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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"... And what goes into this 'incinerator.'"

Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:32 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"My god... You just grow them, and attach a spirit? And that works? Is that because of the Heartstone, or the rest of the technology?

What exactly has been done to Alku? And if she's Base 2, what happened to Base 1?"

Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:17 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"And if they're just grown bodies with spirits attached, doesn't that essentially make them liches? This, and their treatment, is troubling."

Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:32 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
CrazyMLC wrote:
"... And what goes into this 'incinerator.'"

Magicist: "Trash. Defective Products."

TorrentHKU wrote:
"My god... You just grow them, and attach a spirit? And that works? Is that because of the Heartstone, or the rest of the technology?

What exactly has been done to Alku? And if she's Base 2, what happened to Base 1?"

Magicist: "It works because of the entire system. If a Product is grown without a, link, to a mother, it ends up not having a spirit at all, but is still a perfectly functional human with rational thought. Just incapable of magic.

The link with Base 2 allows the Products to inherit her abilities, and the Incubator takes care of binding the spirit to the Heartstone. Without proper binding, the Heartstone does not work.

The Persistence Trigger is a machine in the Research building that forces a spirit to remain for a long period of time after the death of the host body. I'm sure by now you know that Emiel worked on the project for some time. He built many of the prototypes of our machines, including the Persistence Trigger. The early model had a few... Interesting additional functions, such as encoding genetic information into the spirit itself, and making them bind to Heartstones much more easily. However, that caused them to bind to other things as well, which was unwanted. Those operations were removed in the future iterations of the machine.

Alku has had numerous focus modules loaded. About as big as firewood logs. They fit into a slot on the Mother Incubator and the machine loads the contents of the module into the Mother. To put it simply, they give her more abilities.

As for Base 1, I'm not sure. She had male spirits merged into her, but that damaged her ability to create child spirits. I imagine whoever was handling that part of the operation disposed of her."

CrazyMLC wrote:
"And if they're just grown bodies with spirits attached, doesn't that essentially make them liches? This, and their treatment, is troubling."

Magicist: "If your definition of a lich is a grown body with a spirit attached, that would make all of us liches."

Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:07 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
>Change evasion behaviour to use Delay and Evade rather than Evade where possible.

>Put my Cloak from the ground into my inventory.

"Yeah, think that'll work.. There anythin' you wanted t' try?"

Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:18 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"...And pray tell.
What happens to the nonmagical Products, and what constitutes a Defective Product.
What exactly does the Persistence Trigger do to a spirit to make it stick around."

Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:06 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"This... wow. How can something be alive without a spirit? And what's the difference between attaching a spirit to a creature during birth, and attaching it at a later point in life, which I guess is like a possession, like a lich? Are the spirit and body separate minds that are merged into one, which becomes a lich if the physical mind dies and the spirit does not? So many questions.

And if this entire process makes them truly alive, then how do you excuse murdering one of them in a goddamn incinerator, or keeping one locked up in a tube? And why are you keeping all these girls confined here? Couldn't this be a peaceful operation to conduct research for the betterment of society, and create a new generation of magically gifted beings to boot? Why the secrecy, besides the murder?"

Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:06 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
Amazigh wrote:
>Change evasion behaviour to use Delay and Evade rather than Evade where possible.

>Put my Cloak from the ground into my inventory.

"Yeah, think that'll work.. There anythin' you wanted t' try?"

Tuhota: "Hmm. Maybe I could work on blocking, too. Defense seems pretty im-"

A fiery explosion nearby interrupts your training session. Turning towards the source, you see a spot of burnt grass, with Horoma lying on the ground close to it.

Miimas: "Holy ♥♥♥♥! Horo you okay!?"

You, Tuhota, and Miimas run over to the doll. A few flames on her clothes that Miimas pats out, and several cracks in her body that let out a red liquid.

Horoma: "I'm okay, sorta. I think my visual sensors got disconnected or damaged. Might have to whip me up a new one, Kyeltziv."

She reaches her hand up to feel her eyesockets, which are spilling gore.

Miimas: "Caelus Horo, you're bleeding!"

Horoma: "What? I can't-Oh my god, I hit someone. Who did I hit? Who's missing?

Is it Tuhota?"


TorrentHKU wrote:
"...And pray tell.
What happens to the nonmagical Products. What constitutes a Defective Product.
What exactly does the Persistence Trigger do to a spirit to make it stick around."

Magicist: "The Products that were grown without a spirit were sterilized and then released to an orphanage. It was decided that creating an entire race of sentient, non-magic capable humans would have serious consequences in the future, and at the same time we didn't want to outright kill them.

Products are defective if they are unable to survive without life support and are unable to be medically corrected. Early growth tests created Products that were simply too fragile to live on their own without the support of a machine, and if attempts to correct their defects failed, they were euthanized.

The Persistence Trigger, I'm not familiar with the way it works. There's another team that handles it, I handle the Incubators."

CrazyMLC wrote:
"This... wow. How can something be alive without a spirit? And what's the difference between attaching a spirit to a creature during birth, and attaching it at a later point in life, which I guess is like a possession, like a lich? Are the spirit and body separate minds that are merged into one, which becomes a lich if the physical mind dies and the spirit does not? So many questions.

And if this entire process makes them truly alive, then how do you excuse murdering one of them in a goddamn incinerator, or keeping one locked up in a tube? And why are you keeping all these girls confined here? Couldn't this be a peaceful operation to conduct research for the betterment of society, and create a new generation of magically gifted beings to boot? Why the secrecy, besides the murder?"

She looks at you in a strange way.

Magicist: "Well, first off, we don't kill them with the incinerator. Secondly, Base 2 is a volunteer. I'm not sure if you understood, but many of the machines here require magic, thus, we can't use any antimagic here. That means Base 2 has an enormous amount of magic at her disposal that she can readily use at any given moment."

There's a tapping down the room, and you turn to see Base 2/Alku weakly waving from inside her Incubator.

Magicist: "As for your other questions, I'm not really sure what kind of answer you're expecting."

Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:34 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"No..? I... None of us were near you? Right?"
>Check for smears or otherwise that'd indicate a dead person.
>Also sense for spirits, because that might help??

Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:46 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"What part do the girls have to do in all of this? Do you train them to make these focus stones?"

Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:56 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
Amazigh wrote:
"No..? I... None of us were near you? Right?"
>Check for smears or otherwise that'd indicate a dead person.
>Also sense for spirits, because that might help??

There aren't any smears that would indicate someone being exploded, and there aren't any loose spirits around either.

Horoma: "Weird. Also there's like, a tingly feeling all over.

Wait, that's pain. I'm not supposed to be able to feel that."

She slowly sits up, some of the cracks in her doll body spreading and dropping fragments, revealing red flesh underneath.

Horoma: "Oooooow. Am I really bleeding?"

Miimas: "Yeah. Looks like blood, smells like blood. Your eyes are mush, too."

Horoma: "Well. This was unexpected."


CrazyMLC wrote:
"What part do the girls have to do in all of this? Do you train them to make these focus stones?"

Magicist: "Which girls? Focus stones what?"

Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:06 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"The 'modules.' The girls you've been holding in the side buildings.



Last edited by CrazyMLC on Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:07 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
God dammit. God dammit all. You tell me all this, make it seem like everyone here is trying their best to be as ethical as possible.
And yet, up on the surface, you have literally over a hundred girls, all locked up in anti-magic cells against their will, undergoing... I don't know the details, but I've heard the word torture thrown around and it was bad enough to make them all want to burn this place down and run for their lives, even if they might die in the attempt. I- ♥♥♥♥.
I really need to tear someone a new ass for this, but you're just here to grow Products, you're not the one accountable for this whole mess.

What about you Alku, you're... fine with all this? The treatment the Subjects get?"

Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:44 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
CrazyMLC wrote:
"The 'modules.' The girls you've been holding in the side buildings.


TorrentHKU wrote:
God dammit. God dammit all. You tell me all this, make it seem like everyone here is trying their best to be as ethical as possible.
And yet, up on the surface, you have literally over a hundred girls, all locked up in anti-magic cells against their will, undergoing... I don't know the details, but I've heard the word torture thrown around and it was bad enough to make them all want to burn this place down and run for their lives, even if they might die in the attempt. I- ♥♥♥♥.
I really need to tear someone a new ass for this, but you're just here to grow Products, you're not the one accountable for this whole mess.

What about you Alku, you're... fine with all this? The treatment the Subjects get?"

Alku traces her finger on the glass tube.


Magicist: "The Directors were in the building just south of this one before the fighting broke out. If, you're interested in talking to them."

Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:11 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 290) - Elder Pact
"Yeah, that it could.

Maybe once I've cooled off. Doubt I'm really the one to be giving them a piece of my mind anyway. Doubt it'll be anything they haven't heard before.
Tell me about the Heartstone itself. What's it do in the body, and for the spirit? How does that enable a spirit to cast?"

Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:18 am
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