Re: The Light Will Guide Us
Roll 0034
"Guess I'll head into town too, take a poke around."The Captain and the Blesser find a nearby hill that overlooks the town as the other five party members head into town.
Langley Verwelume (TorrentHKU)a past of peaceful daysSo s gi e me s r n You head into town, following behind Diamond as she navigates to the town square. Finding a building to lean against, the two of you stand by and listen to the dense traffic of people passing by, hoping to catch snippets of useful information.
Unfortunately, it appears that most of them seem to glance at you and make remarks about your strange outfits. You suppose your academy uniform isn’t the most discrete piece of clothing.
Sei (Areku)accordant and pure lis le s m sou You and the Blesser find a nice hill overlooking the entire town.
Ports full of sailors with the fish market adjacent, the general markets nearby, various trade shops, wealthy residential areas, and then the slums.
Not much to do now besides wait, you suppose.
Gabriel (CrazyMLC)still is my handSolis uid m p a You and the Captain find a nice hill overlooking the entire town.
Ports full of sailors with the fish market adjacent, the general markets nearby, various trade shops, wealthy residential areas, and then the slums.
Not much to do now besides wait, you suppose, and pray for the safe return of your team.
Maxim Kapitanovich (TheKebbit)my mind is at peaceSolis uard m i Heading into town, you make your way into the port.
The people here are familiar to you - you’ve done business in this port many times before, and quickly find yourself in conversations among the sailors and traders.
One thing that stands out is the apparent appearance of small workshops in the more run-down part of town, ordering good quality steel and wood. A strange place for a smith or carpenter, so far off from the markets and in a place likely to get burglarized.
Kanas Cole (Amazigh)a past of peaceful days o i g me stre g Heading into town, you walk the streets until you find yourself in the rougher part of town.
Smelly roads, beggars at every corner, and alleyways full of shady figures.
In one alley, you see a group of kids, five of them, crouched around a fire, with sticks of meat cooking over it.
As you approach them, they turn to you with a mean look, two of them standing up.
Street Rat 1:
”Beat it, bones. We ain’t sharin’.”Close to the kids, you see what looks like the remains of a skinned dog, with most of its meat removed.
Diamond Zeal (Mackerel)a past of peaceful daysSo i g ve m str n You head into town, quickly locating the town square with the Fencer following behind. Finding a building to lean against, the two of you stand by and listen to the dense traffic of people passing by, hoping to catch snippets of useful information.
Unfortunately, it appears that most of them seem to glance at you and make remarks about your strange outfits. You suppose your white longcoat stands out quite a bit.