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 Legends of the Sky - Six and One 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Hey, I'm lookin' for somethin' that packs a big punch, versatile, and quick to pull out.

Was thinkin' a short smooth one-inch bore, maybe a fifteen inch barrel. Buckshot for bats or somethin', slugs for things like Dire wolves and the like.

Got anything like that?"

Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:58 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Hey, I'm lookin' for somethin' that packs a big punch, versatile, and quick to pull out.

Was thinkin' a short smooth one-inch bore, maybe a fifteen inch barrel. Buckshot for bats or somethin', slugs for things like Dire wolves and the like.

Got anything like that?"

She cocks her head the other way.
Cassily: "Sure, sure. Short range self defense stopping power, sell that all the time. What's your price range?"

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:18 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Hundred t'hundred-fifty, unless you got somethin' cheaper that works just as well. Don't have the money right now, more've somethin' t'work towards."

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:21 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Hundred t'hundred-fifty, unless you got somethin' cheaper that works just as well. Don't have the money right now, more've somethin' t'work towards."

Cassily: "Hrmm... that's, the bottom end of our guns to be honest. Even our smaller blunderbusses start at about 200. But if you're looking for a long term goal, not a problem. Let's see..."

She turns and looks over some of the locked cases to her left, angled to be visible to you. Rows and rows of various pistols and handguns line the shelves with small info and price tags.
Cassily: "Something good without breaking the budget, I'd start with a Sturm Foundation."
She taps the glass in front of one of the lower shelves, right in front of a dull grey metal gun with a thick round barrel and a plain wooden grip. It looks like it would double as a serviceable bludgeon in a pinch.

Cassily: "Sturdy non-magical metal construction, no frills, can fire regular non-magical ammo just fine, and handle low-mixture boosted ammo as well. For the one inch bore, 15 barrel size you wanted..."
She pages through one of several sheaves of bound paper on the counter and fingers a chart as she reads.
Cassily: "Bout... 330 drach. With the 150 you told me I'd offer cheaper, buuut the boss refuses to stock anything that he wouldn't use himself. And he has some choice words for anything in that price range."

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:46 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
> Nod nod

"Better t'have a quality gun than a hand grenade. 330 ain't too far off, probably 'bout a week's worth'a work.

Oh, I'll also need'a top off ammo for my pistol."

> Pass her my adventurer's card. Stand by the counter while she gathers the ammo, but look around a bit at the inventory and such so I'm not just oggling her.

"How's business been goin' lately? Don't think I've seen too many gun users in the guild hall."

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:58 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Nod nod

"Better t'have a quality gun than a hand grenade. 330 ain't too far off, probably 'bout a week's worth'a work.

Oh, I'll also need'a top off ammo for my pistol."

> Pass her my adventurer's card. Stand by the counter while she gathers the ammo, but look around a bit at the inventory and such so I'm not just oggling her.

Cassily: "Ah, a' course. I'll take your card, and... looks good. Can I see your gun to match the ammo?"
You pass her your pistol, and as soon as she sees it her eyes light up.
Cassily: "Oh! Wait a sec! I recognize you now! It was... Gram, yeah! The tri shot smoothbore cartridge jobbie, with the hardened barrel! Just a sec, I remember your specs!"
She happily steps off to a side room, leaving you alone with the guns. Your eyes wander, and you really have to marvel at the assortment they have in here. Pistols and guns of all shapes and sizes, some big enough to be hard to even define as a handgun anymore. The ammo is also interesting, from balls to powders to cartridges, in mostly greys but also plenty of whites, silvers, and even a few bright colors here and there.

Cassily: "Back! Here you go, load of 100. And let me just mark down your card..."
She sets a wooden box filled with rows of bullets on the counter, then places your guild card in a small box and pushes a small lever on the side. There's a quick clunk, and she opens it back up and hands you the card.
Cassily: "There, all set! By the way Gram, why are you looking for another gun? If you need higher power ammo, your current gun can totally handle the stress of something with more kick. I guess it won't do as well with filling the air with pellets as a wide bore would, but you seem like you want more power rather than more coverage."

Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:16 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Had a close call with some wolves earlier. Pistol ran out, ended up havin' t'knife 'em while they were gnawin' on my arm. Figure a second gun is faster t'pull out than tryin' t'reload."

Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:01 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
does Gram have an accent now???

Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:43 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
Pronouncing every individual word is left to more formal occasions, and typically reserved for strangers. When Gram is around familiar faces, he tends to speak more casually, and words flow together more.

Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:51 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Speaking of close quarters, d'you carry blades to fix on these guns?"

Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:58 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Had a close call with some wolves earlier. Pistol ran out, ended up havin' t'knife 'em while they were gnawin' on my arm. Figure a second gun is faster t'pull out than tryin' t'reload."

Cassily: "Hm. Trrue. There are autoloaders that would fix that, but, those are kind of pricey. And don't tend to handle rough and tumble well, unless you get one that's even more pricey."
TheKebbit wrote:
"Speaking of close quarters, d'you carry blades to fix on these guns?"

Cassily: "Like bayonets? Uh, not typically. Boss says they're silly on guns this small. Inferior to an actual knife, and the pistol won't give enough of a range advantage to the blade to justify throwing off the balance and putting a no-touch zone on the gun.
'Rather have a good knife than a bad pistol'."

Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:49 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"Good point. Guess I should get myself a dedicated pig sticker - or I guess, wolf sticker. Seems like everyone else is usin' either blades or magic.

How's business been lately? Now that I think about it, haven't seen too many gun users around the guild hall."

Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:23 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Good point. Guess I should get myself a dedicated pig sticker - or I guess, wolf sticker. Seems like everyone else is usin' either blades or magic.

How's business been lately? Now that I think about it, haven't seen too many gun users around the guild hall."

She gives a short laugh.
Cassily: "Business is fine. That's normal yeah, not many using guns. Can't do as much with your Will through a gun. I've heard of some Willpower gunners, but they're unusual. Magic's a bit better, but you have to learn magic specialized for it.
So, most of the time when an adventurer gets a gun, it's for when things get bad and they need to get off a shot in a hurry. Merchants or travelers use guns more, fewer mages and will users in that group so they make up with firearms. They tend to pick long guns though, so not as much business for us. On the bright side, smaller market means less competition, so our business may not be booming but it's steady.

That said! If you DO get big, we have product allll the way across the strength spectrum, weapons and ammo, newbie to Sword Saint! So if you end up making it big, don't go forgetting little old Small Armory!"

She gives you a grin and a wink.

Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:00 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"But of course! If my luck holds out and my bullets strike true, I know where to turn for my tools of the trade."

Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:40 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
"I don't think I can ever forget you guys. No matter where I am, I'll always have my little reminder."

> Pat pistol

"I'm gonna see about getting myself a proper wolf sticker now, my hunting knife ain't cutting it. I'll probably be back in a few weeks to grab a Sturm, assuming I don't get turned into wolf scat by then."

> Unless something else happens, head off to look at some long knives/shortswords, and maybe some steel gauntlets.

Sun Nov 11, 2018 3:51 am
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