Re: The New Ronin Sniper.
Cybernetic wrote:
I agree... But suggestions now what could they have made the third Ronin?...
I am SO GLAD you asked!!!!
Attack dog: Would be unarmed with no jet pack, would move extremely fast on the ground. Its only attack would be teeth melee and damage would be comparable to the chainsaw.
Suicide Bomber: Extremely light and fragile with a jet pack. Unarmed and would have less armor than a light and cheaper, but will have a one time use high yield explosive attached to him. Shooting his bomb will set him off prematurely (killing enemies and allies alike), but shooting him in the head will kill and disarm him.
Makeshift Robot: This would be a patchwork robot made of spare parts and scrap metal. It would look like it was made in somebodies garage. Would be comparable to a dummy robot (very fragile, but very cheap to produce).
Combat drone: Would look something like this:
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:SWORDS_robot.jpgWould be very tough and can equip any ONE weapon on it. No jet pack, but can climb steep hills with its treads.
Frikkin Sharks with frikkin lazors on their forehead: Why? Because Dr. Evil said so THATS why!!
This is all I can think of off the top of my head but I can come up with more ideas givin more time.