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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 261) - Ascension
Kleigg: "If the tower descends slowly enough, we can jump out the windows when we're close enough to ground!"[/quote]

Vandolf: "... No kidding. Thanks for the help, Tabs.

The old thing glitched out. There was a control panel of some kind once the casket closed, and once I hit the button to open the door it decided I'd hit the button to descend.

There's something down there, you know."

Luoda, Kura, and the others seem to be in a state of shock, but Ettiin rushes over to the stairwell.

Ettiin: "I'm going to tell everyone to move to move up and escape through the windows before the tower drops too much!"

The armored chirop pounds down the stairs, and the movers and Luoda, seeming to want to get out faster, follow after her.

Kleigg summons the witched lamp and turns the key. The air in the room becomes distorted like a mirage, and everyone is blinded by a bright light.

A red sun sits halfway above the horizon, bathing a cityscape in twighlight. The tall human buildings cast long shadows.

Kleigg, Vandolf, Tabi, and Kura stand at the edge of the unpopulated city, looking around in confusion. The entire region is surrounded by a severe mirage, heavily distorting the surrounding fields.

Kura: "Where are we?"

TorrentHKU wrote:
"No such thing as an evil invention. I'm going to try to not have it come to, ah, Horoma's solution. Or at least not before I've had a good look through their research materials."
> Leave, head towards the northeast edge of Fluustern, where that witch-doctor guy was.
Use 300 mana to make a new mana stone.

You and Andrew leave the house with Madenuuk bidding you farewell, and Aucupe following close behind.

Heading to the North--East edge of town, your trio locateds the structure that looks like a mansion made of a pile of shacks.

Aucupe: "Are you trying to learn about witches?"

The door to the structure then opens. A lupus appears, wearing a black brimmed pointed hat and a matching robe, who seems a bit confused with your presence.

Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:32 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 261) - Ascension
"Hi there, I was looking for the local expert on witches, was told you were just that. I uh, had an... encounter earlier. Are you free?"

Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:41 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 261) - Ascension
"... Huh? Kleigg, what was that?"

Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:41 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 261) - Ascension
"I don't know. I didn't want to take our chances with splattering on the ground.

Shall we go toward the city?"

Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:31 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 261) - Ascension
*whisper down below* "Hey, we've got a problem up here!"
> Cautiously climb up, be wary of sudden movements

Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:04 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 262) - Ascension
Roll 262

The world as the players know it:


1. Kyeltziv
2. -
3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, Raze
4. John
5. Vandolf, Kleigg


Time: Morning

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

You use 300 mana to make a mana stone, getting a 50 cap stone!

"Hi there, I was looking for the local expert on witches, was told you were just that. I uh, had an... encounter earlier. Are you free?"

Lupus: ”I am free to help. Might I ask your name?”

Health: 57/57
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 2/15
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Impulse Evasion when there is Evasion AP | Use Impulse Evasion to recover before actions if stumbled and have any Evasion AP or at least 2 regular AP

-Lucida Armor (Absorbs all damage) (17 Armor Resilience, 1500/1500 Durability) (+50 Strength, +30 Evasion, +10 Speed) (Immune to Telepathy)

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

Vandolf: "... Huh? Kleigg, what was that?"

Kleigg: "I don't know. I didn't want to take our chances with splattering on the ground.

Shall we go toward the city?"

Tabi: ”I guess that’s the only place to go.”

Kura: ”Doesn’t look like it’s populated from here, hopefully it’s safe.”

You notice that you’re not able to feel through the armor anymore, and that you’re missing Hexestahl.

Your party walks across the field towards the city, passing deserted cottages, farms, and small villages. It’s a long walk, but the position of the sun doesn’t seem to have changed a bit by the time you reach the first stone road that marks the outer edge of the city.

All the buildings are intact, almost pristine. Not a sign of damage or inhabitants, no street litter, no birds or other wild animals.

Tabi: ”Do you think there would be something in the center of the city?”

Luoda: ”The entire place seems abandoned, but if there was anything important, I guess that’s where it’d be. Either that, or a specific building, some place of significance to whoever owns this land.”

Tabi: ”Guess there could be things hiding in the buildings, too.”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (0/3)

-Stahlnacht Armor (Absorbs all damage) (20 Armor Resilience, 99/500 Durability) (Degrades by 1 at end of turn)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

Maybe you'll try to rest for now, and try to ignore the screams.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1
Evasion AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

-Attached Spirit (Will: 1) (-1 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 8) (-8 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 7) (-7 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 4) (-4 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 6) (-6 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 1) (-1 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 2) (-2 Arcane, Aim)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

You whisper down below -

"Hey, we've got a problem up here!"

Raze is unresponsive, slumped on the ground. A faint snoring can be heard.

Cautiously climbing up out of the tunnel and on to the street, you watch for any sudden movements. Luckily, nothing seems to charge at you.

Behind you, towards the wall, is a small building with some windows. Ahead is a massive building that looks like it’s a boarding school, partially burnt down. The wide expanse of lawn that surrounds the facility has a wrought iron fence, blocking it off from the road.

P’orihc stands in front of you by the bloody remains, staying silent and unmoving.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Capacitance: 1/3
-Ball Lightning (10 Electrocution)

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

You look at the complete constructs for sale. There appear to be telepathy blockers, lamps, constructs that produce invisible barriers that protect the eyes and ears, and a lamp-shaped construct that heals the user (expensive), and some “autocasters”, which seem to be self-contained constructs that cast at a button press.

"Hello, lookin' t' see what sorta mana stones you got that I could fit int' this."

You open up your totem and show him the stone slots.

"Hopin' t' get some higher capacity ones if possible."

Man: ”Hmm, highest capacity ones we have at that size are 30. Costs 5 silver each.”

Miimas: ”Ooh, are these autocasters too?”

She points to some pistol-shaped constructs.

Man: ”Aye, that one’s a kinetic caster, we also have a fire caster. They’re two gold and five silvers.”

Miimas: ”Hmmmmm.”

Health: 88/88
Stamina: 12/12
Mana: 16/16
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

-Inner Peace (+9 Spirit magic effectiveness, +9 Spirit Magic Resistance)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

Vandolf: "... Huh? Kleigg, what was that?"

Kleigg: "I don't know. I didn't want to take our chances with splattering on the ground.

Shall we go toward the city?"

Tabi: ”I guess that’s the only place to go.”

Kura: ”Doesn’t look like it’s populated from here, hopefully it’s safe.”

Your party walks across the field towards the city, passing deserted cottages, farms, and small villages. It’s a long walk, but the position of the sun doesn’t seem to have changed a bit by the time you reach the first stone road that marks the outer edge of the city.

All the buildings are intact, almost pristine. Not a sign of damage or inhabitants, no street litter, no birds or other wild animals.

Tabi: ”Do you think there would be something in the center of the city?”

Luoda: ”The entire place seems abandoned, but if there was anything important, I guess that’s where it’d be. Either that, or a specific building, some place of significance to whoever owns this land.”

Tabi: ”Guess there could be things hiding in the buildings, too.”

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 17/17
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2
Heroic AP: 10/10

Evasion Behavior: Default evasion - Delay and Evade, block if out of evasion AP

Name: Raze (Ociamarru)
Race: Lupus


Health: 80/80
Stamina: 14/14
Mana: 4/4
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Manual

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 12/12
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 4/4

-Affixed to: Caelum Fire Token (+1 Basic AP)

Name: Horoma
Race: Human Spirit in a Doll


Health: 30/30
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 108/110
AP: 3/3

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:28 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 262) - Ascension
"Think I'll take three."
>Hand over the required dosh.

Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:16 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 262) - Ascension
"I'm John, John Freemaneth. Here in Fluustern chasing after a friend of mine. On the way in, well... I assume you know Lauffeuer."

Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:24 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 262) - Ascension
>Sweep further toward the center of the city. Keep my eyes peeled.

Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:06 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 262) - Ascension
> Stay near the back of the party, keeping an eye behind us and on buildings we pass. Keep my loaded crossbow at the ready.

Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:17 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 262) - Ascension
> Message the voices in myself telepathically, ask them about the stone. Maybe they'll answer that way?

Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:38 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 263) - Ascension
Roll 263

The world as the players know it:


1. Kyeltziv
2. -
3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, Raze
4. John
5. Vandolf, Kleigg


Time: Morning

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

"I'm John, John Freemaneth. Here in Fluustern chasing after a friend of mine. On the way in, well... I assume you know Lauffeuer."

Aandern: ”Ah, I suppose she was attracted to the signal you give off - the same as a witch queen. That sword, is that perhaps Lucida?”

Health: 57/57
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 3/15
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Impulse Evasion when there is Evasion AP | Use Impulse Evasion to recover before actions if stumbled and have any Evasion AP or at least 2 regular AP

-Lucida Armor (Absorbs all damage) (17 Armor Resilience, 1500/1500 Durability) (+50 Strength, +30 Evasion, +10 Speed) (Immune to Telepathy)

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

Your party continues on into the city, keeping your eyes peeled for anything suspicious.

Occasionally you think you can see a speck of red in a dark building window every now and then, often enough that you don’t think it’s your imagination.

Tabi pulls out her interface brick - or rather, a spare, and taps a few buttons before scrunching her eyebrows at the display.

Tabi: ”Hey Kleigg, can you detect any magic?”

Seems like a quick check, so you do and -

Well, there’s magic. A lot.

Massive mana conduits running through the ground, and several of the buildings that are rigged to the expansive network are brimming with magic themselves, seemingly containing complex magic systems.

There seems to be a central node, in the middle of the city. It also seems to be the tallest structure, but not by much.

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (0/3)

-Stahlnacht Armor (Absorbs all damage) (20 Armor Resilience, 98/500 Durability) (Degrades by 1 at end of turn)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

You try to message the voices individually, not getting much of a workable response. Eventually reaching one of the voices that seems to be a bit more quiet, it actually replies.

They say it is a heartstone.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1
Evasion AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

-Attached Spirit (Will: 1) (-1 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 8) (-8 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 7) (-7 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 4) (-4 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 6) (-6 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 1) (-1 Arcane, Aim)
-Attached Spirit (Will: 2) (-2 Arcane, Aim)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Capacitance: 1/3
-Ball Lightning (10 Electrocution)

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

"Think I'll take three."

You hand over a gold and 5 silvers, getting three 30 cap mana stones.

Miimas: ”I’ll take a kinetic autocaster and six of those thirty-unit mana stones. That’s five gold and five silvers, right?”

She hands over the money, getting the pistol-construct and mana stones in return.

Man: ”Yes, thank you.”

Health: 88/88
Stamina: 12/12
Mana: 16/16
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

-Inner Peace (+9 Spirit magic effectiveness, +9 Spirit Magic Resistance)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

Your party continues on into the city, and you take rear position with your crossbow at the ready.

Occasionally you think you can see a speck of red in a dark building window every now and then, often enough that you don’t think it’s your imagination.

Tabi pulls out another one of her construct bricks, and taps a few buttons before scrunching her eyebrows at the lit display.

Tabi: ”Hey Kleigg, can you detect any magic?”

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 17/17
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2
Heroic AP: 10/10

Evasion Behavior: Default evasion - Delay and Evade, block if out of evasion AP

Name: Raze (Ociamarru)
Race: Lupus


Health: 80/80
Stamina: 14/14
Mana: 4/4
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Manual

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 12/12
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 4/4

-Affixed to: Caelum Fire Token (+1 Basic AP)

Name: Horoma
Race: Human Spirit in a Doll


Health: 30/30
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 108/110
AP: 3/3

Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:59 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 263) - Ascension
"What is this? Is this how I can get rid of you? What happens if I break it? I'm not afraid of doing it!"

Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:30 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 263) - Ascension
"Huge conduits running through the ground... leading through some of these buildings, which are absolutely stuffed with magic machinery. They appear to converge at the tallest building in the center of the city.

What's the brick detected? Am I the only one who saw red in those windows?"

Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:10 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 263) - Ascension
> Stick closer to the group. Store mana.

"Think we're in the underground city? It doesn't look like what the probes saw.
Oh! That's right, I forgot to say what happened.
Well... I, uh, used some probe things to look around before trying to open the door. Lots of corpses, and then a dark figure rushed at the probe and destroyed it."

Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:59 pm
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