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Data Realms Elite
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Post Fhealltoir

Welcome Fhealltoirs.
The Operations Area for this Contract is the surface facilities of Aonair Nua located on Uasal Amháin.
Actions of the Current leadership have placed it in violation of UAT policies.
Your Contingent is tasked with crippling orbital gun coverage in preparation for an assault by UAT forces.
Your Payout will be awarded upon successful extraction.
Do you Accept?


Primary Objectives:
1: Disable all encountered anti-orbital weaponry
2: Destroy Northern Orbital gun Control-Hub

Additional details:
Your employers wish to take the Geofront in as intact a state as possible, so orbital bombardment to disable the defense grid is unfortunately not an option.
Insertion will be through a trainyard located near to your target, you are to proceed towards your main objective while disabling anti-orbital weapons as you proceed.
A virus has been inserted into the local systems that gives us limited control over District Gates, as such you are stuck on the pre-planned route we have determined for you.
We have gained access to Orbital Haulers located at a spaceport near the main objective, these are your only viable option for extraction.
You will be provided with a custom vehicle for the purposes of this operation, see attached form below for further details.

Vehicle Creation

Rules/Mechanics and further Information:

Last edited by Amazigh on Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:27 am, edited 23 times in total.

Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:11 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Color: Yellow


8mm machinegun (turret) (free)

Combustion Turbine (10 units = 10 points)
Smartplate (8 units = 8 points)
Hardshield Generator (15 units = 15 points)

Laser APS Turret (10 units = 10 points)
Smoke Discharger (2 units = 4 points)
Smoke ammo (20 units = 2 points)

Cannon (100mm) (10 points)
APHE ammo (50 units for 1 points)

- Low Profile
- Shield Transfer Systems

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:21 am, edited 12 times in total.

Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:16 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Color: Sky Blue

Tank (70)

Combustion Turbine - 13 (57)
Smartplate - 33 (24)
Hardshield Generator - 9 (15)

30mm Canister Shot Anti-Personnel Gun - Free (15)
Restricted Weapon "Ag Caoineadh Iarainn" - 10 (5)
-- Extra Ammo - 5 (0) (320 default + 800 extra = 1120)

Wedge Hull [thickness modifier of frontal armour is increased to 2*]
Reinforced Dozer Blade [-50% damage to self from ramming, additive with barricade reduction]

Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:33 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Reserve with the passion of 1000 suns

Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:50 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir

Walker 60

Stabilized frame - 5
Combustion Turbine - 8
Generator - 5
Smartplate - 15
Hardshield - 5

Discharcher - 2

Pulse laser anti Infantry - FREE
Scian Taibhse - 10
Particle Lance - 20

Ultra Heavy Chassis
Sensor Scrambler

Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:15 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
On the subject of Eugene Metaxas... this man is extremely difficult to account for. By all rights he should have succeeded. A complete burnout from the Steklov Technical Academy - marks off the scale, by all reports he came highly recommended, nevertheless he fell through the floor in that place. You would think his mind is solidly mush until he starts to babble about the lasers. His thesis was indeed published - credited to van Dehaan, who was politically acceptable - but they expelled him anyway. Indeed, they very nearly pressed charges that would have had him euthanized. A slave to shame and nostalgia, he will be easily goaded to pilot with sufficient funding. If he cannot return to the think tanks or a government center, his life is worth nothing. Maybe he thinks he can buy his future back on credit.

Vehicle Class: Agrav

Combustion Turbine [6]
Generator [5]
Smartplate [2]
Hardshield Generator [5]
Sensors [5]
Laser Turret Array APS (Quad) [4]

Primary Laser Turret (XFEL) [20+2]
Secondary Anti-personnel IR Laser ("Blood Burner") [0]
- Coaxial with Primary Beam
Plasgun Anti-personnel Turret Array (Quad) [1]

Jump Jets
Leech Beam (XFEL)

Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:28 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
[ AGRAV ] 50 points

[ Base Stats ]
Turbine ------------------------------------------ 14
Generator ---------------------------------------- 4
Capacitor ---------------------------------------- 0
Smartplate --------------------------------------- 3
Hardshield --------------------------------------- 4
Sensors ------------------------------------------ 5
------------------------------------------- Total: 30

[ Weapons(s) ]
- [Turreted]          1x AP Laser ---------------- 0 (free)
- [Coaxial]           1x Particle Lance  --------- 14
- [Coaxial]           1x Laser ------------------- 2
- [Coaxial][HEAT]     1x Rocket Pod(s) ----------- 4
------------------------------------------- Total: 20

[ Quirks ]
- Low Profile
- Sensor Scrambler

Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:04 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
The "Swiss"

Tank.....................70 points

Frame....................48 (-22) points
Turbine (4)
Smartplate (15)
Hardshield (1)
Sensors (2)

APS......................44 (-4) points
Kinetic Turret (2)
Discharger (2)

Weapons..................8 (-36) points
Co-axial Chaingun (90mm)
Turreted Machinegun (8mm)

Ammo.....................0 (-8) points
90mm Gun (61.7/point)
-370 APHE (6)
-62 HEAT (1)
-62 HE (1)

Quirks...................0 points
Sensor Scrambler
Linked Autoloader (Chaingun)

Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:36 am
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
[note updated APS rules in OP]
You may assign special rules to your APS, to determine how it will function, default is to always fire on all inbound munitions, and for lasers to only fire one pulse per munition.
Note that for Laser APS the assigned number of pulses per munition is fixed, so that many will always be fired per munition regardless of whether the pulses actually hit.

Examples of what your rules could cover:
Laser: Minimum Caliber to activate on?, Number of pulses per munition (and minimum calibers to fire an increased number of pulses on)
Discharger: Minimum number of munitions to activate on, Minimum caliber to activate on?
Kinetic: Minimum Caliber to activate on?

[---- ---- ----]

You've arrived, no more sitting, waiting, sweating in your vehicles as you pray that you don't get found out before you can arrive and get moving.
So with a roar of turbines you power up and burst out of the carriages you've been cramped up in for hours.
Time to earn yourselves a big fat paycheck.

Orbital scans of this district show there to be stacks of shipping containers all across the district, a large fuel storage tank to the south, a distribution control center to the north, and a military garrison to the south east containing an Anti-Orbital gun.
Objectives in this district:
- Destroy Anti-Orbital Weapons Emplacement.
- Leave District through Western Exit. [Pre-requisite Incomplete]


Stepping out of the carriage, you check on your walkers status, and remember that additional feature the Trust guys said they'd managed to fit into your vehicle, some sort of Emergency Smokescreen.
If you remember right they said. "It diverts a portion of the fuel from your Combustion turbine directly onto the exhaust manifold, which produces a thick cloud of smoke that interferes with enemy visual and thermal detection." Which sounds like it could be pretty handy.

[Emergency Smokescreen] - Cuts your mobility in half for 2 turns, but for the duration enemies have -20% to hit anyone within the same tile as you. Engines must then cool down for 3 turns, during which 2 of your mobility is unusable.


You roll off the carriage still giving the manual for the weapon those Trust guys gave you a final once over, almost can't believe they gave you one of these, just the overview of what the weapon is says it all:
The Ag Caoineadh Iarainn Chemical Projector, launches salvos of ten agitator canisters, these contain pellets of Deora, and a powerful binary corrosive, on mixture of these, the Deora reacts vigorously with the corrosive agent and produces an impressively sized corrosive gas cloud, this cloud has the ability to bypass shielding to some extent by merit of its gaseous nature, and also will also corrode Smartplate quite effectively.
Really something else this weapon, not that the other modifications they gave your vehicle are anything else to stick your nose up at, a modification to your armour plating so that it can resist the Deora gas quite effectively, and a Torque Downshift system that turns your already terrifying ramming capabilities into something else altogether.

"Ag Caoineadh Iarainn"
- Deploys a field of "Deora" gas into the tile, the gas remains for 3 turns.
- You take damage on impact, when you enter an affected tile from a non affected tile, if you start the turn in an affected tile, and if you end the turn in an affected tile.
- If unshielded, you take 50 damage straight to durability, and suffer a proc of "Corrosion"
- If shielded, you take 30 damage straight to armour durability, 20 to shield durability, and suffer a proc of "Corrosion"
- "Corrosion" procs last 3 turns, and deal 10 damage straight to armour durability each turn. These procs can be stacked on top of each other for increased damage per turn.
- Can be used against Structures, in this case will only deal damage to that structure, and none to nearby units.
- Against Normal, Hardened and Reinforced structures, deals 150/80/60 damage per turn for 3 turns.
- It is a relatively low velocity launcher, and as such when firing in high-angle, shots are limited to a range of 10 tiles.

- [Chemical Resistant Plating] - Reduces armour damage taken from chemical weaponry by 40%, grants immunity to Corrosion Procs.
- [Torque Downshift] - Increases the cost of all mobility actions by 1 for a turn, boosts ramming damage by 20% for that turn, and allows you to move through a structure if your ram deals damage to it equal to or greater than its current durability value. Alternatively if ramming a vehicle, you may spend mobility points to push them back, at 2 points per tile. Engine must take 3 turns to cool down afterwards, during which your mobility is decreased by 5.


You barely remember to get yourself out of the container you're so distracted by the damn miracle those Trust engineers did to your laser, how did they do it? how did they get the capacitors to do that? and the release shockwave? no hardshield should be able to do that! This paperwork they gave you is worthless! no information on the Undulator! let alone saying anything about what they made the cavity from to withstand the stresses! It's clearly based on your work, but how did they do it?
You have to know, but at least now, you have a reason to live through this.

- [Shield Overcharge Capacitors] - Leech Beam energy drain can exceed your maximum shield capacity, but any excess will decay at your base regen rate, decay will be greater at higher levels of overload.
- Disabling your shields will release all overcharge as a shockwave that will hit a target that is in the same tile as you, dealing damage equal to the amount of stored overcharge.


Taking your first steps out of the container, you're still kind of shocked at what the Scian Taibhse turned out to be, you never thought you'd be getting a Gamma Emitter of all things, but you guess that as far as Questionable Legality goes, one of these sure fits the bill, guess you can be thankful they put Radiation plating in your cockpit as well, would have been a nasty way to go, likely get 2nd degree burns just from firing the damn thing without the shielding.
The diffuser the techs mounted onto your Particle Lance actually makes a bit more sense now, gives you a more practical option for cracking shields open after all.

"Scian Taibhse"
- Deals 120 Damage to internals, that is reduced by 1 for every 5mm of armour, but is stopped by shields and only deals 10 damage to them.
- If it crits the cockpit of a vehicle, then the pilot instantly dies.
- Past 2 tiles suffers from 25 damage falloff per tile.

[Radiation Shielded Cockpit] - Protects you from the long term effects of using a gamma emitter.
[Particle Diffuser] - For the cost of 20 Energy on top of the normal cost to fire it, converts one shot from your Particle Lance to act with the stat line of: [Six, 40 Penetration, 40 Damage, 20 Thermal]


Flying out of the container you marvel at your Agrav, fully custom built from the ground up, truly one of a kind.
The Experimental Structure they built this baby out of gives you better protection than you'd expect from such a light Agrav, and definitely not forgetting those new quick recharge shield capacitors, then again this might not be experimental, might be core world tech.

[Experimental Custom Systems] - Negates Agrav armour penalty, front armour multiplier increased to 1.5*, Shield regenerates at 4* the normal rate and is uncrackable.


Driving out of the carriage you wonder at what madman was in charge of designing the Casing Reuse Furnace they put into your Tank.
You wonder exactly how valuable the plates it produces will actually be in practice, but you won't complain about that little bit of additional protection.

[Casing Reuse Furnace] - Compacts and fuses the specialised casings from your Chaingun into simple ablative armour plates and extrudes them onto your Frontal facing.
- Can store up to 100 Casings, will either produce a plate automatically at 100 Casings, or you may produce a Lighter one manually.
- Each plate act as an additional layer of armour, and their stats are as follows: [Per casing used: 0.5 Thickness, 0.1 Durability]

Last edited by Amazigh on Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:58 am
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Turn W, move WW, turn S, use reaction fire on any targets I spot.

Restrict Kinetic turrets to shots of 100mm or larger, Discharger to groups of at least 2.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Sat Jul 13, 2019 11:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:34 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
>Move N, turn 90 degrees counterclockwise, move WWW and program APS lasers to the following:
Fire on 60 mm and above, two shots per munition.

Last edited by TheKebbit on Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:12 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
APS to fire three shots per munition, 80mm and above.

> Follow HKU (same tile).

Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:28 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
> Turn W, 7W, Turn S, 1S, Peek out the barricades. If there's anything in visual range, reverse 1N behind the barricade again. If not, turn W.

Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:09 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Turn W
1 N
7 W
2 S
1 E

Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:22 pm
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Post Re: Fhealltoir
Turn W, move W three times, Setup the APS to fire on groups of at least 2, engage reaction fire with the particle lance in diffuse mode.

Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:11 am
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