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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
CrazyMLC wrote:
"Hello? Do you need any help?"

The three armored figures whirl about to face you. One of them speaks in a young female voice.

??? 1: "This area is restricted and under attack right now. You should leave, we can handle it."


Roast Veg wrote:
"Alright, left or right? If we go left we can hit at range across one group of them."

Aucupe: "Left. Get the first hit."


TorrentHKU wrote:
"Yes, but- Ah. Yeah, there are. Don't worry, I can handle the regular guards no problem. But, there are some of the... girls too, the finished product from Heartstone. I'll get you all out of here, but I need to take care of them first. I can beat em, but I need to rest in here and recover some mana first. Got some friends outside to help, Null and Aucupe too, if you know them.
Oh, um, you two, get to different cells, it might get dangerous to be there in a little bit."
> Point to the two girls in the northern cells, 4 and 5.

The two move out of their cells obediently, standing in the hall with you.

??? 1: "If the products are outside, what do we do right now?"

Asklar wrote:
> Hit the door with the colichemarde, aiming for hinges or other weakspots. If the door doesn't open, do it again but casting power flow this time.

You hit the door with the colichemarde, striking hinges and the lock, but all you manage to do is leave light scratches. Using Power Flow gives some better results - the hinges break off, along with the lock, and the iron-bar door blocking the main door falls off with a loud clang.

You could've also tried activating the colichemarde's mechanism, but whatever. Access granted.

Amazigh wrote:
>See how much some good Brigandine? would set me back, nothing quite as heavy as full plate, but still durable and high quality.
>Also see if I can find a good sturdy surcoat or similar.

Note to self: go and get another robe.

Well, you can get a brigandine for free from the armory. As for the shops, it looks like they're charging you 5 silvers for a munitions grade one, and 8 for the higher grade ones.

There are plenty of robes - Unmarked and marked ones from the armory and market, as well as some higher-end robes that have metal plates sewn between the layers of cloth, providing a great deal of protection without the conspicuous shine of standard plate armor. A gold and 2 silvers for one of those. Surcoats, on the other hand, seem to not be very popular. In fact, you can't even find any! Hoods and arm protection are apparently mandatory.

TheKebbit wrote:
"I'm glad, Ommel. Do you intend to move out of the pocket dimension at some point, or will the Konai family do all of its further business from the heart of a powerful witch? We may need to return to combat soon. Putting you at risk - even indirectly through carrying the core to fight - is not an option.

I don't believe I've introduced myself properly to your parents?"

Ommel: "Dunno about relocating again, but I can go grab everyone else. Sec."

She leaves view of the portal. The witchmetal armored figure that was helping her occasionally pokes its head into view, staring at you and Tabi before retreating and doing the same thing a few seconds later.

Ommel: "Alright, we're back!"

The family, and the armored red-eyed thing, exit the portal to greet you and reunite with Tabi, along with being introduced to you.

Tuva is the father - taller than you but appearing more fragile. He has a pair of round spectacles and seems to have a white collar and chest color pattern on his otherwise black fur. His irises are pitch black, which seems unusual, considering most other chirop you've seen had amber eyes.

The mother, Diitali, is a bit shorter than you and has solid grey fur and amber eyes - fairly normal in appearance.

Iikua is the oldest daughter. She has the same fur pattern as the father, or so you're told, with her mother's eyes. She served a few years in Teleiat's Hastae, assigned to a task force that went against a crime syndicate involved with people-trafficking. She "seems to always be bothered by something."

Tabitha, or Tabi, is the second oldest, sent off to attend university in Magusalto and then declared dead in an accident a few years later. You're not actually sure what her fur pattern is, since you've only ever seen her head and forearms exposed and no one tells you any details. She has her father's black eyes, though.

Ommel (supposed to be oh-MELL, usually called OM-ull) is the next. She has amber eyes and black fur from what you can tell, save for a single diagonal white line under her left eye beside her nose, looking almost like a lone whisker. She seems to have taken over the duties of running the family shop, directing what needs to be done and when, as well as tending to customers and making entire outfits herself.

Kiire (sounds like keer-ay) is the youngest. She has amber eyes and a white collar pattern over her otherwise grey fur.

Diitali: "We wanted to try more human-like names for Tabi and Ommel, which is why their names aren't very chirop-y."

Tuva: "So, you're Kleigg, right? Sounds like you've known Tabi for some time. Has she blown anything up yet? Loved blowing things up when she was little, and she can't even cast!"

Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:37 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"Ah, alright! Who was the figure that disappeared into the building though? You should chase after it before it hurts anyone!"

Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:22 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"Hm. None of you can fight in here because of the cancellation. If you go outside, you could try to take the regular guards, but there could be losses then, especially if the products step in... Safest option is, for now, just stay in here and in your cells. Once the products are dealt with, we can get everyone out of here.
If things look bad, I'll make another hole at the end of the hall and drive them away from it."

Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:45 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"I am indeed Kleigg - I apologize that I cannot show my face to you, but if I separate any component of my combat armor it begins to die. I promise that I am human and not a walking structure of witchmetal. I come from the distant south, though that is not important anymore.

It's an honor to finally meet you! I've worked with your daughter for a while; we have been fighting the good fight to maintain peace in the region, and I'm very proud to call her my friend. She is a technologist, a scholar, a warrior - and a noble girl. I can't comment on any past explosions, but Tabi did use some destructive force against that corrupted construct we evacuated you from."

Last edited by TheKebbit on Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:08 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
>Walk in slowly, look for signs of people.

Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:50 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
>No surcoats? clearly these people have no sense of style.

>Buy one of those plated robes, preferably in a grey/brown colour.

"So Toh, what'd you fancy t' eat?"

Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:05 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
CrazyMLC wrote:
"Ah, alright! Who was the figure that disappeared into the building though? You should chase after it before it hurts anyone!"

??? 2: "You should leave before someone hurts you."


TorrentHKU wrote:
"Hm. None of you can fight in here because of the cancellation. If you go outside, you could try to take the regular guards, but there could be losses then, especially if the products step in... Safest option is, for now, just stay in here and in your cells. Once the products are dealt with, we can get everyone out of here.
If things look bad, I'll make another hole at the end of the hall and drive them away from it."

You hear banging on the other cell doors down the hall.

"Hey, let me out too!"

"I'm in here too!"



TheKebbit wrote:
"I am indeed Kleigg - I apologize that I cannot show my face to you, but if I separate any component of my combat armor it begins to die. I promise that I am human and not a walking structure of witchmetal. I come from the distant south, though that is not important anymore.

It's an honor to finally meet you! I've worked with your daughter for a while; we have been fighting the good fight to maintain peace in the region, and I'm very proud to call her my friend. She is a technologist, a scholar, a warrior - and a noble girl. I can't comment on any past explosions, but Tabi did use some destructive force against that corrupted construct we evacuated you from."

Ommel: "Oooh, really gettin' to know her huh?"

Iikua: "Corrupted construct? I thought it was a leviathan."


Asklar wrote:
>Walk in slowly, look for signs of people.

You push open the wooden double doors and slowly enter.

The building is unlit at the moment, and the few windows are barred with metal bars and let in little light. The polished wooden floors feel solid - not a single creak as the three of you pass through the main entrance and look around.

The building is shaped like a U, with the 'middle' segment being the entrance and a few large rooms. The wings of the building seem to have a large array of smaller rooms, from what you can tell.

No one is in sight.


Amazigh wrote:
>No surcoats? clearly these people have no sense of style.

>Buy one of those plated robes, preferably in a grey/brown colour.

"So Toh, what'd you fancy t' eat?"

You look at the plated robes. It looks like they have Grey and Brown, but not one with both. Hmm, choices... Well, might as well ask T'ota what she wants to eat.

Tuhota: "Uh, meat please."

Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:08 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"I've not forgotten! Would be rather rude to tell you to escape if needed then just leave you locked up."
> Head down the hall, cut open the doors as I pass like I did for 1-5. At the of the wall, on a southern exterior wall make a big X on the wall with two slashes. Don't break the wall down yet, just enough so that I can make an easy emergency exit.
"Just... try not to look like you're going to escape. I doubt the products will hesitate to attack you if they think you'll give them trouble, and I'm kinda here to get you girls out in one piece."

Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:17 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"I suppose, Ommel - if you travel with someone interesting for a while you can't really help it.

It was both of those things. They're fighting each other right now - Tabi hit the construct with hellfire, then we saw the leviathan erupt from a mountain towards it and decided not to die standing."

Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:33 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
>Wait, what colour is my fur anyways... If predominantly grey or brown, go for a cloak in the opposite colour, if some other colour, go for grey.

"A'ight, meat it is then."

>Seek out some sort of meat, maybe pre-cooked at a stall/cart maybe?

Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:49 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"Ah! It is true that I seem to have a knack for getting myself into trouble. Thank you, and good luck!"

> Smile and wave goodbye, run off to the north from the danger they warned me about.

Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:24 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"I don't think dividing ourselves would be a good idea to check both wings of the building because that'd mean someone would have to go alone, and that wouldn't be a good idea. Let's check the left wing first."

Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:57 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
TorrentHKU wrote:
"I've not forgotten! Would be rather rude to tell you to escape if needed then just leave you locked up."
> Head down the hall, cut open the doors as I pass like I did for 1-5. At the of the wall, on a southern exterior wall make a big X on the wall with two slashes. Don't break the wall down yet, just enough so that I can make an easy emergency exit.
"Just... try not to look like you're going to escape. I doubt the products will hesitate to attack you if they think you'll give them trouble, and I'm kinda here to get you girls out in one piece."

After you hack open the rest of the cells in the building wing (which happens to be another ten), you slice an X in the south wall. Not enough to break it down, just weaken it.

"Do we just wait around for you to take care of the products then? I don't know how we're supposed to escape without making it look like we're trying to escape."


TheKebbit wrote:
"I suppose, Ommel - if you travel with someone interesting for a while you can't really help it.

It was both of those things. They're fighting each other right now - Tabi hit the construct with hellfire, then we saw the leviathan erupt from a mountain towards it and decided not to die standing."

Iikua: "Hm."

Diitali: "So, what do we do about food? I'm not sure if I want to be eating that mystery meat for an extended period of time"

Kiire: "We could probably store lots of food in the city, but I don't know where we'd get it."

A quiet voice whispers in your helm.

"I can gather material to farm, but I will need to leave you for a moment. I will fix your armor when I am done."

Amazigh wrote:
>Wait, what colour is my fur anyways... If predominantly grey or brown, go for a cloak in the opposite colour, if some other colour, go for grey.

"A'ight, meat it is then."

>Seek out some sort of meat, maybe pre-cooked at a stall/cart maybe?

Your fur is grey and white, so you grab a brown armor cloak (-1 gold 2 silver).

Looking around, there are a few stalls with precooked meat. Roast chicken and grilled pork are the most common, though there are plenty of fish cooked in various styles.

Tuhota: "Mmm, anything's good."


CrazyMLC wrote:
"Ah! It is true that I seem to have a knack for getting myself into trouble. Thank you, and good luck!"

> Smile and wave goodbye, run off to the north from the danger they warned me about.

You head north, leaving the facility grounds. Well, now what.


Asklar wrote:
"I don't think dividing ourselves would be a good idea to check both wings of the building because that'd mean someone would have to go alone, and that wouldn't be a good idea. Let's check the left wing first."

Black Mage: "Alright."

The three of you slowly walk towards the left wing of the building, passing a building that resembles an infirmary on the way. At the end of the hall and the beginning of the wing, you see the walls are lined with metal doors - cells. Peering through the clear glass-like window of one of the rooms, you see a skinny human girl lying on a simple bed, sleeping.

Black Mage: "These must be the test subjects."

Blue Mage: "Gonna be a pain breaking them out. Maybe we can take out the antimagic systems in the building. Basement level, I'm guessing."

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:02 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
> Seems like they have the situation under control! Let's loop around to the west to see if my friends are somewhere around here.

Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:13 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 282) - Elder Pact
"Well, ideally, yeah. Unless any of you know some pretty good light magic and can Haste yourselves, or better yet, pretty good Dark and can Slow them. That speed of theirs is pretty much a cheat."

Asklar, remember what Null said, that some of the girls are being kept safe by the cancellation systems.

Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:15 pm
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