Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 188)
>Do the do.
Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:07 am
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 188)
"Could you tell me a little about how to operate these runic gauntlets?"
Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:10 pm
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 188)
"Sounds better than Lockdown Gulag." > Approach guards, take down my marbles for now. No need to inspire uneasiness. "Excuse me, are the offices open right now? We've got an inquiry about someone being kept here." > If yes, head in to wherever it is we need to be going, and 3 Intermissions. If no, just stay outside and quietly work on my kinetics stuff I guess. Don't attract a crowd or anything though, just some shuffling and shifting myself around is fine.
Edit notes to read Current Missions: 1. Get Spirit expertise from the Lupus (Kyeltziv) 2. Get Construct expertise from a Construct Master in a Chirop jail (John, P’orihc, Ki’stha) 3. Don't talk to strangers (Kleigg) 4. Help Kleigg with his mission (Vandolf)
Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:13 am
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 188)
Kleigg is such a naive goober smh I cannot believe this guy
Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:21 pm
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 188)
I mean I don't have a better mission description for him right now, and he DOES tend to get into all the trouble.
Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:25 pm
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 188)
I know! It's actually incredible. I went in intending to play a strange little monk and ended up becoming a runic terrorist.
Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:18 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 188)
Don't worry Kebb, Vandolf will try and most likely fail to save you from your own character.
Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:31 pm
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 189)
Note: There is a "Notes" section, right under the maps, where players can freely enter in information for notes or whatever. Just specify what you want entered/altered/removed.
Roll 189
The world as the players know it:
1. Kyeltziv 2. Kleigg, Vandolf 3. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John 4. A Watch Tower ~~~ 1. P’orihc, Ki’stha, John ~~~
1. Get Spirit expertise from the Lupus (Kyeltziv) 2. Get Construct expertise from a Construct Master in a Chirop jail (John, P’orihc, Ki’stha) 3. Don't talk to strangers (Kleigg) 4. Help Kleigg with his mission (Vandolf)
Time: Night
Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU) Race: Human ____________________
Intermission! Three times!
P’orihc: "Containment Facility. What a civilized name."
"Sounds better than Lockdown Gulag."
Putting your marbles away, you approach the guards.
"Excuse me, are the offices open right now? We've got an inquiry about someone being kept here."
Guard: ”Yeah, go on in and talk to the receptionist.”
Sounds easy enough. Your party heads on inside, where you find yourselves standing in a large. artificially-lit waiting room. Wooden chairs with padding sit along the walls, with a coffee table to the side of the room with newspapers folded neatly on top of it. In the wall in front of you is a thick pane of glass, starting at about waist high and ending about a foot under the ceiling. A chirop sits behind the glass at some sort of counter, a small rectangular hole cut out of the glass where her “desk space” is.
To the left of the room is a hallway, blocked off by two armored chirop with a decorated longsword sheathed at the hip.
It’s not regular steel armor, that much you can tell. The helm is shaped like that of a lion’s head, and the entire suit of armor has a reddish hue to it. You don’t know why, but you have a hunch that the armor is mostly made of AM, if not entirely.
Receptionist: ”Hello, how can I help you?”
She seems friendly enough for someone working in a “containment facility.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Form Artificial Matter (Create magic’d solids) (Durability: Steel) (Efficiency: 1 Mana = 2 Durability) ---Form Memory Stone (Create a memory stone) (Efficiency: Low) ---Form Mana Stone (Create a mana stone) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 8 Mana) ---Form Conduit (Create mana conduits) ---Form Release (Create a release crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 10 Mana) ---Form Focus (Create a focus crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Ability = 9 Mana , Ability Strength (per ability): 100% = 9 Mana [cannot exceed 100%]) ---Form Sparker (Create a Mana Sparker) (Efficiency: 1 Impulse = 0.01) ---Security Sequence (Level: 2) (Load a memory crystal with a magic sequence that protects the construct from deconstruction) -(Kinetic) --(Impulse) (Offensive skills lower target’s Will by 50% for Stagger check) ---Micro Meteor (Launch an object with kinetic force) (+ to Projectile = Arcane + Mana) ---Kinetic Bolt (Launch an orb of kinetic energy that explodes upon impact) (Inflicts Trauma = Arcane + Mana) ---Levitation (pick up and levitate small objects) ---Blast Wave (Lets out a powerful but short-ranged concussive wave) (Inflicts Trauma = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Counter Force (Single Turn Condition) (Applies counteracting forces to a target, lowering strength and evasion) (-Strength, -Evasion = Arcane + Mana) ---Impulse Evasion (Evasion) (Cannot use Evasion AP) (Launch yourself with kinetics to evade an attack) (Substitutes your basic evasion) (Stumbles you after use, can be used when Stumbled, can be used to recover from a Stumble) (Evasion = Arcane + MP) --(Fortification) (If cast with Mana, Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed/buffed attacks land) ---Stabilize (Direct Magic) (Single Turn Condition) (Lock an object’s movement relative to a target) (+Trauma Resistance = Arcane + MP) ---Lockdown (Single Turn Condition) (Lock your bones in place and petrify your skin, resisting damage) (+Physical Damage Resistance = Arcane + Mana , affected parts are unable to move [affects evasion]) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) ---Fireball (Launch an orb that unleashes an explosion of heat on impact) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn) Passives: Strength: 6 Arcane: 10 Aim: 8 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 5 Speed: 1
-Fortified Resolve (Grants a separate pool of AP for Fortification magic) -Acrobat (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Accelerator (Passive) (+10% Damage and Aim to Micro Meteor) -Quick Rest (Passive) (If no action in the turn, all standard AP is recovered at the end of the turn) (Cannot be used if stumbled or in negative standard AP)
Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit) Race: Human ____________________
"Could you tell me a little about how to operate these runic gauntlets?"
Tabi: ”I’ll show you on the way, don’t want to be behind schedule.”
She pulls you by your shirt sleeve out of the building, eventually letting go as the two of you head towards the inner city.
Tabi: ”Here, put this on, don’t want to attract any attention with your armor.”
She hands you a burlap hooded cloak, which you put on.
Tabi: ”Now, the gauntlets are controlled by putting tiny amounts of mana into them in different places. There are seven points - Activate, More Power, Less Power, Next Mode, Previous Mode, Storage, and Withdraw. Putting a tiny amount of mana into one of the nodes will activate them. The Next and Previous modes rotate the the plate that shows what mode it’s in, you can adjust how much juice you want the gauntlet to use with the More or Less Power nodes, and activate the gauntlet with the Activation node. The Storage node is where you put in large amounts of mana to store for the gauntlet to use, and the Withdraw node gives you back mana based on how much you put in. Oh, there’s a mode with a skull and crossbones, that’s like uh, the suicide button. Don’t use that unless if you’re going to be caught, avoid interrogation an’ all that.”
The two of you arrive at the base of a large tower in the inner city. With the sun not quite up yet, the area is dark and few people on the streets.
Tabi: ”Alright, we don’t have a lot of time to set up, so we gotta go fast. I can create a diversion out here to draw out the guards, you can go in through another way and I’ll follow you after I deal with the guards. Our target is a large machine-thing in one of the basement levels. Ready?” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(???) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) --(???) ---Extrasensory (Detects magic in the area) (Does not consume AP) -(???) --(Negation) ---Nullify (Reduce the effectiveness of a magic instance, cancelling it with enough effort) ---Zero Field (Create a persistent nullification effect on a target or area) (Inflicts Null Body = Arcane + MP) ---Capture (Grab an instance of a spell being cast, storing it while nullifying any remaining) (Nullify = Arcane + Mana) ---Release (Cast a spell that was stored with Capture [removes spell from storage]) ---Reversal (Reverses the Light/Dark polarity of a magic instance) (Fire<->Ice , Impulse<->Fortification , Light<->Dark , Electric caster/user is switched) (Reverse Strength = Arcane + Mana)
-Escape! (Roll a 5 or higher to successfully run away from a battle)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn)
John: "Sounds better than Lockdown Gulag. Excuse me, are the offices open right now? We've got an inquiry about someone being kept here."
Guard: ”Yeah, go on in and talk to the receptionist.”
Sounds easy enough. Your party heads on inside, where you find yourselves standing in a large. artificially-lit waiting room. Wooden chairs with padding sit along the walls, with a coffee table to the side of the room with newspapers folded neatly on top of it. In the wall in front of you is a thick pane of glass, starting at about waist high and ending about a foot under the ceiling. A chirop sits behind the glass at some sort of counter, a small rectangular hole cut out of the glass where her “desk space” is.
To the left of the room is a hallway, blocked off by two armored chirop with a decorated longsword sheathed at the hip.
It’s not regular steel armor, that much you can tell. The helm is shaped like that of a lion’s head, and the entire suit of armor has a reddish hue to it.
Receptionist: ”Hello, how can I help you?”
She seems friendly enough for someone working in a “containment facility.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) -(Electric) --(Telepathy) (Skills ignore Evasion and do not consume Mana) ---Message (Sends a telepathic message to a target/multiple targets) (does not consume AP) ---Receive (Picks up on thoughts if people are thinking hard enough) (does not consume AP) ---Trace (Find the source of a tendril from an active spell that uses one) ---Proxy (Create a fake mind at a specified location that you can direct to use telepathy) ---Mental Security (Strengthen your defense against Telepathy) (Inflicts Mind Guard = Arcane) ---Analyze (Degrading Condition) (Probe the target's thoughts to discover its behavior and stats) (+Evasion +Aim against target = Arcane - target_Will) ---Mind Control (Force the target to perform an action) (Arcane must be higher than target's Will) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude) Passives: Strength: 1 Arcane: 12 Aim: 6 Evasion: 7 +7 Will: 4 Speed: 2
-Mind Guard (+1 Telepathy Resistance) -Multiprocessing (Grants a separate pool of AP for Telepathic magic)
P’orihc: "Containment Facility. What a civilized name."
John: "Sounds better than Lockdown Gulag. Excuse me, are the offices open right now? We've got an inquiry about someone being kept here."
Guard: ”Yeah, go on in and talk to the receptionist.”
Sounds easy enough. Your party heads on inside, where you find yourselves standing in a large. artificially-lit waiting room. Wooden chairs with padding sit along the walls, with a coffee table to the side of the room with newspapers folded neatly on top of it. In the wall in front of you is a thick pane of glass, starting at about waist high and ending about a foot under the ceiling. A chirop sits behind the glass at some sort of counter, a small rectangular hole cut out of the glass where her “desk space” is.
To the left of the room is a hallway, blocked off by two armored chirop with a decorated longsword sheathed at the hip.
It’s not regular steel armor, that much you can tell. The helm is shaped like that of a lion’s head, and the entire suit of armor has a reddish hue to it.
Receptionist: ”Hello, how can I help you?”
She seems friendly enough for someone working in a “containment facility.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Electric) --(Lightning) (Aim of skills is increased 50%) ---Shocking Touch (Electrify a target within arm’s reach) (Inflicts Electrocution = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Lightning Bolt (Strike a ranged target with a lightning bolt) (Inflicts Electrocution = Arcane + Mana) ---Forked Lightning (Hit multiple targets with damage evenly distributed) (Inflicts Total Electrocution = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Well, here goes nothing. Taking the Caelum token in your hand, you give it a thorough look-over, and then implanting the memories of the coin’s appearance into Grant’s mind.
Grant: Well, I have a clear idea of what it looks like now. I don’t feel particularly bound, though.
Maybe you need to stare at this coin harder. Putting the red-tinted metal to your eyes, you take in the minuscule scuffs and scratches in the metal, get a feel of the weight of the item, the meaning of the emblems on the coin’s faces (or at least make up a meaning). After your in-depth analysis with the coin, you try to implant the memories into Grant.
Grant: Still no binding, but I really know what that coin looks like. Maybe you need to put the memory in another place, or something.
Another place? Well, hmm. Scanning over Grant’s memory structure, you see him getting the ♥♥♥♥ murdered out of him from a kinetic and flame mage. There’s a strange memory here that gets distorted, seems to be a connection with his body? You trace the memory to a location that seems to be something about attachment. People feel attached to their bodies, family, close friends. Seems like the right place, so you inject the memories of the coin into the area.
Grant: Wow, this feels weird. I’m a coin! ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Entity) ---Meditation (Relaxes and strengthens your soul, resisting outside spirits) (Inflicts Inner Peace = Arcane + Mana) ---Spirit Channel (Let a spirit use your body to perform an action) (Consumes AP for spirit actions) -(Kinetic) --(Fortification) (Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Cast at beginning of turn) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana)
-Chilling Howl (Degrading Condition) (Strike fear into enemies, lowering their Aim and Arcane) (-Aim , -Arcane = Will) Passives: Strength: 8 Arcane: 8 Aim: 6 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 9 Speed: 4
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+5 Magic Evasion) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Acrobat (Passive) (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Inner Peace (+5 Spirit Magic Resistance) -Constitution (+10% Maximum Base HP)
"Thankfully not! But I just learned that a companion went missing in Magusalto, so I'm going to see if they're okay."
You smile and wave, the guard waving back, and then you rush towards Magusalto while charging a mana stone. It doesn’t take long to reach the city, waving to the guards as you cross the bridge over the chasm. With the sun still down, there aren’t too many people moving about. ____________________
-Scrap Metal -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell) -Paper (Spirit Map Runic Spell 2) -Paper (Light Grenade Runic Spell) -Paper (Taschenblitz) >Make a similar rune spell, one that is armed once its mana reserves increase by 0.5, like before. When it is armed, it locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Taschenblitz II) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as light evenly distributed 0.5 meters away from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Fire Mine) >Locks onto the nearest spirit with a complexity over 30 and treats this spirit as its master. If the master spirit is within 8 meters, the spell will always do nothing. If the master spirit is farther away than that however, it will release all of its mana as heat from the compass if a spirit with complexity over 30 comes within 2 meters of it. -Paper (Mana Storage) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers its mana into that creature. -Paper (Mana Storage 2) >Rune spell that searches for the closest spirit with complexity over 30 if the rune is set to T. If that spirit is very, very close, ie approximately held against their chest, then it transfers 2 mana into that creature and sets to F. Must be taken out of the specified range to set back to T.
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP)
-Flurry (Melee three times, each attack dealing one third of your normal damage [consumes 1 AP]) -Metabolize (Exert your will over your body, forcing it to produce energy faster than normal) (+Stamina = Will)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Momentum (Passive) (Keep yourself moving, increasing damage with each attack) (Buff ends when you fail to attack in a turn or are blocked or stumbled) (+Damage = 1d6 per attack , Max total +Damage = 2 * Strength) -Critical Shot (Increases damage by extra Aim if initial damage to target is greater than 0) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Adrenaline Rush (Passive) (Stamina usage is twice as effective)
Skills: -Stabilize (Spend the extra energy to hold still, increasing Aim for the next attack) (+Aim = Stamina) -Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Accelerated Repair (Speed up the body’s natural healing process on a target, clearing conditions) (Turns given = Arcane + Mana)
"We are an emergency diplomatic envoy organised by the cities east of the Anri, we urgently need to interview a prisoner we believe to be held at this facility."
Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:57 pm
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 189)
Roast Veg wrote:
"We are an emergency diplomatic envoy organised by the cities east of the Anri, we urgently need to interview a prisoner we believe to be held at this facility."
Receptionist: "An interview can be arranged. Who must you speak to?"
Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:06 pm
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 189)
"His name is Matis Emiel, he's a construct mage."
Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:23 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 189)
> Head towards the city center with the largest buildings and load my crossbow. Keep an eye out for any stupid looking humans in cloaks, especially ones walking with other people, or wearing hair shirts, or in armor. Ask people I see if they've seen anyone matching that description.
Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:29 pm
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:24 pm Posts: 3939 Location: NORTH
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 189)
>Prepare a paper bomb with a long spool so that I can detonate it from a distance without bringing the building down on my head. Then proceed with the plan, slipping into the building and descending toward the target when Tabi makes her move.
Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:36 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 189)
TorrentHKU wrote:
"His name is Matis Emiel, he's a construct mage."
Receptionist: "Alright, I'll need to take your names down for records, if you're all going, and then you can follow the guards."
Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:05 am
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 189)
> Nod. Write down name, follow guards. Diplomacy route, ahoy!
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