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 [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation... 
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Post [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...

Recovered security stills from an attack on an outlying R&D facility. Four operatives armed with automatic weapons used explosives to force entry to the facility, then neutralized the base's security detail and all research staff. They then stole schematics from local databanks, and proceeded to cripple the facility's master control terminal using a virus. By the time reinforcements arrived, the intruders had already exfiltrated.

The following message was played back after the facility's power was restored:

"It would be a sad error in judgement, General, to mistake me for a corpse..."

We have yet to identify their employer.

Sprites by Major.

Last edited by Arcalane on Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:01 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
Arcalane wrote:

Recovered security stills from an attack on an outlying R&D facility. Four operatives armed with automatic weapons used explosives to force entry to the facility, then neutralized the base's security detail and all research staff. They then stole schematics from local databanks, and proceeded to cripple the facility's master control terminal using a virus. By the time reinforcements arrived, the intruders had already exfiltrated.

The following message was played back after the facility's power was restored:

"It would be a sad error in judgement, General, to mistake me for a corpse..."

We have yet to identify their employer.

Y u du dis tu meh?

Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:23 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
i read that paragraph in the voice of the narrator in the opening of the A-team

Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:30 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
Status Update 001

Beginning Audio Playback

"Commander. Aerial recon has located Scout Team Zero-Zero-Nine. Or more specifically, the remains of Scout Team Zero-Zero-Nine."


"They appear to have been ambushed by marksmen near an old mining outpost. Injuries and equipment damage were consistent with high-energy LASER weapons - extensive burns, melted metal, charred plastic. Unfortunately, most of their recording gear and storage media was reduced to slag. The ground crew was able to recover a single still image of one of their attackers."

"Bring it up."


"I see. Not much to go on. What about the outpost?"

"Ground crew conducted a full sweep of the area. The outpost was definitely inhabited recently, but the shooters had already moved on. We think they might be using the old mining tunnels to travel without being spotted by satellites or air recon."

"Noted. Make sure the disused tunnels in all active outposts are sealed off, and have them reinforce patrols in the lower levels."

"Yes sir."

End Of File

Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:03 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
The fanboyism is overtaking me, to the point it has resurrected me upon this forum.

Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:05 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
Status Update 002

Beginning Audio Playback

"Sir. New report from Scout Team Zero-One-Five. We think it's related to the recent attacks."


"They started shadowing a group of the unknown soldiers about half an hour ago, then sent us this-"


"-composite image, using a mix of light-enhancement and thermal imaging. We believe it's one of the ringleaders, a commanding officer of some kind."

"Interesting. Status?"

"The scout team lost contact with the targets about ten minutes ago, after they disappeared into a cave that leads down into the old tunnel network. What are your orders, sir?"

"Have them withdraw for now. It's quite possible they'd be walking into an ambush, and I don't want to imagine how that would play out judging by the gun that ringleader of theirs is carrying."

"Agreed. I'll have them return to base immediately."

End Of File

Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:58 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
isnt this a bit dramatic for a mod

Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:34 am
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
Be quiet and eat your popcorn.

Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:28 am
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
No dramatic shenanigans for this update, just a gif-

.gif and scripting by CaveCricket48 yet again.

As a full rundown when you're using it; you can either tap the trigger once to fire as an unguided rocket, or you can hold it down to start scanning for targets. If you target an actor for about a second, the launcher will lock onto them (indicated by the brackets and a sound). After that, releasing the trigger launches a missile that homes in on them. You can even lock on, then aim up or down a bit to adjust for minor obstacles, and it'll retain the lock unless you look at another actor.

This may be one of the most fun/satisfying rocket/missile launchers I've ever used in CC. I thought the Thunderstrike from the 40K comp was good, but I think this one is more balanced and feels even better to use because of that.

We're getting reasonably close to a releasable state, but I need to do a lot more work with rigging up good sounds and we still need to sort out gibs and a couple more actors/craft/weapons before we're fully ready.

Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:03 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
Final Status Update


Beginning Audio Playback

"Sons and daughters of the Brotherhood! You, brave children, have all volunteered to join us in our mission on this world, and for that, I know Kane is proud of you all! In His wisdom, He has declared this world a new home for our people, a new sanctuary, where we may be safe from those who would seek to silence us!

"I will be honest with you all. We are not the first to set foot on this world, and we will likely not be the last. They do not know it yet, but this world belongs to the Brotherhood! And so we shall punish those who trespass against us, and plunder the resources that are rightfully ours!

"Your assignments are waiting. Go now, and prepare. The journey ahead will be difficult, but we will persevere! We will see our duty through, and bring about a new, Tiberian Dawn! Peace through power! In the name of Kane!"

"In the name of Kane!"

End Of File

Coming Soon!

Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:47 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
Wooo C&C!

Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:50 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...

Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:06 pm
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Post Re: [Teaser] Gentlemen, we have a situation...
Officially the first dropship-type craft I've ever worked on;


The Brotherhood Carryall!

Not without its fair share of trials to face and kinks to iron out, but I'm pleased with how it's coming along.


Gib preview;


Along with a Black Hand Crusader, a heavy infantry unit. The silver variant seen in the last post is a brain variant. Both BH troopers are very tough (though not as tough as Space Marines) and should be engaged with caution.

Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:41 pm
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