Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 134)
Roast Veg wrote:
"I can't promise it isn't going to go up in flames. We have to spring the trap."
Miimas: "What if we had someone walk up to the bridge and lure the bandits out, and we had the snipers watching and fighters ready to charge in? Lighting the caravan on fire seems a bit, uh, collateral damage."
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Form Artificial Matter (Create magic’d solids) (Durability: Steel) ---Form Memory Stone (Create a memory stone) (Efficiency: Low) ---Form Mana Stone (Create a mana stone) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 8 Mana) ---Form Conduit (Create mana conduits) ---Form Release (Create a release crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 10 Mana) ---Form Focus (Create a focus crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Ability = 10 Mana , Ability Strength (per ability): 100% = 10 Mana [cannot exceed 100%]) ---Form Sparker (Create a Mana Sparker) (Efficiency: 1 Impulse = 0.01) ---Security Sequence (Level: Basic) (Load a memory crystal with a magic sequence that protects the construct from deconstruction) -(Kinetic) --(Impulse) (Offensive skills lower target’s Will by 50% for Stagger check) ---Kinetic Bolt (Launch an orb of kinetic energy that explodes upon impact) (Inflicts Trauma = Arcane + Mana) ---Levitation (pick up and levitate small objects) ---Blast Wave (Lets out a powerful but short-ranged concussive wave) (Inflicts Trauma = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Counter Force (Single Turn Condition) (Applies counteracting forces to a target, lowering strength and evasion) (-Strength, -Evasion = Arcane + Mana) ---Impulse Evasion (Evasion) (Cannot use Evasion AP) (Launch yourself with kinetics to evade an attack) (Substitutes your basic evasion) (Stumbles you after use, can be used when Stumbled) (Evasion = Arcane + MP) --(Fortification) (If cast with Mana, Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed/buffed attacks land) ---Stabilize (Direct Magic) (Single Turn Condition) (Lock an object’s movement relative to a target) (+Trauma Resistance = Arcane + MP) ---Lockdown (Single Turn Condition) (Lock your bones in place and petrify your skin, resisting damage) (+Physical Damage Resistance = Arcane + Mana , affected parts are unable to move [affects evasion]) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) ---Fireball (Launch an orb that unleashes an explosion of heat on impact) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn) Passives: Strength: 6 Arcane: 10 Aim: 8 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 5 Speed: 1
-Fortified Resolve (Grants a separate pool of AP for Fortification magic) -Acrobat (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion)
Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit) Race: Human ____________________
Ki’stha: "How important are the contents of your caravan?"
P’orihc: "I could always set a bolt on fire and shoot it to the caravan."
The men look at P'orihc in astonishment.
Man 1: "Our entire business is on that caravan! If we lose that we're as good as broke!"
Ki’stha: "I can't promise it isn't going to go up in flames. We have to spring the trap."
Miimas: "What if we had someone walk up to the bridge and lure the bandits out, and we had the snipers watching and fighters ready to charge in? Lighting the caravan on fire seems a bit, uh, collateral damage."
Ki’stha: "That's exactly what it would be, unless we fire across them, keeping the caravan out of the line of fire."
Kyeltziv: "Not normally advocate such a plan, but jus' walkin' up and gettin' their attention seems the best idea t' me."
P’orihc: "Alright, that seems much more reasonable. Let's do that."
P’orihc loads his crossbow while Miimas draws her rifle.
P’orihc: "This is my crossbow."
Miimas: ”So, who wants to be bait?” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(???) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) --(???) ---Extrasensory (Detects magic in the area) (Does not consume AP) -(???) --(Negation) ---Nullify (Reduce the effectiveness of a magic instance, cancelling it with enough effort) ---Zero Field (Create a persistent nullification effect on a target or area) (Inflicts Null Body = Arcane + MP) ---Capture (Grab an instance of a spell being cast, storing it while nullifying any remaining) (Nullify = Arcane + Mana) ---Release (Cast a spell that was stored with Capture [removes spell from storage]) ---Reversal (Reverses the Light/Dark polarity of a magic instance) (Fire<->Ice , Impulse<->Fortification , Light<->Dark , Electric caster/user is switched) (Reverse Strength = Arcane + Mana) -Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn)
Ki’stha: "How important are the contents of your caravan?"
"I could always set a bolt on fire and shoot it to the caravan."
The men look at you in astonishment.
Man 1: "Our entire business is on that caravan! If we lose that we're as good as broke!"
Ki’stha: "I can't promise it isn't going to go up in flames. We have to spring the trap."
Miimas: "What if we had someone walk up to the bridge and lure the bandits out, and we had the snipers watching and fighters ready to charge in? Lighting the caravan on fire seems a bit, uh, collateral damage."
Ki’stha: "That's exactly what it would be, unless we fire across them, keeping the caravan out of the line of fire."
Kyeltziv: "Not normally advocate such a plan, but jus' walkin' up and gettin' their attention seems the best idea t' me."
"Alright, that seems much more reasonable. Let's do that."
You load your crossbow while Miimas draws her rifle.
"This is my crossbow."
Miimas: ”So, who wants to be bait?” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) -(Electric) --(Telepathy) (Skills ignore Evasion and do not consume Mana) ---Message (Sends a telepathic message to a target/multiple targets) (does not consume AP) ---Receive (Picks up on thoughts if people are thinking hard enough) (does not consume AP) ---Trace (Find the source of a tendril from an active spell that uses one) ---Proxy (Create a fake mind at a specified location that you can direct to use telepathy) ---Mental Security (Strengthen your defense against Telepathy) (Inflicts Mind Guard = Arcane) ---Analyze (Degrading Condition) (Probe the target's thoughts to discover its behavior and stats) (+Evasion +Aim against target = Arcane - target_Will) ---Mind Control (Force the target to perform an action) (Arcane must be higher than target's Will) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude) Passives: Strength: 1 Arcane: 12 Aim: 6 Evasion: 7 +7 Will: 4 Speed: 2
-Mind Guard (+1 Telepathy Resistance) -Multiprocessing (Grants a separate pool of AP for Telepathic magic)
P’orihc: "I could always set a bolt on fire and shoot it to the caravan."
The men look at P'orihc in astonishment.
Man 1: "Our entire business is on that caravan! If we lose that we're as good as broke!"
"I can't promise it isn't going to go up in flames. We have to spring the trap."
Miimas: "What if we had someone walk up to the bridge and lure the bandits out, and we had the snipers watching and fighters ready to charge in? Lighting the caravan on fire seems a bit, uh, collateral damage."
"That's exactly what it would be, unless we fire across them, keeping the caravan out of the line of fire."
Kyeltziv: "Not normally advocate such a plan, but jus' walkin' up and gettin' their attention seems the best idea t' me."
P’orihc: "Alright, that seems much more reasonable. Let's do that."
P’orihc loads his crossbow while Miimas draws her rifle.
P’orihc: "This is my crossbow."
Miimas: ”So, who wants to be bait?” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Electric) --(Lightning) (Aim of skills is increased 50%) ---Shocking Touch (Electrify a target within arm’s reach) (Inflicts Electrocution = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Lightning Bolt (Strike a ranged target with a lightning bolt) (Inflicts Electrocution = Arcane + Mana) ---Chain Lightning (Hit multiple targets with damage evenly distributed) (Inflicts Total Electrocution = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Ki’stha: "How important are the contents of your caravan?"
P’orihc: "I could always set a bolt on fire and shoot it to the caravan."
The men look at P'orihc in astonishment.
Man 1: "Our entire business is on that caravan! If we lose that we're as good as broke!"
Ki’stha: "I can't promise it isn't going to go up in flames. We have to spring the trap."
Miimas: "What if we had someone walk up to the bridge and lure the bandits out, and we had the snipers watching and fighters ready to charge in? Lighting the caravan on fire seems a bit, uh, collateral damage."
Ki’stha: "That's exactly what it would be, unless we fire across them, keeping the caravan out of the line of fire."
"Not normally advocate such a plan, but jus' walkin' up and gettin' their attention seems the best idea t' me."
P’orihc: "Alright, that seems much more reasonable. Let's do that."
P’orihc loads his crossbow while Miimas draws her rifle.
P’orihc: "This is my crossbow."
Miimas: ”So, who wants to be bait?” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Entity) ---Meditation (Relaxes and strengthens your soul, resisting outside spirits) (Inflicts Inner Peace = Arcane + Mana) ---Spirit Channel (Let a spirit use your body to perform an action) (Consumes AP for spirit actions) -(Kinetic) --(Fortification) (Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Acrobat (Passive) (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Inner Peace (+5 Spirit Magic Resistance)
"Mmm... nice to meet you, Riimuk. Maybe the resurgence of runic/vocal magic has some connection to the magic that began trapping souls into sufficiently advanced constructs, which was what created Lucida, and others like it.
That's a mystery for another time, though. Shall we relocate to somewhere a bit safer? Wouldn't want an assassin to throw us a surprise party in the middle of our conversation."
Riimuk: ”Inside the base should be safe enough.”
The two of you retreat into the base under the hill. It seems to be an entire catacomb of rooms and tunnels, with plenty of supplies. There are several people in the hideout as well who seem to be fine minding their own business, taking inventory of loot or patching up a wound. It would be completely dark if it wasn’t for the numerous ‘Eitulta Lamps’ hung about the walls, some sort of flameless lantern. The two of you take a seat in a planning-room of sorts, with a table and a map sprawled on top of it.
"Was associating with bandits really the best idea, though? I doubt they offer the best protection, even if as a cover for your identity."
Riimuk: ”Maybe not the best protection, but they do have excellent connections that let me acquire magic items, which greatly help my cause.
Anyways, there is no vocal magic right now that I am aware of, but it might be possible that it exists with a different language from the old one to operate it.
As far as the current runic magic being related to the spirit trap global spell, I see no reason why they would be connected.” ____________________
Skills: -Flurry (Melee three times, each attack dealing one third of your normal damage [consumes 1 AP]) -Metabolize (Exert your will over your body, forcing it to produce energy faster than normal) (+Stamina = Will)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Momentum (Passive) (Keep yourself moving, increasing damage with each attack) (Buff ends when you fail to attack in a turn or are blocked or stumbled) (+Damage = 1d6 per attack , Max total +Damage = 2 * Strength) -Critical Shot (Increases damage by extra Aim if initial damage to target is greater than 0) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Adrenaline Rush (Passive) (Stamina usage is twice as effective)
Skills: -Stabilize (Spend the extra energy to hold still, increasing Aim for the next attack) (+Aim = Stamina) -Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Accelerated Repair (Speed up the body’s natural healing process on a target, clearing conditions) (Turns given = Arcane + Mana)
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 135)
"Both would have to involve magic on a global scale, yes? Magic that powerful is rare, and difficult to control. It would probably cause unintended side effects of some kind, at least, that's what I would assume. But that's mere conjecture on my part. I am eager to learn."
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:01 am Posts: 6211 Location: In your office, earning your salary.
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 135)
"I would but I feel that I already have a job thanks to this crossbow."
Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:11 pm
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 135)
"Hah! Yes, yes I have. Was a while back now, but we started out together in Hopluit. The adventurer life wasn't for him, but the open road didn't stop calling it seems. Just in a different way. Hm, the cobblestone road makes sense now, actually. How did you meet him?"
Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:05 am
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 135)
"Well, Kleigg seems the best fit, but sendin' someone alone don't seem terribly safe, so I could go with."
Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:44 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 136)
Roll 136
The world as the players know it:
1. Kleigg, P’orihc, Ki’stha, Kyeltziv 2. John 3. Vandolf ~~~
Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU) Race: Human ____________________
"Hah! Yes, yes I have. Was a while back now, but we started out together in Hopluit. The adventurer life wasn't for him, but the open road didn't stop calling it seems. Just in a different way. Hm, the cobblestone road makes sense now, actually. How did you meet him?"
Gazebo: ”The boss was bumbling through the forest your kind calls ‘Uralt.’ Not exactly a safe place. I fired a warning shot at him to scare him away and he left soon after. Several days later he returned and set a rope trap. I figured I might as well trip it and see what he wanted, and when he approached he asked if I would sit in one of these wall-less houses in exchange for food. It seemed like a good deal, so I accepted.
And here I am lounging under this canopy, feasting on field rabbits, and greeting the occasional passerby.” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) (does not consume AP) ---Form Artificial Matter (Create magic’d solids) (Durability: Steel) ---Form Memory Stone (Create a memory stone) (Efficiency: Low) ---Form Mana Stone (Create a mana stone) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 8 Mana) ---Form Conduit (Create mana conduits) ---Form Release (Create a release crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Capacity = 10 Mana) ---Form Focus (Create a focus crystal) (Efficiency: 1 Ability = 10 Mana , Ability Strength (per ability): 100% = 10 Mana [cannot exceed 100%]) ---Form Sparker (Create a Mana Sparker) (Efficiency: 1 Impulse = 0.01) ---Security Sequence (Level: Basic) (Load a memory crystal with a magic sequence that protects the construct from deconstruction) -(Kinetic) --(Impulse) (Offensive skills lower target’s Will by 50% for Stagger check) ---Kinetic Bolt (Launch an orb of kinetic energy that explodes upon impact) (Inflicts Trauma = Arcane + Mana) ---Levitation (pick up and levitate small objects) ---Blast Wave (Lets out a powerful but short-ranged concussive wave) (Inflicts Trauma = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Counter Force (Single Turn Condition) (Applies counteracting forces to a target, lowering strength and evasion) (-Strength, -Evasion = Arcane + Mana) ---Impulse Evasion (Evasion) (Cannot use Evasion AP) (Launch yourself with kinetics to evade an attack) (Substitutes your basic evasion) (Stumbles you after use, can be used when Stumbled) (Evasion = Arcane + MP) --(Fortification) (If cast with Mana, Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed/buffed attacks land) ---Stabilize (Direct Magic) (Single Turn Condition) (Lock an object’s movement relative to a target) (+Trauma Resistance = Arcane + MP) ---Lockdown (Single Turn Condition) (Lock your bones in place and petrify your skin, resisting damage) (+Physical Damage Resistance = Arcane + Mana , affected parts are unable to move [affects evasion]) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) ---Fireball (Launch an orb that unleashes an explosion of heat on impact) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn) Passives: Strength: 6 Arcane: 10 Aim: 8 Evasion: 5 +2 Will: 5 Speed: 1
-Fortified Resolve (Grants a separate pool of AP for Fortification magic) -Acrobat (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion)
Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit) Race: Human ____________________
Ki’stha: "I'll be firing lightning at range"
P’orihc: "I would but I feel that I already have a job thanks to this crossbow."
Kyeltziv: "Well, Kleigg seems the best fit, but sendin' someone alone don't seem terribly safe, so I could go with."
”Sounds like a plan. Everyone ready?” ____________________
Skills: (Magic) -(???) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) ---Withdrawal (Take a select amount of mana from a source that is in contact) --(???) ---Extrasensory (Detects magic in the area) (Does not consume AP) -(???) --(Negation) ---Nullify (Reduce the effectiveness of a magic instance, cancelling it with enough effort) ---Zero Field (Create a persistent nullification effect on a target or area) (Inflicts Null Body = Arcane + MP) ---Capture (Grab an instance of a spell being cast, storing it while nullifying any remaining) (Nullify = Arcane + Mana) ---Release (Cast a spell that was stored with Capture [removes spell from storage]) ---Reversal (Reverses the Light/Dark polarity of a magic instance) (Fire<->Ice , Impulse<->Fortification , Light<->Dark , Electric caster/user is switched) (Reverse Strength = Arcane + Mana) -Intermission (Spend 1 standard AP to recover 1 Stamina and Mana, and expedite debuff recovery by 1 turn)
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Mana) ---Deposit (Discharge a select amount of mana into a source that is in contact) -(Electric) --(Telepathy) (Skills ignore Evasion and do not consume Mana) ---Message (Sends a telepathic message to a target/multiple targets) (does not consume AP) ---Receive (Picks up on thoughts if people are thinking hard enough) (does not consume AP) ---Trace (Find the source of a tendril from an active spell that uses one) ---Proxy (Create a fake mind at a specified location that you can direct to use telepathy) ---Mental Security (Strengthen your defense against Telepathy) (Inflicts Mind Guard = Arcane) ---Analyze (Degrading Condition) (Probe the target's thoughts to discover its behavior and stats) (+Evasion +Aim against target = Arcane - target_Will) ---Mind Control (Force the target to perform an action) (Arcane must be higher than target's Will) -(Thermic) --(Fire) ---Heat (Direct Magic) (Warm up a target, burning it with enough energy) (Inflicts Burn = Arcane + Mana) --(Ice) ---Freeze (Cool down a target, freezing it with enough energy) (Consumes 2x AP) (Inflicts Freeze = Arcane + Mana) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Illuminate (Create light, blinding a target if strong enough) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude) Passives: Strength: 1 Arcane: 12 Aim: 6 Evasion: 7 +7 Will: 4 Speed: 2
-Mind Guard (+1 Telepathy Resistance) -Multiprocessing (Grants a separate pool of AP for Telepathic magic)
Skills: (Magic) -(Electric) --(Lightning) (Aim of skills is increased 50%) ---Shocking Touch (Electrify a target within arm’s reach) (Inflicts Electrocution = [Arcane + Mana] * 1.5) ---Lightning Bolt (Strike a ranged target with a lightning bolt) (Inflicts Electrocution = Arcane + Mana) ---Chain Lightning (Hit multiple targets with damage evenly distributed) (Inflicts Total Electrocution = Arcane + Mana)
-Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Spirit) --(Entity) ---Meditation (Relaxes and strengthens your soul, resisting outside spirits) (Inflicts Inner Peace = Arcane + Mana) ---Spirit Channel (Let a spirit use your body to perform an action) (Consumes AP for spirit actions) -(Kinetic) --(Fortification) (Mana is only drained when abilities are disturbed) ---Power Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and strengthen their movements with kinetics) (+Strength = Arcane + Mana) ---Agility Flow (Single Turn Condition) (Fortify your bones and accelerate their movements with kinetics) (+Evasion = Arcane + Mana)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Acrobat (Passive) (Grants a separate pool of AP for evasion) -Inner Peace (+5 Spirit Magic Resistance)
"Both would have to involve magic on a global scale, yes? Magic that powerful is rare, and difficult to control. It would probably cause unintended side effects of some kind, at least, that's what I would assume. But that's mere conjecture on my part. I am eager to learn."
Riimuk: ”The soul-trap spell operated on a global scale by using low-complexity, self-replicating artificial spirits. The shamans created the reapers to constantly search for those types of spirits and destroy them, preventing that type of global spell from being used. The current form of runic magic would not exist if it used the same method as the soul-trap spell, as the reapers would remove it.
Runic magic is operating on a different type of global spell, somehow in a form that resists the Ruhe’s attempts to remove it as they did with the old runic magic.”
The lupus pauses, and then pulls out several pieces of blank paper and an ink pen.
Riimuk: ”You are eager to learn, yes. I suppose now that you know this much, teaching you runic magic wouldn’t add to the amount of danger you’re in.
Runic magic is fairly simple - write down runes, and charge them with mana to activate them. Most of the runic spells I use intentionally self-destruct to remove evidence of the exact nature of the magic. Something for you to consider, I suppose.”
A block of symbols are written on the paper.
Riimuk: ”The first rune you make is the most important. It is always the Compass.”
He points at the upper-left rune in the block.
Riimuk: ”It is what determines how the runes are ‘read,’ depending on how you draw the rune. Left-to-right, right-to-left, up-down, down-up. A runic spell can be written in any of those fashions as long as you draw the Compass appropriately.
Try charging this rune with your mana - don’t worry, it won’t explode.” ____________________
Skills: -Flurry (Melee three times, each attack dealing one third of your normal damage [consumes 1 AP]) -Metabolize (Exert your will over your body, forcing it to produce energy faster than normal) (+Stamina = Will)
-Sixth Sense (Passive) (+3 Magic Evasion) -Momentum (Passive) (Keep yourself moving, increasing damage with each attack) (Buff ends when you fail to attack in a turn or are blocked or stumbled) (+Damage = 1d6 per attack , Max total +Damage = 2 * Strength) -Critical Shot (Increases damage by extra Aim if initial damage to target is greater than 0) -Berserker (Grants a separate pool of AP for melee attacks) -Adrenaline Rush (Passive) (Stamina usage is twice as effective)
Skills: -Stabilize (Spend the extra energy to hold still, increasing Aim for the next attack) (+Aim = Stamina) -Flight (Capable of sustained flight. It takes 1 AP to take off [but not land]. Stops Stamina regen during flight, drains 1 stamina at the end of every roll. User specifies Altitude: If user is stumbled while in flight, takes Trauma equal to Altitude) (Altitude climb per turn = Strength) (+Evasion = Altitude)
Skills: (Magic) -(Pure) --(Light) ---Accelerated Repair (Speed up the body’s natural healing process on a target, clearing conditions) (Turns given = Arcane + Mana)
> Take up a covered position perpendicular to the road, close to the bridge
Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:34 pm
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:01 am Posts: 6211 Location: In your office, earning your salary.
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 136)
> Move, try to get as close as possible without giving away my location.
Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:57 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:20 am Posts: 4772 Location: Good news everyone!
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 136)
> Try to charge the rune with mana. Try using the mana stone if I need to.
Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:52 am
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 136)
"Huh. That's all? Interesting. I would think he would want more than that. He certainly didn't go easy on the rest of his workers. > Replace the edge of my Halberd with newer, better, sharper artificial matter."
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