grave accent
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:53 am Posts: 64 Location: Bunker busting.
 Build 32!
Optimization FTW!
So yeah, Asklar wanted to see the newsletter about the new build, so i'm posting it here:
"Here's what's fresh, thanks to Evgeniy “Weegee” Vigovskiy, Jesús “GranPC” Higueras Pica, and Chris “Montdidier” Kruger: Performance
Cortex Command now pumps up to 2x more frames per second!! Game activities no longer slow down when played for too long.
Added keyboards shortcuts for weapon switch, reload, drop and pickup actions (also works with gamepads). Gib editor now rounds all offsets. Deployments can spawn flipped for non-flipped actors. It's easier to find out how many gamepads were detected and who moves the cursor in UIs. Limbless actors will inevitably and quickly die. Reworked Test Activity to act as an ordinary GAScripted and execute Global Scripts (good for testing and debugging global scripts).
Bunker breach can be used with randomized bunkers. Added randomized fortresses for Bunker Breach. Added new skirmish activity Siege, which uses Bunker Breach maps. Nerfed heavy ronins a lot. Added global script, which gives 3x more gold when digging. Added infinite ammo global script. Added invincible crafts global script. Added instant and delayed delivery global scripts.
Added range checks to functions, which take Team as parameter to avoid memory corruption. When brain actor is deleted, MovableMan checks if it's a brain and if it is, set's this brain to 0 to avoid crashes. Dead actors no longer roll and scream infinitely Dead actors reduce their AngularVel. Fixed crashes in allegro and luabind. Vanilla activities now count used MOIDs on per-team basis. Fixed the shield-related crash in Campaign. Primitives are no longer drawn on top of game UI elements. Fixed a bug, which caused a crash in buy menu. Fixed crash caused by digging.
Lua binding improvements: Scene:
function GetOptionalArea the same as GetArea, but does not render scene incompatible for Activity if specified area is missing
function RestoreUnseen(const int posX, const int posY, const int team) function RestoreUnseenBox(const int posX, const int posY, const int width, const int height, const int team);
function DrawTextPrimitive(Vector start, std::string text, bool isSmall, int alignment) , alignment 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right function DrawBitmapPrimitive(Vector start, Entity * pEntity, float rotAngle, int frame) function CalculateTextHeight(std::string text, int maxWidth, bool isSmall) function CalculateTextWidth(std::string text, bool isSmall)
function int GetActiveCPUTeamCount() function int GetActiveHumanTeamCount()
property FiredOnce, r/o , Whether at least one round has already been fired during the current activation. May be 0 because weapon might have activated but no actual rounds were fired yet. property FiredFrame, r/o, Whether at least one round has already been fired during the current frame. Use this to check if weapon fired something. property RoundsFired, r/o, How many rounds were fired during this frame.
property BuyMenuEnabled, r/w, Whether buy menu is enabled for this activity
property AimDistance , r/w property SightDistance, r/w
property BurstDamage, r/w property EmitCountLimit, r/w property EmitDamage, r/w
INI changes: PEmitter:
Lightweight, non-rotating MOSParticle-based emitter
DamageOnCollision 0,1 - When it's != 0 actors takes health damage on collision with this MO, without penetration IgnoreTerrain 0,1 - When it's 1 MO ignores any terrain collisions and travels right through them
PreciseCollisions 0,1 - When off uses experimental simplified MO collision model which may improve performance up to 30% "
there ya go, Asky