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 Seventh Industries Mod 
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Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:40 pm
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 Seventh Industries Mod
My idea was to create a set of powerful weapons that can replace squad of units, allowing single soldier to have impressive firepower and mobility at the same time.
Now I can present my mod, that adds new Tech to the game: "Seventh Industries". It contains 18 new guns and their modifications (assault rifles, grenade and missile launchers, HMGs, sniper rifles and others), and some explosives, such as antimateria grenade, overloaded timed explosive, and three different types of bombs. All of them have high prices, that, i hope, compensate ther efficiency, saving game balance

UPD: Fixed price of AGL-3 and added new stationary turret with GL

Seventh.rte.2.rar [83.64 KiB]
Downloaded 1502 times
Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:37 am

Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:30 am
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Post Re: Seventh Industries Mod
i hate being overly negative but aside from the fact that this is a functional and diverse mod (which are 2 big points dont be fooled) theres not much more it offers

the idea of "really expensive but really good weapons" is one ive embraced myself but the trick isnt high rof, laser beam accuracy and high capacity mags, the trick is making them entertaining to use, look at, be killed by etc.

the AGL-3 got close to this by being rather artsy with the effects but basically everything from "Duty" to SAAMG seemed like a clone with mildly different stats (also, the SAAMG uses the bolt action firing sound with a very high ROF, not nice on the ears)

many guns are also versions of the previous wth other attachments - using lua and pie menu would instead make this into 1 upgradeable weapon, tidying up a bit and showing off scripting skills. also, i applaud your .ini only burst mechanics on one gun whose name escapes me right now, but consider looking at how the Coalition burst pistol does it. lua really opens up a lotta doors in CC modding.

the only actor in the mod could also use some kind of sound to show that it indeed is charging up a grenade - i sat there clicking for at least 2 min before realizing i had to hold it down.

one last note: the sprites are fairly messy and while i can understand what's going on most of the time they do seem a bit rushed and vague.

all in all, decent mod, and good to see another person posting on this forum, but you've got a ways to go if you wanna put out real quality content. i would suggest starting with severely toning down the capabilities of some weapons. "expensive but op" is a fragile way of doing things.

Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:40 pm

Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:40 pm
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Post Re: Seventh Industries Mod
In my defence I'll say that I had started making it about an year ago, when my modding skills were too low to create something new or to read docs, so I was relying only on reverse-engineering. I mean, it took 3 months for me to realise how to tweak recoil transmission, huh. I've became smart enough to read manuals only month or two ago ;). And I always mute almost everything on my PC, so I never even thought about sounds, sorry about that, I'll fix it asap.

Then, great thanks for your review, I really appreciate it, and will immediately start fixing the mod

Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:13 am
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