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 Magazine that gibs hitting the ground? 
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Post Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
Hey there!

Okay so I've been searching around for a possible answer to this question but all the search time was in vain. So now I'm finally asking if this is even possible at all and would work wonders for my modification(I think).

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:49 am
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Post Re: Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
Does setting the magazine's GibImpulseLimit low enough not give the desired effect?

Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:56 am
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Post Re: Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
Coops wrote:
Does setting the magazine's GibImpulseLimit low enough not give the desired effect?

I've tried to put the GibImpulseLimit and GibWoundLimit to low values. I even tried 0 and -1 (You never know)
I messed with those before posting here. I want it to gib the defined particles upon hitting the ground but it just lands and settles to terrain. :???:

Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:13 am
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Post Re: Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
The magazine must have significant mass in order to produce enough impulse to get gibbed, though not too much because it adds to the weight of the gun.

Now, I'm pretty sure in some mod there was a gun that did this, I think it was in UniTec in which some revolver dropped a "pack" of casings that gibbed into all the casings by separate when touching the ground. I'm not entirely sure if that was the mod or the gun, but I know it's been done before. In the worst of cases, a simple Lua script should do the trick.

Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:56 am
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Post Re: Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
Asklar wrote:
Now, I'm pretty sure in some mod there was a gun that did this, I think it was in UniTec in which some revolver dropped a "pack" of casings that gibbed into all the casings by separate when touching the ground. I'm not entirely sure if that was the mod or the gun, but I know it's been done before. In the worst of cases, a simple Lua script should do the trick.

That was the revolver in my combine mod. It used a lua script that just made it gib itself on creation.

However, I'm not entirely sure using a lua script is entirely necessary here. Like Asklar said, increasing the mass of the magazine along with keeping a low ImpulseLimit (Don't go under 0, -1 makes it impossible to break iirc) you should be getting what you want. If you're still not getting what you want then just keep increasing the mass little by little, and if you're STILL not getting the results that you want we can whip up a real quick lua script.

Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:34 pm
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Post Re: Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
I think 0 might also not work (I vaguely remember it also means "unbreakable"), try something like 0.00001

Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:33 pm
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Post Re: Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
Thanks for all the replies! I will try increasing the mass and change limit to 0.0000000001 on it when I get home. I haven't learnt Lua, soo I dont like the idea of Lua in cortex command (Im kind of an old school Cortex commander...)

Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:48 pm
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Post Re: Magazine that gibs hitting the ground?
Okay, i removed all the mass from the gun and moved that to the Magazine, changed Gibimpulselimit to Exactly "0.0000000001". which then immediately had the effect i wanted, gibsound and gib effects upon contact with the ground.

Thank you everyone for your timely and helpful replies! You rock!

Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:17 pm
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