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 Tiny Gods: Deux Ex 
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Paedichorrhea wrote:
Can i claim a reserve homie?

If that means you want to play now, have at it. If you want to be on the waiting list, I stopped using those.

Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:33 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
CaveCricket48 wrote:
"I want to protect people. Give me the defense of steel and the ability to heal. Give me the Embodiment of a Paladin.

As for my reward, I... I want to be a doctor. Medical knowledge, a license without having to go through school, that kind of thing."
"Hm, a guardian. Take on burdens so the others don't have to. Noble. You'll be well appreciated by your allies.
And your want is not a problem. You will have your knowledge, and your license. Everything you'll need to help and heal the sick.
Heh. If nothing else, it will be good seeing Jold angry at my Embodiment using his theme.
I accept."

maart3n wrote:
Well, I always wondered how the human machine worked. Make me the embodiment of life and death and I'll get that crown on yerr head.
There ain't nothing left for me in England anyway, that's why I moved here.
I'll take 4 tons of pure gold and the tools necessary to make my army of automatons.
"Life and Death. Mm. Entropy, Energy, and now this. You do all quite like your higher order concept Embodiments. Well, it should be fine. There are six of you, that's enough for a good diverse group.
Your request, no problem. You'll have a private workshop that DaVinci himself would look upon with envy. Everything you would need for making automatons. Materials, tools, helpers, space, privacy. You will be limited only by your own ingenuity.
I accept."

Wed Apr 15, 2015 5:07 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Hey, HK, I've thrown you a PM :D

Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:10 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Had a long, long chat with HK stuff.

Anyway, moving my character's embodiment from Entropy to Decay, in accordance with what we discussed :D

Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:40 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
The six people look around, trying to get a better idea of what exactly happened. Or rather, five people, since the sixth is still asleep on the ground. They all remember the man, and how they agreed to his terms, but that does not explain how they got in the alley, or why they can't remember anything, or even where to go from here. Everything goes black in their minds after En accepted their deal.
"Hey, yo, you guys up?"
The five look around, on alert from the new voice. Seemingly coming from nowhere, and yet right among them at the same time. Almost as if the speaker was behind all 5 of them simultaneously.
???: "You're En's new servants, right? Tch. That ♥♥♥hole. Let me guess, you can't remember anything except that horny suited guy cutting a deal with you."
Wassily: "Aye, we are. Who... are you?"
???: "What? Oh jeez, I'm not even- One second."

The five wait, tense as they stay ready for anything to happen at any second. Almost a minute later, just as they're starting to let their guards down, someone drops from the rooftop above the alley, slamming into the ground between the Embodied. As the five stagger back in surprise, the person stands up, and everyone gets their first good look at each other. The new person looks... like a hoodlum. A well loved leather jacket covered in frayed edges and small rips, black jeans equally worn as the jacket, thick tan combat boots, and spiky black hair all add to the look, while the man's expression, an amused and friendly look, with just a touch of boredom, gives him a confident but laid back feeling. He's full of himself, but can probably back up his talk.
More important than any of that are a small set of dark red wings and a similarly colored thin meter long tail, ending in a spade tip. Two small horns poke out from his hair, completing the "devil" look.
Quite the literal hellraiser.

Johnny: "Yo. I'm Johnny, currently En's Champion. You probably already figured this out, but I'm the Embodiment of Devils. The big man claims to be busy, but really he's just a putz and doesn't feel like orienting you guys himself. He does this to everyone. Oh, uh, don't worry about the memories. He always seals them away 'to ensure servants stay focused' but he just likes messing with people. They'll come back when you get released, or if you just get strong enough like I did.
So let's see... He left me a mission for you guys, but uh, you're probably still confused as hell, and in the dark about a lot of details, so that can wait. For now, ask me anything."

Johnny gives a rather infectious grin. He seems pretty nonchalant about it all, sounds like he's used to explaining this to new Embodiments. Wonder what that says about En.

Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:33 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
"What are the victory conditions of this game?"

> See if our powers are active yet by creating a medium sized round-shield.

Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:33 am
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Linna: "What are the victory conditions of this game?"
Johnny: "That's easy, last one standing wins. But! The gods can't directly fight each other, otherwise things would probably get real apocalyptic real fast. So instead, they Embody people and have them fight for them. Not just against other Embodied either, we also fight the opponent gods themselves. Oh, the gods can fight back though. There's a punishment if they START a fight with an opponent god or their servants, but after the first swing it's all fair game. So uh, yeah, don't start a fight with a god unless you're damn sure you can end it."

Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:40 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
"Are there any rules on what us Embodied aren't allowed to do?"

Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:43 am
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Linna: "Are there any rules on what us Embodied aren't allowed to do?"
Johnny: "Well... I wouldn't recommend attacking En. Or your fellow Embodied. That would probably get you in major trouble with the big man. Attacking each other moreso than attacking him. There are a few rules that the Gods have to follow to Embody people, but as for us... well, follow our god's orders, and don't be a team-killing moron.

Oh, or cause mayhem on purpose. That's not a part of any system, but if you start blowing up blocks in a city or something, you're gonna piss off MULTIPLE gods. If it can't be helped, or things escalate out of control, that's another matter, but if you're just causing chaos and killing people for the hell of it, well, don't expect for it to last long.

Other than that, we're pretty free range. All boils down to 'follow the commands from your god, and don't be an ass'. Stick to those, and you're pretty much golden."

Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:51 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
> Nod in understanding. Await shield creation (or failure to create).

Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:53 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
"Those rules sound like common sense to me, so we definitely shouldn't have any problems," He folds his arms and gestures with a small nod to the sleeping sixth member. "But what about this one? Will they be waking up anytime soon?"

Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:49 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
"Do you have any tips on how to survive?"
"Also, do you have any tips on how to control and use our powers?"

> Try to violate the first law of thermodynamics by CAREFULLY creating a SMALL sphere with the radius of 1cm of pure energy from nothing.

Last edited by Seraphimo on Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:43 am
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
>Depart the alley, survey my immediate surroundings and take an inventory of my first Embodiment powers.

Seraphimo wrote:
> Try to violate the first law of thermodynamics by CAREFULLY creating a SMALL sphere with the radius of 1cm of pure energy from nothing.

That statement is a little vague and might be difficult to write a reasonable response for. Energy has no volume and "pure" energy is not a term that describes anything. Perhaps you could try heating up some air into a contained ball of plasma instead? Move some objects around?

If you go around freely breaking the laws of thermodynamics and summoning energy quantities that basically describe nuclear weapons (if you're implying conversion of a 1 cm radius sphere of matter of average density to energy), then the game is over before it begins.

Last edited by TheKebbit on Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:48 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
Look for a nearby flower, or plant, or rat. Pick it up and age it to death. Then bring it back to life.
If successful: evil scientist Heph.
If failure: Sad Mikey.

Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:20 pm
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Post Re: Tiny Gods: Deux Ex
(Sorry I'm late to the party.)

Name: Matt
Appearance: Caucasian, but with a slightly darker complexion. He looks a lot like your dad. Or brother. Or maybe that one guy you used to know. He just has one of those faces. He has medium-length brown hair, but sometimes things get away from him and it gets kind of long. He wears a lot of t-shirts and jeans, but occasionally wears a collared shirt and dress pants for fancier occasions. A few pounds overweight, but still has an alright physique. Thirty-something in age.

"Hmm... I don't know. I keep to myself a lot and I guess it would be nice if I could get people to just forget about me and leave me alone sometimes."

I can't really ask for much in return. I've never really met "the one", so a guess I would like to meet a woman I could get along with.

Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:24 pm
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