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Joined: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:13 am
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Post Crash
I made a new mod (actually a wip obviously...) and I didn't really know what it cause a crashing every time I spawn freshly
made actor. The device are actually fine but, it only crash the actor

can you give me a reason why it crashed, apparently I checked every detail and things but its still crashed

to be honest, im really timid if i asked for any help though, id been working alone

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Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:22 pm

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Post Re: Crash
These kinds of crashes when buying units are (in my experience) usually caused by bad CopyOfs (trying to use a CopyOf something that doesn't exist), I had a quick glance through the files and it looks like "CopyOf = SRRO Jetpack" is the problem. SRRO Jetpack doesn't exist anywhere else.

You're also loading the sound files twice, once from SRRO.ini and once in Index.ini, allthough that probably isn't a real problem.

Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:14 pm
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Post Re: Crash
First of all... This is a big mess for being such a small mod. You should concentrate on doing subfolders on your items till' you get more actors and weapons.

But anyway.. Heres whats wrong with your mod:

1. As that dude ^ Stated, Your defining a jetpack that doesn't even exist... (!!!Main Reason why it's crashing!!!) Also your loading the sound twice (Which doesn't make any problems at all but its not professional :) ) .

2. You defined your materials everytime the code asked for it. Which is a huge mess... You should index your materials with an index number that isn't used.

For example you wrote:
   AtomGroup = AtomGroup
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Military Stuff
         InstanceName = Cylianium Metal
         Bounce = 0.01
         Friction = 0.5
         StructuralIntegrity = 110
         DensityKGPerVolumeL = 8.5
         GibImpulseLimitPerVolumeL = 2100
         GibWoundLimitPerVolumeL = 11.45
      Resolution = 4
      Depth = 0

When it could have been as easy as:
   AtomGroup = AtomGroup
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Cylianium Metal

I disabled the Jetpack as for now, and took your metals and indexed them so that you can do the material stuff easier. So now all you have to do is write:
CopyOf = Cylianium Metal
CopyOf = SRRO Stuff
CopyOf = Ground Stabilizer

When you want to define that material.

File comment: Heres the download with my modified version. Materials are added for easier coding.
SRRO - [212.4 KiB]
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Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:53 pm

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Post Re: Crash
RandomCoderZ wrote:
First of all... This is a big mess for being such a small mod. You should concentrate on doing subfolders on your items till' you get more actors and weapons.

Why exactly is it a mess?...It uses pretty much the exact same file structure as most mods and all the base factions...

Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:03 pm

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Post Re: Crash
I never thought of that, thanks

Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:59 am
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Post Re: Crash
clunatic wrote:
RandomCoderZ wrote:
First of all... This is a big mess for being such a small mod. You should concentrate on doing subfolders on your items till' you get more actors and weapons.

Why exactly is it a mess?...It uses pretty much the exact same file structure as most mods and all the base factions...

Unless the end goal of the mod was to be part of a larger mod or to eventually be a larger mod then extra file directories will end up cluttering the work space. At least in my own experience sorting everything into several sub folders will actually hinder your ability to do things quickly as well as confuse those who are looking through your mod files. Regardless, there really isnt a specific way of organizing things; if I really wanted to I could easily have a file within 30 folders. That of course would not be practical in any way. For the most part if the folder system you have in place helps you as a modder then keep on using it that way. To each his own.

Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:07 am
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Post Re: Crash
Nicely explained dragonxp, couldn't have done it better. :)

Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:41 pm

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Post Re: Crash
Wait what? Maybe it's cause I'm stoned and this really doesn't have much to do with the problem anymore but: Random you said silent's mod was a mess and he should put everything into subfolders because it's a small mod, then I said it wasn't a mess, it uses the same structure as the base factions and then Dragon said putting things into subfolders is just counter-productive unless it's a very big mod and that everyone should just use the structure they're used to (and he's absolutely right), and now Random, you're acting like Dragon is agreeing with you, and you couldn't have done it better?....He isn't agreeing with you, in fact, he said the exact opposite.

Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:13 pm
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Post Re: Crash
clunatic wrote:
Wait what? Maybe it's cause I'm stoned and this really doesn't have much to do with the problem anymore but: Random you said silent's mod was a mess and he should put everything into subfolders because it's a small mod, then I said it wasn't a mess, it uses the same structure as the base factions and then Dragon said putting things into subfolders is just counter-productive unless it's a very big mod and that everyone should just use the structure they're used to (and he's absolutely right), and now Random, you're acting like Dragon is agreeing with you, and you couldn't have done it better?....He isn't agreeing with you, in fact, he said the exact opposite.

I am almost 100% sure he meant "shouldn't" rather than "should" concentrate on subfolders. So if that's the case then I am agreeing with him.

Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:40 pm
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Post Re: Crash
Ooooohh! Didnt see that it came down wrong there! I meant Shouldn't! Thanks for pointing this out dragonxp. :oops:

Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:12 pm
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