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Post Re: Shadowrun
Bright regards the thugs for a moment. Dwarfy is clearly unrecognizeable, but both Ugly and Lanky are wearing gang jackets beneath their bulletproof vests. The Flaming Warthogs go-gang, to be precise, but with the symbol patches ripped out. He'd ran into that band of perps once or twice, and came to know their tactics and members. In fact...

He strains his memory. Ugly's face is too memorable to forget easily. Yes. Firewatch had a dossier on him. His alias is Stooby Shanks, and his buddies were Crank the gunbunny, Fornis the mage, and Joeby the rigge-


Realising that panic is not a good a good response to that information, he follows Backsmasher in going to the cashier and paying for his goods. The clerk is out cold from the blast, so they just leave a pair of 15¥ credchips on the counter.

He looks outside the building. The sirens are still far away (Lone Star's response times are awful as ever), but he sees an old grey van quickly pulling out from the parking lot, almost crashing on a nearby streetlight.

He puts two and two together.


Faust dismisses his elemental. It rolls its inexistent eyes and collapses into a pile of rubble and dirt.
He then glances over at the cutesy temple maiden girl who is now-

...writing numbers on the floor with the blood leaking off Lanky's warm, twitching body.
Faust feels a little sick, but thankfully she leaves for the washroom after a few moments.

In the toilet, Allie fondly remembers her youth in the woods, where paper was plentiful and commlinks were essentially unheard of. Now, however... You'd be hard-pressed to find an actual notebook for sale in this city. She scrawls the number in blood on a paper towel, anyways.
Thankfully, her sleeves are red-colored, so the blood doesn't stand out much. A quick wash is enough to make it impossible to realise she was desecrating the corpses of her enemies just a few moments ago.

Vargall gentlemanly opens his car's door for the lady. He looks expectantly at the rest of you, as if making an invitation to join this obviously unstable, dangerous man in his unpredictable and most decidedly illegal adventures.

What will you do?

Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:45 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Ok, I suppose get in the car. This is a bad idea, but so is harvesting organs.
She's not coming with us, is she?

Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:48 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Uh huh. This sounds like a shoot the van's wheels moment. Get a running start, load explosive rounds into the Ares, smartlink, and attempt to shoot.


Last edited by DSMK2 on Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:57 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Exit the washroom, see what everyone else is up to. Is that truck still here? Try not to stand somewhere where they can see me.

Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:01 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
If that girl's ex-lover is working with the Warthogs in some way, then it's worth taking a crack at this.

"Alright, I'm in."
> Pull out my assault rifle and wide burst fire twice to shoot out some of the van's wheels. Put on my helmet (Safety first, kids) and hop on my Suzuki Mirage. Drive out of the parking lot towards the van.

Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:04 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
When everybody is on board: floor it in pursuit of the van.
"Sorry darlin' duty calls."
Drink some of that beer I brought while driving.

Remember kids, drink while driving so by the time it kicks in you're already done driving.

Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:05 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
PS: If this one dies we don't have anyone to interrogate, which makes life hard. If we don't kill 'em we can bring this party to an abandoned building and ask questions.
Or we can murder and Areku can find a way to make things happen anyway, I guess that works too if we can't have nice things

Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:53 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
So what you're saying is I can have my cake and eat it too but then areku has to do more work?

just kidding I'll try not to kill him.

Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:07 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun

Rolling for initiative!

Allie: 4
Faust: 8
Vargall: 13
Bright: 13
Backsmasher: 10

Speedy Thug: 13

Turn order: Bright>Vargall>Speedy>Backsmasher>Faust>Allie>Bright>Vargall>Backsmasher>Bright>Vargall>Backsmasher

Bright draws his FN HAR and shoots wildly at the van, dealing 8P damage and bursting one of the rear tires! Sparks fly from the now exposed wheel as it grinds against the concrete.

Vargall turns on the engine with a wild grin and takes a hearty swig off his beer. The elf looks at him with mild worry, and makes sure her seatbelt is on and her baby is safely stowed in the glove compartment.

The van veers wildly onto the sidewalk as its driver attempts to regain control, then slams head-on onto a nearby sedan. The van takes 7P damage, while the sedan takes a whopping 27 damage and EXPLODES IN A GLORIOUS FIREBALL. The troll driver is thrown several feet into the air, then lands on the roof of a parked SUV, which also explodes. He walks away from the wreckage shaking his fists in the air and screaming "THAT WAS MY CAR YOU FRAK-SODDING SUNNOVAGUVNA!"

Backsmasher fires at the van, but he's too far away to aim accurately with a pistol! The shots go wide, riccocheting off nearby buildings with loud *DING* sounds!

Faust jumps onto the car's back seat and buckles in. This might be a wild ride.

Allie walks out of the washroom just in time to see Vargall's car zooming out of the parking lot with a screech and burnt tire marks, while the troll and the ork shoot repeatedly at the runaway van. She decides discretion is the better part of valor, and takes cover behind the counter, hoping not to catch any stray bullets.

Bright fires one last burst, but it simply dents the van's back door. He then jumps onto his bike, slides his driving gear on, and takes off!

Backsmasher, suddenly finding himself alone in the parking lot, takes a few more potshots to try and forget his loneliness. It doesn't work. ;_;

What will you do?

(By the way, disclaimer: in chase scenes, all drivers lose their first action to keep the car under control, unless they want to let go of the wheel and let it veer off course while they do something else. Which CAN be a valid strategy, provided you're confident there's nothing nearby for you to crash into.)

Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:46 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Yell about it all then fruitlessly run after the van, don't wanna be there when the sirens arrive anyways.

Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:48 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Continue driving up to the van. If I think I can do it safely, pull up next to the driver's side. Punch the window to try and break through. If I do, grab onto the rigger's neck, stun glove, and intimidate him.

"Stop the car before I snap you like a twig."

Assuming the van is still driving. Otherwise, skip the whole intimidating thing and just stun glove him twice.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:59 am
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Follow the other guys at a safe distance.

Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:22 am
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and her baby is safely stowed in the glove compartment.


So is the van now immobile or is he still trying to escape?

Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:09 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
maart3n wrote:
So is the van now immobile or is he still trying to escape?

It's still going, even if dangerously!

Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:16 pm
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Post Re: Shadowrun
> Oh god, why. Hang on for dear life.
Wait, I have ghost things. Uh, summon an air spirit? Have it mess with the other car somehow, make it stall or something. Block its air intakes.

Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:34 pm
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