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 Wonky Offsets 
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Post Wonky Offsets
I've been trying to create a mod (for myself), when I discovered that two of the weapons that I've created can't be properly offset-ed. No matter how I change the SpriteOffset, the magazine offsets, or any other offsets, they refuse to act like a normal weapon.

(Sorry if they're hard to see, didn't really know how to take a good picture of them)
I'm not really sure how to continue, so I've come to you guys for help.

Down below is the whole mod. It's pretty simplistic, don't expect anything special.

File comment: Shown here: The "Procyon" Assault Rifle and the "Scorpius" Machine Pistol. They're the only weapons with these issues.
Problem.bmp [7.63 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
File comment: The whole mod.
Solaris [1.29 MiB]
Downloaded 437 times
Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:32 am
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Post Re: Wonky Offsets
Man, what are you even doing with these offsets. Or is this just the side-effect of you trying to figure out what's going wrong?

1) SpriteOffset should be the center of mass. I usually place this in the upper receiver around where the bolt would be, aligned with the barrel. SpriteOffset values are always negative.
2) All other offsets are relative from the SpriteOffset. Left/Up is negative, Down/Right is positive.

Procyon's SpriteOffset should probably be -13/-5, giving you 17/0 for the MuzzleOffset, 7/-2 for the SupportOffset, and -5/-3 for the JointOffset.

Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:45 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Wonky Offsets
Oh yeah, I've been trying to figure out what was wrong, but almost every time the gun appeared to be floating beyond the actors reach.

Edit: Did you mean to set the offsets like an LMG? I just want to make sure.


Edit again: The weapon needs to look like this.
With even further tinkering, it still isn't held properly.

Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:54 pm
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Post Re: Wonky Offsets
Your attachment links are FUBAR, if you hadn't noticed.

Anyway what you need to be editing now is the StanceOffsets. Generally these are fairly simple to edit, but also the most fiddly and timeconsuming; just have an actor hold the weapon perfectly level, aiming to the right, both sharpaiming and not. From there, adjust the StanceOffset values until the weapon rests more securely in the actor's hands.

I find the best way to do them is to base them off the same weapon type from the base game. Works nicely enough for most weapons most of the time.

Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:01 pm
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Post Re: Wonky Offsets
Yeah, I'm not the best with attachments.

Well, anyway, StanceOffsets are something I haven't really custom made yet. I'll post back with results.

(Also, thanks for your help so far.)

Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:29 am
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