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Data Realms Elite
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
New Enemy units encountered:

"While primarily an anti-air emplacement, the Nus can bring its gun down low enough to engage surface targets, at which it is rather effective."
Emplacement [10x shield regeneration, 2x armour thickness, 2x internal hp]
- [High Act Turret]
Internals: 544/544
- 120 Thickness
- 600 Durability
- 60 Thickness
- 240/240 Durability
Triple Kinetic Turret APS
80mm Autocannon (Turreted, Stabilised)
- SKEP ammo [120pen, 40damage]

"Unknown design, looks similar to the ANS prototype "Spitter" Heavy Riot Dispersal Agrav, but up-armoured and with a trio of Anti-personnel Scatter Lasers. Not to mention, that definitely wasn't tear gas in those canisters."
Internals: >UNKNOWN<
Mobility: >UNKNOWN<
Sensors: >UNKNOWN<
- >UNKNOWN< Thickness
- >UNKNOWN< Durability
Smoke Discharger
Tri-Scatter Laser (Hull Mounted)
>UNKNOWN< Canister Launcher (Hull Mounted)
- >UNKNOWN< Ammo

Orbital scans of this district show it to be a dedicated military outpost, the Orbital gun Control-Hub is located at the far northern edge of the District, and there are a pair of Orbital Guns to the south.
- Destroy South-Eastern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Destroy South-Western Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Destroy Orbital gun Control-Hub.
- Leave District through Eastern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

CaveCricket48 - Disco

Following just behind Rumble as he moves up your APS springs to life before you can even round the corner.
[Laser APS] 60 - 40 55 34 2 40 75 23 24
It performs admirably, taking out a majority of the shots, but one gets through and simply bounces off his shield, only to burst just before hitting the ground, showering it in a green liquid, that immediately starts hissing and spitting. Ignoring that for now you round the corner and fire your cannon at one of the offending Agravs.
[100mm Cannon] 80+40-25-15:80 - 36
Yourr shell detonates on hitting its shield, not having time to stop and look you keep moving and as Rumble rounds the final corner your APS fires up again.
[Laser APS] 60 - 40 95
Limited as it is by the individual channels overheating, it does still manage to take out one of the missiles. Rounding the corner yourself you spot the Infantry who fired at him and open up with your Machinegun.
[8mm Machinegun] 80+40-15-40:65 - 66 51 49 88 27 40 14 10 35 92
Mowing down the Troopers and scoring a few good hits on the Powersuit you pull back behind the building alongside Rumble, his armour has really taken a beating, you can barely see any of the original paintwork on it just the dull gunmetal grey of active smartplate.

TorrentHKU - Rumble

Watching your falling canisters take APS fire from something you take the initiative and move out through the rubble, launching a salvo of Deora at the nearer gun as you go, but as soon as you pass the corner you are greeted by a barrage of fire.
[Canister Launcher] 80+10-25-5:60 - 28 62 23 71 29 14 14 34 37 65 65 26
Discos APS works wonders, taking out the majority of the barrage, but one canister strikes your shield and bounces off, doing rather minimal damage, keeping on the move you go past the building, and peek out to be greeted by a group of Infantry hiding behind a Barricade who open up on you.
[4MW Lasers] 80-25-20:35 - 2 69
[50mm Missiles] 80-25-20:35 - 22 23 21 18
[50mm Rockets] 80-25-20-20:15 - 90 85 100 29

Discos APS does its best, but only takes out one Missile, the rest of the fire slams into you, dropping your shield and blowing away a small chunk of armour. Moving up a little more to make sure you've checked the entire area you're greeted by a Nus, which rapidly swings its turret around to fire on you.
[80mm Autocannon] 80-10-10:60 - 56 3 98 30
Three shells slam into your armour taking out some rather shallow chunks themselves. Not wanting to leave yourself out in the open you move back behind the building.

TheKebbit - Gazer

Keeping your AP weapons ready to fire on anything ahead, you move up, and take a shot at the nearer orbital gun as you pass.
[XFEL] 80+50+10+2-25:100 - 74
Your shot punches into its armour, leaving a decently sized hole burnt into it. As you come to a stop an Agrav comes from behind and fires at Swiss, your APS opens up on the projectiles.
[Laser APS] 60 - 28 22 62 86
Combined with Discos APS you manage to stop a good chunk of them, but some still make it through.


Swinging yourself around you move up with Swiss and Gazer, spotting the Agravs to the east you open fire on one.
[Laser] 80+50+10+2-15-25:100 - 63
[Particle Lance] 80+50+10+2-15-25:100 - 12

Your shots slam into its shield the bolt from your Lance cracking it, but it stays online despite your best efforts, keeping going past the building you spot a Powersuit and open up with your AP Laser.
[AP Laser] 80+50-15-40:75 - 15 90 64 58 62 77 35 12 82 81
Your Beam sweeps up the barricade it's behind and burns a gouge across its front, but not enough to take it out, at which you pull back not wanting to take any fire from them.

CrazyMLC - Swiss

After letting Rumble and Disco go first to soak up any fire, you move up with the others, starting to get yourself into position to fire on the targets, only for one of those "Spitters" to come up behind you and fire a barrage of canisters at you.
[Canister Launcher] 80+10-5-15:70 - 29 51 13 24 51 71
[Discharger APS] 80/60/40/20 - 89 70 97 84 56

Somehow your APS fails to take down any of the canisters, but your allies APS has better luck taking down two, the three left burst just before impact showering your armour with a green slime, you have a moment to wonder what on earth that it's meant to be before a bright green light starts flashing in the bottom corner of your screen "Corrosive alert!" well that's not good.

---- Enemies ----

Spitter #1
- Shield Up (Cracked)
- Armour Undamaged

Spitter #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Nus #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:36 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
"♥♥♥♥ it. Gazer, help me blow this glorified bomb up."

> S tE E. Wait for Gazer to enter my square, then fire 20 shots into the farthest orbital gun. W.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:21 am
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
"Get the eastern one! I have this one!"
> Turn W, Turn S, 1S, Turn E, 2E, ram the gun and Deora the tile 1E, 2W, Turn S, 1N.
1S 1N 1S for evasion, stay behind the building for cover.

Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:11 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Reaction Fire any agrav with particle lance + laser
If shields are down, dump 10 rockets onto target
tE 1S 1N

Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:17 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Turn South, Move 1 South, Turn East

Fire at all visible enemies with appropriate weaponry, let APS try to cover Swiss

Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:14 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>Turn CW, slide SE along with Swiss and open up on the easternmost orbital gun with the XFEL. Move back W before the west gun detonates thanks to Rumble.

Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:33 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Orbital scans of this district show it to be a dedicated military outpost, the Orbital gun Control-Hub is located at the far northern edge of the District, and there are a pair of Orbital Guns to the south.
- Destroy South-Eastern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete
- Destroy South-Western Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete

- Destroy Orbital gun Control-Hub.
- Leave District through Eastern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

CaveCricket48 - Disco

You walk out along with the others and spotting the Agravs bring your Cannon to bear.
[100mm Cannon] 80+40+10+10+2-25:100 - 55
It slams into its shield, and combined with HALTs fire, its shield is put into quite a bad way with the Guns about to detonate on it.

TorrentHKU - Rumble

"Get the eastern one! I have this one!" Calling out to your allies you power past them around the corner of the building to which one of the Agravs opens fire on you.
[Canister Launcher] 80+10-25-5:60 - 94 13 23 52 26 81
Some of the canisters burst onto your armour, but the sludge doesn't seem to do that much, guess your Chem Plating is paying off. Ignoring the Agravs for now you rev up and slam into the Target, pulling back as quick as you can manage while firing off some Deora as you watch it crumple in on itself, you make it back behind the building just in time to hear the two guns go up in tremendous explosions.

TheKebbit - Gazer

Heeding Swiss's call you fly up and wait for him to shred the armour on the Orbital Gun before lining up a shot on a more damaged section and firing.
[XFEL] 80+50+10+1+8-30:100 - 5
Your Beam boils through the remaining armour before cutting deep into the insides. Deciding not to be this close to the gun Rumble just rammed you move back behind the building.


Moving out with the others you focus on the closer Agrav and fire.
[Particle Lance] 80+50+10+1+8-30:100 - 12
[Laser] 80+50+10+1+8-30:100 - 19

Seems it wasn't the one you shot before, as this one much the same has its shield cracked by your Lance, leaving it to its fate you quickly rush back behind the building before the Objectives explode.

CrazyMLC - Swiss

"♥♥♥♥ it. Gazer, help me blow this glorified bomb up." Giving Gazer a shout you round the corner and fire a stream of shells into the Eastern Objective.
[Linked 90mm Chaingun] 80+10+10+10+8-30:88 - 59 72 100 4 13 37 91 47 57 19 35 96 23 91 19 69 97 60 46 93
Despite your malfunctioning sensors you manage to get most of the shells on target, stripping a decent chunk of armour off of the target, perfect for Gazer to fire a beam into the internals. you back up behind the building rather than watch the fireworks, better safe than dead.

---- Enemies ----

Spitter #1
- Shield Up (Cracked)?
- Armour Undamaged?

Spitter #2
- Shield Up (Cracked)?
- Armour Undamaged?

Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:50 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> tN NN tE. Turn on shields. Fire 20 shots spread among any visible agravs.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:35 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Move 2 North, Shoot at visible enemies with appropriate weapons

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:28 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir

Reaction Fire enemy vehicles with Lance + Laser
Loose 10 rockets if shields go down, low angle
AP Laser Infantry Targets

Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:08 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> 2N, Turn E, 4E, Turn N, Deora 5N and 2E, 1N.
Reaction canister any infantry.

Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:02 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>2N, reaction fire W with all weapons.

Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:24 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Orbital scans of this district show it to be a dedicated military outpost, the Orbital gun Control-Hub is located at the far northern edge of the District, and there are a pair of Orbital Guns to the south.
- Destroy South-Eastern Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete
- Destroy South-Western Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement. - Complete

- Destroy Orbital gun Control-Hub.
- Leave District through Eastern Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

CaveCricket48 - Disco

You strafe up north, peeking around the building and scanning for enemies to fire on, but your view is thankfully clear of enemies.

TorrentHKU - Rumble
-- !! STUNNED !! -- [-50% to hit and -50% mobility this turn, -20% to hit next turn]

Powering past your allies you round the corner and move past the building, at which point you spot one of the Agravs lying among the rubble, Speared through by a girder, The other might be hidden in the smoke cloud? putting those thoughts aside for now you keep going to catch some fire from some enemies.
[100mm Cannons] 80+20-25:75 - 40 44
[10mm Autocannons] 80-25-35:20 - 7 18 84 83 95 25 63 37
[50mm Rockets] 80-25-35-35:5 - 61 50 42 24 18 75 81 51 64 46 33 62

A couple of cannon shells and some autocannon fire do little more than bounce off your Armour, spotting the Troopers you open up with your Cansiter shot.
[30mm Canister Shot] 80-15-30:35 - 21 2 76 69 70 72 66 84 66 55
Your aim is off and you only take out two of them, but continuing on you turn the corner and launch a burst of Deora to block the eastern path off, and as you screech to a halt and all you can see is a pair of sumats and some Troopers, you think it's not that bad after all. Only for what must be half the garrison to peek out and fire, along with a massive salvo of rockets and grenades arcing over the distant wall.
[100mm Cannon] 80+20:100 - 93 92 65 29
[10mm Autocannon] 80-35:45 - 40 3 9 5 45 28 7 5 17 34 18 61 94 56 54 49
[50mm Rockets - Infantry] 80-35-35:10 - 6 9 1 3 43 56 91 21 39 39 76 68 64 89 78 92 82 59 57 81 39 71
[4MW Lasers] 80+50-5:100 - 61 96 14 26 23 45
[12MW Particle Lances] 80+50-5:100 - 86 100
[8MW Plasguns] 80+20-5:95 - 28 72
[50mm Rockets - Brambles] 80+50-19-35:76 - 18 70 73 34 37 61 16 20 48 67 14 47 56 9 12 22 21 24 39 28 71 52 66 34 12 46 38 20 72 74 38 93 84 79 98 87 83 88 81 88
[50mm Rockets - ????] 80+20+25-40-35-19:31 - 3 30 21 30 8 17 21 24 30 24 7 32 2 4 25 23 15 16 16 7 29 2 19 1 10 10 29 43 100 63 57 67 49 76 55 86 75 63 93 79 90 57 35 45 36 32 67 71 85 97 40 56 45 95 57 75 67 44 73 67
[50mm Grenades - Jugglers?] 80+20+25-40-35:50 - 36 24 19 34 19 25 32 35 14 53 63 62

At first it seems alright, the fire from the Tanks and Troopers not foing that much damage, but then the Agravs and Restadas open up, energy weapons superheating your armour in mere moments, just as you start worrying about the heat you remember the rockets. They slam into you like a wave, relentlessly tearing into your armour. As the fire peters out and you can hear again, you notice an alarm blaring on your HUD, Internal Damage Detected! Slamming your fists into the console you looks skyward in despair and are rewarded with more bad news, that looks like a whole bunch of missiles in the air. ...♥♥♥♥.

TheKebbit - Gazer

Floating along with the others you ready your weapons to fire, but there's no enemies to be seen.


Fingers on triggers you move out from behind the building, but there are no enemies for you to fire on.

CrazyMLC - Swiss

Booting up your shields you drive up past the corner of the building and scan for enemies, after not spotting any you get a look at the field of rubble you're gonna have to plow through. This will not be fun.

---- Enemies ----

Spitter #1
- Shield Up (Cracked)?
- Armour Undamaged?

Sumat #1
- Armour Undamaged

Sumat #2
- Armour Undamaged

Sumat #3
- Armour Undamaged

Sumat #4
- Armour Undamaged

Restada #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Restada #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Pony #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Pony #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Bramble #1
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Bramble #2
- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged

Thu Oct 03, 2019 6:24 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
welp, guess i'm tankier than hku now

Thu Oct 03, 2019 6:42 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Bruh moment

Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:21 pm
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