Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:01 am Posts: 6211 Location: In your office, earning your salary.
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 194)
"I guess we should talk with the receptionist or something now?"
Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:44 pm
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 194)
"Alright, well, do stay safe. We will try to find our way downstairs - I have friends there who I need to make sure are OK."
>Leave with Tabi and, when we are out of earshot: "Since we can't go back onto the street for a little while, we need to find someplace in this university where no one will bother us."
Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:36 pm
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 194)
"Yeah, I think we're good in here. Thanks Emil, you'll probably (hopefully) hear something soon." > Leave room with others. Charge mana stones once I'm out and not being watched by magic nonsense.
Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:09 am
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 194)
> Head to the place that was bombed to help look for survivors/help out, and look for someone that I can ask questions.
Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:23 am
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 194)
*Seems fine t' me.* >Keeping to one side creep closer to the drakes, when i'm closer to them Chilling Howl, then two 2 Stamina Hammer blows to the head of one of the drakes.
Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:59 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 195)
Roll 195
The world as the players know it:
1. Kyeltziv 2. Kleigg, Vandolf 3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~ 1. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~
1. Get Spirit expertise from the Lupus (Kyeltziv) 2. Get Construct expertise from a Construct Master in a Chirop jail (John, P’orihc, Ki’stha) 3. Don't talk to strangers (Kleigg) 4. Help Kleigg with his mission (Vandolf)
Time: Morning
Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU) Race: Human ____________________
P’orihc: "I guess we should talk with the receptionist or something now?"
"Yeah, I think we're good in here. Thanks Emil, you'll probably (hopefully) hear something soon."
You, Ki’stha and P’orihc leave the room and head back to the lobby, recharging your mana stones when it seems like it’s safe to do so. ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Form Artificial Matter (Create magic’d solids) (Durability: Steel) (Efficiency: 1 Mana = 2 Durability) ---Form Memory Stone (Create a memory stone) (Efficiency: Low) ---Form Mana Stone (Create a mana stone) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 8 Mana) ---Form Conduit (Create mana conduits) ---Form Release (Create a release crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 10 Mana) ---Form Focus (Create a focus crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Ability = 9 Mana , Ability Strength (per ability): 100% = 9 Mana [cannot exceed 100%]) ---Form Sparker (Create a Mana Sparker) (Efficiency: 1 Impulse = 0.01) ---Security Sequence (Level: 2) (Load a memory crystal with a magic sequence that protects the construct from deconstruction) -(Kinetic) --(Impulse) (Offensive skills lower target’s Will by 50% for Stagger check) ---Micro Meteor (Launch an object with kinetic force) (+ to Projectile = Arcane + Mana) ---Kinetic Bolt (Launch an orb of kinetic energy that explodes upon impact) (Inflicts Trauma = Arcane + Mana) ---Levitation (pick up and levitate small objects) ---Blast Wave (Lets out a powerful but short-ranged concussive wave) (Inflicts Trauma = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Counter Force (Single Turn Condition) (Applies counteracting forces to a target, lowering strength and evasion) (-Strength, -Evasion = Arcane + Mana) ---Impulse Evasion (Evasion) (Cannot use Evasion AP) (Launch yourself with kinetics to evade an attack) (Substitutes your basic evasion) (Stumbles you after use, can be used when Stumbled, can be used to recover from a Stumble) (Evasion = Arcane + MP) --(Fortification) (If cast with Mana, Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed/buffed attacks land) ---Stabilize (Direct Magic) (Single Turn Condition) (Lock an object’s movement relative to a target) (+Trauma Resistance = Arcane + MP) ---Lockdown (Single Turn Condition) (Lock your bones in place and petrify your skin, resisting damage) (+Physical Damage Resistance = Arcane + Mana , affected parts are unable to move [affects evasion]) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) ---Fireball (Launch an orb that unleashes an explosion of heat on impact) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn) Passives: Strength: 6 Arcane: 10 Aim: 8 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 5 Speed: 1
-Fortified Resolve (Grants a separate pool of AP for Fortification magic) -Acrobat (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Accelerator (Passive) (+10% Damage and Aim to Micro Meteor) -Quick Rest (Passive) (If no action in the turn, all standard AP is recovered at the end of the turn) (Cannot be used if stumbled or in negative standard AP)
Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit) Race: Human ____________________
"Alright, well, do stay safe. We will try to find our way downstairs - I have friends there who I need to make sure are OK."
You and Tabi leave the student, and onceyou’re out of earshot-
"Since we can't go back onto the street for a little while, we need to find someplace in this university where no one will bother us."
Tabi: "Maybe a storage closet? A restroom? Unused classroom?" ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(???) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) --(???) ---Extrasensory (Detects magic in the area) (Does not consume AP) -(???) --(Negation) ---Nullify (Reduce the effectiveness of a magic instance, cancelling it with enough effort) ---Zero Field (Create a persistent nullification effect on a target or area) (Inflicts Null Body = Arcane + MP) ---Capture (Grab an instance of a spell being cast, storing it while nullifying any remaining) (Nullify = Arcane + Mana) ---Release (Cast a spell that was stored with Capture [removes spell from storage]) ---Reversal (Reverses the Light/Dark polarity of a magic instance) (Fire<->Ice , Impulse<->Fortification , Light<->Dark , Electric caster/user is switched) (Reverse Strength = Arcane + Mana)
-Escape! (Roll a 5 or higher to successfully run away from a battle)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn)
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) -(Electric) --(Telepathy) (Skills ignore Evasion and do not consume Mana) ---Message (Sends a telepathic message to a target/multiple targets) (does not consume AP) ---Receive (Picks up on thoughts if people are thinking hard enough) (does not consume AP) ---Trace (Find the source of a tendril from an active spell that uses one) ---Proxy (Create a fake mind at a specified location that you can direct to use telepathy) ---Mental Security (Strengthen your defense against Telepathy) (Inflicts Mind Guard = Arcane) ---Analyze (Degrading Condition) (Probe the target's thoughts to discover its behavior and stats) (+Evasion +Aim against target = Arcane - target_Will) ---Mind Control (Force the target to perform an action) (Arcane must be higher than target's Will) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude) Passives: Strength: 1 Arcane: 12 Aim: 6 Evasion: 7 +7 Will: 4 Speed: 2
-Mind Guard (+1 Telepathy Resistance) -Multiprocessing (Grants a separate pool of AP for Telepathic magic)
Skills: (Magic) -(Electric) --(Lightning) (Aim of skills is increased 50%) ---Shocking Touch (Electrify a target within arm’s reach) (Inflicts Electrocution = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Lightning Bolt (Strike a ranged target with a lightning bolt) (Inflicts Electrocution = Arcane + Mana) ---Forked Lightning (Hit multiple targets with damage evenly distributed) (Inflicts Total Electrocution = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
___Events___ Kyeltziv uses Chilling Howl Drake 1 is chilled by 0 Drake 2 is chilled by 0 Drake 3 is chilled by 0
Kyeltziv attacks (2 Stamina) Drake 1 (Head) Drake 1 does not attempt to evade Attack lands, inflicting 25 Impact
Kyeltziv attacks (2 Stamina) Drake 1 (Head) Drake 1 does not attempt to evade Attack lands, inflicting 25 Impact
Madenuuk uses Channel Spirit Aucupe Speed Roll: 12 Speed + 4 Roll Aucupe uses Kinetic Blade (10 Mana) on Drake 1 Drake 1 does not attempt to evade Attack lands, inflicting 54 Cut
Drake 1 dies
Horoma uses Flare on Drake 2 Drake 2 does not attempt to evade Attack lands, inflicting 28.5 Burn Attack lands, inflicting 28.5 Burn
Horoma uses Flare on Drake 2 Drake 2 does not attempt to evade Attack lands, inflicting 28.5 Burn Attack lands, inflicting 28.5 Burn
Drake 2 dies
Miimas fires her rifle at Drake 3 Drake 3 does not attempt to evade Attack lands, inflicting 20.5 Trauma and 20.5 Cut
Letting out a Chilling Howl, it seems to be… Ineffective, but you follow up by charging in and swinging two blows to the head of the nearest drake, putting nasty cracks in its skull, and a blur of motion leaves a deep puncture in the beast that finishes it off.
You’re then momentarily blinded as several gouts of flame roar out from the bushes and reduces another drake to an appetizing roast, and the third flees after the crack of a rifle and a bullet impact.
Madenuuk: Good work. Let us begin harvesting.
He hands you a folding peasant’s knife and a folded piece of cloth that turns out to be a large empty bag.
Madenuuk: The magic organs are inside its chest cavity. Cut into the drake’s belly and remove the fleshy organs to expose the magic organs. ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Entity) ---Meditation (Relaxes and strengthens your soul, resisting outside spirits) (Inflicts Inner Peace = Arcane + Mana) ---Spirit Channel (Let a spirit use your body to perform an action) (Consumes AP for spirit actions) ---Bind Spirit (Affix a spirit to a physical object) -(Kinetic) --(Fortification) (Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Cast at beginning of turn) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana)
-Chilling Howl (Degrading Condition) (Strike fear into enemies, lowering their Aim and Arcane) (-Aim , -Arcane = Will) Passives: Strength: 8 Arcane: 8 Aim: 6 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 9 Speed: 4
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+5 Magic Evasion) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Acrobat (Passive) (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Inner Peace (+5 Spirit Magic Resistance) -Constitution (+10% Maximum Base HP)
-Scrap Metal -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell) -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell 2) -Paper (Light Grenade Runic Spell) -Paper (Taschenblitz) >Make a similar rune spell, one that is armed once its mana reserves increase by 0.5, like before. When it is armed, it locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Taschenblitz II) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light evenly distributed 0.5 meters away from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Fire Mine) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as heat from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Mana Storage) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers its mana into that creature. -Paper (Mana Storage 2) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30 if the rune is set to T. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers 2 mana into that creature and sets to F. Must be taken out of the specified range to set back to T.
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP)
-Flurry (Melee three times, each attack dealing one third of your normal damage [consumes 1 AP]) -Metabolize (Exert your will over your body, forcing it to produce energy faster than normal) (+Stamina = Will)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Momentum (Passive) (Keep yourself moving, increasing damage with each attack) (Buff ends when you fail to attack in a turn or are blocked or stumbled) (+Damage = 1d6 per attack , Max total +Damage = 2 * Strength) -Critical Shot (Increases damage by extra Aim if initial damage to target is greater than 0) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Adrenaline Rush (Passive) (Stamina usage is twice as effective)
Skills: -Stabilize (Spend the extra energy to hold still, increasing Aim for the next attack) (+Aim = Stamina) -Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Accelerated Repair (Speed up the body’s natural healing process on a target, clearing conditions) (Turns given = Arcane + Mana)
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 195)
>Get to cutting. >Put my mana into the part-filled mage stone.
Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:32 am
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 195)
>Find a storage closet to hang out in. c;
"We need a cover story. Do you think we could pretend to be students, or is the lack of uniforms a giveaway? ...Are there any spares around?"
Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:38 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 195)
> Head to the a place that was bombed to help look for survivors/help out, and look for someone that I can ask questions.
Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:51 pm
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 195)
Kleigg now confirmed for ecchi manga protagonist.
> To receptionist "We're done talking to Emil, but we have a proposal on behalf of Vranhal involving some important work that needs his Construct expertise. Is there anyone here right now we can talk to about that?"
Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:29 am
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 195)
what an awfully fascinating ecchi if it is one though Cave's fantasy universe is actually the comfiest one I have ever read about. I would move to it freely.
Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:07 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 196)
Roll 196
The world as the players know it:
1. Kyeltziv 2. Kleigg, Vandolf 3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~ 1. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~
1. Get Spirit expertise from the Lupus (Kyeltziv) 2. Get Construct expertise from a Construct Master in a Chirop jail (John, P’orihc, Ki’stha) 3. Don't talk to strangers (Kleigg) 4. Help Kleigg with his mission (Vandolf)
Time: Morning
Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU) Race: Human ____________________
You head over to the receptionist.
"We're done talking to Emil, but we have a proposal on behalf of Vranhal involving some important work that needs his Construct expertise. Is there anyone here right now we can talk to about that?"
Receptionist: ”You can submit a request form, or you can try to speak to the warden.”
She slides a paper through the slot in the clear wall, and it has only a few fields - Requestee, Date, Subject to Release, and Reason.
Hmm. That doesn’t look like it’ll be too convincing on its own. You might need to-
???: ”J-John Freemaneth!”
Turning around, you see a young woman, maybe even a teenage girl, with long black hair tied in a messy bun, and dressed in a blood-stained maid uniform holding a scroll.
Maid: ”I-I have an official document stating your connection to Vranhal!” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Form Artificial Matter (Create magic’d solids) (Durability: Steel) (Efficiency: 1 Mana = 2 Durability) ---Form Memory Stone (Create a memory stone) (Efficiency: Low) ---Form Mana Stone (Create a mana stone) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 8 Mana) ---Form Conduit (Create mana conduits) ---Form Release (Create a release crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 10 Mana) ---Form Focus (Create a focus crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Ability = 9 Mana , Ability Strength (per ability): 100% = 9 Mana [cannot exceed 100%]) ---Form Sparker (Create a Mana Sparker) (Efficiency: 1 Impulse = 0.01) ---Security Sequence (Level: 2) (Load a memory crystal with a magic sequence that protects the construct from deconstruction) -(Kinetic) --(Impulse) (Offensive skills lower target’s Will by 50% for Stagger check) ---Micro Meteor (Launch an object with kinetic force) (+ to Projectile = Arcane + Mana) ---Kinetic Bolt (Launch an orb of kinetic energy that explodes upon impact) (Inflicts Trauma = Arcane + Mana) ---Levitation (pick up and levitate small objects) ---Blast Wave (Lets out a powerful but short-ranged concussive wave) (Inflicts Trauma = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Counter Force (Single Turn Condition) (Applies counteracting forces to a target, lowering strength and evasion) (-Strength, -Evasion = Arcane + Mana) ---Impulse Evasion (Evasion) (Cannot use Evasion AP) (Launch yourself with kinetics to evade an attack) (Substitutes your basic evasion) (Stumbles you after use, can be used when Stumbled, can be used to recover from a Stumble) (Evasion = Arcane + MP) --(Fortification) (If cast with Mana, Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed/buffed attacks land) ---Stabilize (Direct Magic) (Single Turn Condition) (Lock an object’s movement relative to a target) (+Trauma Resistance = Arcane + MP) ---Lockdown (Single Turn Condition) (Lock your bones in place and petrify your skin, resisting damage) (+Physical Damage Resistance = Arcane + Mana , affected parts are unable to move [affects evasion]) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) ---Fireball (Launch an orb that unleashes an explosion of heat on impact) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn) Passives: Strength: 6 Arcane: 10 Aim: 8 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 5 Speed: 1
-Fortified Resolve (Grants a separate pool of AP for Fortification magic) -Acrobat (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Accelerator (Passive) (+10% Damage and Aim to Micro Meteor) -Quick Rest (Passive) (If no action in the turn, all standard AP is recovered at the end of the turn) (Cannot be used if stumbled or in negative standard AP)
Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit) Race: Human ____________________
You find a door in the hall that leads to a storage closet, and the two of you get in and lock it closed.
"We need a cover story. Do you think we could pretend to be students, or is the lack of uniforms a giveaway? ...Are there any spares around?"
Tabi: ”Hmm, let’s see.”
A light appears in the room, coming from a coconut-sized lantern in Tabi’s hand, lit with a flameless white crystal core.
The closet is kinda small, all three walls that aren’t the door side are shelves full of stuff. Books, random equipment, boxes.
Tabi: ”Here we go.”
She hands you a floppy square package wrapped in paper, and unfolding it reveals a white button-down long sleeved shirt, dark grey pants, a tan coat, and a large red square cloth, wide enough to wrap around your waist and then some.
Another paper package is in her arms, a uniform for her.
Skills: (Magic) -(???) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) --(???) ---Extrasensory (Detects magic in the area) (Does not consume AP) -(???) --(Negation) ---Nullify (Reduce the effectiveness of a magic instance, cancelling it with enough effort) ---Zero Field (Create a persistent nullification effect on a target or area) (Inflicts Null Body = Arcane + MP) ---Capture (Grab an instance of a spell being cast, storing it while nullifying any remaining) (Nullify = Arcane + Mana) ---Release (Cast a spell that was stored with Capture [removes spell from storage]) ---Reversal (Reverses the Light/Dark polarity of a magic instance) (Fire<->Ice , Impulse<->Fortification , Light<->Dark , Electric caster/user is switched) (Reverse Strength = Arcane + Mana)
-Escape! (Roll a 5 or higher to successfully run away from a battle)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn)
John: "We're done talking to Emil, but we have a proposal on behalf of Vranhal involving some important work that needs his Construct expertise. Is there anyone here right now we can talk to about that?"
Receptionist: ”You can submit a request form, or you can try to speak to the warden.”
She slides a paper through the slot in the clear wall, and it has only a few fields - Requestee, Date, Subject to Release, and Reason.
Hmm. That doesn’t look like it’ll be too convincing on its own. You might need to-
???: ”J-John Freemaneth!”
Turning around, you see a young woman, maybe even a teenage girl, with long black hair tied in a messy bun, and dressed in a blood-stained maid uniform holding a scroll.
Maid: ”I-I have an official document stating your connection to Vranhal!” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) -(Electric) --(Telepathy) (Skills ignore Evasion and do not consume Mana) ---Message (Sends a telepathic message to a target/multiple targets) (does not consume AP) ---Receive (Picks up on thoughts if people are thinking hard enough) (does not consume AP) ---Trace (Find the source of a tendril from an active spell that uses one) ---Proxy (Create a fake mind at a specified location that you can direct to use telepathy) ---Mental Security (Strengthen your defense against Telepathy) (Inflicts Mind Guard = Arcane) ---Analyze (Degrading Condition) (Probe the target's thoughts to discover its behavior and stats) (+Evasion +Aim against target = Arcane - target_Will) ---Mind Control (Force the target to perform an action) (Arcane must be higher than target's Will) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude) Passives: Strength: 1 Arcane: 12 Aim: 6 Evasion: 7 +7 Will: 4 Speed: 2
-Mind Guard (+1 Telepathy Resistance) -Multiprocessing (Grants a separate pool of AP for Telepathic magic)
John: "We're done talking to Emil, but we have a proposal on behalf of Vranhal involving some important work that needs his Construct expertise. Is there anyone here right now we can talk to about that?"
Receptionist: ”You can submit a request form, or you can try to speak to the warden.”
She slides a paper through the slot in the clear wall, and it has only a few fields - Requestee, Date, Subject to Release, and Reason.
Hmm. That doesn’t look like it’ll be too convincing on its own. You might need to-
???: ”J-John Freemaneth!”
Turning around, you see a young woman, maybe even a teenage girl, with long black hair tied in a messy bun, and dressed in a blood-stained maid uniform holding a scroll.
Maid: ”I-I have an official document stating your connection to Vranhal!” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Electric) --(Lightning) (Aim of skills is increased 50%) ---Shocking Touch (Electrify a target within arm’s reach) (Inflicts Electrocution = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Lightning Bolt (Strike a ranged target with a lightning bolt) (Inflicts Electrocution = Arcane + Mana) ---Forked Lightning (Hit multiple targets with damage evenly distributed) (Inflicts Total Electrocution = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
You shove your mana into one of your partially-filled stones and get cutting.
First, you cut open the stomach of the drake, opening it up and start removing the intestines and stomach. With those out of the way, you peer up into the torso, taking out, uh, some more fleshy parts, and start getting rid of those. One of them that you grab feel much heavier than normal - a large fleshy organ with a dense, hard mass inside. Cutting through the organ, you find that there’s a large stone inside covered with knobbly protrusions. Looks like a magic organ! You stuff it in the bag, and see that Madenuuk has his harvest as well.
Madenuuk: This should suffice. Let us return to town.
Your group does so, making it back to town without incident. Now you’re in the backyard of the shaman’s house with a large metal basin of water.
Madenuuk: ”Let us clean our harvest, and I shall show you how to separate the parts.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Entity) ---Meditation (Relaxes and strengthens your soul, resisting outside spirits) (Inflicts Inner Peace = Arcane + Mana) ---Spirit Channel (Let a spirit use your body to perform an action) (Consumes AP for spirit actions) ---Bind Spirit (Affix a spirit to a physical object) -(Kinetic) --(Fortification) (Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Cast at beginning of turn) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana)
-Chilling Howl (Degrading Condition) (Strike fear into enemies, lowering their Aim and Arcane) (-Aim , -Arcane = Will) Passives: Strength: 8 Arcane: 8 Aim: 6 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 9 Speed: 4
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+5 Magic Evasion) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Acrobat (Passive) (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Inner Peace (+5 Spirit Magic Resistance) -Constitution (+10% Maximum Base HP)
You walk around, looking for a place that was bombed. It doesn’t take long to find one - a nearby tower with a large chunk missing from its side. There’s debris on the ground and guards surrounding the area, and when you ask what happened, they tell you there was an accident.
Not letting you enter the place to look around, either, and there aren’t people around who looked like they were survivors of the incident. ____________________
-Scrap Metal -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell) -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell 2) -Paper (Light Grenade Runic Spell) -Paper (Taschenblitz) >Make a similar rune spell, one that is armed once its mana reserves increase by 0.5, like before. When it is armed, it locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Taschenblitz II) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light evenly distributed 0.5 meters away from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Fire Mine) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as heat from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Mana Storage) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers its mana into that creature. -Paper (Mana Storage 2) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30 if the rune is set to T. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers 2 mana into that creature and sets to F. Must be taken out of the specified range to set back to T.
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP)
-Flurry (Melee three times, each attack dealing one third of your normal damage [consumes 1 AP]) -Metabolize (Exert your will over your body, forcing it to produce energy faster than normal) (+Stamina = Will)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Momentum (Passive) (Keep yourself moving, increasing damage with each attack) (Buff ends when you fail to attack in a turn or are blocked or stumbled) (+Damage = 1d6 per attack , Max total +Damage = 2 * Strength) -Critical Shot (Increases damage by extra Aim if initial damage to target is greater than 0) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Adrenaline Rush (Passive) (Stamina usage is twice as effective)
Skills: -Stabilize (Spend the extra energy to hold still, increasing Aim for the next attack) (+Aim = Stamina) -Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Accelerated Repair (Speed up the body’s natural healing process on a target, clearing conditions) (Turns given = Arcane + Mana)
Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:22 am
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 196)
"Oh! Well, that's perfect actually... ... Is that your blood?" > Walk over, take and examine scroll.
"Wait, aren't you the one who was refilling Lord Elizabeth's mug?"
inb4 Kleigg can't see what he's doing in the dark. Question is, does he fumble around blindly or request the light to come back.
Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:33 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 196)
TorrentHKU wrote:
"Oh! Well, that's perfect actually... ... Is that your blood?" > Walk over, take and examine scroll.
"Wait, aren't you the one who was refilling Lord Elizabeth's mug?"
The scroll is held closed with a tied ribbon, which you undo to examine the parchment. Looks like a document with fancy writing explaining that you, along with your six buddies (Miimas included) are aiding Vranhal in dealing with an incident that involves dangerous constructs. No specific mention of Lucida or Ultima.
Maid: "Yeah, that's my blood. Don't worry, that stuff grows back!"
The maid snaps off a salute.
Linna: "Linna Ziegel, Personal Assistant and Maid of Lord Elizabeth Hopluit!"
Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:37 am
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 196)
"I... Did you take that goddamn postal service? Did someone LET another regular human take that goddamn postal service?"
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