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 Legends of the Sky - Six and One 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
> Wolf island!

Sat Dec 01, 2018 3:11 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Wolf island!

The four of you head out to hunt at the Wolf island again.

After landing and reentering the bowl of the island, you make your way through the sparse woods and enter the central clearing. Today there are no other groups of people around, and several groups of pups playing around the field, especially near the central cave entrance. Scanning the field, you see a group of 3 wolves, a group with 4 wolves and 1 Alpha, and... off to one side, something distinctly different. A Wolfbeast.
It stands bipedal on its rear legs, as tall as Frederic, with lean limbs and arms that that reach down almost to its knees. Its posture is hunched over, with the shoulders being the high point of its body and the head hanging forward. Its tongue lolls from its mouth as it turns its head constantly to scan its surroundings.
It stalks around the field, and clearly avoids one group of wolves as it wanders. Every so often it leans down and sniffs at the ground, then digs for a second, moving large amounts of earth with each powerful stroke, before returning to its wandering.

Frederic: "Yeah, that's definitely a Wolfbeast. Be careful, unlike the rest of the wolves on this island, it WILL attack us without provocation."

Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:11 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Everyone alright with taking on the Wolfbeast?

Bit nervous to go for anything else if that thing'll suddenly go after us in the middle of combat."

Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:18 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Everyone alright with taking on the Wolfbeast?

Bit nervous to go for anything else if that thing'll suddenly go after us in the middle of combat."

Leon: "Yeah."
Karina: "I'm ok with it. That Wolfbeast looks... wrong. I don't like it."
Frederic: "Good. Gram, I have experience but you have training, so how about you take the reigns."

Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:52 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Experienced wolves attack by flanking their prey, and their prey is adapted to that by running away in a straight line, instead of zigzagging and running into potential wolves on the flanks.

Typical formation for adventurers is melee and tank front and center, ranged middle flanks, support center or rear. Problem with this against wolves is that if a wolf goes for a flank, the opposing flank can't fire without risking a hit on their allies, making the adventurer's offense go from three-on-one, to two-on-one. Takes more practice to maneuver as a group as well, and we definitely haven't practiced maneuvering as a team."

  .   .
.   F  .
G       L

  W F.
G      .L

"Best approach I think is a linear formation - Frederick in the front, me behind, then Karina, then Leon. Frederick will be taking the brunt of the initial force, but if the wolfbeast attempts to flank, both Leon and I will have an open shot at it, while Karina and I are still close enough to Frederick to provide healing support.

From a distance, we should start off in a pseudo-diamond formation, where it's the linear formation but Leon and I are several paces to the left or right. As the wolfbeast closes distance, we'll move back into a linear formation, and we'll move to ensure Frederick remains between us and the wolfbeast without having to worry about bumping into each other.

  .   .
 .     .
.       .
.   F   .
G       .
    K   .



. . F
 . .G
  . K


If something goes wrong and the wolfbeast flanks without being stopped by shot and magic, Karina will retreat away while I, Leon, and Frederick surround it and hit it as hard as we can."


W.  F
.  .G
L       K

"If the wolf backs up, or the wolfbeast is focused entirely on Frederick, Leon and I will open up back into a diamond formation to take a few shots and then move back into linear as we reload or prepare the next spell."

> Stand up and let the others get a better look at my drawings in the dirt.

Tue Dec 04, 2018 5:42 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:

Frederic: "Hm. Solid, except, this assumes the Wolfbeast will act like a normal wolf.
Normal wolves exhibit strong pack behavior, but the Wolfbeast tends to be much more solitary and stay on its own, relying on its strength rather than teamwork. All the other wolves on this island have had at least one companion, the wolfbeast is alone.

And to add to that, like Karina said, this one is... not normal. I've read about them a bit, and this one is... thin, and acting strange.
It's probably just an effect of the grooming the Guild does on these wolves, but, be prepared for it to behave erratically."

Leon: "I'm not familiar with monsters in general, what's this thing weak to?"
You remember that these wolves don't have any particular elemental affinity, so nothing will be especially effective or ineffective just based on mana.
Furry things are susceptible to being lit on fire, but at the same time then Frederic would be dealing with a flaming wolfbeast.
Less energetic elements like earth, ice, water, or air would be safer for Frederic but also may be less impactful against the wolfbeast.

Wed Dec 05, 2018 5:27 am
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"Nothing in particular. Though, you should avoid fire, in the event that Frederick has to deal with a flaming wolfbeast at close range.

Hm. I'll expand on the battle plan.

Initial long-range contact, we open up with the pseudo diamond formation as discussed and bombard it with range. As the wolf closes in for melee, switch to linear and keep Frederick between us and the wolf.

If the wolf has a linear area-of-effect attack, switch to a wide diamond so we all don't get hit. Maintain formation if it's a wide area-of-effect so we have Frederick for cover. If it's a large area unobstructed by obstacles, spread out into a larger diamond formation so we don't all get hit at once.

If the beast jumps over Frederick, or otherwise flanks our formation successfully, then Frederick, Leon, and I will surround and attack the wolfbeast while Karina repositions behind Frederick, and then Leon and I will retreat back behind him once she's safe.

If the wolf attacks us with ranged projectiles, assume linear formation, and pop out to the sides only to fire a shot at it.

If it has debuff abilities, we'll have to try to disrupt it, perhaps Leon could blast water or earth into its mouth if it has some sort of howl.

If you're moving or changing positions, call it out so we know where you're going.

I'll take command during battle so we all know what we're trying to do, since Frederick will most likely be too occupied defending from the beast. If I go down, Leon will take command, since he'll have a good view of everyone and can see everything that's going on.

Anyone got any other situations we might get hit with?"

Wed Dec 05, 2018 5:47 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:

Frederic: "Nothing I can think of. Though, for such a simple beast I think you may be overthinking it."

Leon: "Ok. I, think I've got it. I'll stay away from using lightning too. And, I guess light. Frederic maybe you need fireproof armor if we're going to be fighting furry things a lot."
Karina: "Um. That's, a lot..."
Frederic: "Just remember the two formations, line and diamond. That's the most important thing. We'll practice for more complicated monsters over time.
Everyone ready?"

Karina and Leon both nod.

Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:59 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One

> Onward! Start off in diamond formation!

Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:48 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:

> Onward! Start off in diamond formation!

The four of you move in to engage the Wolfbeast. Frederic walks faster, moving up ahead of the group. Leon starts peeling off to the right, and you veer to the left, while Karina stays in the back, behind Frederic. As you draw closer, it cranes its head to the side to look at Frederic, and you hear it growl in the distance. It slowly turns its body, and begins pacing towards Fred as it starts loping forward on all fours. From here you can see its mouth hang open and eyes focus on the knight as it approaches, starting to speed up.

Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:09 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Give it a few shots, unload and move to line formation if it tries to flank!"

> Fire one shot at the wolfbeast. Wait for it when it's about to engage Frederick, or attempt to flank, to fire off the remaining two shots in my gun.

Reload. If the wolfbeast is trying to flank, move into linear formation.

Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:20 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Give it a few shots, unload and move to line formation if it tries to flank!"

> Fire one shot at the wolfbeast. Wait for it when it's about to engage Frederick, or attempt to flank, to fire off the remaining two shots in my gun.

Reload. If the wolfbeast is trying to flank, move into linear formation.

You quickly take aim and fire at the wolf as it rapidly accelerates into a run towards Frederic, and you see a small dark blur shoot from Leon's position at the wolf as well. It turns towards you for a split second, before you suddenly feel a sense of dread coming from Frederic's direction, same as the first time you went out to the slime island. The Wolfbeast's head snaps back to Frederic, and it slams into the broad side of your knight's raised tower-sword.

Frederic is knocked back much less than you'd expect from a hulking wolf monster hitting him, and you fire the other two shots in your gun into the wolf while it refocuses after its charge. Leon also sends another shot from the other side, but despite the three bullets and two spells the wolf seems unphased, and rakes a claw across the shield-sword with a horrible screech of metal as it begins to attack Frederic in earnest.

Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:01 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Unload on the wolf! Karina, keep Frederick topped off!"

> Reload and unload!

Also throw some healy stuff on Frederick, fend off a few bruises maybe

Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:05 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Unload on the wolf! Karina, keep Frederick topped off!"

> Reload and unload!

Also throw some healy stuff on Frederick, fend off a few bruises maybe

You reload as quickly as you can, as several more spells fly from Leon into the wolf, much faster now that it is staying in one place. As you finish reloading, Frederic's armor suddenly begins shining, sending glints of light all across the area, including into the wolfbeast's face. It pauses its assault for a moment to paw at its face, then snarls and slams both paws into Frederic's raised sword. As the knight staggers back, guard broken, you fire off two more shots at the wolf.

Despite the increasing amount of red among its fur, it shows no sign of slowing, and claws Frederic across the stomach while his arm and sword are off to the side. You see a spray of red across the grass as Frederic is knocked to the ground. Karina yelps, but still manages to cast a healing spell, and you can see the wound shifting on his stomach.
The wolfbeast does not seem to want to give him the chance to heal though, and the beast draws its lips back and bares its fangs while it squints through the glinting light to lock its gaze on Frederic's face.

Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:36 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One


> Cast healing magic on Frederick and hit the deck over his body, trying to cover him from a certain fiery explosion and maybe one wolf attack. Cover face and neck.

Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:46 am
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