Re: Actor requiring a certain device to activate?
Remote-control device shouldn't be too hard - script on the robot, check if all actors on their team have the device, or check if the device is lying around in the scene somewhere. You can use
To stop the actor from jumping. You can see a list of controller states
here.Non-lethal head loss can be done by having a null-sprite head and giving it an attachable that has the actual head sprite - when the attachable is destroyed, the actor will appear "headless". The actor can have a script to check whether or not the fake head is still attached, and then do things based on that.
Keep in mind there's a bug with Lua pointers to MOs getting scrambled whenever something in the game gibs/dies, so you want to make sure you're constantly verifying that the pointer is to the correct thing (UniqueID check would probably be fine for a GetsHitByMOs = 1 MO).