Re: C.C.M.E (Cortex Command Mod Editor)
4zK wrote:
something that would automatically define stuff like appropriate mass/sharpness ratio for particles so that they don't rape the terrain, etc...
Or go even further and add one of those fancy non-terrain rape scripts once it passes some threshold.
It wouldn't be that complicated to accomplish actually.. I kind of wish there were more features in the developers menus already built into the game, (or a manual on it for loading new pieces or updating and stuff) especially when we provide a lot of the content in the form of mods. It may be something worth considering for Planetoid Pioneers.
For the most part though, CC only needs a couple default templates to create new weapons and artillery.. and they could be stored in a text file. Such a list would include;
A 0-mass projectile for explosion glows that stay in place (Such as the large main glows when a rocket detonates on impact)
A low mass projectile for smoke effects.
A 'bullet' in the form of MOPixel
A 'bullet' in the form of MOSParticle
A rocket-like projectile in the form of MOSRotating (With pointers to requirements for a detonation, such as the 0-mass projectile, and already allocated Pyro.ini Air particles)
A default gib in the form of MOSParticle
A default gib in the form of MOSRotating
And then various LUA;
Heat seeking
Targeting systems
Detonate on impact
Less terrain destruction (optimized)
Explosion timer(s)
Script to 'explode X distance in front of the enemy's face' (a la flak cannon)
Pie chart related scripts
But realistically, all of those can be obtained already from Base.rte (sourcing weapons that have the tech), and everything else will require it's own exception.
Actually the most difficult is probably deciding on and balancing the integrities (force and # of hits something takes before breaking). That could probably use some sort of software for simulating quickly, but there are maps that you can test for balance on. I probably missed many templates, the problem is that some actors/weapons are VERY unique and just have their own exceptions for everything, turning MOs into "Scripted thing". It would be nice to have a list of all the epic scripts users have created so we could credit them instantly to create exceptional weapons faster, but you can always try to PM users on here asking politely to use their scripts. 100% of the time I've asked to use a script, the users have replied allowing me to, and that includes some of the greats like Gotcha!, Weegee, Mehman, DudeAbides, 4zK, and I've even considered attempting to contact Whitty, CaveCricket48 and findude.... not sure how active any of them are anymore though, and to be honest I've been quite busy myself this year so a lot of the scripts I used from them I just kept as personal mods. Even still, like I said, a compendium of (hopefully default-ly optimized) scripts to toss up onto new weapons/ammo/actors would be neat.
I'd love to tackle this myself but I am busy until next year at this time @_@ until then, there's always the wiki... and the search button. And I'm sure if you ran into any errors you can post and people are happy to help. In fact, this is one of the best communities I've seen for a game.