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 Drugs 101, class is in session 
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Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:19 am
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Accepting something doesn't mean you aren't sad about it, it just means that you accept the sadness too. Even Siddhartha was sad, at times. Funerals aren't supposed to make a difference, funerals are for the living, not the dead. Gate gate paragate parasamgate.

Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:42 am

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
... Gautama Buddha's first name is Siddhartha, I wasn't talking about the book. Good book though. You think too much.

Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:07 pm

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Alcohol will readily dissolve the desired compound, you don't need to lower the alcohol levels afterward. Figure out your average dose of weed in weight, decide on size of bottle

where y = bottle size and x = desired strength and z = total weight added to bottle

y / z = x is how volumetric dosing is done (it's 1 AM and my brain is broken atm so this math may be wrong but you can figure it out)

You don't need to soak it for weeks or whatever like people will tell you, just finely grind your product, throw it in your bottle, seal and agitate every once in a bit for like five or ten minutes, voila you've got a tincture strain the weed out of that ♥♥♥♥ with cheesecloth or a pair of boxers or something and you're set

people mostly call it green dragon or some ♥♥♥♥ but it's a tincture

decarboxylating your product beforehand will increase the potency of z but I'll let you research that one on your own

it's worth noting you can do this with a different kind of solvent, say naphtha (you better make damn sure you get clean solvent, benzene is not good for you, google for brands recommended for DMT extraction to find a clean-evaporating brand and still do an evap test on a piece of glass, there should be no residue left over after evaporation), and let the solvent evaporate and you will have a crude and dirt oil, but I don't recommend it because some of the solvent is very likely to remain in your product, but this can be fixed with effort

Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:26 am

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
drunken ophanim tries to describe DMT, which is literally impossible and I say that utterly devoid of hyperbole

but you may find it interesting to read
[03:47:28] <+ComradePyro> "As I exhaled I became terribly afraid, my heart very rapid and strong, palms sweating. A terrible sense of dread and doom filled me -- I knew what was happening, I knew I couldn't stop it, but it was so devastating; I was being destroyed -- all that was familiar, all reference points, all identity -- all viciously shattered in a few seconds. I couldn't even mourn the loss -- there was no one left to do the mourning. Up, up, out, out, eyes closed, I am at the speed of light, expanding, expanding, expanding, faster and faster until I have become so large that I no longer exist -- my speed is so great that everything has come to a stop -- here I gaze upon the entire universe."
[03:47:37] <+ComradePyro> shulgin nailin' it
[03:48:03] <Adriaan224_> what is this about?
[03:48:26] <+ComradePyro> 100 mg of DMT, smoked
[03:48:31] <Adriaan224_> lol
[03:48:37] <Adriaan224_> isee...
[03:48:38] <+ComradePyro> I cannot recommend DMT enough
[03:48:56] <+ComradePyro> it's an eye opener for sure
[03:48:56] <Adriaan224_> DMT is what exactly?
[03:49:34] <+ComradePyro> n,n-dimethyltryptamine
[03:50:05] <+ComradePyro> I can't think of a succint moniker for it
[03:50:25] <+ComradePyro> all words fail the experience by the greatest imaginable margin
[03:50:45] <Adriaan224_> huh
[03:50:54] * Alphagamer774 ([email protected]) has joined #lonelyden
[03:51:09] <Adriaan224_> sounds kinda scary tbh, from that description
[03:51:16] <Adriaan224_> hey again alpha
[03:51:27] <+ComradePyro> it is terrifying
[03:51:28] * Alphagamer774 waves
[03:51:34] <+ComradePyro> but "terrifying" doesn't really apply
[03:51:43] <+ComradePyro> terrifying is only meaningful from a sober perspective
[03:51:49] <becquerele> eating bvacon covered in cheese and absolutely not giving a ♥♥♥♥
[03:51:49] <Adriaan224_> hmm
[03:51:58] <+ComradePyro> drugs tend to bring about new vocabularies
[03:51:59] <Adriaan224_> damnit bec
[03:52:03] <Adriaan224_> making me hungry
[03:52:12] <+ComradePyro> DMT requires a whole new language
[03:52:17] <+ComradePyro> normal language is post-thought
[03:52:22] <+ComradePyro> DMT is
[03:52:45] <+ComradePyro> *hits gong* and you listen to the sustain
[03:52:46] <+ComradePyro> forever
[03:53:15] <+ComradePyro> a shade of a shade of a shade of a description
[03:53:42] <Fine> stop making it mystical
[03:54:04] <+ComradePyro> who said anything about it being mystical?
[03:54:07] <+ComradePyro> it's a drug
[03:54:38] <+ComradePyro> stop perceiving me as making it mystical
[03:55:02] <+ComradePyro> a terrible violence, asserting your lack of understanding as an assertion of mine
[03:55:50] <+ComradePyro> seems to me you meant to say "I don't understand and I object to this"
[03:56:29] <+ComradePyro> read a bunch of descriptions of DMT and then try it
[03:56:32] <+ComradePyro> see if you can do any better
[03:56:52] <+ComradePyro> what is color?
[03:56:54] <+ComradePyro> what is sound?
[03:57:00] <+ComradePyro> explain taste to a man with no tongue
[03:57:23] <Adriaan224_> we all have the same sensory organs though
[03:57:37] <+ComradePyro> and DMT has nothing to do with any of them
[03:58:33] <+ComradePyro> I've used the word "rainbow" as part of a description of something experienced during DMT
[03:58:49] <+ComradePyro> but color is a product of an interpretation of a signal from the eyes
[03:59:01] <+ComradePyro> and so color really had nothing to do with it, but it did
[03:59:18] <+ComradePyro> all colors and none and something else altogether
[03:59:24] <+ComradePyro> or, for short, "rainbow"
[03:59:31] <+ComradePyro> a shade of a shade of a shade of a description
[03:59:40] <+ComradePyro> stop explaining things I don't understand, it sounds mystical.
[03:59:44] <+ComradePyro> what hubris
[04:00:19] <+ComradePyro> ever watched a movie you really, really love with a friend who didn't like it that much?
[04:00:22] <+ComradePyro> sounds mystical
[04:01:39] <Adriaan224_> my butt sounds pretty mystical
[04:02:23] <+ComradePyro> if you want analytical, problem-solving language, I have to talk like this when discussing drugs in general, psychedelics specifically, and DMT even more specifically, because it changes your mental state so completely so as to render the usual words you use to relate experiences, which rely on a common understanding of a thing and an understood word symbol for that thing, irrelevant
[04:02:42] <+ComradePyro> explain color to a blind man
[04:02:56] <+ComradePyro> all I can do is make analogies
[04:03:11] <+ComradePyro> you will never understand any of them, but they can sound nice
[04:03:40] <+ComradePyro> mystical, sounds like "bah humbug"
[04:04:37] <Adriaan224_> yeah, i get what youre trying to say
[04:04:46] <+ComradePyro> if you've ever used marijuana it's an easy thing to grasp
[04:05:03] <+ComradePyro> nobody even tries to explain drunk, but I find people trying to explain high a lot
[04:05:46] <+ComradePyro> there are two definitions of mystical according to google
[04:05:54] <Adriaan224_> maybe because drunk is more common so there is less need for explanation
[04:05:59] <+ComradePyro> "inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination." is close
[04:06:04] <+ComradePyro> spiritual is a muddy word though
[04:06:09] <+ComradePyro> everything else is spot on
[04:06:18] <+ComradePyro> DMT is mystical
[04:06:24] <+ComradePyro> spiritual is relative though
[04:06:40] <+ComradePyro> the analytical mind desires rocks of axioms to extrapolate from
[04:06:54] <+ComradePyro> there are no axioms to be found, only subjective truths with few exceptions
[04:07:02] <+ComradePyro> nothing relates to everything
[04:07:09] <+ComradePyro> that's a double entendre
[04:07:22] * Alphagamer774 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.)
[04:07:38] <+ComradePyro> oogy boogy you're cursed-a-woogy
[04:07:53] <+ComradePyro> communicate with aliens and angels and all sorts of entities, maaaaaaaan
[04:08:06] <Adriaan224_> ♥♥♥♥ yeah
[04:08:36] <+ComradePyro> electrochemical neural storm or spiritual antenna which is a smoky reflection of God, whtever that is
[04:08:38] <+ComradePyro> who knows
[04:08:47] <+ComradePyro> qualia exist, though
[04:08:54] <+ComradePyro> that much you can see, hee hee
[04:09:34] <+ComradePyro> the qualia of "red" to a man blind since birth
[04:10:02] <+ComradePyro> the qualia of "*the sustained note of a gong*" to a man deaf since birth
[04:10:51] <+ComradePyro> Watts said, in a lecture, something along the lines of "There is no past, there is no future, there is only *gong and sustain for a few moments*, and we shant give it a name"
[04:10:54] <+ComradePyro> smart not to give it a name
[04:11:16] <+ComradePyro> symbols too often conflated with what they represent
[04:12:06] * Adriaan224_ ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:12:09] <+ComradePyro> a man, having nearly burned to death, describes the intensity of the experience
[04:12:17] <+ComradePyro> "stop making it mystical" rings a cry from the audience
[04:12:33] <+ComradePyro> mouth stuffed with words, could be
[04:12:41] <+ComradePyro> man talks to himself in multiplayer notepad
[04:12:43] <+ComradePyro> alcohol, could be
[04:13:38] <+ComradePyro> fine you know many people think most human mysticism arose from psychedelic drugs
[04:13:47] <+ComradePyro> how then to make them not sound mystical if they caused mysticism
[04:14:35] <+ComradePyro> ... orized.jpg here is my mysticism
[04:14:35] * +kallemort ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[04:14:38] <+ComradePyro> pollen under SEM
[04:15:06] <+ComradePyro> here as well
[04:15:11] <+ComradePyro> each point of light a billion suns
[04:15:22] <+ComradePyro> all above and below and in between, mystical
[04:15:37] <+ComradePyro> here, alive, awake, moving, yes
[04:16:30] * Cyrus is now known as Cyrus|Sleep

excuse any idiocy, it happens now and again

Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:18 am
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
it's nice to see this is still a thing lol. ophanim, is there anything that will make me trip harder than DMT?

Fri Jun 13, 2014 10:30 am
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Dimethyl Hydraxine (Well, no, that's considered a bio-weapon.)

Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:50 am

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Define "harder", but I'm reticent about giving advice to someone who asks how to "trip harder".

Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:12 am
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Maybe he wants permanent (or long/short-term) behavioral damage.

At which point I suggest smoking artificial cabbinoids (Death is a very common symptom), or bath salts (Also death by Blue Suicide from Rampaging seems to be very common)
Death is some pretty serious behavioral damage.

Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:55 pm

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Death is not common for either of those things, stop posting.

Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:38 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Shh, Foa's busy being self-righteous.

Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:59 pm
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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
There's this drug called life, man. It's like, super hardcore. If you're lucky, you can trip hard for like, 70-80 years. If you take some bad life though, your trip will be less.


Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:06 pm

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session

This is fantastic.

The next time I do drugs, I'm going to listen to Claire de Lune.

Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:57 pm

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
I don't think it dehydrates you, but shitty weed gives me a headache. Stems etc too.

Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:31 pm

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Oh, and I just remembered browsing back through this, weed apparently depletes the sugar in your brain, so if you have a shitty diet to begin with or haven't eaten that day, it can exacerbate things.

Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:00 pm

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Post Re: Drugs 101, class is in session
Oh, hello, drugs thread. What are you doing all the way back in August? Here, let me fix that.

Some DMT got cooked.


Some adderall was prescribed, I have ADHD, adderall is great.


Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:10 pm
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