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 gold modules and actors. 
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
Duh102 wrote:
If you looked at the materials definition image that I helpfully posted, you'd notice that it's entirely made out of gold material and you wouldn't look like such a fool.

that is nice to know its made entirely out of gold but it isn't this.

BrainVaultFG.bmp [16.34 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Or this..

TombAFG.bmp [8.34 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

In Gold Form, what you mention is a stepping stone to making a gold module not a module.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:19 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
A "bunker module" encompasses everything you can place to modify terrain to create a bunker, you need to be more specific and say "I want tunnel sections made out of gold".
I don't think any tunnel sections or doors have been made of gold but you can easily modify them to be so, just edit the materials definition image to use gold material instead of concrete.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:22 pm

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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
I've got to ask at this point: What exactly is the point of gold tunnel modules/actors? Gold as a material is very weak, you'd be able to tunnel through the modules in no time and the actors would probably be weaker than a dummy (plus a lot heavier if you want to keep a bit of realism in it).

Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:27 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
clunatic wrote:
I've got to ask at this point: What exactly is the point of gold tunnel modules/actors? Gold as a material is very weak, you'd be able to tunnel through the modules in no time and the actors would probably be weaker than a dummy (plus a lot heavier if you want to keep a bit of realism in it).

Um? Gold Reserve. Show off your wealth.. wasn't really much point beyond that.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:30 pm

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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
Alrighty then...Wel good luck making them. These kind of requests, that are only really interesting to the OP, and are a lot of hard work (seriously, have you ever tried respriting all the bunker modules? It's a lot of work) for not much gain, usually don't get made, unless the OP is willing to do most of the work.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:40 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
clunatic wrote:
Alrighty then...Wel good luck making them. These kind of requests, that are only really interesting to the OP, and are a lot of hard work (seriously, have you ever tried respriting all the bunker modules? It's a lot of work) for not much gain, usually don't get made, unless the OP is willing to do most of the work.

wouldn't be that hard to resprite as i did play around with spiting it into gold before this request but got occupied with other things.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:07 pm

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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
Fair enough, hard was a bad choice of words: It's just a lot of work. The point still stands, unless you are willing to do most of the work, this mod will probably never be made.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:32 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
clunatic wrote:
Fair enough, hard was a bad choice of words: It's just a lot of work. The point still stands, unless you are willing to do most of the work, this mod will probably never be made.

well, that wasn't even five mins of spiriting and it looks pretty decent.


but i'll happily do the work if someone is willing to turn them into game objects.

golden.bmp [3.46 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
golden jun.bmp [5.23 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Last edited by Sims_Doc on Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:29 pm

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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
You might want to throw in some more shading in the borders, but yeah, it looks pretty good.

Alright, prove me wrong. I'll do the ini code for you. Don't forget you also need background and material sprites. Also keeping the exact same names as the base bunker modules will make the coding go a lot faster.

Edit: Hhmm, I gotta say, I'm not a big fan of how it looks on full scale. It's a bit too uniform and the shading direction looks rather strange, considering the base modules have little to no shading. But I'm hardly a sprite expert...Why not post it in the sprite help thread and get some opinions from some actually knowledgable people.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:43 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
I honestly think it looks fairly good considering all, but there are a few things that don't take to well to this brick system like the hub and short halways, not entirely sure i want to do systems now as a basic bunker might be better but if someone wants to do them i suggest wooden doors as that would make some sense?

Now do you want it pack as rar or zip file?


just tested with defaults, looks pretty good.

Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:25 pm

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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
Either is fine. What kind of prices were you thinking off? Have you tried just mining one entire pieces and seeing how much you make?

Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:50 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
clunatic wrote:
Either is fine. What kind of prices were you thinking off? Have you tried just mining one entire pieces and seeing how much you make?

its just sprite not actual gold materials yet, i'm under the assumption that you'll be doing that.

but probably just mining to test how much gold can be obtain once its setup with correct materials.

Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:59 pm

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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
For scene objects the materials are determined entirely by the material sprite file, not by any code. But whatever, it's not really important. Let me know when the sprites are done and I'll get to work on the code.

Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:24 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
clunatic wrote:
For scene objects the materials are determined entirely by the material sprite file, not by any code. But whatever, it's not really important. Let me know when the sprites are done and I'll get to work on the code.

i'll send what i have now it isn't much.

Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:41 pm
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Post Re: gold modules and actors.
An Update due to things poping up i'm unable to complete this but that's not a worrier as i'll be dumping the .rar file with all the sprites i've made so far.. so that means your entirely welcome to do whatever you want with theses sprites and maybe even make some sort of tribal base faction to defend these gold bunker tiles.

BunkerModules Gold.rar [401.73 KiB]
Downloaded 393 times

Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:57 am
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