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 Roll to Dodge GOD 
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Loose Canon
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Post Roll to Dodge GOD

So. I'm getting restless, and having another of my Good Ideas. So I was thinkin "Hey HKU, you know what sounds good? Another RTD! Yeah!" and I thought it sounded good. One like the good ol days of RTD, when I didn't have a plotline planned or story ideas in general, and pretty much threw in everything plus some kitchen sinks.

So let's do that again! D6, 1 is fail, 6 is overshot, you know the rules by now. Let's have some good clean fun!

You awaken in a hammock, gently rocking back and forth. Pushing yourself up and looking around, you see that you're in a smallish room made from wooden planks and boards on all sides, with hammocks strung up all through it and a large chest sitting under each hammocks. A porthole sits on the wall at the far side of the room. There are several other people in the hammocks in here.

What do you do?

Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:48 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
>Check my chest

Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:41 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
> Start lifting my chest so I can get ripped.

Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:51 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
>Crack open chest and investigate.

Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:49 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
> Check contents of chest.

Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:25 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
Devour the chest and all of its contents. Whole. Maybe go for some kind of snake-like detachable jaw or something.

Also, HK, you can roll on Tiny Gods :D

Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
dragonxp: [6]
You quickly hop out of your bed, ignoring the sudden confusion of being in a strange, inexplicable location, and open the chest beneath your hammock.
Thousands of plastic sporks, woven into an enormous elaborate stick bomb, burst forth from the large chest. You scream in impotent fear as every inch of exposed skin is assault by sporks, ultimately doing nothing, since they are sporks and not knives or needles or some sort of actually dangerous projectile.


CrazyMLC: [2]
As the others go to open their chests and get the treasure inside, you decide to take an alternate route, and lay down on your back next to the chest. Then, you reach over and lift the chest over you. Or, try to. It's frickin heavy. Looking inside, it seems to be full of... Bowling balls. Why does someone have a chest full of bowling balls? You can't lift a chest full of bowling balls.
You begin lifting some bowling balls for muscle training. Oh yeah, UUUN, FEEL THE BURN! Gonna get SHREDDED, get SO MANY ♥♥♥♥♥es. Gonna wanna hear 'bout my Bowling Routine.


TheKebbit: [2]
As everyone else seems to be doing it, you decide to crack open your chest as well! Let's see what SICK LOOT you got!
You close the chest again.
You open it.
Yep. You close it once more.
Faces. It's full of faces. Just, photocopies of various peoples' faces. Hundreds. Maybe thousands. Faces pushed up against a scanner screen.
You think the owner of the chest may be a serial killer. You really hope you're not the owner of the chest.

CaveCricket48: [1]
Joining in the chest opening festivities, you make to get out of your hammock, and your hand gets tangled in the webbing of the accursed woven hangbed. A short struggle later, the hammock emerges victorious, and it ends up dumping you out onto the ground unceremoniously, and you fall right onto your chest, smashing through it.
In your daze, you see several small white dots floating down. Then you realize, you don't just have a concussion, the dots are real. They're... Styrofoam. Looking to the left and right, more styrofoam. Large walls of it. The chest. It's just a styrofoam box with paint on it.
Sick loot.

caekdaemon: [3]
You roll out of bed like a graceful tiger and land on all fours, then pounce on the chest, mouth first. It works about as well as you'd expect. You may be able to work on it for a while, eat it bit by bit. The wood is soft enough to bite some bits out of. Tastes like ass though. You open the chest in curiosity, still munching splinters and lamenting the lack of flavor.
The chest appears to be full of pez candy, truly the greatest treasure of all. Well, the greatest out of anything in here at least.
You wonder who the hell filled all these chests as you idly fill your mouth with pez and crunch it to pieces, swallowing hundreds of broken pez shards.


Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
> Dig through styrofoam box for any additional loot that may be concealed. If there's nothing there that I can carry/shove in my pockets, go check out the porthole.

Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
>Run through them to see if I recognize any.

Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:17 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
Develop a +4 modifier to all actions. No, wait, even better : develop a modifier that forces my actions to forever roll 5s without modifiers or anything.

Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:59 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
>Build a spork sword

Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:35 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
Damnit I want in too!
Check chest for sick loot, pry off metal parts for later.

Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:55 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
Am I able to join now?
If so: > Check chest for blueprints for awesome tech stuff

Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD

Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:12 pm
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Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge GOD
dragonxp: [1]
You attempt to form a sword out of sporks. This one connects to here, and that one goes... there! One becomes two becomes ten becomes... a bunch!
Yesss, YESSSS! With your mastery over spork construction, you have crafted...
A pile of sporks.
You're awful at spork construction.
You've also managed to embed half of them in the floorboards. How the hell did you even do that, they're soft plastic sporks.


CrazyMLC: [1]
You continue lifting, getting your SICK GAINS, until your fingers slip on one of the bowling balls and lands on your foot, crushing your toes.
"♥♥♥♥ OW ♥♥♥♥ TOES NO ♥♥♥♥♥ GAINS ♥♥♥♥"
The bowling balls are traitors, they must be punished for their crimes.


TheKebbit: [3]
Looking through them, it's hard to recognize many people with their faces all squished up against the glass. You think you see some celebrities here and there, maybe. They all look pretty samey to be honest, squish face.
...Wait. This one.
Is that...
Yeah, that's you. Huh.
Did you always have a mole there? Ew. God, this picture of you is awful, this isn't your good side at all.

CaveCricket48: [6]
Ok this must be a joke. You tear the halves of the styrofoam box open more, refusing to believe that there's nothing of value in here. Oddly enough, you're right! In both halves, after tearing through a good bit of the styrofoam, you find a big gold bar embedded in the foam, so two in total. Well, they're certainly valuable, and definitely Loot. You stash them both in your inventory for later use.
Loot-lust satisfied, you head over to the porthole and examine the outside. Hm. Blue, lots of blue. Sea?
Nnnno. No, that's not it. There are clouds. This is the sky.
Alright, cool. You're flying.


caekdaemon: [1]
You attempt to develop an auto-5 skill! You fail miserably, and only NARROWLY avoid developing a -1 skill.


maart3n: [5]
You awake a turn late, and immediately fall out of your hammock in your sleep.
On your way down, you hit the chest beneath your hammock, and it knocks open as you wake up with a snort. Looking over, there's, uh...
A handle. Sticking out of the bottom of the chest. Huh. You grab the handle and pull, unsure what you really expect. You get a sword.
You weren't expecting that.
Jeez, this is a BIG sword too. It's as long as you are tall, blue with a flared tip and a silver tribal-ish pattern running along the blade.
Neat! Heavy tho. Works good for prying off the metal bits from the chest though.


Seraphimo: [1]
You jump out of bed, kick open the chest, and excitedly find!
They're shiny even!


Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:51 am
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