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Post Re: Shadowrun
All that navimagatin' taught Bright a thing or two. 4 karma to learn Navigation, please.

Gonna save the last four up for later.

Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:54 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Go find some people who need operating on.

Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:55 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Find work as a guard during DOWNTIME. Don't want my SIN to be suspiciously out of use.

Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:09 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Is there anything in the safehouse I can use? Look around the safehouse, hopefully not get into trouble doing so.

Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:23 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Ok, let's try this binding spirit thing. How about a water spirit, those are useful. 5 force, floating snake/dragon made of water.

Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:33 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
maart3n wrote:
Is there any way for me to acquire a extra pair of arms or a robotic death parrot? If so, those!

The safehouse is actually a staging point for weapon smugglers, so there is plenty of combat material to be found. Vargall browses the place's storage room.

Robotic death parrots are actually in stock! A cyberparrot would be 35K nuyen, plus weaponry costs. A roboparrot, on the other hand, would go for 59K nuyen, plus weaponry costs.

...a bit out of your league, it seems.

He then considers the vast array of cyberware available. There ARE articulated weapon mount arms, going for as little as 5K nuyen, but they'd require a full cybertorso conversion to attach to. Besides costing upwards of 20K, a cybertorso would interfere with his Adept abilities, reducing his total magic by 2.
It is an option to consider, if he'd like to stray from the Adept Path and become a Chrome Samurai (or pirate, in this case).

CrazyMLC wrote:
All that navimagatin' taught Bright a thing or two. 4 karma to learn Navigation, please.

Gonna save the last four up for later.

Bright feels much better at handling maps! He now has Navigation 1, raising his dice pool in navigation tests to 4.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Go find some people who need operating on.

Allie has only one thing in her mind: Cutting meat up. She offers her services as a surgeon to the local mob and gangsters.

Allie sells her skills really well! She now has four patients: two minor wounds that need stitching, an elf with a broken leg, and an ork with a xenomorph larva that needs removing.

The first three operations go without a hitch: some sutures, a cast and splint, the usual. The larva, however, is buried deep within the ork's chest, and Allie has to make several large cuts before finally finding an angle that allows her to pull it out. The patient seems mildly annoyed, but relieved to get rid of it.

Allie gains 100+100+100+500 = 800 Nuyen! Her reputation with the Mob rises to Connection 2, Loyalty 1!

CrazyMLC wrote:
> Find work as a guard during DOWNTIME. Don't want my SIN to be suspiciously out of use.

Bright finds work as a mall guard during his DOWNTIME. He valiantly defends his workplace from street thugs, then go-gangers, then a small-scale ghoul apocalypse. He's a model employee!

Bright gains 2K nuyen as his salary. Bright's fake SIN now has a workplace associated to it, raising its Rating from 4 to 5!

DSMK2 wrote:
> Is there anything in the safehouse I can use? Look around the safehouse, hopefully not get into trouble doing so.

Backsmasher takes a look around the safehouse. There is plenty of combat gear for sale, as well as BTL and other brainbenders. If something is even remotely illegal, he is sure to find it here!

What sort of goods is he interested in?

TorrentHKU wrote:
> Ok, let's try this binding spirit thing. How about a water spirit, those are useful. 5 force, floating snake/dragon made of water.

Faust focuses his thoughts, and from the depths of the darkest abyss emerges a large watery snakedragon, with 4 Services owed.

Faust buys a Water Stone worth 2500 nuyen to contain the spirit's essence, then attempts to Bind the snakedragon to it!

The ritual almost goes awry, and Faust has to spend 1 Edge to keep the spirit from becoming uncontrolled, but in the end it all works out. The snakedragon now owes 6 services to Faust!

What will you DOWNTIME, or are you done?

Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:59 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Purchase a BTL. Gotta get FULFILLED.

Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:24 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Check out the medical wares.

Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:38 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
DSMK2 wrote:
> Purchase a BTL. Gotta get FULFILLED.

Backsmasher spends 50 bucks on a good quality recording of Touch Fluffy Tail IV: Maximum Fluff, and spends the next few hours living his fantasies of being a magical tanuki.

It is a pretty good trip, and he doesn't feel like his addiction has increased! Backsmasher will not suffer addiction penalties this week.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Check out the medical wares.

Allie browses the medical wares. Her medkit is already state-of-the-art, so there's no sense in looking for another one. However, she does find enough hospital hardware to transform her kitchen-turned-operating-room into a proper surgical theatre. It would cost 10K nuyen, though.

Aside from that, the safehouse has a vast collection of combat drugs and poisons, as well as talismonger materials for mounting a magical healing lodge.

What will you DOWNTIME, or are you done?

Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:34 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Be a nondescript bouncer for some local nightclub to regain lost cash.

Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:35 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
Find an oddjob to make some extra dough.
Preferably one that involves a ton of cash and shooting people in the face.

Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:09 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Look and see how much a diamond engagement ring costs.

Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:22 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Check out the drugs and poisons.

Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:30 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
DSMK2 wrote:
> Be a nondescript bouncer for some local nightclub to regain lost cash.

Backsmasher works for a while at Flamin' Frodo's, serving as hired muscle at the door. Nights pass by uneventfully, and he only has to look tough to scare most of the punks off.

Backsmasher earns 500 nuyen!

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Check out the drugs and poisons.

Allie looks at the chemicals available, noting the price per dose.

>Deepweed: 400 nuyen
>Jazz: 75 Nuyen
>Kamikaze (with a big CAUTION label): 100 nuyen
>Nitro: 50 nuyen
>Dopadrine: 15 nuyen
>eX: 10 nuyen
>Ripper: 25 nuyen
>Slab: 150 nuyen
>K-10 (covered in DANGER stickers): 900 nuyen

>Tear Gas Canister: 20 nuyen
>Gamma-Scopolamine Canister: 200 nuyen
>Narcoject Dose: 50 nuyen
>Neuro-Stun Canister: 60 nuyen
>Seven-7 Canister: The seller does not trust you enough to sell you what is essentially a deadlier version of Sarin gas

maart3n wrote:
Find an oddjob to make some extra dough.
Preferably one that involves a ton of cash and shooting people in the face.

Vargall asks around, until finding one ganger that tells him "The Boss" is looking for them. Apparently the Don of this area has heard of your team's exploits, and would like to hire you all for something special.

If you're interested, you should meet him at the Cantina down in Renton.

CrazyMLC wrote:
> Look and see how much a diamond engagement ring costs.

Bright does a bit of window shopping. 50K... Heck no. 30K? Still too much. The 2K one is just a piece of glass.

His wanderings lead him to a small pawn shop. Their rings are apallingly expensive, but the cashier slips him a bit of info.

"Between you and me, chief... You know Don Fragondino? Businessman, mafia boss? Well, we pay protection money to his thugs, and one let slip that they're looking for muscle for a big hit of some sort. You should have a talk with him, they say he pays real well, if you know what I mean.

He usually hangs out at Ellie's Cantina, in Renton. You could, you know, maybe work something out, get some funds? Heck, might even be enough for one of the fancy hand-carved rings!"

You all feel the fabric of spacetime begin to shift back into its usual state. DOWNTIME will not last much longer!

What will you DOWNTIME, or are you done?

Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:09 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Ask mafia guys if anything is up. OPPORTUNITY.

Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:47 am
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