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 The Light Will Guide Us 
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
"Just a little smoke! To see who runs out..!"

Sun Jul 14, 2019 3:57 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
"I don't want to be standing here before the Light when burning urchins are leapin' out of that shop. We can rope our way in from another building, build up a wagon for a siege... no, all too visible. And it's shut up like a clam.

Diamond, do you know how to make smoke that rots the mind? Makes people confused, makes them cry?"

Wed Jul 17, 2019 3:19 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
"It's pretty easy to find ingredients for something like that, yeah, but rotting minds might be too much for our law abiding friends, crying however.. I don't think they would have a problem with that."

Wed Jul 17, 2019 6:16 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
"Eh. It's probably all heretics in there, so... Either works."

>Said with my best "scratching inside of ear, 3-shaped mouth" impression.

Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:02 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
Roll 0037




Langley: "I think this is the urchin's specialty now."

Kanas: ”How'd you wanna do this boss, a bit noisy, or more quiet like?”

Diamond: "..What about a diversion? If they have any sort of ranged advantage, we should catch them off guard and get in close while we can. Fires usually scare laborers."

Sei: ”Thing is, we don’t know IF the heretics are in there or not. I love a pyre as much as everyone else, but it’s probably not a good move to jump straight to arson.

Let’s do this by the book. Find some gap in the walls to spy through, so we can get a reasonable head count. Then kick down the door and yell “INQUISITION, FREEZE” in unison while tackling down anyone we see.”

Gabriel: "What about me, and the other non-combatants, captain? We can't exactly help in a raid situation like that."

Diamond: "Fire's still a good idea.."

Langley: "Fire's only a good idea if we don't care if they live or not. If we're sitting at the only exit, they'd all be trapped like rats. And either they stay there and burn to death, or take their chances rushing us.
Either way, more blood than we need.
Cap'n's idea is a bit... Too on the nose.

If they're keeping workers there, there are probably guards, probably by the door. I only have one sword."

Diamond: "You know either way, if they're the same gang who ransacked my home, if there are more of them than us, we're going to have trouble."

Gabriel: "Couldn't we infiltrate the building, gather evidence, and then make our decision? We hardly know anything about what's going on in this facility and we're already talking about burning it to the ground..."

Diamond: "Just a little smoke! To see who runs out..!"

Maxim: "I don't want to be standing here before the Light when burning urchins are leapin' out of that shop. We can rope our way in from another building, build up a wagon for a siege... no, all too visible. And it's shut up like a clam.

Diamond, do you know how to make smoke that rots the mind? Makes people confused, makes them cry?"

Diamond: "It's pretty easy to find ingredients for something like that, yeah, but rotting minds might be too much for our law abiding friends, crying however.. I don't think they would have a problem with that."

Sei: "Eh. It's probably all heretics in there, so... Either works."


Langley Verwelume (TorrentHKU)
a past of peaceful days
So s gi e me s r n


Sei (Areku)
accordant and pure
lis le s m sou


Gabriel (CrazyMLC)
still is my hand
Solis uid m p a


Maxim Kapitanovich (TheKebbit)
my mind is at peace
Solis uard m i


Kanas Cole (Amazigh)
a past of peaceful days
o i g me stre g


Diamond Zeal (Mackerel)
a past of peaceful days
So i g ve m str n

Tar and wood would be easy to find to smoke the heretics out of their base. Sulphur, in the middle of town, less so, but perhaps it could be replaced with another unpleasant ingredient, like excrement, that should be readily available in the nearest stable.

A concoction of tar, wood, and feces should be good enough to fill a building with a foul cloud.

Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:11 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
>Rip the dirty blouse in inventory into separate pieces, ultimately planning on making several distracting tools.

"This is getting on my nerves. I traveled this far to get back at the idiots who spilled their dirty blood all over my home.
Max. Go get me some wood or tar, I'm going to smoke them out, but first I'll go to the stable to collect something fierce. Enough for two or three."

>Take myself to a stable to collect dung with the pieced cloth.

Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:28 pm
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
>Head to the market and acquire a few baskets of firewood and black tar. As much as I can carry.

Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:30 pm
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
I'm not sure what an organized heretic hunting party looks like, but I don't think this is it...

> Start to feel a little nervous. What if we're about to burn innocents, even if there are a few heretics inside?

Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:33 pm
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
> Go with the alchemist to make sure no heretics drown her in the manure piles or something.

Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:59 pm
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
The Alchemist pulls out a dirty blouse and rips it into two separate pieces.

Diamond: "This is getting on my nerves. I traveled this far to get back at the idiots who spilled their dirty blood all over my home.
Max. Go get me some wood or tar, I'm going to smoke them out, but first I'll go to the stable to collect something fierce. Enough for two or three."

The group splits up - The Alchemist and Fencer heading off in one direction, Fisherman in another, and the rest staying near the heretic building.


Diamond, Langley, and Maxwell quickly return to the party, carrying the necessary ingredients for the noxious smoke.

The Alchemist quickly gets to work mixing the ingredients together, and soon enough two covered tin buckets are ready, loaded with a viscous, smelly, and flammable concoction.

Gabriel (CrazyMLC)

I'm not sure what an organized heretic hunting party looks like, but I don't think this is it...

Gabriel begins to feel nervous - what if they were about to burn innocents inside that building? Was it right, even to catch heretics in the process?

Langley Verwelume (TorrentHKU)
Diamond Zeal (Mackerel)

The Fencer and Alchemist search around the area until they find a stable. Diamond, with the torn blouse pieces acting as gloves, grabs several dry piles, and chucks them into a pair of buckets.

The duo quickly returns to the rest of the party, smelly supplies in hand.


Maxim Kapitanovich (TheKebbit)

The Fisherman heads back to the markets, quickly buying one large basket of thin firewood, and one basket full of jars loaded with black tar.

He returns to the rest of the party without incident, all materials accounted for.


Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:21 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
> Pray to Solis for guidance.

Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:33 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
>Grab a bucket and give it to Langley while giving the other to Max.
"You two are capable right? Place these at the front and if there's a backdoor, there as well. The rest stay behind as eyes.

Here's where y`all need to figure something out. Do we attack as they run out, or follow anyone looking suspicious enough? I keep hearing choir boy mutter about harming people, it would be nice to hear less of his whinging, but anyone worth the chase could get away unless we surround the area, but I don't like the idea of leaving less than able party closest to the action."

>Pulls the two candles in inventory out while getting ready to nock a bolt into the crossbow.
"What's everyone doing?"

Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:13 am
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
"Chief. Think you can wing one of these buckets through a window?"

Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:55 pm
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
"Hah. I've been winging buckets through windows before you were even born! It's as good as done."

>Acquire BUCKET, prepare winging arm.

Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:10 am
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