Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill #2: 2spooky
Turn OrderAmazigh, Miggles, Miggles' Monsters
EventsAmazigh/Jenny LeClerc retaliates with the Sacrificial Dagger.
Knowledge roll: 4d3-4: 3,2,2,2 (-4); 5 Lost 1 from a mental trait
Feeling a little bit crazier but otherwise ok, Jenny attempts to stab the dog.
Combat attacking, Jenny (+3 weapon bonus): 8d3-8: 3,2,2,1,3,2,2,1 (-8); 8
Combat defending, Dog: 4d4-4; 1,3,2,2 (-4); 4
The dog suffers a major wound and falls over, stunned. As Jenny watches, however, moonlight plays over the dog and the wound seals up of its own accord. You better get away while the getting's good.
Miggles/Darrin "Flash" Williams avenges his dog's temporary setback and charges downstairs to the Larder (C,2) to accost Jenny.
Combat attacking, Flash: 7d3-7: 2,1,1,3,2,3,1 (-7); 6
Combat defending, Jenny: 5d3-5: 2,1,1,3,3 (-5); 5
Flash attacks savagely but Jenny manages to dodge most of the assault, only suffering small cuts.
Dog is stunned and does nothing.
Important BitsAttic: When exiting, you must attempt a speed roll of 3+. If you fail, lose 1 might (but continue moving).
Catacombs: You can attempt a Sanity roll of 6+ to cross. If you fail, you stop moving.
Chapel: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 sanity.
Collapsed Room: You must attempt a Speed roll of 5+ to avoid falling. If you fail the roll, draw a basement tile and put it in play. You fall there and take 1 die of physical damage.
Furnace Room: If you end your turn here, take 1 point of physical damage.
Gymnasium: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 speed.
Larder: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 might.
House StateUpper FloorGround FloorBasementCurrent Player InformationHaunt has been revealed! See PM for your rules.
- Small Item Pile (Balcony, Upper Floor)
- Rabbit's Foot: Once during your turn, you can reroll 1 die.
- Spirit Board (Spirit Board ability, see this post)
- Small Item Pile (Dusty Hallway, Basement)
- Crystal Ball (Crystal Ball ability, see this post)
- Ring (Can attack with Sanity instead of Might if opponent has Sanity)
- Small Item Pile (Attic, Upper Floor)
- Girl (+1 Sanity +1 Knowledge)
- Miggles : Darrin "Flash" Williams Werewolf
Speed 4_4_4_5_(6)_7_7_8
Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_7
Sanity 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
- Dog (+1 Might +1 Sanity + Dog ability, see this post) OVERRIDDEN FOR THIS HAUNT
- Dog Monster
Speed 4
Might 4
Sanity ?
Knowledge ?
- Asklar : Prof. Longfellow DEAD
Speed X 2_2_4_(4)_5_5_6_6
Might X 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_6_6
Sanity 1_3_(3)_4_5_5_6_7
Knowledge 4_5_5_5_(5)_6_7_8
- caekdaemon : Vivan Lopez DEAD
Speed X 3_4_4_(4)_4_6_7_8
Might X 2_2_(2)_4_4_5_6_6
Sanity 4_4_(4)_5_6_7_8_8
Knowledge 4_5_5_(5)_5_6_6_7
- Amazigh : Jenny LeClerc BITTEN
Speed 2_3_4_(4)_4_5_6_8
Might 3_4_(4)_4_4_5_6_8
Sanity 1_1_2_4_(4)_4_5_6
Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_4_5_6_8
- Music Box (Music Box ability, see this post)
- Sacrificial Dagger (Weapon, +3, must pass check first, see this post)
- Medallion: Immunity to the effects of the Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard.
- Allocate 1 point of physical damage
- Allocate 1 point of mental damage