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Post Re: Fhealltoir
"Looks like this'll be a piece of cake."

> WWWW. Full steam ahead.

Fri Jul 19, 2019 1:11 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>Put a particle lance shot in that far Power armor, Move 2W(staying out of LoS from the northern infantry), fire on the nearby infantry with the pulse laser.

Fri Jul 19, 2019 5:11 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> 5 West

Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:09 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Open fire on infrantry using AP Laser, then 6W following Disco

Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:32 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>WWW with XFEL and plasguns primed to reaction fire W, down the corridor of buildings.

Sat Jul 20, 2019 6:18 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Move 3W, fire Deora at 8W 1S, on the tile with that Prong and the power armors. Or at whatever tile they're on, if I can see they moved.

Sat Jul 20, 2019 12:53 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
As a team you continue tearing through the Infantry facing you, but with the appearance of more hostile vehicles, it seems like they know you're here now and they'll be ready, so you're not gonna get many more chances to sneak up on them, unless you're pretty damn smart about it.

New Enemy units encountered:

"Originally a police issue riot control walker, the military version swaps out tear gas canisters for HEAT grenades, potentially useful as a light fire support vehicle, but a deathtrap in a head on fight."
Internals: 230/230
Mobility: 5
Sensors: 2
- 48 (40) Thickness
- 400 Durability
- 40 Thickness
- 160/160 Durability
30mm Canister-shot (coaxial)
50mm Grenade Launcher (behaves like a 3 shot Howitzer)
- HEAT [60pen, 20damage]
50mm Grenade Launcher (behaves like a 3 shot Howitzer)
- HEAT [60pen, 20damage]

Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun.
Objectives in this district:
- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

CaveCricket48 - Disco

You rush ahead to keep pace with Swiss as he moves up, and as the pair of you round the corner you're met with a burst of fire from the squad of troopers just to your north.
[APS] 60 - 81 64 60 95 73
Your APS whirrs to life and stabs out with a burst of pulses, but only manages to take out one of the rockets, but Swiss' Discharger swats another three out of the air with a blast of shrapnel.

TorrentHKU - Rumble

You drive forwards, with HALT zipping past you flying sideways, bloody agravs always being fancy.
Figuring that the Prong near the base would be a good target you plot the range and fire a barrage of canisters over the containers to land where you think it should be, with no way to confirm impact without any visuals, you just have to hope that you guessed right. Glancing up from your fire control systems you spot a Powered Armour and a pair of Troopers all the way over by the district wall, they have their backs turned to you and appear to be very interested in something on the wall.

TheKebbit - Gazer

You fly forwards with your weapons at the ready to fire on anything that comes into view, hearing weapons fire ahead as your allies engage hostiles you keep your eyes glued to your scanner feeds just as a bunch of infantry round the corner of the large building ahead of you.
[Quad AP Plasgun Array] 80-25-35+50:70 - 5 69 35 31 52 71 37 81 45 78 56 33 36 13 72 96 100 67 16 87 45 73 63 34 11 34 69 63 31 16 67 12 40 20 3 43 44 84 68 30
But your plasgun array opens up and obliterates all of the Troopers as well as the pair of Powered Armour that appear, moments later a pair of Walkers turn the corner, Jugglers if your memory serves correctly, and your XFEL takes a moment to track the lead unit, before firing.
[XFEL] 80-25-35+50:70 72
Unfortunately the beam just fails to track the target sufficiently, and instead paints a scorch mark onto the district wall in the distance.

maart3n - Scipio

You take aim at the Powered Armor and fire off your Particle Lance.
[Particle Lance] 80-5:75 - 80
The bolt of charged particles whizzes past them, screeching over their head, but unfortunately leaving them unscathed and they and the rest of their squad take the chance to scramble out of sight behind a stack of containers, you proceed to move up a little before opening up with your Pulse Laser on the other infantry you can see.
[AP Pulse Laser] 80-15:75 - 83 51 44 47 77 66 95 73 13 25
Your fire takes out the remaining Troopers, but only a few pulses strike the Powered Armour, and while definitely worse for wear, they're still alive and proceed to open fire on you.
[50mm Rockets] 80-10-5:65 - 44 72 39 91
[Autocannon] 80-5:75 - 99 2 6 86
[Discharger APS] 80/60 - 30 42

Your discharger detonates one of its charges, and takes out the inbound rockets, but a couple of autocannon shells strike your shield, dealing negligible damage.


You take aim at the squad of Troopers and Fire your AP Laser.
[AP Laser] 80-50+50:80 - 82 43 62 44 42 14 54 17 39 9
You scythe the beam across the entire squad, cutting down all of the Troopers, but merely scratching the Powered Armour, not wanting to let them fire back, you quicky slam your drive into action and dash west, most of the way down the stack of containers to keep pace with your allies.

CrazyMLC - Swiss

Deciding to ignore the infantry, you drive forwards, with Disco running up to catch up with you, Rounding the corner of the containers you suddenly spot a squad of infantry jut to your north, and they proceed to open up with a salvo of rockets and light autocannon fire.
[50mm Rockets] (Troopers+PA) 80-25-20:35 - 24 24 99 14 100 98 3 10
[Autocannon] (Powered Armour) 80-25:55 - 97 16 10 57
[Discharger APS] 80/60/40/20 - 50 80 24 10

Discos APS takes down one of the rockets, before your discharger erupts and takes down another three, leaving only one to impact your shield alongside a pair of autocannon rounds.

Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:33 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>Move W, turn N, fire ap at the squad, Move N twice, turn torso to W, put a Diffuse shot into the nearest Juggler.

"Looks like we're finally gonna have some fun."

Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:29 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> WWWW. Fire on the infantry squad with my 8mm as I pass, prioritizing rockets and then the power armor.

Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:39 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> 3W, Deora the guys near the door so they can't call in reinforcements, turn N, 3 N, turn W, 1 W and canister shot then ram whatever suckers are still there, preferably the power armor.

Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>XFEL the Juggler that Scipio isn't targeting, plasgun any troops that round the corner.

Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:26 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Fire on infantry with my 8mm and a shot from my cannon, then follow Swiss

Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:08 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> 1W tW 5N 2E
> Set Particle Lance to reaction fire.

Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:04 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun.
Objectives in this district:
- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]

CaveCricket48 - Disco

You turn and open fire on the Squad that fired on Swiss.
[8mm machinegun] 80+40-40:80 - 45 49 96 67 48 25 71 36 41 52
Your 8mm tears through the troopers with the help of Scipio, and then you fire your Cannon at the Powered Armour.
[100mm Cannon] 80+40-40:80 - 54
The shell punches through their torso before detonating shortly after, they are flung forwards onto the floor from force of the blast, most definitely dead. Infantry down, you follow along behind Swiss.

TorrentHKU - Rumble

You keep driving forwards, before letting loose another barrage of canisters, at the infantry near the gate, don't want them causing any trouble there. Turning north you head to follow behind Swiss and Disco, turning into the stacks you see the Powered Armour is already dead, and no other targets present themselves, saves you from having to deal with them you guess.

TheKebbit - Gazer

Taking more careful aim this time, you fire at the southern Juggler and Fire another blast from your XFEL.
[XFEL] 80+50:100 - 67
This time the beam strikes true, bursting the shield while it tears some charge free and pumps it directly into your own shields. Just in time for the Jugglers to loose a barrage of Grenades at you.
[50mm Grenade Laucnhers] 80-30+20:70 - 56 91 36 31 83 94 71 42 41 11 22 78
[APS] 60 - 86 74 82 6

Your APS fires a salvo of bolts into the incoming grenades, but only manages to take down one of them, the six that proceed to impact your shield, instantly stripping the overcharge you'd gained and damaging your regualar durability as well. Your Plasguns sit silent, as no foot-mobiles make themselves visible.

maart3n - Scipio

Moving to get an angle and then turning your chassis to face the squad of infantry, you open up with your AP Pulse Laser.
[AP Pulse Laser] 80-5:75 - 83 26 77 19 1 34 41 84 96 18
Your fire, joined by Discos tears the Troopers apart and starts tearing into the powered armour, only for Disco to pulverise it with a shot from his cannon. As you move to the north, you toggle on your Particle Diffuser, the whine of charging coils filling your Walker, as you round the corner you swing your aim to a Juggler, and let loose.
[Particle Lance:Diffuser] 80-5:75 - 93 45 69 94 96 59
Your Particle Lance lets loose a cone of particle bolts, a good chunk of them slam into the Juggler you targeted causing its shield to burst. At this point you spot a bunch of civilian vehicles, they look like some sort of cargo haulers, likely empty and not really any threat, but would have been nice to get them on the orbital scan.


You fly out past the end of the containers, taking a quick scan to the south and spotting nothing before swinging around to the west and heading north. You spot some sort of Tank sat in front of the district gate along with some troopers, before you swing between the stacks to fall back a little and get some distance. As you start heading down it your Computer fails to find any targets for your Particle Lance.

CrazyMLC - Swiss

You power on ahead, regardless of your now dropped shield and open up on the Powered Armour with your 8mm.
[8mm machinegun] 80-40+20:60 - 67 12 55 73 10 9 3 79 60 53
the rounds proceed to punch through his weakened armour and he slumps to the floor, thoroughly ventilated.

---- Enemies ----

Juggler #1
- Shield Down
- Armour Undamaged
Juggler #2
- Shield Down
- Armour Undamaged

Last edited by Amazigh on Thu Jul 25, 2019 2:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:15 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> W. Fire on any visible targets with appropriate weaponry.

Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:29 pm
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