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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 201)
MLC do not buy 4 lamps that is a waste of money and lamps.

Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:27 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 202)
Abilities section of the OP has been updated.

Roll 202

The world as the players know it:

1. Kyeltziv
2. Kleigg, Vandolf
3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John


Time: Afternoon

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

___Enemy List___

___Speed Roll___
John: 1 Speed + 1 Roll = 2
Linna: 3 Speed + 5 Roll = 8

___Action Priority___
Linna: 8
John: 2

John uses Power Flow (3 Mana)
+13 Strength

Linna attacks (Full Body Motion) John
John attempts to evade with Impulse Evasion:
Linna: 11 Aim + 4 Roll = 15 vs 13 = 3 Roll + 10 Arcane :John
Attack lands, inflicting 9 damage to armor and 1 Trauma to John

Linna attacks (Full Body Motion) John
John attempts to evade with Evade:
Linna: 11 Aim + 1 Roll = 12 vs 14 = 4 Roll + 10 Arcane :John
Attack misses

John uses Falling Star on Linna
Linna attempts to evade with Block:
Linna: 11 Aim + 1 Roll = 12 vs 13 = 6 Roll + 7 Aim :John
Block misses
Attack lands, inflicting 12 damage to ???, 17 Trauma to Linna

"Hoof! You can give that kind of punishment without even using your rod!
I'm getting all fired up!"

After you Power Flow up, the maid swings the apron staff at you this time from a deep stance, landing an armor-crushing blow on one hit, but you manage to Impulse Evade to dodge the second.

She seems to be vulnerable right after an attack from a stance, so you leap up into the air with kinetics and then bring your halberd down as you fall, managing to get past Linna’s block, smashing through a glimmering barrier, and impacting the maid’s body.

Or, well, you think it’s her body. It feels more like smacking a pole into the base of a full-grown tree.

Health: 49/50
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 7/11
AP: 2/3
Evasion AP: 1/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Impulse Evasion when there is Evasion AP | Use Impulse Evasion to recover before actions if stumbled and have any Evasion AP or at least 2 regular AP

Trauma: 1
Evasion -0.5 => -0

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

"Let's sit down. I don't mind it here at all."

You settle for a roast chicken thigh and some vegetables while Tabi has some sort of roasted short-noodles and fried fruit slices. The two of you take your plates over to a small table and start digging in.

"What did you study when you were in the university?"

Tabi: ”Magic sequence algorithms in constructs, specifically telepathic interaction between a person and a construct. Trying to figure out a way to record and implant memories without going into the shamanistic spirit stuff, along with trying to develop a cheap, standardized module that you can hook up to a construct and control just by thinking. Those kinds of things you only see in high-end construct weapons and their inner workings are hidden behind layers of security, not something that can be analyzed and used by tinkerers.”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (0/2)

-Null Body (-2.4 Non-Negation Magic, +2.4 Magic Resistance)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

You continue meditating, looking deep into your inner thoughts.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

You ask the staff member what a release stone is for.

Staff: ”They store mana for a spell that a construct is forming, and release it all in a burst. The quality of a release stone dictates how strong of a spell a construct can cast.”

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

"Before I get on my way, you mentioned gates earlier, think you'd be able t' teach me somethin' about that, unless you think it'd be too dangerous or time consumin' given my mission.
Just ask as if a bunch of those gauntlet users show up 'gain, not sure the three of us would make it out in one piece, so I'd welcome any 'vantage I can get over 'em."

Madenuuk: ”I do not know how to work gates myself, but I know the concept behind them. When someone casts magic, they are in a way opening a miniscule gate that is just enough for them to cast magic. Opening a true gate requires a great deal of skill to force the gate to be wider to the point where larger and more complex entities and energies from the otherworld can flow through.

In the center of the thickest part of the north-east forest where we hunted, there is a small clearing with a village, Ikkuna, where a handful of gate shamans live, secluded from the rest of the world. The safest way to reach the village is taking a path north of Gabel to a different village, Takana, and then south-west to Ikkuma.”


Health: 88/88
Stamina: 10/10
Mana: 4/14
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

"Hm... these construct weapons seems to be out of my price range, unless you'd be willing to negotiate the Caelum one below 8 gold. No, maybe I should pay you a visit for those some other time. I'll take a lamp for your trouble though, or maybe a few."

You manage to negotiate a deal of two lamps for 5 silver total!

"By the way, have you heard the rumors? Supposedly, the people behind the bombings have a unique form of magic at their disposal... You wouldn't happen to have any exotic magic items, especially ones that might be related to that, would you? I'd be very interested - just for research, of course."

Wares Dealer: ”I’ve heard that they’re using a weird form of magic or some sort of specialized construct. Never seen one in person though.”

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 15/15
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 4/4

-Affixed to: Caelum Fire Token (+1 Basic AP)

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:19 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 201)
Crap, I was literally writing this post when the roll got rolled! Oh well.

> Place a proxy nearby and attempt to pick up the thoughts of people, but trying to use it more as a scanner rather than caring about the thoughts. Try to develop a spatial sense with it.

Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:30 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 202)
"Ah, I see. Well, it was nice doing business with you. If I ever need a high end construct weapon, I know where to look."

> Nod to the chirop and go on my way to Teleiat. Store mana and put on my hooded black robe before I leave.

Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:48 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 202)
> Micro Meteor with an Impact bolt, angle it down so that it'll just hit the ground if it misses.
"Get ready, I'm coming!"
Power Flow, do a sort of horizontal Falling Star forward into a big halberd swing. Like an armored halberd-wielding ballista bolt.

Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:18 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 202)
"Consider my interest piqued. How far did your research go? I can scarcely imagine the possibilities. For the latter, power to the people in the form of constructs that anyone can interact with. For the former, bottled dreams, modules for tradesman's skills, memory-packages for friends and lovers..."

Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:36 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 202)
"Might be a good idea t' pay 'em a visit."
"And 'gain, thanks for all your help."

"Miimas, Horoma, gonna go see if I can sell a few of these stones, meet you at the gate?"
>Take coffin, leave, Re-equip my Warhammer, then go see if I can find a magic things shop in Fluustern.

Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:17 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 202)
"Can they be overcharged?"

Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:34 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 203)
Roll 203

The world as the players know it:

1. Kyeltziv
2. Kleigg, Vandolf
3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John


Time: Afternoon

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

___Enemy List___

___Speed Roll___
John: 1 Speed + 3 Roll = 4
Linna: 3 Speed + 6 Roll = 9

___Action Priority___
Linna: 9
John: 4

John uses Power Flow
+10 Strength

Linna waits

John uses Micrometeor on Linna
Linna attempts to evade with Delay and Evade
John: 8.8 Aim + 4 Roll = 12.8 vs 25 = 11 Aim + 4 Roll + 10 Evasion :Linna
Attack misses

John uses Falling Star on Linna
Linna attempts to evade with Delay and Evade
John: 8 Aim + 4 Roll = 12 vs 26 = 11 Aim + 5 Roll + 10 Evasion :Linna
Attack misses

Linna attacks (Full Body Motion) John
John attempts to evade with Impulse Evasion
Linna: 11 Aim + 4 Roll = 15 vs 13 = 3 Roll + 10 Arcane :John
Attack lands, inflicting 9 damage to armor and 5.5 Trauma to John

After Power Flowing up, you launch a Micrometeor impact bolt, which Linna half-parries, half-dodges, and completely avoids.

"Get ready, I'm coming!"

Launching yourself forward with a slight upward angle like a horizontal Falling Star, you strike at Linna only to miss again, and fail to dodge her own attack, getting a nice bruise from her apron-staff smashing into your armor.

Health: 43.5/50
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 9/11
AP: 1/3
Evasion AP: 1/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Impulse Evasion when there is Evasion AP | Use Impulse Evasion to recover before actions if stumbled and have any Evasion AP or at least 2 regular AP

Trauma: 6.5
Evasion -3.25 => -0

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

"Consider my interest piqued. How far did your research go? I can scarcely imagine the possibilities. For the latter, power to the people in the form of constructs that anyone can interact with. For the former, bottled dreams, modules for tradesman's skills, memory-packages for friends and lovers..."

Tabi: ”I had a few basic functioning prototypes for both. The interface construct can be programmed and hooked up to other constructs, works at a range of about 3 meters for non-telepaths. Works great for opening locked construct-based doors, too. I have one with me, actually.”

She pulls out a brochure-sized metal-looking object and hands it to you for you to see. It’s about as thick as your finger and a bit heavy. On what you assume is the top surface are a few buttons and a rectangular crystal with glowing blocky text in it, reading “Door Opener”.

Tabi: ”I lent a few copies of the interface to my friends for them to use in their constructs, makes it easy to set up temporary, easy-to-change controls until they decide on a final control system for their construct. They probably still have ‘em. Called it the Controller Brick.

As for the memory recording and implanting, I got a basic memory recorder and writer working. Never finished making the filter so when it records something, it records everything - all sensory inputs, what your thoughts and feelings are. Lot of data. The memory crystal my prototype had only had enough space for about a tenth of a second of recording, if even. Also all that info being dumped into your head makes it feel like you’re going through that experience instead of it being a memory you recall, so that might need fixing.”

She eats a few forkfuls of her short-noodles before stopping, seeming to think about something.

Tabi: ”Hmm.”

She pushes a few buttons on the Controller Brick you’re holding, and the screen changes to display “Input Test”, with a wavering line graph thing and a picture of a compass, with the needle of the compass pointing towards Tabi.

Tabi: ”It doesn’t look like it can pick up on your thoughts. You weren’t affected by the paralysis thing, either. I didn’t really believe you when you said you were a nullifier, since you could’ve been good at telepathic defenses, but this thing can still point at people who are using some serious pathic guards. Guess you’re the real deal, huh.”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (0/2)

-Null Body (-1.4 Non-Negation Magic, +1.4 Magic Resistance)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

You place a proxy nearby and try to use it to scan people nearby - not thoughts, just locations.

It works fairly well. Without needing to delve into their thoughts, it takes minimal effort to locate a vast number of people in the area. It probably gives away the location of you (or your proxy) almost instantly, though.

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Proxy A (Location: Nearby) (Link: Self) (Status: Normal)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

"Can they be overcharged?"

Staff: ”Not without blowing them up.”

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

"Might be a good idea t' pay 'em a visit.
And 'gain, thanks for all your help."

The wolf nods his head, and after taking the coffin and equipping your Warhammer, you head up and out to the backyard where you see Horoma holding a rifle, and Miimas standing beside her, pointing towards the distant forest.

"Miimas, Horoma, gonna go see if I can sell a few of these stones, meet you at the gate?"

Miimas: ”Alright, we’ll be there in a sec.”

A crack of ignited powder and a flash of white smoke, Horoma snapping back slightly as her small body absorbs the recoil.

Horoma: ”Meet you there.”

Heading into town, you walk around for a bit before finding a place that looks like they sell magic items. Entering the large, dome-shaped building, the room has tables with various magic organ parts, even a few fully intact ones, and several constructs here and there. The walls are decorated with tapestry featuring ornate designs or imagery of beasts and spirity-things, the majority of the stone floors covered with carpeting.

A shaman dressed in robes greets you.

Store Owner: ”Welcome, how may I help you?”

Health: 88/88
Stamina: 10/10
Mana: 5/14
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

"Ah, I see. Well, it was nice doing business with you. If I ever need a high end construct weapon, I know where to look."

You nod to the dealer and make your way out of town, putting your cloak back on. You reach the guard tower again soon enough, where the guard waves to you.

Guard: ”How’d that go? Also, did you hear about anything happening? None of their communication lights seem to be working.”

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 15/15
Mana: 1/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 4/4

-Affixed to: Caelum Fire Token (+1 Basic AP)

Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:34 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 203)
"Yes, that's me - I was born immune to magic. I don't remember a time when I wasn't a little bit cold and cut off. Now, this 'Input Test' mode - is it the memory-detection feature?"

Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:46 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 203)
TheKebbit wrote:
"Yes, that's me - I was born immune to magic. I don't remember a time when I wasn't a little bit cold and cut off. Now, this 'Input Test' mode - is it the memory-detection feature?"

Tabi: "Sort of? But not really memories, just thought patterns that are presently occurring. It's not the memory recorder and writer, if that's what you meant. That thing isn't exactly portable, yet."

Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:49 am
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"It can't recognize me. I had a - well - I had a thought about someday using such a thing to record a great treatise. Or poetry.
I suppose that is a joy left for others."

>Continue eating.
"Are you from Magusalto?"

Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:55 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 203)
TheKebbit wrote:
"It can't recognize me. I had a - well - I had a thought about someday using such a thing to record a great treatise. Or poetry.
I suppose that is a joy left for others."

>Continue eating.
"Are you from Magusalto?"

Tabi: "Teleiat. Moved to Magusalto for the schooling. I haven't seen my family since moving here and getting caught up in all this. Don't even know if they're okay. The faster we finish things, the better.

You said you're from the south? Do you mean like, old Daeli territory?"

Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:26 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 203)
> Try to create another proxy and link it to the "main" proxy. While probably too much effort for little usefulness, it seems like an interesting experiment. If it works, use it to locate people nearby and check if there's any change in efficiency or anything at all.

Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:34 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 203)
"Waitwaitwait! Time out. Need a quick rest for Round 2."
> Take a rest. Remove my busted-ass armor while I'm at it. At this point it's pretty much just going to weigh me down.
At end of turn.

"Phew... Alright. Ready to go at it again?"

Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:53 am
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