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 Magical Girl, Monster Hunter 
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
CrazyMLC wrote:
What is the purpose of the group, and how did it form? Did the players know each other before their transformation into magical girls? And whether they did or not, what kind of group will they form? A school club? Maybe they're astronauts? Space marines? Cavecricket should have something to say about it.

One more piece of tape there, aaand done!

Climbing down the ladder, I take a step back to examine my handywork - a white banner sporting large, colored lettering, fastened over a doorway.


Nori: "How many people do you think will come?"

A short, dark-haired girl in the same grade as me. Her eyes are always concealed behind thick glasses, and she spends most of her off-time reading manga or playing on her handheld console. Not exactly popular, but she's a good kid.

"Hopefully all of them. We'd be one over the required minimum number of members, a little lower than comfortable. But if they all come and we really get the ball rolling, maybe our numbers'll pick up!"

I check the club sign-up sheet, a list of names and phone numbers.

Kotori Itsuka
Fros Nivalis
Chinku Tsuvai

Just three names, and with me and Nori, that gives us a measly member count of five.

"C'mon, let's get the room cleaned up before they get here."

Nori: "Okay!"

Opening the door to the classroom, we head in. The building is an old, unused middle school on the edge of the Academy's, abandoned after construction of the Academy's more modern facilities. It's mostly used for storage, but with all the clubs starting back up with the new school year and plenty new clubs being created, there was a, lack of space.

Nori: "Do you really think the building is haunted?"

She sweeps the floors with a broom, eyes hidden by reflective lenses.

Nori: "I mean, I'm not scared or anything, but it'd be, uh, interesting, if our club activities involved ghosts or something."

"I dunno, maybe there could be a witch barrier in the basement."

A barrage of taps on the chalkboard, white lettering slowly spelling out "Welcome Magical Girls"

Nori: "T-That sounds dangerous!"

"Hmm, you're right. We'd need a training regiment before we tackle something like that."

Someone knocks on the door to the classroom. Looking over, I see the silhouettes of three girls behind the frosted window.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:04 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
The Ancient Monster Empire with Ancient Magical Techniques have a few ways of doing their dirty work.

1. Good old fashioned BRUTALITY
Seriously, they can ♥♥♥♥ you up with their claws and teeth or whatever. They'd rather not use physical force but they can.

Only high level monsters can use this skill. This technique plants an idea/objective into a persons mind. A suggestion if you will. They will be compelled to complete this idea to the point of obsessiveness depending on the degree of power used during its casting.

They can do lots of ancient magic such as fireballs and stuff without the use of magitech. You know, good old fashioned magic.

Only elite monsters can do this/ It's more or less a variation of 2 but causes the victim to be borderline insane over their obsession for happiness. Of course this can be for any kind of happiness. For example a person can be driven to play vidya gayms without stopping until they die of exhaustion. Of course more questionable ideas can be planted.

5. When in doubt, seduce
Some monster can shapeshift into desirable male/females or anything the victim is aroused by to have their way. This is mostly because proximity and trust makes 2 and 4 more effective than simply casting them at a distance. If a person trusts the caster the skills will be more effective.

6. Other stuff?
They have some weapons but they aren't better than modern magitech weapons. At least in most cases. Most of the weapons are swords and staffs and the like so they can't really compare. Although they have magic and idea planting so yeah.

Take note that 2/4 are not technically mind control since it's not direct control of another person. In most cases it will be a strong urge to do something and will feel completely voluntary. of course in the case of 4 it'll probably be noticeable but the victims are too busy trying to fulfill the desire to notice.
Also 2/4 cannot be used for anything that explicitly goes against the morals of the victim. However should it align with the morals it'll have a much greater effect.
Furthermore, if a person is already influenced by 2/4 they'll be unable to be a target for a different 2/4.

a. They completed the objective
b. The idea is forcefully removed with another magical ability.

Of course a high enough power level of casting will override any of these limitations. As well a high enough magical power would be able to resist these magicks (unless they trust the user 100%)

Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:11 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
CaveCricket48 wrote:
One more piece of tape there, aaand done!

Climbing down the ladder, I take a step back to examine my handywork - a white banner sporting large, colored lettering, fastened over a doorway.


Nori: "How many people do you think will come?"

A short, dark-haired girl in the same grade as me. Her eyes are always concealed behind thick glasses, and she spends most of her off-time reading manga or playing on her handheld console. Not exactly popular, but she's a good kid.

"Hopefully all of them. We'd be one over the required minimum number of members, a little lower than comfortable. But if they all come and we really get the ball rolling, maybe our numbers'll pick up!"

I check the club sign-up sheet, a list of names and phone numbers.

Kotori Itsuka
Fros Nivalis
Cinque Tsuvai

Just three names, and with me and Nori, that gives us a measly member count of five.

"C'mon, let's get the room cleaned up before they get here."

Nori: "Okay!"

Opening the door to the classroom, we head in. The building is an old, unused middle school on the edge of the Academy's, abandoned after construction of the Academy's more modern facilities. It's mostly used for storage, but with all the clubs starting back up with the new school year and plenty new clubs being created, there was a, lack of space.

Nori: "Do you really think the building is haunted?"

She sweeps the floors with a broom, eyes hidden by reflective lenses.

Nori: "I mean, I'm not scared or anything, but it'd be, uh, interesting, if our club activities involved ghosts or something."

"I dunno, maybe there could be a witch barrier in the basement."

A barrage of taps on the chalkboard, white lettering slowly spelling out "Welcome Magical Girls"

Nori: "T-That sounds dangerous!"

"Hmm, you're right. We'd need a training regiment before we tackle something like that."

Someone knocks on the door to the classroom. Looking over, I see the silhouettes of three girls behind the frosted window.

This is essentially the first roll. Let's have some actions - or at least some roleplay.
You are free to make up details about the area as you see fit. I will exert control over the area through characters I control, such as Nori, or through other characters previously unknown that enter the scene, and excessive or game breaking scene additions may be veto'd in some way. (such as "oh wow, I just found a destroy all witches/monstergirls/enemies button!" - the button may in fact do nothing)
Keep it reasonable, and don't post multiple actions or excessive dialogue/roleplay, as rolls will still find importance and we want time for everyone to give their input at the same pace.

Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:01 pm
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
Nori runs to Rana, and hides behind her, trembling.
"H-hello? The door isn't locked... You can come in, as long as you aren't a witch! Eh heh heh..."

Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:10 pm
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
Kotori slides the door open and walks into the classroom, looking around with a carefully crafted face of casual disinterest. The lollipop stick pointing out of her mouth waves around randomly as she assaults the candy with her tongue, and her long twintails swish as she looks back and forth at the classroom, taking note of the sparse furniture and message on the chalkboard. Nori continues to hide behind Rana from the redhead's

"Hm. Alright. Magical girls then, yeah? I'm Kotori Itsuka, nice to meet you."

Nori: "Y-yes! This is the Magical Girl Cosplay Club! I'm Nori Fukui! N-nice to meet you!"

"What was that about being a witch? Does that count as a Magical Girl even?"

Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:45 am
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"Well, you see,"

Rana adjusts her pair of air-spectacles, comfortably repositioning it on the bridge of her nose.

"We're actually hunting witches. The witch is the polar opposite to the magical girl - her mortal enemy. It is in costume and magic that we track down the dark entities by following the trail of misery that leads to the dark labyrinth, that we may do battle and, in victory, prevent the delicate balance of the world from tipping into sin. 'To Be a Magical Girl,' 2:9."

With a flourish of elegance, Rana pulls her air-spectacles off of her face and gives a slight bow.

"Rana Salient, President of the Magical Girl Cosplay Club. It is a pleasure meeting you."

Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:03 am
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Nori stands frozen like a deer in headlights as Rana's bow exposes her to Kotori.

Her voice is barely audible as she cracks and stammers,
"You aren't a w-witch, are you...?"

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:15 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
Slowly standing straight again with the ease and grace of a practiced public presenter (and hiding Nori from view once again), Rana replaces her spectacles and gives the trio of newcomers a sincere smile.

"Please, make yourself at home. The club room is barren at the moment, but it will receive much improvement in due time."

Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:20 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
Making a character, because why the hell not.

Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:29 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
"No problem!"
Fros says cheerfully.
"Just don't forget to tell me when you're doing interior design! I'll make this place look just like a Magical Girl Headquarters!"
Fros practically prances toward Rana. She stops for a brief moment before giving Rana a quick hug.
"Magical Girl Bonding!!!"

Fros then moves to the frozen Nori and picks her up.
"Hey don't be so shy, we're going to be the best of pals."
Fros gives a reassuring smile and puts Nori back down.

Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:31 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
Chinku glides into the room, pausing briefly to scan the contents before carefully shuffling out of the way of the door as not to be in the way.
She then quietly stutters in somewhat broken Japanese* [because Neo-Tokyo]

"I-I'm.. uh, Chinku.. Tsuvai..."

Wringing her hands she continues

"N-Nice.. To meet you."

Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:06 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
And here is my character sheet! After much difficulty and MLC talking me through it.

This...this is going to be interesting. I've put the information above on what my roll numbers were, and hand on heart, I swear there was no secret ♥♥♥♥ or anything like that : this is what genuinely happened. I was actually planning on some kind of country-girl and somehow ended up with...Ivan. Jesus christ. MLC helped me every step of the way, and this is what happened.

May god have mercy on us all.

Anyway, I'll sort out description and everything else soon. Don't worry, I can come up with a way to get them into the setting, but it'll be pretty bonkers as you might expect. I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of anime in general, but, well, I'm open to new things and we'll see what happens.

Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:38 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
To be clear, on a rereading of the rules and prompting from Caek, I realized it asks you to roll 12d20, when only 11 of those d20 are used, and it also mentions discarding a roll.
It may seem a bit late, but you are all free to roll another d20, and decide if you want to use it to substitute for a single other roll you made for your character.

Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:23 am
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
Kotori's eyes light up and she grins at Nori's reaction, almost like a cat who's caught a mouse to play with.

"Not that I know of, but who can say? Maybe I do have some witch in me... Sleeping, lurking, waiting....
I probably burn like one though."

Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:25 pm
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Post Re: Magical Girl, Monster Hunter
Rana claps her hands together.

"Good! Now that we're all here, let's get down to business.

Welcome girls to the Magical Girl Cosplay Club! Our goal here is to study magical girls in manga and anime, make costumes, and deliver presentations and plays for the public.

Our first main objective is to decorate our club room in magical girl regalia - all members are encouraged to chip in, make suggestions and lend a hand in making our space fit for the magical girl.

Are there any questions? Comments?"

> If nothing,

"Well then, let's get started! Nori, let's take take a look around the building for anything useful. Furniture, art supplies, that kind of thing."

Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:09 pm
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