
[Crit!] 52 - Empty Space
[Crit!] 35 - Ammo [50% lost, Deora AOE generated]
[Crit!] 62 - Empty Space
[Crit!] 40 - Ag Caoineadh Iarainn [Shots may scatter depending on to-hit roll]

Discos APS focuses on the larger missiles taking them out, but the smaller munitions are left unmolested, and slam straight into the roof of the tank. The HE Mortar shells punch straight through the thouroughly weakened armour and detonate inside, the whole vehicle is ripped open like a rotten can of sardines, spewing forth a foul cloud of gas.

TheKebbit - Gazer

Firing up your jumpjets you launch yourself northwards over the wall, while still airborne you scan for enemies down the road but there aren't any, you land you keep ready for any hostiles, but it seems they're more interested in the others for now.


You boost forwards, firing a salvo of Rockets as soon as the Sumats come into view.
[Rocket Pod] 80+50+8-18-35-15:70 - 3 42 61 85 92
[Rocket Pod] 80+50+8-18-35-15:70 - 93 31 42 66 97
[Discharger APS] 80/60/40/20 - 72 5 51 78 67 78
[Discharger APS] 80/60/40/20 - 89 9 84 63

Your rockets fair rather poorly as both oftheir Discharger APS's go off, leaving only a could of shots that make it to hit them, Having a quick look around for the Spitter turns up a blank, so you fire your other weapons on one of the Ponies.
[Particle Lance] 80+50+8-35:100 - 5
[Laser] 80+50+8-35:100 - 26

They both hit, its shield cracking under the impact they cause but staying online, not wanting to hang around you fly back behind the building, checking to see if the Spitter is sneaking up behind you, but fortunately you're in the clear.

CrazyMLC - Swiss

You watch and wait as Rumbles tank blows apart, and then as a Pony rounds the corner you do your best to fight your damaged sensors, track it and open fire.
[Linked 90mm Chaingun] 80+10+10-25:75 - 35 68 6 61 2 25 70 30 14 53 33 63 37 26 77 95 97 78 90 70
[Re-Rolled shots] 75 - 43 59 17 20 62 61 59 19 60 56 54 10 84 100

You manage to keep on target pretty well, your shells tear through its shield before punching straight through its armour and near enough annhilating it, little more than some twisted scraps of metal left after you stop firing, At which your Furnace churns out an abltive plate, not sure how much use that'll be now.

---- Enemies ----

Spitter #1
- Shield Up (Cracked)?
- Armour Undamaged?

Sumat #1
- Armour Damaged (Corrosion)

Sumat #2
- Armour Damaged (Corrosion)

Sumat #3
- Minor Armour Damage

Sumat #4
- Minor Armour Damage

Restada #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Restada #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Pony #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Bramble #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Bramble #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:48 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
"Time ta pray to whatever god you fellas worship that they're merciful. If we're lucky, we get a job."

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Oct 06, 2019 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>5N, W. See if I can get a glimpse of the objective. If I can, tap it with the XFEL and keep AP on a RF cone NW to deal with any infantry response.

>>Do I have any bailout procedure or an emergency kit I can take?

Last edited by TheKebbit on Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:47 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
tE 3S
Reaction Fire Particle Lance + Laser on enemy vehicles
AP Laser infantry
tW 1S 2W
Stare at the Trust Box

"Swiss, guess I'll be joining you soon, after I do what I can, dead anyways."

Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:13 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
"I'm going to see if I can crash this thing into the objective and bail. In some kind of order. Maybe there'll be a next of kin bonus."

Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:13 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir

He might actually destroy the hub, and I don't want to be here when that happens.

> tN SSS. Start loading APHE.

Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:42 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
[Gazer whistles tunelessly, taking periodic sips of water.]
"I should have stayed in school..."

Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:44 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Swiss calls out to the others "Time ta pray to whatever god you fellas worship that they're merciful. If we're lucky, we get a job." HALT, staring accusingly at his blackbox replies "Swiss, guess I'll be joining you soon, after I do what I can, dead anyways." To which Gazer adds "I'm going to see if I can crash this thing into the objective and bail. In some kind of order. Maybe there'll be a next of kin bonus."

New Enemy unit encountered:

"The heavy plasgun this thing packs makes it a nightmare in direct engagements, but it's also able to offer indirect fire support with its light mortar, The sheer cost of production being the only real drawback to this design."
Internals: 470/470
Mobility: 3
Sensors: 2
- 216(F) 172.8(S) (144) Thickness
- 1440 Durability
- 48 Thickness
- 192/192 Durability
20MW Generator
Discharger APS [30]
8mm Machinegun (Turreted)
20MW Plasgun (Turreted, Stabilised) [120pen, 200damage, 120thermal]
80mm Mortar
- HE [40pen, 128damage]

Orbital scans of this district show it to be a dedicated military outpost, the Orbital gun Control-Hub is located at the far northern edge of the District, and there are a pair of Orbital Guns to the south.
- Destroy South-Eastern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete
- Destroy South-Western Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete

- Destroy Orbital gun Control-Hub.
- Leave District through Eastern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

TheKebbit - Gazer

Whistling as you sip on some water you look around your cockpit to find a "survival" kit bolted behind your seat, a carbine with some spare magazines... yeah not that helpful in this situation. Thinking back you also remember the process you were told for how to evacuate from your vehicle, it requires cranking open the sealed hatch, manually. Not something you could do in a hurry.
Putting these thoughts aside you glide forwards, slowing to a creeping speed as you get closer you spot the objective and open up on it.
[XFEL] 80+50-50:80 - 78
Your beam boils away a small chunk of the armored concrete, but does little else to it. At this point you notice the Sostenir sat in front of the Objective. "I should have stayed in school..."
[20MW Plasgun] 80+20-25:75 - 48
The plasgun bolt slams into your shield, completely obliterating it. Just as the heat haze and dust from the blast clears, you see two Slingers stood next to the Sostenir, and they fire.
[20MW Plasgun] 80+20:100 - 15
[30mm Chainguns] 80+50-5:100 - 24 8 65 77 40 76 51 4 17 95 48 83 58 10 7 46 12 24 36 3
[150mm Missiles] 80+50-5:100 - 92 43

[Crit!] 8 - Cockpit [Damaged: Sensor strength reduced by 50%, all successful hits must be re-rolled]
[Crit!] 8 - Cockpit [Destroyed: Pilot Death]
[Crit!] 23 - Shield [Damaged: Halved Regen, Maximum Durability cut by 50%]
[Crit!] 47 - Empty Space
[Crit!] 18 - Mobility [Damaged: Mobility Halved]

A plasgun bolt, a stream of Chaingun fire, and a pair of missiles slam into the Agrav. All that is left of it is a noticable Stench of Ozone, some superheated chunks of armour scattered across the asphalt, and a chunk of grav plating embedded in the wall next to where it was.


Determined to do what you can you can you swing yourself around before moving south past the building and spot the Spitter... it was sat in the smoke all along? Whatever, you open up on it with your guns.
[Particle Lance] 80+50-35-15:80 - 8
[Laser] 80+50-35-15:80 - 50

Both shots hit, Laser softening armour, before the Lance bores into it a burst of smoke showing that it hit deep and blew out something. but not wanting to sit around to be shot at by it you keep moving and round the corner of the wall.

CrazyMLC - Swiss

"♥♥♥♥." Seeing your comrades destroyed like that really rams home what sort of situation you're in. You turn and kick it into reverse as you start up your Autoloader to cycle ammo.

---- Enemies ----

Spitter #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Heavily Damaged (Heat)

Sumat #1
- Armour Damaged (Corrosion)

Sumat #2
- Armour Damaged (Corrosion)

Sumat #3
- Minor Armour Damage

Sumat #4
- Minor Armour Damage

Restada #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Restada #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Pony #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Bramble #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Bramble #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Sostenir #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Slinger #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Slinger #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:06 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
"... Gazer? ... *sigh*."

> S. Power off the Swiss and climb out. Head west to the door console, and wait there with a hip flask of whiskey.

Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:38 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Stare at what remains of my once sweet ride, is there a self destruct procedure? If there is, flick it on, no one can have my sweet ride. Grab back up gun, skip the aid kits, and hop out, join Swiss

"Ey buddy, care to share a drink before that happens?"

Last edited by DSMK2 on Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:47 am
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