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 Roll to Date - Roll 23 - Monday, 25/Aug, Block 3 
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
TorrentHKU wrote:
> Ok, well then let's go, uh... Check out my locker, yes.

You walk over to the gym doors, and as soon as you exit you hear a whistle.

Turning around, there's an older kid leaning against the wall. Black leather jacket, blonde pompadour.

Tommy Whealer: "Hey, you're a cute one. Name's Tommy Wheeler, what's yours?"
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average


CrazyMLC wrote:
"Tossers already have it out for me."

> Kick the wall out of spite, shove my hands into my pockets, and head to the principal's office.

After kicking a wall in spite, you shove your hands into your pockets and head for the main office. There are several desks inside, only one with a person behind it. Some woman with black hair tied up in a messy bun. Mostly expressionless face.

Counselor Zeigel: "Hello. Can I help you."
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair: Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:11 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
"Ah! U-um..."
> Look around for someone else that he's talking to. I hope.
There's nobody else is there.

"I'm Langley... I'm, um, new here."

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:18 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
"Oi. My schedule wasn't on the poster, what gives?"

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:18 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
TorrentHKU wrote:
"Ah! U-um..."
> Look around for someone else that he's talking to. I hope.
There's nobody else is there.

"I'm Langley... I'm, um, new here."

There's nobody else.

Tommy Wheeler: "Glad Freshman Welcome's over? Leg's feelin' sore? Let's take little walk, got somethin' I wanna tell ya too."
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average


CrazyMLC wrote:
"Oi. My schedule wasn't on the poster, what gives?"

Counselor Zeigel: "Ah. You must be..."
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair:Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average
She squints at a piece of paper on her desk.

Counselor Zeigel: "Lance Connell. We can't fit your classes in the schedule you have. You can replace two of your classes with English or Math courses, or opt for independent study."
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair:Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:29 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
"Oh! O-okay. Where are we going?"
> Follow.

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
TorrentHKU wrote:
"Oh! O-okay. Where are we going?"
> Follow.

Tommy Wheeler: "Jus' to the stairs."
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

The two of you walk over to the stairwell, away from the other students filling the halls. Tommy opens one of the double doors, holding it for you to walk through before he enters, letting them close.

The stairwell is empty except for the two of you. Tommy pulls out a pack of gum, sliding a stick out for himself before offering you one.

Tommy Wheeler: "This school's pretty rough."
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:34 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
"Uh-huh. Well, sod it then. Switch out Health and Chemistry for Literature and Algebra. That do it?"

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
"Oh no, is it really? I-I get really nervous in new places. And around crowds.
I hope it'll be okay..."
> Take gum. Hope it's a fruity flavor, those are nice. Mint is ok, but a bit harsh.
"I really hope I can make some friends. Or, maybe just one for now. One friend would be good."

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:53 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
CrazyMLC wrote:
"Uh-huh. Well, sod it then. Switch out Health and Chemistry for Literature and Algebra. That do it?"

Counselor Zeigel: "Hm. Yup, that works."
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair:Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

She writes on two pieces of paper, handing you one of them.

Block 1: Literature 1A R3
Block 2: Algebra 1C R7
Block 3: Health A R8
Block 4: General P.E. B RGYM

Another student walks into the office. A bit tall, long black hair.

Counselor Zeigel: "Hello Charlotte. Do you need something?"
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair:Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Charlotte: "I need my schedule approved."
Eyes: Dark Blue, Hair: Long/Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Tall

She hands the counselor a piece of paper, who gives a nod.

Counselor Zeigel: "Looks good."
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair:Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Charlotte leaves the room, barely even giving you a glance.


TorrentHKU wrote:
"Oh no, is it really? I-I get really nervous in new places. And around crowds.
I hope it'll be okay..."
> Take gum. Hope it's a fruity flavor, those are nice. Mint is ok, but a bit harsh.
"I really hope I can make some friends. Or, maybe just one for now. One friend would be good."

You open the wrapper and hesitantly place the stick into your mouth. Fruity. Your shoulders release a little bit of tension,

Tommy blows a bubble, letting it a pop before he speaks.

Tommy Wheeler: "You heard of the Dates?"
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average


Tommy Wheeler: "They're dates, calendar dates, where stuff happens. Bad stuff."
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

He blows another bubble that pops, chewing on the remains with a thousand-yard stare on his face.

Tommy Wheeler: "There are only two Second Year students. No Third Year. A single Fourth Year. The last Date hit us pretty hard."
Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:07 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
I-I-I know I'm a nervous girl, b-but I don't scare that easily. You have to try harder than, than that."

Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:09 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
"Hmph. Who's that, walkin' around like she owns the place."

Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:10 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
TorrentHKU wrote:
I-I-I know I'm a nervous girl, b-but I don't scare that easily. You have to try harder than, than that."

He gives you a shrug.

Tommy Wheeler: "Lunch today. Make sure you're in the cafeteria. The other Second Year will be there to tell everyone. Hard to believe me, I know. I didn't believe the guy who tried to warn me, either. And now, well... He's not around anymore."
Male, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

The stairwell doors open, and a tall girl with long black hair and dark blue eyes walks in. Tommy gives a nod to her.

Tommy Wheeler: "Charl."
Male, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Charl: "Who's this."
Female, Eyes: Dark Blue, Hair: Long/Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Tall

Tommy Wheeler: "First year. Jus' given'er the warning."
Male, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

The tall girl looks at you with critical eyes before letting out a dissatisfied breath and heading upstairs.

Charl: "She won't make it."
Female, Eyes: Dark Blue, Hair: Long/Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Tall

Footsteps echo in the tall stairwell until the girl exits on the fourth floor.

Tommy Wheeler: "Charlotte Gausse, Fourth Year. Well, I'll be seein' you. Take care."
Male, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

He pushes open the doors and leaves.


CrazyMLC wrote:
"Hmph. Who's that, walkin' around like she owns the place."

Counselor Zeigel: "Charlotte Gausse, Fourth Year student. She's, been through some rough times."
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair:Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:19 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
That was weird... Wait, what time is it? I should get to class."
> Get to class. Room 3, was it?

Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:23 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
"Yea well, no reason to be so stuck up. Not like she's the only fourth year."

Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:23 am
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Post Re: Roll to Date - Roll 2 - Monday, 24/Aug, Opening
TorrentHKU wrote:
That was weird... Wait, what time is it? I should get to class."
> Get to class. Room 3, was it?

You leave the stairwell and head to room 3. There's one other student, a girl with faded pink hair, and a very tall man behind the teacher's desk, who's probably the teacher.

On the blackboard is written "Mr. Levi Rauha," and a table in front of the blackboard has a few piles of books.

The pink-haired girl looks up from a book she was reading and turns up to face you.

Girl: "Ah, another fellow literature student."
Female, Eyes: Pink, Hair: Light Pink, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Short

She stands up and in a showy manner, removes a set of invisible glasses from her face and takes a bow.

Girl: "Rana Salient, a pleasure meeting you."
Female, Eyes: Pink, Hair: Light Pink, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Short

Mr. Rauha: "You can grab one of the books up there, first book we'll be reading for the year."
Male, Eyes: Grey, Hair: Grey, Skin: Light, Body: Muscular, Height: Very Tall

CrazyMLC wrote:
"Yea well, no reason to be so stuck up. Not like she's the only fourth year."

The counselor gives a strange cough.

Counselor Zeigel: "Anyways, you're set to go. Still a few minutes until first bell."
Female, Eyes: Amber, Hair:Black, Skin: Light, Body: Lean, Height: Average

Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:26 am
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