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 DOTA 2 - The thread 
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one time my friend said carry witch doctor cant happen so i played carry witch doctor and it happened
the hero is strong as ♥♥♥♥, he can heal himself forever, chain stun people, has one of the best DoT spells (tho its not traditional dot per se) in the game and his ult is a free teamwipe

Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:37 pm
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
Played a few matches as Shadow Shaman, and his pushing skillz are mad. Also, shackling enemy heroes under your towers lol.

Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:44 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
Shaman is hands down the best 1v1 support. 8.5 seconds of hard CC. Hnnnngh. Trap a dumb ♥♥♥♥♥ in Serpent Wards and then they're done for.

Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:32 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
zeus is now my best hero
i am pleased with this

Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:35 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
But zooz is the noobest hero out there. I mean, everyone with half a brain can play him.

Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:17 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
poorly, yes
the only hero i would say requires absolutely 0 skill to do well with is viper

Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:01 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
I don't think so, I've seen awful Vipers more than once. I've always seen Wraith King is a more noob friendly hero.


Also, playing Pudge against bots simply doesn't help you become better at it. When you use meat hook they simply step aside with robotic perfection, something that totally doesn't happen in normal matches. Not that often, anyway.

Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:11 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
awful vipers are just people who are mechanically ♥♥♥♥ in general. those people will be awful with every hero.
also, bots do a lot of infuriating things that i can only chalk up as poor AI programming. some of the things they do make them seem omniscient, yet their only strategy is to group as 5 at all times and push mid. there used to be a bug where bots would buy dozens of tp scrolls and never use them

Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:54 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
Played as Tusk for the first time today. He is way too fun to play, I played with a Lion in bottom lane as Dire against a Phantom Assasin and an Ursa. Snowballed in, Lion stun, a couple of hits and easy first blood. Then I roamed around when I got bottle to gank some, it was awesome.

Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:55 pm
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
Tusk has an absurdly heavy game impact. He can go in any lane, he can roam and gank, he can farm and carry, he has a way to make his team invulnerable for 4 seconds with an effect that is not even bypassed by Chronosphere, he has a move/attack slow, an area restriction, and 1v1 focus... really nice hero. Some mana issues that are pretty easily rectified by a Bottle and some other stats though.

Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:28 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
tusk is one of the few heroes besides ember spirit that i actually like getting a battlefury on
since he has so much disable, he can reliably cleave multiple people with walrus punch to do massive damage
plus it helps with farming for other important items like crits

Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:19 pm
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
I haven't been able to farm fast enough to get Battlefury early enough, my best time was like 22-23 minutes against bots thanks to many early ganks, but generally if I manage to get it it's around 30 minutes or sometimes later. I usually get Drums after finishing Phase Boots for the stats and chasing, and after that I work either Desolator or Shadow Blade. If the game extends too much I get the one I didn't pick earlier and try to get either Assault Cuirass or Heart of Tarrasque.

I've been reluctant on getting Crystalis/Daedalus, are they really worth it? Do they stack with Walrus Punch? Even then, I feel it wouldn't proc often enough.

Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:36 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
they do stack with walrus punch, and it procs more often than you think
the secret to farming is to not go out of your way to get kills unless you can do it and go back to farming immediately
as a core role that doesnt rely on ganks, or shouldnt be ganking early to help your team (like bounty etc) you want to be clearing waves and farming jungle as much as possible. alternate between the two in your down time to maximize farm.

Wed Jan 14, 2015 5:13 am
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread
Yeah, I realised lately how important it is to farm from the jungle when either the creep line is too close to the enemy tower or in other moments like when returning from the ganks.

Some time ago I watched some of my older matches and realised that I usually spent lots of time idling, like sitting close to the tower waiting for enemy heroes to arrive or other silly stuff, while in the later matches I've been spending more time in the jungle in the early game instead of wasting that time.


Ah damn, played a match that had a relatively good set up for a public match, it had Phantom Assasin, Venomancer, Witch Doctor, Jakiro and Tusk (me). We had big stuns, I could initiate bringing Venomancer with me to pull off his nuke, and Phantom was our carry. Enemy team was Juggernaut, Meepo, Windranger, Ancient Apparition and Faceless Void. Early/mid game was pretty decent because I managed to do some ganks, mainly killing Faceless, Meepo and Jugger, which allowed me to get Shadow Blade early enough to pull some surprise kills on lonely heroes. Our supports were actually playing as supports, with some okay ward placing. Heck, they placed wards, that's already too much for a pub game.

Everything was going nice until Windranger got Dagon. Our Phantom Assasin (which was somewhat underfarmed, having only a Helm of the Dominator and a Black King Bar by minute 27-28, I'm seriously doubting why not a Battlefury which was around the same price of both items if not cheaper) kept chasing Windranger, which just shackled, used her ulti, and then Ancient Apparition either used his ultimate from wherever the hell he was or Wind used Dagon.

Phantom kept looking to get killed, didn't farm for crap, fed Windranger and Faceless so hard Windranger got Tarrasque, level 5 Dagon and Aghanim, and Faceless, who I did my best to keep underfarmed ganking, still managed to get Battlefury and Mask of Madness.

And we lost the match. ♥♥♥♥ people that have no common sense. It would have been such an easy match :C

Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:02 pm
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Post Re: DOTA 2 - The thread

Why no one ever told me this was a thing

Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:34 pm
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