New Enemy units encountered:
Restada"A Light tank mounting a Plasma weapon and light shielding, a somewhat questionable design, but someone high up in ANS command is fighting to keep it in service."Tank
ChassisInternals: 208/208
Mobility: 6
Sensors: 2
Armour- 72(F) 57.6(S) (48) Thickness
- 840 Durability
Hardshield- 16 Thickness
- 64/64 Durability
Systems8MW Generator
Weapons8mm Machinegun (Hull Mounted)
8MW Plasgun (Stabilised) [48pen, 80damage, 48thermal]

Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun.
Objectives in this district:- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]CaveCricket48 - DiscoYou follow Swiss as he starts moving up, guess he didn't appreciate your smokescreen after all.
TorrentHKU - Rumble-- High-Angle Barrage Airborne (Objective)Driving round your allies you get up close to the wall and crank your aim up to plot fire on the Objective, then let loose.
TheKebbit - GazerYou fly closer to your allies, keeping your weapons ready to fire on anything ahead but you don't spot anything. Maybe the explosion scared them off? Or more likely they are all clustered inside the Base.
maart3n - Scipio--!! STUN !!--Calling out over comms
"Hurry up guys, I can't just roast them all myself..." pausing for a moment as you start striding forwards with a predatory grin on your face
" know what I might." You round the corner and open up with your AP Pulse Laser on the Troopers and Powered Armour you spot behind the barricades as they start firing on you.
[AP Pulse Laser] 80-10-15:55 - 41 69 98 82 79 23 30 75 76 45
[10mm Autocannon] 80-25-10:45 - 74 8 62 58 63 100 25 50
[50mm Rockets] 80-25-10-20:25 - 37 42 4 53 96 88 14 23 31 82 93 40 88 17 40
[Discharger APS] 80/60/40/20 - 63 84 36 79You mow down a few of the Troopers, and in exchange their fire lands a few hits on you, a couple of autocannon shells and a pair of rockets that make it through the burst of shrapnel from your Discharger APS. You keep moving and finally rounding the corner you spot three Tanks, one Sumat as before and two of a different make, Restadas. You fire on the Southern Restada with your main guns just as they open fire on you along with another Powered Armour from the East.
[Particle Lance] 80-10-15:55 - 97
[Scian Taibhse] 80-10-15:55 - 40
[10mm Autocannon] 80-25-10:45 - 34 9 30 16
[50mm Rockets] 80-25-10-20:25 - 33 22 80 52
[100mm Cannon] 80-25+20:75 - 66
[8MW Plasgun] 80-25+20:75 - 76 2Your Particle Lance goes wide, Plowing into the building behind the Restada to little effect, but your Gamma burst strikes true, only to be all but defeated by its shield.
Their fire proves much more effective, One Plasgun bolt and Cannon shell slamming into your shield and completely depleting its charge, for a burst of autocannon fire and a single rocket to strike your armour and scratch it up somewhat. Only for you now well within their sights to be fired upon again.
[10mm Autocannon] 80-10:70 - 54 30 25 28 30 87 34 79 29 32 10 51
[100mm Cannon] 80+20:100 - 54
[8MW Plasgun] 80+20:100 - 18 36
[50mm Rockets] 80-10-20:50 - 11 71 87 25 44 54 6 87 35 27 28 53
[Discharger APS] 80/60/40/20 - 89 35 49 95Your Discharger does a valiant job of taking down another two Rockets but the combined barrage of Cannon, Plasma and Rocket fire does quite a number on your Armour. You're left rattling in your seat from the fire and definitely not grinning anymore.
DSMK2 - HALTTurning around you fly down a couple of stacks of containers, keeping an eye out for the Powered Armour, ready to blast him with your Particle Lance, but he and any other enemies are a no-show.
CrazyMLC - SwissYou drive onwards, starting to make your way towards the front gate of the garrison.
---- Enemies ----Restada #1- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged
Restada #2- Shield Up
- Armour Undamaged
Sumat #1- Armour Undamaged