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Post Re: Shadowrun
"I... Maybe?
I'm not a fan of killing people. But I guess that's kind of how it works."

Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:33 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Extract kidneys and liver after the guy's brains are blown out. Put them in cold storage with the others.

Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:35 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
Maarten: You are pardoned for your sins. Don't worry, I should have been more explicit before. Basically, as long as everyone is in the same "scene", let's say, I tend to wait for everyone to action before rolling.
Next time, just gimme a "Pass" action so I know you've read the post and don't skip over you.


Rolling for initiative!

Allie: 6
Vargall: 13
Bright: 13
Backsmasher: 10

Hungry Ghoul: 11
Stinky Ghoul: 14, surprised
Nasty Ghoul: 11

Turn order: Stinky(skip from surprise)>Bright>Vargall>Hungry>Nasty>Backsmasher>Allie>Bright>Vargall>Backsmasher>Bright>Vargall>Backsmasher

CrazyMLC wrote:
"There's some drek coming this way..."
> Glare at the psycho cutting out his kidney before he's even had a chance to die.
"Sorry it happened this way, chummer. You deserve better."
> Single shot into his head. Cautiously approach the direction I perceived the ghouls from, double narrow burst fire any that I can see.

Bright sadly fires one last shot at the man. There is something in his eyes that might be gratefulness... But now you'll never know.
The Speedy Thug takes 13P damage and slumps back, dead as a stone. That one's gonna leave a mark.

Allie rolls her eyes in mild annoyance, wipes the blood that's just been splattered on her face, and calmly gets back to her grisly work.

Taking a step towards the door, Bright sprays lead at the nearest ghoul, Hungry. Several bullets hit it in the face and stomach, sending it flying back in a spray of blood and giblets. The Hungry Ghoul takes 10P damage!

maart3n wrote:
Pull both peacemakers and unload.

Vargall attempts to quick draw both his pistols, but only the left one comes out fast enough to get two shots off. The very first bullet hits the fallen Hungry in the forehead for 11P damage, felling him instantly. The second misses, but the third nails Stinky in the chest for 4P damage!

The Nasty Ghoul lets out a bloodcurdling shriek as it charges blindly towards the loudest source of noise. Bright manages to whack on the side of the head with the butt of his gun before its claws connect, and narrowly avoids being hit!

DSMK2 wrote:
> Shotgun. Ghoul. Shotgun the ghoul.

Backsmasher draws his shotgun and looses a veritable hailstorm of flechettes towards the Stinky Ghoul! The Ghoul takes 11P damage!

Suddenly, there is no more Stinky Ghoul, just a ghoul-shaped stain on the wall and a pair of severed feet lying awkwardly below it. Doom-tastic!

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Extract kidneys and liver after the guy's brains are blown out. Put them in cold storage with the others.

Seemingly oblivious to the mayhem that has taken over the room, Allie smiles as she neatly pulls out the corpse's second kidney, and has it join its twin brother and their cousin Liver in the Cold Loot Bag. A stellar surgery indeed, especially considering the lack of appropriate tools and the frankly deplorable amount of distracting noise. She pats herself on the back for a job well done.

Bright switches targets to the ghoul currently clawing madly in his direction, and burst fires twice in its direction. The first burst misses, but the second one pops three neat holes through the creature's ribcage, dealing 11P damage! Stinky doesn't show any signs of stopping its rampage, howev-


The ghoul crumples to the ground mid-charge, landing face-first, with a smoking hole in its temple. Vargall holsters his pistol with a flourish, looking the tiniest big smug at his bullseye shot.

After that sudden spat of gunfire and fear, the room is mercifully silent again. So silent, indeed, that you can all hear the scratching and screeching of more creatures moving above you. This place is a death trap!

TorrentHKU wrote:
"I... Maybe?
I'm not a fan of killing people. But I guess that's kind of how it works."

"I'll take that as a 'yes'. Well... I'm glad we understand one another! I'm sure your associates will be thrilled by a chance to get some action, hehe!~"
She seems to have gone back to her ditzy, cheerful self. That's... Good?

What will you do?

Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:57 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Get shotgun fed new rounds. Grin a bit for finally getting something done tonight! Step into Vargall's view, avoid looking at him, but before I do so:
"Don't. Shoot."

Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:01 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Draw thy steel. Perform emergency amputations on ghouls that attempt to attack me or look like they're distracted.

Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:04 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"Good news is that the ghouls will be eating the body before anyone can find it, bad news is they want us too. We should go."

> Move towards the exit and my bike, but keep in sight of Backsmasher and Vargall. Don't want to leave them behind just yet. Wide burst fire any more ghouls I see.

Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:14 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
Holster pistols and get ready to abandon ship back to the car.

Thanks for the pardon m'lord, but quick question: What happened here? Did I take the third shot with my right gun?
Vargall attempts to quick draw both his pistols, but only the left one comes out fast enough to get two shots off. The very first bullet hits the fallen Hungry in the forehead for 11P damage, felling him instantly. The second misses, but the third nails Stinky in the chest for 4P damage!

Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:59 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Hear the gunshots, try and see what's going on out there.

Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:55 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
maart3n wrote:
Thanks for the pardon m'lord, but quick question: What happened here? Did I take the third shot with my right gun?

Weapon rolls in Shadaran are a little peculiar. You get 2 Simple Actions per turn (and one Free action and one Move action but that doesn't matter right now). Usually, you spend your first action to draw a gun (or 2 guns if you're using pistols), and another to shoot with both, 1 after the other. However, your character can Quick Draw, which means he gets a free shot with each gun as soon as he draws it, as long as he rolls high enough. In this case, you ended up shooting twice with the left pistol (1st and 3rd shot) and once with the right pistol (2nd shot). Both guns have 4 bullets remaining, since you used the right one when you headshot the other ghoul.



Rolling for initiative!

Allie: 7
Vargall: 12
Bright: 12
Backsmasher: 12
Faust: 11

??? Ghouls: Hidden

maart3n wrote:
Holster pistols and get ready to abandon ship back to the car.

Vargall unholsters and re-holsters his pistols with a particularly large flourish, because hey if you got it you should flaunt it. He grabs his car's battery and jumper cables and starts to move out of the room.

CrazyMLC wrote:
"Good news is that the ghouls will be eating the body before anyone can find it, bad news is they want us too. We should go."

> Move towards the exit and my bike, but keep in sight of Backsmasher and Vargall. Don't want to leave them behind just yet. Wide burst fire any more ghouls I see.

Bright leads the others as they move towards the exit. As he's about a third of the way through, he spots a figure moving behind some rubble, and sprays it with two well-aimed bursts from his rifle. The Sneaky Ghoul takes 5P and 6P damage, and falls backwards, dead.

DSMK2 wrote:
> Get shotgun fed new rounds. Grin a bit for finally getting something done tonight! Step into Vargall's view, avoid looking at him, but before I do so:

"Don't. Shoot."

Taking care not to be a victim of friendly fire, Backsmasher follows suit, reloading his shotgun and pumping a fresh round into the chamber as he walks.

TorrentHKU wrote:
> Hear the gunshots, try and see what's going on out there.

Faust hears the quite obvious unsilenced gunfire, Faust decides to investigate. Motioning for the elf to stay in the car, he walks over to the building's main entrance, and sees his companions moving as a group towards him, while indistinct figures crawl around the shadowy corners of the room.

A ghoul, attracted by the fresh meat in her bag, charges Allie's position from hiding! She parries its bite with her knife, but it still manages to claw at her arm, dealing 3P damage!

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Draw thy steel. Perform emergency amputations on ghouls that attempt to attack me or look like they're distracted.

Allie drops the knife and draws her katana, intent on exacting revenge upon the creature. She swings at it and-

Did that ghoul just parry and steal your katana. With its bare hands.

The Chargy Ghoul has evolved into a Stabby Ghoul!

Bright swings back and trains his gun on the Stabby Ghoul, then pulls the trigger. The ghoul takes 11P damage and is slain. He loses grip of the katana as he falls, and Allie promptly grabs it in mid-air.

You all look back to see a dozen or more ghouls swarming into the room you've just left. Thankfully Speedy's fresh blood seems to be drawing most of the horde. Just a little closer to the exit!

What will you do?

Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:02 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
"Get outside, butcher."

> Cover the exit as the team makes their escape. More wide burst fires. If the horde comes this way, start backing up and doing full bursts on multiple targets, reloading as needed. (wide versions) If everyone makes it out, hop on my bike and cheese it.

Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:25 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun

Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:34 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Retrieve my knife and put it away in its sheath. Apply stunbolts to ghouls that attack me or allies, otherwise hold off offensive actions. Follow team.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:41 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
Use the stolen gun to cover my retreat while legging it to the car, properly install the battery and start it.
"Get aboard or get left behind."

Haha I totally forgot the car battery, would have been a great way to screw us over, reminding me when I'd gotten to the car.

Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:49 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
Maart3n: It took me A LOT of self restraint not to make you leave the battery. Don't worry, I'll find plenty of other ways to mess everyone's plans up later on~

ALSO! DSMK2 is on vacation, so the Advisor Committee has elected to temporarily set his character to autopilot until his return.


Rolling for initiative!

Allie: 5
Vargall: 14
Bright: 12
Backsmasher: 9
Faust: 9

Turn Order: Vargall>Bright>Backsmasher>Faust>Allie>Vargall>Bright>Backsmasher>Vargall>Bright>Backsmasher

maart3n wrote:
Use the stolen gun to cover my retreat while legging it to the car, properly install the battery and start it.
"Get aboard or get left behind."

Vargall pulls out his recently acquired Predator IV and shoots at the closest ghoul, a particularly ugly, toothy specimen. Two VERY innacurate misses. Ugh, cheap gangers and their cheap guns.
He manages to cover the rest of the distance to the exit and arrives in front of the car.

CrazyMLC wrote:
"Get outside, butcher."

> Cover the exit as the team makes their escape. More wide burst fires. If the horde comes this way, start backing up and doing full bursts on multiple targets, reloading as needed. (wide versions) If everyone makes it out, hop on my bike and cheese it.

Bright, slowly making his way forwards, turns around and begins laying covering fire for his team. He fires twice at the Toothy Ghoul. The first burst deals 8P damage, knocking the creature to the floor, and the second deals a whopping 13P damage and kills it for good.

Backsmasher elects to sprint towards the exit, taking cover by the side of the doorframe and looking for any nearby targets.

TorrentHKU wrote:

Faust locates the closest threatening-looking thing (in this case, a Brawny Ghoul) and shoots a fireball at it! The Brawny Ghoul takes 3P damage is set on fire! The Brawny Ghoul has evolved into a Fiery Ghoul!
Faust feels his stamina being drained by the spell. He takes 3S Drain, as he retreats back to the back seat of the car.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
> Retrieve my knife and put it away in its sheath. Apply stunbolts to ghouls that attack me or allies, otherwise hold off offensive actions. Follow team.

The Fiery Ghoul, in a mad rage, charges the nearest target: Allie. Impressively, she manages to keep it at bay with a wide defensive slash of her katana. She scoops down her knife from the floor, touches the thin wound on her cheek, and looks at the burning monster with cold anger.


The ghoul's eyes unfocus and roll upwards, and it falls face-first onto the floor, having taken a surprising 14S damage from the force 12 stunbolt. Allie feels her wound deepen ever so slightly, dealing 1P Drain.

She takes the chance to run out towards the exit, barely reaching Backsmasher's position.

Vargall pops the battery into the car's engine compartment, connects the leads, and slams the hood closed. He jumps into the driver's seat and starts the engine.

Bright hops onto his bike and puts on his helmet, safely stowing his gun. Ready to go!

Backsmasher realises Allie won't be fast enough to reach the car before it leaves, and scoops her into his arms as he makes for the vehicle. It's a tight fit, having an ork, two elves, a troll, a human and a baby in a mid-sized patrol car, but it'll have to do for now.

You gun the engines of your vehicles and zoom away from the building. A few ghouls sprint out on the street to screech and growl at you, but they're not nearly fast enough to catch you on foot.

What will you do?

Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:15 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Keep going until we lose the ghouls, then signal Vargall to pull over. We need to talk with this girl.

Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:52 am
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