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 Legends of the Sky - Six and One 
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One - Roll 37
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Yeah, they only managed to get my armor."

> Dust myself off / shake off wolf saliva. Inspect our kill.

Karina: "Waaaait. Really? But, that was like, four wolves? They only attacked your armor?"
...Huh. That IS kind of strange, but yes. They only chewed on your armor. You suppose they were specifically targeting your limbs, but there were definitely fleshier parts they could've bitten.
Weird. Well, for now you look over your kill. This Alpha Wolf is pretty big, even for a wolf. Easily the size of Karina, though Frederic still dwarfs it. Frederic put a few big cuts into its hide, but aside from that the pelt seems whole... No big scars or blemishes, fur looks healthy and clean.
Frederic: "Alright Gram. Got a knife?"
You pull yours out from your kit. No self-respecting adventurer leaves home without one.
"Good. Now, the first thing you'll want to do is..."

Well. That was messy. But, you got it. One Alpha Wolf pelt, mostly intact, and a bag of all the fangs you could extract! Using the cuts Frederic already inflicted, you were able to keep the new cuts to a minimum, and the fangs themselves were... unpleasant to extract, but were easy once you had the trick.
Frederic: "Good work. You took to it pretty fast. Probably did a better job than I could've."

Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:32 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One - Roll 37
"Can't be an adventurer without bein' able t'pick up skills fast, right? Never know when a piece of kit is gonna break and leave you to improvise.

Are we goin' for another?"

Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One - Roll 37
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Can't be an adventurer without bein' able t'pick up skills fast, right? Never know when a piece of kit is gonna break and leave you to improvise.

Are we goin' for another?"

Frederic: "I'm up for it. Hell, we should find something bigger if this is all the threat that these wolves can give us."
Karina: "Well... ok, yes, we can keep going."
Frederic: "So, some of the Alpha or Dire wolves? Or maybe even, try out a Wolfbeast! I haven't fought anything that big in a while."

Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:19 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One - Roll 37
"Let's go for a Dire, and then a Wolfbeast if we're still feeling up for it."

Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:24 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One - Roll 37
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"Let's go for a Dire, and then a Wolfbeast if we're still feeling up for it."

Frederic: "Great! We'll do the same as before, though this time, Gram you stay back with Karina, I'll take point.
You should only be up front as a last resort, unless you want to get some equipment for tanking as well later. I'll toss the wolves around a bit, keep their attention, you fill them with holes."

You and Karina nod, and the three of you head out into the open area of the island from the forested zone you were in. There are some groups of wolves and a few Alphas milling around here and there, but they seem to be content ignoring you for now. Off to one side, you see a particularly large wolf, bigger than the Alpha you just fought, with two normal sized ones flanking it. On the other side, another group with an archer, a tank with a sword and shield, and a fire user are engaging a group similar to the one you just faced. There are also a few similarly large wolves napping by the entrance of the cave at the far end of the island.

The three of you move towards the Dire and its companions, avoiding any other groups as you go. Each group watches you carefully but calmly, losing interest once you've passed them by. The Dire and the regular wolves you've selected seem to notice that your attention is on them as you close in, and though they stay silent you can see their hackles raise.

Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:03 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One - Roll 37
> Make sure my gun is loaded.

"Ready when you are."

> Karina to cast Glitter Magic on Frederick, have Frederick charge at the Dire. Gram to fire at the other wolves, alternating shots.

Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:01 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One - Roll 37
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Make sure my gun is loaded.

"Ready when you are."

> Karina to cast Glitter Magic on Frederick, have Frederick charge at the Dire. Gram to fire at the other wolves, alternating shots.

Karina casts Glitter Armor on Frederic, and in almost the same moment he kicks up dirt as he charges at the wolves.
Frederic: "Alrighty, fleabags! Come at me!"
Well, he's certainly charged up.

The three wolves all kick into action as well, the two smaller ones spreading out while the Dire stands its ground in the face of Frederic's charge. He opens with a wide swing at the Dire, who deftly hops backwards to avoid it. Hm, this one is definitely a cut above the previous wolves.

Meanwhile, the other two wolves are bounding towards you and Karina, each seems to have locked on to one of the two of you. You fire your pistol at the one on Karina's side and manage to hit it on the second shot, making it yelp and trip. The other wolf continues its charge at you unhindered, your last shot at it going wide.

Thu Sep 20, 2018 3:21 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
> Can I reload in time? If so, reload and fire all shots at the wolf.

If not, get in between the Wolf and Karina, draw my blade, and shove my armored arm down its throat as deep as I can and stab at its eyes.

I can't see my inventory so I don't actually know if I have a blade - if I don't have one, gouge out its eyes with my fingers instead.

Karina to heal me, Frederick to keep whomping on the dire wolf.

Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:21 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Can I reload in time? If so, reload and fire all shots at the wolf.

If not, get in between the Wolf and Karina, draw my blade, and shove my armored arm down its throat as deep as I can and stab at its eyes.

I can't see my inventory so I don't actually know if I have a blade - if I don't have one, gouge out its eyes with my fingers instead.

Karina to heal me, Frederick to keep whomping on the dire wolf.

No way you can reload in time. Instead, you rush to get between Karina and the wolf coming for her. Almost there, you suddenly feel a sharp pain on your leg and fall forward to the ground. Looking down, the damn wolf that was chasing you has your leg, and not around the leather armor like the last ones did. ♥♥♥♥, the wolf after Karina-
Is now chomping down on your arm as well. At least this time the armor is doing its job and protecting your arm, but both wolves have a strong grip and begin shaking your limbs and keeping you off balance. With your free arm you go for the knife on your hip, miss, then manage to grab it.

In between shakes, you stab down on the wolf on your arm with the knife between its shoulders. It makes a horrible wet yelping noise and drops your arm as it falls backwards, flailing and scrambling on the ground. You hear Karina give a startled shriek behind you, as you try to wrestle the other wolf off your leg.

Karina: "F... Frederic!!!"
Frederic: "KARINA!"

The sounds of snarling and fighting from the Dire change, and you hear heavy footfalls as your knight changes his attention and rushes over to his charge, followed by the ground shaking as he takes to the sky and lands blade first on the wolf you stabbed, bisecting it. Looking up, you see Frederic now significantly more splattered in blood and with several bite marks of his own, standing at the ready between Karina and the Dire, sword positioned to discourage the Dire from running around the knight.

Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:59 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
> Stab the ♥♥♥♥♥ on my leg. After I finish it off, or it flees, reload my gun.

Frederick to maintain the defensive and hold off the Dire, Karina to heal whoever gets hurt first.

Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:41 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Stab the ♥♥♥♥♥ on my leg. After I finish it off, or it flees, reload my gun.

Frederick to maintain the defensive and hold off the Dire, Karina to heal whoever gets hurt first.

You grab for the wolf on your leg's neck, trying for a fistful of fur. There's a stab of pain from the bites on that arm as you find a grip, and there's a moment where your stomach goes cold, realizing it could release your leg and bit your arm, but thankfully it seems to not want to let go.
You take the chance to bring your knife down on this wolf's neck. It makes a muffled yelp, your calf still buried in its mouth, but doesn't release. You repeat the stab, then again, and it finally relents, falling over on the ground and thrashing as its blood pours from the stabs. For a moment you wonder how much of all the blood is yours.

Then you turn back to the others. Frederic taking wide cautious swings at the Dire wolf, the Dire now easily keeping out of the way of the swings. Now that it's up close, you realize how terrifyingly big it is. The regular wolves could fit their mouths around your arm or leg. The Alpha wolf could manage more, maybe bite down on both arms simultaneously, if given the chance. This Dire wolf? It could fit your head between its jaws.

Karina: "Frederic, I'll, I'll heal yo-"
Frederic: "Help Gram!"
Karina: "What?! But-"
Frederic: "I'm tough, help Gram!"

Karina turns away from him to face you, and there's a glow in the metal crescent at the top of her staff as she casts. You feel an itch on your arm and your leg, and at the same time some of the pain recedes. As the magic works, you're already moving bullets from your ammo satchel into your gun with practiced ease. The glow fades just as you snap and lock the mechanism closed on your pistol, ready to fire. As you look up, you see the Dire wolf dodge one of Frederic's swings, and slam into the knight's chest, knocking him to the ground.

Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:06 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
>Close quarters and try to put those three rounds in between the wolf's eyes, where it really counts.

Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:11 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
> If we miss, prepare to counter with a knife. Specifically, shove a knife down its throat.

Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:17 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> If we miss, prepare to counter with a knife. Specifically, shove a knife down its throat.

Such that it will stab itself in the roof of the mouth/throat if it bites down?

Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:21 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky - Six and One
TheKebbit wrote:
CaveCricket48 wrote:
> If we miss, prepare to counter with a knife. Specifically, shove a knife down its throat.

Such that it will stab itself in the roof of the mouth/throat if it bites down?

If that's feasible, sure

Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:27 am
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