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 Image Dump (Caution Lots of Images) 
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Miggles wrote:
well half the things in the approaches section are things youve said you probably wont ever do so

There's a difference between romance and sex scenes :p One involves lots of bad poetry and terrible ideas to seem brave/funny, the other involves the music of the bed springs and the beast with two backs.

Completely different things :D

Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:17 pm
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Another image, because why not. This one is of the final assembly of a Tiger tank - the turret being lowered onto the hull.


Goddamn, assembly lines are beautiful. I should post more of them...

And here's an image of its great-grandson :p


Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:03 am
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Meet the new boys on the block, the Coywolf - a mixture of coyote, wolf and dog.




They came into existence some two hundred years ago, and now number in the millions in the eastern parts of North America, and are a successful blend of the three: they weigh about fifty five pounds, twice as much as a normal coyote, and the coywolf has larger jaws, faster legs and more powerful muscles that let it hunt small deer and even moose when in a pack. If that's not enough, it has inherited a tolerance of people and noise from it's dog ancestors, meaning that they can now be found in the cities of the east coast, including New York. Some are even smart enough to know to look both ways before crossing the street.

Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:58 am
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...That must have been one crazy party.

Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:56 pm
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I need one as a pet. :^)

Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:44 am
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With Halloween now out of the way, we're getting closer and closer to Christmas with every passing day. Winter this year feels to be a warm one to me, but there is always that chance that I might be surprised with plenty of snow once December comes around.

So, let's get some snow in this thread...and what better place for snow than the lands of Snowdonia in Wales? :grin:



This is around a two days drive away from where I live, since I'm from the West Midlands...and it's not just mountains...but castles, too!


If I go in the opposite direction, further into England and to the Lake District, there's even more snow!



I love snow.

Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:35 am
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northern Michigan. We aren't yet lucky enough to have that much snow. =P

Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:22 pm
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I live in California
We have heat and sometimes more heat.
Those are some beautiful pictures.

Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:06 pm
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So, on AH we have a thread for things that look like alternate history but actually aren't, basically things that would make more sense if they came from another universe :p we go! :D

During the German occupation of America in World War II, the Featherston regime ordered a collaborator splinter of Walt Disney Studios to produce a series of animated propaganda shorts to promote Nazism and support for the German occupiers, the result being the infamous "Klaus the Griffon" series. After their defeat a the end of the war, however, Disney ordered the destruction of every remaining copy. The remaining stills are of high historical value, and are highly sought-after collector's items.

From Klaus the Griffon:


From The Griffon and the Unicorn:




In fact, the truth is...even more bizarre and surreal :???: Deviantart once again proves that you can find just about anything there, if you're willing to look around for awhile :p I mean, check this out from that same page :


It's really well drawn, the artist could have probably gotten a job with Disney or some other animation studio with those kind of skills, but...jesus christ. I don't even know what to say about this stuff :p Had someone not posted the images in the AH version of the thread, I doubt I would have ever crossed paths with them, and I think this might very well be the most insane thing I've ever seen come from Deviantart...that's, uh, a pretty high bar to cross.

So people think I haven't gone insane, have a pretty painting.


Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:01 am
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That is really amusing in a very, very odd way.

Also caek I didn't know you were into furries D:

(Not necesarilly a dissapointment frown, mostly just a surprise one)

Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:35 pm
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Asklar wrote:
That is really amusing in a very, very odd way.

Also caek I didn't know you were into furries D:

(Not necesarilly a dissapointment frown, mostly just a surprise one)

I'm...not, though? I found those images in the AH equivalent of this thread :o

Well, it's the closest equivalent anyway :p They've got two other threads too, one dedicated for sci-fi and the other for fantasy, but that one has the biggest overlap.

Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:56 pm
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I've seen so much wacky ♥♥♥♥, so for me to be genuinely surprised by something is almost impossible. Alternative history is fun, but nazis are boring. :^)

Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:08 am
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DAME777 wrote:
I've seen so much wacky ♥♥♥♥, so for me to be genuinely surprised by something is almost impossible. Alternative history is fun, but nazis are boring. :^)

I wouldn't say that Nazis are boring, just that they've been hashed out so often in the same ways that it's usually possible to predict a story that features them. They've pretty much had most of their potential mined out of them over the recent years and so the wheel of interest has moved on; it'll probably take a decade or something before the cycle loops round and they get their turn again, but that doesn't mean that you can't make an interesting story with them :p

There's this one on AH in the ASB section, for example, where we have a detailed retelling of the Eastern Front of WW2, of men going through grueling battles and just trying to survive Stalingrad in winter...and then all the slaughter wakes something buried beneath the snow covered steppes, the dead begin to rise to fight the living and we end up with Nazi Germany fighting off undead hordes pouring in from the shattered remains of the Soviet Union.

Good stuff...and it doesn't whitewash the Nazis, either. The Einsatzgruppen are shown, as are the other atrocities, whilst the wallies are forced to accept a "the devil you know" situation regarding the east.

Man, I wish I had a link for it :( The story gradually ground to a halt and just...sank off the front page after awhile, alas, but it was really good stuff all the same.

Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:02 pm
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Post Re: Image Dump (Caution Lots of Images)
reminds me of that show man in the high castle
its a really silly premise lol
idk if its any good

Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:44 pm
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Post Re: Image Dump (Caution Lots of Images)
Miggles wrote:
reminds me of that show man in the high castle
its a really silly premise lol
idk if its any good

I've watched the first two episodes; the book it's based on is really good stuff, and the series is just as great. I'd definitely recommend watching it if you can :D

Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:53 pm
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