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 Ad Infidium (Roll 307) - ON HOLD TEMPORARILY 
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 130)
"Havin' someone t' travel with would be 'ppreciated, though you might find my task t' be lackin' in excitement."

Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:49 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 131)
Roll 131

The world as the players know it:


Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

You try drawing mana from the environment like you do from a mana stone. It’s… Well, you can’t really detect anything. It’s either nonexistent, or so little that it might as well be nonexistent.

P’orihc: "I guess chirops and Kleigg to the chirop prison, the rest continue looking for Lucida. At some point we need to check out what happened with Vandolf though. And the telepath assassin."

"Kyeltziv is going to see the lupus about spirits. Which leaves me, and maybe Vandolf, to talk to Lucida. The only ones who weren't present for Kleigg's training and the actual breakout."

Miimas: "Maybe I could go with Kyeltziv, so he isn't travelling alone?"

Ki’stha: "You said you wanted to see the chirop cities right? Now might be an opporunity to get an intimate understanding of them, but if Kyeltziv needs a companion that's probably the best idea."

Kyeltziv: "Havin' someone t' travel with would be 'ppreciated, though you might find my task t' be lackin' in excitement."

Miimas: ”I’m fine with a lack of excitement. So, we heading out now?”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 7/11
AP: 3/3
Evasion AP: 2/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

P’orihc: "I guess chirops and Kleigg to the chirop prison, the rest continue looking for Lucida. At some point we need to check out what happened with Vandolf though. And the telepath assassin."

John: "Kyeltziv is going to see the lupus about spirits. Which leaves me, and maybe Vandolf, to talk to Lucida. The only ones who weren't present for Kleigg's training and the actual breakout."

Miimas: "Maybe I could go with Kyeltziv, so he isn't travelling alone?"

Ki’stha: "You said you wanted to see the chirop cities right? Now might be an opporunity to get an intimate understanding of them, but if Kyeltziv needs a companion that's probably the best idea."

Kyeltziv: "Havin' someone t' travel with would be 'ppreciated, though you might find my task t' be lackin' in excitement."

Miimas: ”I’m fine with a lack of excitement. So, we heading out now?”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (1/2)
-Radiance (Create a powerful light, blinding everyone around you) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

"I guess chirops and Kleigg to the chirop prison, the rest continue looking for Lucida. At some point we need to check out what happened with Vandolf though. And the telepath assassin."

John: "Kyeltziv is going to see the lupus about spirits. Which leaves me, and maybe Vandolf, to talk to Lucida. The only ones who weren't present for Kleigg's training and the actual breakout."

Miimas: "Maybe I could go with Kyeltziv, so he isn't travelling alone?"

Ki’stha: "You said you wanted to see the chirop cities right? Now might be an opporunity to get an intimate understanding of them, but if Kyeltziv needs a companion that's probably the best idea."

Kyeltziv: "Havin' someone t' travel with would be 'ppreciated, though you might find my task t' be lackin' in excitement."

Miimas: ”I’m fine with a lack of excitement. So, we heading out now?”

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

P’orihc: "I guess chirops and Kleigg to the chirop prison, the rest continue looking for Lucida. At some point we need to check out what happened with Vandolf though. And the telepath assassin."

John: "Kyeltziv is going to see the lupus about spirits. Which leaves me, and maybe Vandolf, to talk to Lucida. The only ones who weren't present for Kleigg's training and the actual breakout."

Miimas: "Maybe I could go with Kyeltziv, so he isn't travelling alone?"

"You said you wanted to see the chirop cities right? Now might be an opporunity to get an intimate understanding of them, but if Kyeltziv needs a companion that's probably the best idea."

Kyeltziv: "Havin' someone t' travel with would be 'ppreciated, though you might find my task t' be lackin' in excitement."

Miimas: ”I’m fine with a lack of excitement. So, we heading out now?”

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

P’orihc: "I guess chirops and Kleigg to the chirop prison, the rest continue looking for Lucida. At some point we need to check out what happened with Vandolf though. And the telepath assassin."

John: "Kyeltziv is going to see the lupus about spirits. Which leaves me, and maybe Vandolf, to talk to Lucida. The only ones who weren't present for Kleigg's training and the actual breakout."

Miimas: "Maybe I could go with Kyeltziv, so he isn't travelling alone?"

Ki’stha: "You said you wanted to see the chirop cities right? Now might be an opporunity to get an intimate understanding of them, but if Kyeltziv needs a companion that's probably the best idea."

"Havin' someone t' travel with would be 'ppreciated, though you might find my task t' be lackin' in excitement."

Miimas: ”I’m fine with a lack of excitement. So, we heading out now?”

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 9/9
Mana: 7/7
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

"The initiation test to being practicing spirit magic wasn't really my cup of tea, and spirit magic wasn't really what I had in mind anyway. And since I struggle with the actual casting of spells as a mage, I turned to the slightly less interesting pursuit of martial prowess."

You discontinue your attempts at accelerated healing and simply meditate.

???: ”Perhaps you could be one of those that invents a new technique, like the Dust Blade of long ago. As for spirit magic - the initiation test is not meant to be passed. Ruhe is nothing more than a system of entitlement to power for greedy lupus clans, and new shamans have a hard time learning anything practical from the elite shamans. Anyways, I’m rambling.

I’m assuming you’re a bounty hunter here to capture or kill me. I have no interest in either of those options, nor do I wish to go join your friend doing whatever work he does. The time has long passed where I could show myself in the light.”


Health: 60/80
Stamina: 15/15
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Trauma: 10
Evasion -5 => -0

Burn: 10
Strength, Arcane, Aim, Evasion -5 => -0

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:13 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 131)
"There's no need to worry about that. You came out here in good faith, did you not? After all, I can see no other reason for you to leave your bunker other than to engage in a peaceful discussion. And it's a peaceful discussion you will get, since I never quite intended to harm you anyway; someone intelligent enough not to mess around with a magic suit of armor wielding a glowing sword is rare these days, it seems. Which brings me to an important point of discussion."

> Stand up, and turn to the bandit leader.

"You guessed correctly earlier, all of your men are toast. The camp is in ruins; broken, charred bodies litter the area. They died to that suit of magic armor, or more precisely the sword and the soul inside, named Lucida.

The adventuring party I joined, which I'm sure you know all too well, is on a mission to stop Lucida by any means necessary - before it can hurt anyone else. You could help us, and not only settle the score for your men, but vindicate yourself in the process. If we were successful, there would be no need for you to hide any longer.

But if that is not a risk you want to take, there is still another way you could help. I would like for you to try and teach me the ways of rune magic."

Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:20 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 131)
"Our team may as well leave now. We probably want to get inside the prison at night, but we can wait it out once we get there."

Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:01 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 131)
> What about my mana regen then? Where is that coming from? Try to replicate that.
Also head out, south I suppose.

Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:24 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 131)
"Let's go."
> Head out.

Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:33 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 131)
>Head on out.

Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:53 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 132)
Roll 132

The world as the players know it:

1. Kleigg, P’orihc, Ki’stha, Kyeltziv
2. John
3. Vandolf

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

Ki’stha: "Our team may as well leave now. We probably want to get inside the prison at night, but we can wait it out once we get there."

P’orihc: "Let's go."

You leave the armory, and your party, and head south. It takes a bit to get out of Vranhal itself, and you take the cobbled road south bound.

Cobbled? Was it always like this? You remember heading north from Mead was on a dirt road, doesn’t seem right that it would become cobbled partway through.

Disregarding the road nonsense, you try to understand the mechanism for your mana regeneration. You, well, you’re not really sure what you’re looking for. You can feel it slowly refill itself, but you’re unable to determine a source or reason.

When it seems like you’ve reached the halfway point between Vranhal and Mead, you come across a gazebo with a table under it to the side of the road. Under it is a strange beast that looks like a giant weasel with a long, hound-like face, with an overall size about twice that of a lupus. It’s sitting at the table and eating from a wooden plate with slender arms, manipulating utensils like a human.

The beast turns its head towards you, giving you a nod in greeting before continuing with its meal.

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 8/11
AP: 3/3
Evasion AP: 2/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

Ki’stha: "Our team may as well leave now. We probably want to get inside the prison at night, but we can wait it out once we get there."

P’orihc: "Let's go."

Your team exits the armory, and then Vranhal. And by your team you mean Kyeltziv and Miimas as well, since you’re all taking the same bridge to get across the river. The road south-west is a simple dirt trail in the tall grassy plains, and the wind and the river provide ambient travelling sounds.

When you get to the halfway point between Vranhal and the bridge, you encounter a pair of men on the side of the road heading towards Vranhal.

Man 1: ”Yer not lookin’ t’cross the bridge, are ya? There’re bandits waitin’ t’get the jump on any unlucky traveller.”

Man 2: ”Chased us off with blades an’ magic an’ took our caravan. Would’ve stripped us of our clothes if we didn’t high tail it out’a there.“

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (1/2)
-Radiance (Create a powerful light, blinding everyone around you) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

Ki’stha: "Our team may as well leave now. We probably want to get inside the prison at night, but we can wait it out once we get there."

P’orihc: "Let's go."

Your team exits the armory, and then Vranhal. And by your team you mean Kyeltziv and Miimas as well, since you’re all taking the same bridge to get across the river. The road south-west is a simple dirt trail in the tall grassy plains, and the wind and the river provide ambient travelling sounds.

When you get to the halfway point between Vranhal and the bridge, you encounter a pair of men on the side of the road heading towards Vranhal.

Man 1: ”Yer not lookin’ t’cross the bridge, are ya? There’re bandits waitin’ t’get the jump on any unlucky traveller.”

Man 2: ”Chased us off with blades an’ magic an’ took our caravan. Would’ve stripped us of our clothes if we didn’t high tail it out’a there.“

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

Ki’stha: "Our team may as well leave now. We probably want to get inside the prison at night, but we can wait it out once we get there."

P’orihc: "Let's go."

Your team exits the armory, and then Vranhal. And by your team you mean Kyeltziv and Miimas as well, since you’re all taking the same bridge to get across the river. The road south-west is a simple dirt trail in the tall grassy plains, and the wind and the river provide ambient travelling sounds.

When you get to the halfway point between Vranhal and the bridge, you encounter a pair of men on the side of the road heading towards Vranhal.

Man 1: ”Yer not lookin’ t’cross the bridge, are ya? There’re bandits waitin’ t’get the jump on any unlucky traveller.”

Man 2: ”Chased us off with blades an’ magic an’ took our caravan. Would’ve stripped us of our clothes if we didn’t high tail it out’a there.“

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

Ki’stha: "Our team may as well leave now. We probably want to get inside the prison at night, but we can wait it out once we get there."

P’orihc: "Let's go."

Your team exits the armory, and then Vranhal. And by your team you mean P’orihc, Ki’stha, and Kleigg as well, since you’re all taking the same bridge to get across the river. The road south-west is a simple dirt trail in the tall grassy plains, and the wind and the river provide ambient travelling sounds.

When you get to the halfway point between Vranhal and the bridge, you encounter a pair of men on the side of the road heading towards Vranhal.

Man 1: ”Yer not lookin’ t’cross the bridge, are ya? There’re bandits waitin’ t’get the jump on any unlucky traveller.”

Man 2: ”Chased us off with blades an’ magic an’ took our caravan. Would’ve stripped us of our clothes if we didn’t high tail it out’a there.“

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 9/9
Mana: 7/7
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

"There's no need to worry about that. You came out here in good faith, did you not? After all, I can see no other reason for you to leave your bunker other than to engage in a peaceful discussion. And it's a peaceful discussion you will get, since I never quite intended to harm you anyway; someone intelligent enough not to mess around with a magic suit of armor wielding a glowing sword is rare these days, it seems. Which brings me to an important point of discussion."

You stand up and turn to the bandit leader.

"You guessed correctly earlier, all of your men are toast. The camp is in ruins; broken, charred bodies litter the area. They died to that suit of magic armor, or more precisely the sword and the soul inside, named Lucida.

The adventuring party I joined, which I'm sure you know all too well, is on a mission to stop Lucida by any means necessary - before it can hurt anyone else. You could help us, and not only settle the score for your men, but vindicate yourself in the process. If we were successful, there would be no need for you to hide any longer.

But if that is not a risk you want to take, there is still another way you could help. I would like for you to try and teach me the ways of rune magic."

And that’s when you get a good look at the bandit, where the sunlight is shining on the helm, and you realize that it’s empty inside.

The suit of armor moves aside, and a dark shape rises up from behind the hill. Shimmering amber eyes, pitch black fur, and a hunched over inside of a tattered, faded cloak.. A lupus.

???: ”No amount of effort will clear the bounty on my head, because it is not for any crimes committed. My very existence undermines the power of the Ruhe, and the shamans will expend a great deal of resources to ensure I am destroyed. I joined the bandits to evade anyone trying to hunt me, but it seems that didn’t work out too well.

That said, I will help stop this Lucida. As for teaching you runic magic - be careful what you wish for, it may lead to an untimely death.”


Health: 62/80
Stamina: 15/15
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Trauma: 9
Evasion -4.5 => -0

Burn: 9
Strength, Arcane, Aim, Evasion -4.5 => -0

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:02 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 132)
"Hm, I think part of me expected that. There are just so many animated suits of armor these days."

> Shrug.

"Anyway, risking untimely death has pretty much been a fact of life for me so far, if you haven't noticed. I doubt it's anything that my companions and I can't handle.

One question though, what was it you said about a Dust Blade?"

> Get rune magic lessons if allowed.

Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:52 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 132)
> Blink.
"Hm. Well. Alright.
Pardon me, but have you by any chance seen, er, a man in a suit of gold-white armor, with a matching sword? I believe he came this way a bit ago, it's quite important that I find him."
> Approach the Gazebo.

Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:54 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 132)
"How long ago? If they have to move your caravan we might be able to get through quickly."

Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:01 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 132)
"Magic you say? How many of them were there?"

Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:57 pm
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 133)
Roll 133

The world as the players know it:

1. Kleigg, P’orihc, Ki’stha, Kyeltziv
2. John
3. Vandolf

Name: John Freemaneth (TorrentHKU)
Race: Human

You blink.

"Hm. Well. Alright.
Pardon me, but have you by any chance seen, er, a man in a suit of gold-white armor, with a matching sword? I believe he came this way a bit ago, it's quite important that I find him."

The creature stops eating, and looks slightly up in thought. A pair of long, fleshy whiskers that extend out from under its nose twitch. When the beast speaks, it sounds similar to the grumbling voice of a lupus.

???: ”Hmm. Now that you mention it, I believe I have indeed seen a man in a suit of armor. However, I don’t believe it was the same one you are looking for, no.”

It scratches its chin with one of its hands, looking down at its plate of what looks like roasted rabbit.

???: ”You see, if I am remembering correctly, the one I saw had white-gold armor, not the gold-white one you are looking for.”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 5/5
Mana: 9/11
AP: 3/3
Evasion AP: 2/2
Fortification AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Kleigg (TheKebbit)
Race: Human

Ki’stha: "How long ago? If they have to move your caravan we might be able to get through quickly."

Man 1: ”Not that long ago, though I doubt they’re going anywhere. Looked like they’re camping the spot to get the jump on every passerby that needs to get across the bridge.”

P’orihc: "Magic you say? How many of them were there?"

Man 2: ”Looked like seven of them were fighting, could’ve been more that we didn’t see.”

Miimas: ”Alright, I know what you’re all thinking. ‘Let’s go fight these bandits head-on at the bridge!’ Right? What if we instead, like, sniped them, or something. We’ve got lightning, a crossbow, and a gun, right?”

Health: 50/50
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Captured Spells (1/2)
-Radiance (Create a powerful light, blinding everyone around you) (Inflicts Blind = Arcane + Mana)

Name: P’orihc (Asklar)
Race: Chirop

Ki’stha: "How long ago? If they have to move your caravan we might be able to get through quickly."

Man 1: ”Not that long ago, though I doubt they’re going anywhere. Looked like they’re camping the spot to get the jump on every passerby that needs to get across the bridge.”

"Magic you say? How many of them were there?"

Man 2: ”Looked like seven of them were fighting, could’ve been more that we didn’t see.”

Miimas: ”Alright, I know what you’re all thinking. ‘Let’s go fight these bandits head-on at the bridge!’ Right? What if we instead, like, sniped them, or something. We’ve got lightning, a crossbow, and a gun, right?”

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 4/4
Mana: 12/12
AP: 2/2
Telepathic AP: 1/1

Evasion Behavior: Manual

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Ki’stha (Roast Veg)
Race: Chirop

"How long ago? If they have to move your caravan we might be able to get through quickly."

Man 1: ”Not that long ago, though I doubt they’re going anywhere. Looked like they’re camping the spot to get the jump on every passerby that needs to get across the bridge.”

P’orihc: "Magic you say? How many of them were there?"

Man 2: ”Looked like seven of them were fighting, could’ve been more that we didn’t see.”

Miimas: ”Alright, I know what you’re all thinking. ‘Let’s go fight these bandits head-on at the bridge!’ Right? What if we instead, like, sniped them, or something. We’ve got lightning, a crossbow, and a gun, right?”

Health: 40/40
Stamina: 6/6
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Kyeltziv (Amazigh)
Race: Lupus

Ki’stha: "How long ago? If they have to move your caravan we might be able to get through quickly."

Man 1: ”Not that long ago, though I doubt they’re going anywhere. Looked like they’re camping the spot to get the jump on every passerby that needs to get across the bridge.”

P’orihc: "Magic you say? How many of them were there?"

Man 2: ”Looked like seven of them were fighting, could’ve been more that we didn’t see.”

Miimas: ”Alright, I know what you’re all thinking. ‘Let’s go fight these bandits head-on at the bridge!’ Right? What if we instead, like, sniped them, or something. We’ve got lightning, a crossbow, and a gun, right?”

Health: 80/80
Stamina: 9/9
Mana: 7/7
AP: 3/3
Melee AP: 2/2
Evasion AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Auto Evade when there is Evasion AP

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Vandolf (CrazyMLC)
Race: Lupus

"Hm, I think part of me expected that. There are just so many animated suits of armor these days."

You shrug.

"Anyway, risking untimely death has pretty much been a fact of life for me so far, if you haven't noticed. I doubt it's anything that my companions and I can't handle.

One question though, what was it you said about a Dust Blade?"

???: ”You’ve never heard the story? Well, whatever.

There was a newborn prince that was ordered to be killed by his eleven year-old brother who was king. The prince instead was snuck away, along with the family sword, and left in an isolated shrine where he was raised by an unknown person who taught him swordfighting. When the prince was eight, his master abandoned him for whatever reason, and the prince continued training on his own until seven years later, when the sword was stolen. The prince tracked the weapon back to the kingdom ruled by his brother, slaughtered the kingdom’s guards, killed his brother, and took back his sword. During the fighting, it is said that the prince blinded groups of soldiers and mages by flicking the blood off of a blade and into their eyes. He later used the technique and developed it to the point where he would whip up dust from the ground and lash out a blade of grit that was able to cut through light armor and flesh, and even put a mark on armor. He was notorious for slicing the eyes and arteries of legions of men, leaving them blinded or weakened so he could massacre them as casually as one would go for a summer walk.”


Health: 64/80
Stamina: 15/15
Mana: 2/2
AP: 2/2
Melee AP: 2/2

Evasion Behavior: Evade when possible

Trauma: 8
Evasion -4 => -0

Burn: 8
Strength, Arcane, Aim, Evasion -4 => -0

_____ Followers

Name: Miimas
Race: Chirop


Health: 40/40
Stamina: 8/8
Mana: 10/10
AP: 2/2

Spirit’s Eye (Accuracy cannot fall below 50%)

Name: Grant
Race: Human Spirit


Health: 50/50
Stamina: -/-
Mana: 8/8
AP: 3/3

Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:08 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 133)
"I was thinking of like, sneaking past them or try to find another route. Avoiding the fight would be good in my opinion."

Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:13 am
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Post Re: Ad Infidium (Roll 133)
Miimas: "What about these guys' caravan? Also, uh, I'm a bit too heavily loaded to fly, and I need to keep my things dry."

Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:18 am
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