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Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: Fhealltoir
>Move 4S, put a diffuse shot into the Low building.
If it is gone I can just move through the debris right?
Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:22 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:19 am Posts: 1119
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Aim and fire AP Laser at infantry tS Fire Particle Lance at Prong #1 1N 2W tE "Sure Rumble, sure! Take half my problems away please!"
Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:16 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Follow Swiss closely.
Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:38 am |
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
 Re: Fhealltoir
>3W, turn CCW, fire XFEL into low reinforced building directly south.
Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:08 am |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
 Re: Fhealltoir
Aggravated with Rumbles somewhat gung-ho attitude to chucking out acid clouds Swiss calls out "Ey, tin can, you kinda blocked us off ova here. We're so close too; I can almost shoot the big explodey bull♥♥♥♥, there's just some buildin's in the way." Rumble replies in a sarcastic tone "Yes yes, so close, except for those things that make it much further away." and then in a complete 180 of tone he continues "Halt, I have the Juggler. Please do not have my fun snatched a second time." to which HALT replies quite cheerfully "Sure Rumble, sure! Take half my problems away please!" Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun. Objectives in this district:- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]CaveCricket48 - DiscoYou follow along with Swiss, making sure to keep him under cover of your APS, but luckily nothing fires on him or you. TorrentHKU - RumbleReversing away from the still burning wreck of the Sumat you turn and start on a charge towards the Juggler, but as you're rounding the corner near the Garrison entrance you spot some Troopers and Powered Armour as they fire at you. [10mm Autocannon] 80-25-20:35 - 77 25 23 86 31 55 65 46 [50mm Rockets] 80-25-45-20:5 - 78 58 1 24 33 43 59 15 47 63A couple of autocannon shells hit, and a one of the Rockets manages to strike you, but by and large they don't cause that much damage. Ignoring them you continue your charge and power forwards towards the Juggler. Ramming straight into it at speed you obliterate its shield and plow into its left leg, the force of the impact buckles the entire leg upwards and the hip joint is torn clean off and goes flying straight up through the body of the Walker exiting out of its roof, taking one of the grenade launchers and half the pilot with it. Still embedded in the Walker you track your Canister Shot over to the Foot Mobiles and open up. [30mm Canister Shot] 80-65:15 - 53 86 57 40 69 28 5 16 10 90The hail of flechettes takes out the two remaining Troopers, but leaves the Powered Armour untouched. Working your way out from the wreck of the Juggler you pull back to the containers only for the Prong and Powered Armour to turn and fire on you rather than chase down HALT. [60mm Railgun] 80+30-5:100 - 31 [36mm Rail Repeater] 80+30-5:100 - 82 46 1 78 75, 11 18 56 1 55, 49 25 74 48 66 [10mm Autocannon] 80-25-20:35 - 84 30 92 87 3 79 66 65 [50mm Rockets] 80-25-45-20:5 - 60 63 39 11 6 66 59 53A barrage of rail slugs slam into your shield, dropping it significantly before a couple of autocannon shells hit as well, further reducing what little shielding you have left, but fortunately the rockets all miss. TheKebbit - GazerYou move around the corner and take aim at the outer wall of the garrison [XFEL] 80-35+50:95 - 41Your Beam scores the wall and blasts a patch of concrete away, but honestly it's barely damaged, your gun isn't really cut out for anti-structure work. maart3n - ScipioStriding forwards you take aim at the Stack of containers and open up with your Particle Lance. [Particle Lance] 80-5:75 - 90/9Your shot punches through the stack and it collapses into a pile of twisted metal and smashed crates. Perfect for a route around the Gas cloud that Rumble left in your way. DSMK2 - HALTSwinging around to face the enemies you open up with your AP Laser. [AP Laser] 80-35+50:95 - 32 90 82 33 44 16 73 30 90 69The beam sweeps across the Troopers, cutting off limbs and boiling away flesh, dropping a good number of them. Switching aim to the Prong, you Fire a bolt from your Particle Lance. [Particle Lance] 80-35+50:95 - 40Your shot hits dead center, the shield shattering from the impact. Shots fired, you retreat behind some containers and swing yourself around to face where you just came from. CrazyMLC - SwissMoving along, you hope that someone will blow a hole in that wall, would be nice to get in and work on that Orbital gun. ---- Enemies ----Prong #1- Shield Down - Armour Corrosion
Last edited by Amazigh on Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:25 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
 Re: Fhealltoir
> SS. Start loading HE rounds.
Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:55 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: Fhealltoir
Sidestep E, move 2S, charge the particle lance in case some idiot comes out of the gates.
Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:06 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Hm. Bit dangerous. 1E, Ram the Prong. Then 1E, fire my canister shot again at the power armor in the tile, turn S and 4N. Deora 3S of me, then turn W and 4W, stopping behind the edge of the building.
Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:23 am |
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
 Re: Fhealltoir
>6E, fire XFEL at the fuel tank/volatile structure down the road, plasguns and IR laser on reaction fire S.
Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:16 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Drop a smoke 2South (or wherever Swiss intends to go), follow Swiss into the smoke.
Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:49 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:19 am Posts: 1119
 Re: Fhealltoir
> 2E tS > Shoot Power Armor with Particle Lance > 1S 3W tW
Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:42 am |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
 Re: Fhealltoir
 Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun. Objectives in this district:- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]CaveCricket48 - DiscoYou follow along with Swiss, popping some smoke to keep you covered, he shouldn't have that much trouble hitting the wall from inside the smoke, it's a big enough target and all. TorrentHKU - RumbleNot wanting to stop with one Walker down, you power forwards and slam into the Prong, its knees buckle as it collapses forwards onto you and you cave in the front of its hull its railgun being bent beyond repair on impact wih your glacis plate, keeping going you stop and it flies off of you slamming to the ground with a crash, more fit for a junkyard than a battlefield in its current state. Traversing your Canister shot about you open up on the Powered Armour. [30mm Canister Shot] 80-50:30 - 25 11 65 75 19 27 74 100 54 99You pepper him in flechettes causing some damage, but not enough to take him down. Turning to face the fuel tank you get a front row seat as Gazer detonates it into a blazing inferno, taking heed you back up at speed, dropping a cloud of Deora to discourage pursuit before rounding the corner and powering past HALT as he heads along the stack of containers as well. TheKebbit - GazerMoving back along the stack of containers you get view on the large fuel Tank, take aim at one of the outlet ports and fire your XFEL. [XFEL] 80+50-50:80 - 23Your beam strikes just where you aimed, the tank buckling for a moment before suddenly detonating in a colossal fireball scattering debris in a sizable radius and leaving the twisted remnants of the tanks support structure burning and spewing a pillar of thick black smoke. maart3n - ScipioCarefully stepping around the Gas cloud, you start moving forwards keeping a keen eye on the gate of the Garrison, but nothing comes out of it for you to fire on. DSMK2 - HALTYou pop back around the corner and take aim on the Powered Armour you can see and open up with your Particle Lance. [Particle Lance] 80+50-50:80 - 59The bolt shrieks out and flash fries them where they stand, sizzling armour plates and busted hydraulics dropping to the floor. Not wanting to risk taking any more shots you dash back between some more stacks of containers. CrazyMLC - SwissYou move up a little, Disco following behind you and firing off some smoke to keep you covered as you flick some switches to start your autoloader on swapping ammo feeds for your Chaingun. Just then your shield pops up a notification that it's finished dumping charge and is starting to recharge again, still be a little while before you can bring it back up again, but not that long now.
Sun Aug 04, 2019 6:08 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Move 4S, then shoot whatever big thing is inside the gate with my particle lance and gamma ray, sprinkle some AP fire on any infantry that thinks it is safe.
Hurry up guys, I can't just roast them all myself..... you know what I might.
Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:26 pm |
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
 Re: Fhealltoir
>4S, 2W with all weapons primed to reaction fire S along the way.
Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:45 pm |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Fhealltoir
> 1W, Turn S, 2 S, Turn W, 2 W, Turn S, High trajectory Deora the objective.
Mon Aug 05, 2019 1:11 am |
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