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 The Light Will Guide Us 
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Roll 0018




The Captain steps between the man and the guard.

Sei: "I'm Captain Sei of the Witch Hunt's special task force. What's this about cultists, citizen?"

Maxim?: "I arrived to visit her for dinner and found a strange man lying in her workshop. It seems he had been skulking around her home, then caught her unawares in her herbal work. In her defense, she threw onto him the experiment she was tinkering with, and he became gravely ill. When we searched him, he was no ordinary criminal - a tattoo of the Demon Eye was concealed by the glove on his hand.

I hope you can help us guarantee that there aren't any more of them."

Langley: "Hm? What kind of gloves? Did he have any tools on too, like a craftsman?"

Maxim?: "Nothing obvious like a toolbelt, no. I ran as soon as I saw the mark of the Eye. Maybe he was carrying something in a pocket, I don't know."

Langley: "...could be the one I saw earlier. Hopefully it is, otherwise we've probably got a whole series of leather gloved cultists around."

Sei: "I'll have to see this with my own eyes. Lead the wa-

Hm. You, look familiar, somehow. Your friend... She wouldn't happen to be some sort of alchemist, in a heavy longcoat, would she?"

Maxim?: "Have you been looking for her?"

Sei: ”Could say I have.

Do you know her well? Are you aware if she’s involved in anything... Heretical?”

Maxim?: "I didn't get the impression. If anything, they are coming for her."

Sei: "Hm. Well. We'll see.

Lead us there, citizen."

The man leads the way, and the group ends up leaving the town and taking a dark path through the forest. The tall trees block out the scarce light of the setting sun, and everyone feels on edge as they pass the menacing shadows, dancing to and fro from the sway of a branch or a shake of a bush.

The party reaches a group of cabins without incident. Three wooden buildings with stone paths and exotic gardens surrounding them, exhibiting plants and fungi rarely seen by common folk.

Maxim?: ”Diamond?”

Looking around, the party can make out a woman in a white longcoat peeking out from the dark doorway of one of the cabins.

Langley Verwelume (TorrentHKU)
a past of peaceful days
So s gi e me r ng


Sei (Areku)
accordant and pure
lis le s m soul


Gabriel (CrazyMLC)
still is my hand
Solis uid m a h

Cultists!? Oh dear.

You Exorcise and Ward the fellow that looks like Maxim - better safe than sorry.

Maxim Kapitanovich (TheKebbit)
my mind is at peace
Solis uar m i d

A tall, sturdy blonde woman steps between you and the guard. She has a blue tunic with a golden badge signifying the rank of Witch Hunter Captain. Her left arm is missing, while the right is encased in a hefty steel bracer.


As you lead the way to Diamond’s hideout, you take a look at each of the party members.

The Witch Hunter Captain herself - a tall muscled blonde of indeterminate age, missing an arm, wearing the blue and beige garb of her rank.

A brunette woman in a red tunic, the uniform of a particular fencing academy you believe. A long dueling blade is sheathed at her hip, and she walks with a light step while keeping a sharp eye out for danger.

A young priest that is but a boy, tousled blonde hair and a robe with only the holy emblem of Solis as a marking.

A young street rat, scrawny with scruffy brown hair that almost masks the conniving look to him.

A woman in a large grey coat and deerstalker cap with her brunette hair in a braid running down a shoulder. Her eyes feel like daggers when she looks at you, even when she’s smiling. Especially when she’s smiling.


Kanas Cole (Amazigh)
a past of peaceful days
o i g me stre gt


Diamond Zeal (Mackerel)
a Aast of peacefRl days

You pull out the small hammer from your pocket and creep to the door, bracing yourself for an attack.

The new intruder moves from behind a tree to another, eyeing you from a distance for several seconds before creeping behind cover.

Shadows cover the ground as the sun sets, with the foliage masking most of the intruder’s movements as he creeps around. Seems like he’s playing the waiting game with you…

A band of people, six in all, approach your cottage from the forest path, and you recognize the lead as Maxim.

Maxim: "Diamond?"

He looks around, before seeming to spot you from his position.

Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:17 am
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”Unusual herbs, material for rituals... And the cloaked woman we were looking for. You’ve done the Light a great favour - Maxim, is it?”

>Show woman my badge, approach.

“Citizen! I am captain Sei of the Witch Hunt. There has been a report of heretical violence. Who are you, and what is your involvement with the incident?”

Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:45 pm
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> Walk forward slowly, forehead slap exorcise anyone new that I see.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Sat Aug 25, 2018 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:01 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
"She's got nothing to do with the witches. I brought you here in case there were more of them to follow the first..."

Thu Aug 23, 2018 5:30 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
>Disarm self and the hostile intent
"You were one second away from a battered brain. I thought there was another creep outside.
I'm Diamond, the alchemist of this propitiatory. The freak is in the corner. I assume Max told you about it's hand..

Sat Aug 25, 2018 2:56 am
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"Did you see anything when I was out?"

Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:15 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
> Casually rest hand on my hilt.
To be ready.

Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:43 am
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>Smells fishy. Still...

“Let’s see, it, then.”

>Head over to where she’s pointing, but don’t turn my back to her. Alchemists, witches... Far too alike for my tastes.

Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:43 am
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"Are these the only goofs you could find? I waste one of my product on this cult-loving weirdo and you bring two guards that would arrest me in a blink of an eye?
Ugh.. I did think I saw something around the corner of the door but it turned out to be y`all instead. "

Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:01 pm
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
Roll 0019




Sei: ”Unusual herbs, material for rituals... And the cloaked woman we were looking for. You’ve done the Light a great favour - Maxim, is it?”

The Captain flashes her badge -

Sei: “Citizen! I am captain Sei of the Witch Hunt. There has been a report of heretical violence. Who are you, and what is your involvement with the incident?”

Maxim: "She's got nothing to do with the witches. I brought you here in case there were more of them to follow the first..."

The Alchemist sets her hammer down on the ground.

Diamond: "You were one second away from a battered brain. I thought there was another creep outside.
I'm Diamond, the alchemist of this propitiatory. The freak is in the corner. I assume Max told you about it's hand..”

Maxim: "Did you see anything when I was out?"

Sei: “Let’s see, it, then.”

Diamond: "Are these the only goofs you could find? I waste one of my product on this cult-loving weirdo and you bring two guards that would arrest me in a blink of an eye?
Ugh.. I did think I saw something around the corner of the door but it turned out to be y`all instead."

The Captain and the Priest carefully approach the hut and head in, making sure to keep their backs to a wall.

Gabriel sees a man lying on the ground face-up, and gives him a nice exorcising slap on the forehead! Though, he actually seems to be dead, and exorcising doesn’t work unless if they’re alive.

Sei looks at the body closely, being careful to not touch any of the chemicals that seem to be staining his clothes. On the back of each of the man’s hands is the black demon eye, the mark of the curse.


Langley Verwelume (TorrentHKU)
a past of peaceful days
So s gi e me r ng

With your hand on your hilt, you stay alert, eyes watching the shadows of the forest while Sei and Gabriel head into the Alchemist’s cabin.

You can see movement among the trees - multiple people skulking about.

Sei (Areku)
accordant and pure
lis le s m soul


Gabriel (CrazyMLC)
still is my hand
Solis uid m a h


Maxim Kapitanovich (TheKebbit)
my mind is at peace
Solis uar m i d


Kanas Cole (Amazigh)
a past of peaceful days
o i g me stre gt

You feel a shiver down your spine. Any street rat worth his weight knows to trust his gut.

Looking around, you can see movement among the shadowy trees, multiple figures lurking in the dark.

Diamond Zeal (Mackerel)
a Aast of peacefRl days

Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:50 am
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
>Casually approach the hut while keeping an eye on the figures, Palm a pair of Shivs.
"Boss... we got some guests."

Sun Sep 09, 2018 8:12 pm
Loose Canon
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> Thumb my rapier in and out of its sheath. Click. Click. Click.
Force of habit. And a warning call.
The street rat's alerted the captain already, so keep my eyes out here. Try and count them.

Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:17 pm
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>Tense up, but don't let it show. Turn the corpse over, being careful not to touch the potion-splashed parts. Do I recognise his face?

>Be mindful of where the alchemist and fisherman are. The dead cultist fits their story, but it could still be a trap.

"That so? Sure took their time."

>Wait for the enemy to make the first move. No sense in moving out of the lab and exposing ourselves.

Last edited by Areku on Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:21 pm
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"Ready, captain. These must be the scum I expected."

>Get out my belt knife.

Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:45 pm
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Post Re: The Light Will Guide Us
> Ward Diamond and stay behind the captain this time, wait for trouble to show itself.

Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:32 pm
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