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 Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project 
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Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:41 pm
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Post Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project
Hey People!!!

I made a few Mods, to wrap my head around CC and how it handles Mods etc.
And i have an idea for some super duper modifications, to expand CC's gameplay and make some parts of the game easier.

But, to reach that what is up my mind, i would need some help.
Not becaue im lazzy!!! But there are some reason's why i think a small group of modders working on a project would be superior.

1.Im not that skilled, but thats not a ''huge'' problem, the documentation on ''how to's'' for CC is awesome.
2.The creative output, that a small group can create is often better than that what just one person could achieve. And it can bring better quality, if more people look trough the project, different solutions for one problem can be combined to get the best out of it.
3.Time. Its much faster if people work together, than alone.
4.Diversity is awesome!!!

So thats pretty much, why i think that would be great.

What's the project that is up my mind?
Here a little list of things, that i think would be great to change or add.

-The option to isue orders to actors like in a RTS
I think what CC is missing is the option, to tell an actor in wich area he should dig, for example.
Think of it like a Starbound/Terraria with people to work for you. You select a unit, select the order menue,
tell your actor to dig, draw a box which area he should dig etc. I think that would be pretty awesome!

-The ability to expand your bunker, even if you left the build screen
So later in the game, you got more money, aaaaand now you would have the money you wanted to expand your bunker.
But you cant do it because you are bound the ''pregame'' build mode. If we would add this feature, we would be able literaly play
Endless, with a changing bunker system and the possibility to react on a changing battlefield. Furthermore could this achieved by
first assigning actors to a working task, drawing a box where a new tunnel should be build (if you let them auto dig imo its not
precisse enough and yu would have to worry about it, but insted you want to focus more on battle than on building)
an then the midas station is sending you materials to let your actors build a new segment for the tunnel
If you played Gnomoria (i dont wanna make advertising's but i think how this game handles the task's for the workers is a good
example) you know you first gotta assign a worker for digging a tunnel, then you have to give the order to replace the floor
or what ever. Something like this would be super duper awesome.

So this are my first thought's. It's .. alot to do. I dont even know if those things are possible, i looked into different scripts and .ini's, but didnt found clues to alter the AI or anything i mentioned.

So this project would be a complete ''try and error'' and experiment, how to figuere stuff out, where is what and so on.
But i think it would be awesome!!!

And these 2 major ideas i described to you are more gameplay changes, but i wouldnt refuse modding ideas for UI changes, new troops or techs. But i would like to put the mainfocus of this project on the gameplay changes.

What do you people think of this?

Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:59 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project
1. is pretty much already doable as you've described it except instead of an area you just tell them to dig gold, in which case they seek it. What changes would you make to the order system?
It's not currently possible in the engine to re-enter build mode (or rather you can but it's hard to stay in it without lagging the game) (iirc), so #2 is impossible unless you hack something in like Cave did and construct bunker modules out of settled MOPixels, which I think has the junk material.

Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:10 pm

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Post Re: Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project
Number 2 should be doable with the new build 30 functions that let you spawn sceneobjects using lua. The devs also already tweeted about something called a constructor that would allow users to build bunkers. That sounds pretty much exactly like what you want for number 2.

You also got to remember that most modders are busy working on their own mods and therefor don't have time to help others out. There's also the ratio of work to benefit: How much work is this mod, for how much benefit? The area thing will require modding the AI lua files, which are by far the most complicated and easy to screw up lua files in the base game. So it's a lot of effort, working on the most complicated files in the game and for what? So you can tell actors to dig out a perfectly square area? What's the actual benefit to doing that?

Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:52 pm

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Post Re: Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project
Look here for a soon to be ingame base version of #2 (sort of): viewtopic.php?f=7&t=22715&p=549762#p549762

Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:17 am

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Post Re: Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project
Thanks for posting that Bad Boy, I hadn't seen it yet. It looks neat, all though I do wonder how practicable it will actually be since you have to mine away other material.

Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:48 pm

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Post Re: Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project
My guess is it's an attempt to solve the painful situation of landing somewhere in metagame with no bunker or decent defences, while the opponent controls the map. So you golddig with your brain and make defences around it at the same time. This is just conjecture though, I have no idea if that's what it's for or how useful it'll actually be.

Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:01 am
Data Realms Elite
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Establishing a small Group of Modders for one bigger project
It's a great way to fill tunnels. At the very least, it could be used to clear debris from attacks, or you could farm the cement thrower... which would be slower, and more monotonous than actually worth anything.

Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:23 am
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