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Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
 Re: Fhealltoir
For Sanity, and ease of writing, please pick a callsign for you to be referred by. Combo Clarification/Reminder on Reaction fire: 1: You must state which weapon(s) you wish to have use it. 2: If the weapon is mounted in a turret, then you must state the orientation (relative to your hull) that you wish for the reaction fire to be aimed in. 3: All weapons mounted in the same turret must reaction fire in the same orientation (only a concern for Kebbits two Lasers, and maartens weapons) 4: Main Weapons will not fire on infantry in reaction fire mode unless specifically told to do so, and the opposite for your anti-personnel weapons, the on-board AI controlling them is willing to let potential shots go in case a more appropriate target comes into view afterwards. Note on Barricades: they don't block Line of Sight, and are basically just a way of obstructing movement, they're generally only around 2-3 feet tall at most. [---- ---- ----] As you get to the edge of the trainyard, a patrolling group of infantry lead by a suit of Powered Armour come out from between the container stacks, they raise their weapons and the Powered Armours loudspeaker comes online with a burst of static, "Halt and Identify!"New Enemy units encountered: Trooper"The average ANS Conscript, jumpsuit and flak vest for protection, armed with the standard ANS Las-Carbine and maybe a rocket tube if they're lucky. Poor bastards."Health: 4 Armament: (In general a 50/50 split on troopers armed with carbines and rockets is the norm) - Las-Carbine [1pen/10damage] - Single Tube 50mm Rocket Launcher (generally armed with HEAT munitions, but can rarely be seen fielding GLIT ammo) Powered Armour"A few plates of composite armour and some simple hydraulics give the illusion of survivability to the poor sod encased within, and to add insult to injury they're not that much better armed than a normal Trooper."Health: 40 Armament:- 10mm Autocannon [APHE] [10pen/10damage] - Quad tube 50mm Rocket Launcher (generally armed with HEAT munitions, but can rarely be seen fielding GLIT ammo)  Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun. Objectives in this district:- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]CaveCricket48Following the wedge Tank you stomp right up to the barricade, getting a good view of the group of infantry between the two container stacks. TorrentHKUWith a roar of your engines you power down the length of the train, before reaching the barricade, taking a hard left and having a look down the line of containers, spotting the infantry, you back up only to realise once up this close to it, the barricade isn't actually tall enough to hide behind. TheKebbitYou fly out, keeping to the rear of the Contingent, catching a glimpse of the group of infantry that pop out from behind the stack of containers. maart3nYou walk your way to the end of the train to see a group of infantry, and curse at your inboard AI as it doesn't fire on them, then again might have been a bit of overkill to use your particle lance on some foot-mobiles. DSMK2You set off at speed, flying past the front of the train, and zipping around to the other side, spotting the group of infantry as you round the corner. CrazyMLCYou round the corner, your inboard AI ready to fire on anything in your frontal arc, but the group of infantry that round the corner of the container stack are just slightly out of its tracking angle.
Last edited by Amazigh on Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:51 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
 Re: Fhealltoir
> S, tW, WW. Fire with my 8mm, prioritizing launcher soldiers.
callsign: Swiss
Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:08 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: Fhealltoir
>Turn S, move S, Fire the gamma ray and pulse laser at the infantry squad(if necessary try to hit the power armor with the gamma), Turn W and move W.
Keep aiming west during this whole manoeuvre and once again setup the particle lance in Diffused mode for reaction fire.
Callsign: Scipio
Could you throw the damage characteristics for diffused mode and the gamma into my character profile?
Last edited by maart3n on Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Jul 15, 2019 4:00 pm |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Fhealltoir
Callsign: Disco
"This is *static* niner-three, on ord- ***static*** regular ******static****** per his orders, please advise."
Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:02 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:19 am Posts: 1119
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Target the power armor with my particle lance, then fire.Callsign: "HALT"
Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:50 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Fhealltoir
"Here, I will knock for us!" > Callsign: "Rumble"
Turn W, move 1 W. Plow through that barricade on my way there. Turn S, move 5 S then reverse 5N, get a view of who and what's in all the rows I pass.
Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:16 am |
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
 Re: Fhealltoir
Callsign "Gazer"
>Move WNW. Reaction fire in cone facing directly W, with plasgun array on infantry, XFEL on harder targets.
Wed Jul 17, 2019 3:39 am |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
 Re: Fhealltoir
As Swiss, Scipio and HALT are mowing down the squad of infantry, a Prong escorted by a two suits of powered armour comes around the corner to the north to see the carnage unfold. New Enemy units encountered: Prong"The bane of light vehicles, the Prong is known for its solid mobility and ability to utterly shred lightly armoured targets."Walker - [Stabilized Hull]Chassis Internals: 340/340 Mobility: 6 Sensors: 3 Armour- 84 (70) Thickness - 700 Durability Hardshield- 30 Thickness - 120/120 Durability Systems12MW Generator Single Kinetic Turret APS Weapons8mm Machinegun (coaxial) 60mm Railgun - Penetrator [114pen, 42damage] 36mm Rail Repeater - Cluster [Five, 21.6pen, 10.8damage shots]  Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun. Objectives in this district:- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]CaveCricket48 - DiscoDeciding to try and see if you can sow some confusion into the enemy ranks, you call out over the radio, "This is *static* niner-three, on ord- ***static*** regular ******static****** per his orders, please advise."You wait a few seconds, but no response, you think you spot a guy in power armour way out to the west of the district, but then you catch some movement to the north out of the corner of your eye and turn your camera feeds to see a Prong and some Power Armour watching your allies tear the squad of infantry to shreds, maybe they won't be all that willing to fall for your trick now that an actual vehicle has seen you. TorrentHKU - RumbleWith a shout over the squad channel you gun your engine and power down along the rows of containers, you first catch a glimpse of a squad of Troopers, and two rows to the south of them the back of a Walker, but going that fast and with such a narrow view, you couldn't really get much of an grasp on numbers of of vehicle type. TheKebbit - GazerContent to leave the Troopers to your allies, you move up, keeping your weapons trained to the west eyes out for any potential targets, only to be caught off guard as a Prong just appears around the corner of a container to your right. maart3n - ScipioYou turn and walk yourself just south of the train, and taking aim you unleash hell on the squad of infantry. [AP Pulse Laser] 80-5:75% - 9 48 36 78 100 21 77 65 22 55 [Scian Taibhse] 80-5:75% - 98Your Gamma pulse goes wide and just leaves a nasty scorch on a container, but your laser fire joins a hail of 8mm and a Particle Lance from your squadmates in reducing the infantry to a barely recognizable mess spread all over the concrete. Satisfied with your annihilation of the foot mobiles as you move up a little you quickly re-orient your aim, to track your western arc with your Particle Lance, no vehicle shows up to fire on, but you do spot a few Troopers walking between the containers in the distance, maybe part of a patrol squad? you do have a pretty narrow angle on them after all. DSMK2 - HALTRe-positioning to get a better angle you swing around and take aim on the Trooper in powered armour with your particle lance, you see him trying to swing his gun around to aim at you, but then you fire. [Particle Lance] 80-20-10+35:85% - 58The jet of particles flies straight and true, punching straight through his torso and touching off his ammo magazine, after the smoke clears the only trace left of him is a scorch mark and a few scattered fragments of partially melted armour plating. CrazyMLC - SwissYou turn and drive right up to the Infantry, and then just after Rumble powers past, you open up with your 8mm. [8mm Machinegun] 80-20-15+14:59% - 17 43 89 2 85 51 37 38 36 49Combined with Scipio's Laser fire, you pulverize the Troopers, leaving a bloody mess all over the ground and even spread onto the nearby containers somewhat.
Last edited by Amazigh on Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Jul 17, 2019 6:55 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
 Re: Fhealltoir
"Looks like we have company; time to cut the cheese."
> tN, eviscerate the Prong with chaingun fire. Try to get some hits on its infantry buddies with my 8mm. tW, WW.
Wed Jul 17, 2019 11:10 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Fhealltoir
"You are- Friend, I am the one who is using the gas though?" > Turn N, Low Deora 4 tiles N in the tile just below the walker. Reverse 5 S, turn W.
Thu Jul 18, 2019 5:15 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Move W, turn torso north, put a particle lance and gamma wave shot into the prong, Move 3 W, Reaction fire Westward with the mg.
"This should poke a hole right through him!"
Fri Jul 19, 2019 12:20 am |
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
 Re: Fhealltoir
"cut the cheese" WDHMBT?
>Fire laser turret at Prong, plasguns at infantry, then move SW and slide behind the reinforced structure.
Fri Jul 19, 2019 1:38 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:19 am Posts: 1119
 Re: Fhealltoir
> 2W 3S 1W turn S "Scouting!"
Last edited by DSMK2 on Fri Jul 19, 2019 5:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Fri Jul 19, 2019 2:23 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Fhealltoir
> Turn South, Move 1 South, Turn West, Move 2 West
> Reaction fire (West)
> Temporary change to APS rules for this turn: 3 shots on incoming shots 50mm and above.
Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:47 am |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
 Re: Fhealltoir
Before opening fire Swiss shouts out "Looks like we have company; time to cut the cheese." to which Rumble give a slightly confused sounding reply "You are- Friend, I am the one who is using the gas though?" as Gazer mumbles over an open mic "cut the cheese?"The Prong and escorts are utterly pulverized by the combined fire of three vehicles, but you spot more and more squads of infantry, definitely what you'd call a target rich environment.  Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun. Objectives in this district:- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]CaveCricket48 - DiscoFiguring the subtle approach is out the window, you quickly switch your APS to temporarily engage a bit more aggressively and watch as your allies fire on the Prong and its escorts, before following behind Swiss and Scipio as they move between the stacks of containers. You ready your cannon in case there is a vehicle to fire on, but no targets present themselves, just some infantry in the next series of container stacks that Scipio proceeds to open up on, and mow down. TorrentHKU - RumbleTurning to face the Prong, you fire a burst of canisters to land just in front of it, that should keep them from coming any closer, you then gun your engine and back up for a few rows of containers before turning to your left, and you spot another Prong with Powered Armour escorts for a moment before they pass behind a container. TheKebbit - GazerShaking your head to clear your mind from that strange comment Swiss made, your turn and fire your XFEL into the Prong. [XFEL] 80-30+50:100 48The laser blast joins the fire from your allies, melting a hole straight through its hip actuator, leaving the wreck to collapse backwards into a pile of useless scrap, satisfied that it's dealt with you move onto the next targets, you track your Plasgun array over to the Powered Armour and unleash a burst of fire at each of them. [Quad AP Plasgun Array] 80-30+50:100 - 71 56 45 9 48 83 97 63 25 34 52 20 10 73 87 25 81 28 50 33 49 53 44 22 48 73 3 97 98 28 1 17 56 43 81 19 1 30 95 69Combined with the fire from your allies, the suits are all but obliterated, little more than two scorched piles of trash. Targets engaged, you quickly zip back next to the Train to your rear and you spot a single Trooper peek around the end of the container stack ahead of you before quickly dashing back behind it. maart3n - ScipioYou move past the Barricade, turn to face the Prong, and open fire with your Particle Lance and Gamma Emitter. [Particle Lance] 80-10:70 - 38 [Scian Taibhse] 80-10:70 - 35With your fire joining that of Gazer and Swiss the Prong collapses with a great gaping hole in its front and a leg clean separated from its mounting. Target down, you set your AP laser to auto and move ahead of your allies through the container stacks, you spot a group of infantry mid-stride and your AP Laser opens fire. [AP Pulse Laser] 80-10-25:45 - 17 44 49 14 42 53 72 100 88 97It tears through nearly all the troopers you get an angle on, but one of them and the suit of Powered Armour are untouched. Finishing your advance you notice another group of Troopers further to the west, Damn how many troopers are there in this district? DSMK2 - HALTBursting out past the train you fly over the barricade running your eyes over the containers ahead of you, no enemies at first, but then a patrol of infantry round a stack of containers to your south. CrazyMLC - SwissYou turn to face the walker, center your sights on it and open up with your Chaingun. [90mm Chaingun] 80-30+20:70 - 71 70 82 45 10 8 96 70 3 27 80 32 93 94 98 50 74 77 15 66A good portion of of your rounds find your target, which shatters its shields with but one round, and then combined with the fire from Scipio and Gazer turns the chassis into a smoking wreck, with the Rail Repeater being blown clean off and sent flying into a nearby container, embedding itself quite firmly. Satisfied with your work, you take aim on the Powered Armour next to it, and open up with your 8mm. [8mm Machinegun] 80-30+20:70 - 86 3 78 65 30 72 78 33 17 79You score a few hits, but you recon that Gazer did most of the work there, his plasguns seeming preternaturally accurate, two bursts straight into them, turning them into little more than piles of molten scrap metal and flash fried meat. Seeing that the targets are down, you tun and drive between the container stacks, spotting two groups of Troopers as Scipio opens up on one of them.
Fri Jul 19, 2019 9:20 am |
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